[情報] 9/23-9/29 DH週運

看板Capricornus作者 (綠點)時間4年前 (2019/09/23 02:23), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 6人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
Someone who is important to you may make a lot of demands on your time this we ek, Capricorn. This person may have a sense of entitlement when it comes to yo ur attention and assistance, and you may have set a precedent by knowingly or unknowingly catering to this belief for quite some time. If you are content wi th the way this situation always occurs, then by all means continue. But if th is is irritating to you, as it may well be, now is the time to set the course straight and make a change in the way you communicate. If demands are made of you that are not convenient or are imposing or unfair, then you owe it to yourself to speak up. Communication is enhanced now, so tak e advantage of that prevailing energy. You may be becoming enlightened to the fact that your life needs more balance in general. This is a point where explo ring ways to make your life more balanced and harmonious would be rewarded wit h opportunities to do so. Brainstorm ideas for finding the sense of belonging you crave, and the universe will meet you halfway. An unexpected visitor or phone call could throw you off this week. If this occ urs, excuse yourself briefly to assess the situation and figure out what to sa y and how to react. Doing so will instill confidence and ensure that you don't say anything you won't approve of later. - 魔魔,某個對你來說很重要的人在這週會佔用你很多的時間,這個人在得到你幫助的時候 會有一種應得的感覺,而你總是在有意或無意間迎合了他的需求。如果你並不排斥這狀況 ,可以繼續下去。但如果你對此感到惱火,是時候重新制定方法以及好好溝通了。 如果他的要求使你感到不方便或是不公平,你需要自己提出異議,這是你的權利。溝通因 而增加,請好好把握住這樣的優勢。 - 你可能漸漸明瞭自己的生活需要某種平衡,在這一點上,去探索自己需要的,以及讓生活 更加和諧的方式。或許集思廣益的去尋找自己的渴望,宇宙會助你一臂之力。 - 在本週,一個意外的訪客或電話可能打擾到你。如果真發生這件事,先評估情況並想好該 說什麼或做何反應,這樣才能穩固自己的信心,並確保事後不會對自己的決定感到後悔。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1569176598.A.78A.html

09/23 06:40, 4年前 , 1F
09/23 06:40, 1F

09/23 11:17, 4年前 , 2F
09/23 11:17, 2F

09/23 11:37, 4年前 , 3F
09/23 11:37, 3F

09/23 12:37, 4年前 , 4F
09/23 12:37, 4F

09/23 20:54, 4年前 , 5F
09/23 20:54, 5F

09/23 23:58, 4年前 , 6F
09/23 23:58, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1TXxmMUA (Capricornus)