[情報] 2023/10 Monthly Horoscope

看板Cancer作者 (我的女朋友超萌的)時間7月前 (2023/10/02 08:45), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 6月前最新討論串1/1
親愛的月之子,你未來的一個月將是美好的。 你可能已經對自己的職業和生活感到孤獨和不滿意,但你最近向宇宙表達的一些心願將會 得到意想不到的回應。 你可能會發現你所要的很多東西開始出現,而且你也已經明白它的重要性,必須珍惜。 這也許是你在這方面的全新開始。 這個月的第三週會有一個突然的活動邀請,時間不多,可能讓你感到未備。 不用太在意,放輕鬆,自然而然地享受這個活動,你會享受其中,也會和一個將來可能成 為你生活溫暖和支持的人更加親近。 月底如果你想犒賞自己,不要客氣,去享受一下購物(零售療法,靠購物舒壓。)吧! 做一些你一直都想做但一直沒做的奢侈的事情,不要感到有罪惡感! Cancer horoscope for 10月 What a great month lies ahead for you, dear Moonchild. You have had a deepenin g sense of loneliness and dissatisfaction with your career and with your life in general, but some of the requests you have emotionally conveyed to the univ erse in recent weeks will suddenly start to be answered. You may find that a l ot of what you want will begin to appear. You are at a point where you underst and how important this is and that you must be grateful for it and cherish it. This could even be a whole new beginning for you in this regard. A last-minut e request for your attendance at an event may come up around the third week of the month. You are someone who likes to feel prepared, and this might not giv e you much time to get as prepared as you would like to be. Try to be carefree about this. Be spontaneous and simply decide to enjoy yourself, and you will. It will also draw you closer to a person who could become a great source of w armth and support in your life. If you feel like splurging on yourself at the end of the month, then go for it. A little bit of retail therapy will help you feel happy and satisfied. Do something indulgent that you have been wanting t o do for a long time, and don't you dare feel guilty about it!ꀊ ꀊ--------------------------------------------------- 購物舒壓感覺對錢錢好可怕... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1696207526.A.680.html

10/03 00:55, 6月前 , 1F
10/03 00:55, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1b6XAcQ0 (Cancer)