[情報] 2022/11 Monthly Horoscope

看板Cancer作者 (我的女朋友超萌的)時間1年前 (2022/10/26 10:28), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
你生活中的某人一直讓你提心吊膽。 他可能是你視為挑戰者或競爭者的人,甚至有可能是你的剋星。 你可能覺得需要向這個人證明自己,但是月之子,實際上你只向自己證明自己而已。 牢記這一點。 這個月不要接受那些對你有個人意義的挑戰。 不要接受那些只為了向別人證明什麼的挑戰。 你可以做到,而且可以做得比這些挑戰更好。 11月對你來說充滿了可能性,但如果你為了炫耀,而把時間浪費在為另一個毫無意義的人 身上,你就不會為自己完成任何有意義的事情。 在工作或周遭努力的事情會開始放慢速度,這會讓你感到失望,但這裡面隱藏著一份禮物 。 這種放慢會讓你和其他人有機會重新思考某些策略或計劃,並想出更好的辦法,所以在你 處理這種看似挫折的時候,要充滿希望和積極。 一件棘手的家庭事務已經拖了很久了。 這個月,你可能已經 『到此為止 』的考慮它了。 這其實是件好事。 讓它過去吧。 忘記它吧。 將來的事就是將來的事。 當你已經做了你能做的一切,而這種經歷會為你提供了巨大的洞察力。 雖然你學到的東西可能要到以後才會學以致用,但你要努力嘗試,在這次經歷中會有一些 好的東西出現。 Cancer horoscope for 11月 Someone in your life has been keeping you on your toes. This may be someone yo u see as a challenger or competitor, or perhaps even a nemesis. You may feel t he need to prove yourself to this individual, but really, Moonchild, you are p roving yourself only to yourself. Keep that in mind. Don't take on challenges this month that are meant to be personally meaningful to you. Don't accept cha llenges that serve only the purpose of proving something to someone else. You can and should do much better than that. November is rich with possibilities f or you, and if you waste your time showing off for another, meaningless indivi dual, you won't accomplish anything meaningful for yourself. A slowdown in a w ork or neighborhood effort may come as a disappointment, but there is a hidden gift in this. The slowdown will give you and others the chance to rethink cer tain strategies or plans and to come up with something better, so be hopeful a nd positive as you deal with this seeming setback. A difficult family matter h as been dragging along for quite some time now. This month, you may have had i t "up to here" in terms of thinking about it. That's actually a good thing. Le t it go. Forget about it. What will be will be. You have done all that you can , and this experience is actually providing you with great insight. Although w hat you learn may not become apparent until later on, you need to try to see t hat there is something good coming out of this experience. ------------------------------------------- 不定期渣渣翻譯,翻錯請見諒。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1666751335.A.CF7.html

10/26 11:02, 1年前 , 1F

10/26 17:11, 1年前 , 2F
謝謝 看到「讓它過去吧」感慨油然而生
10/26 17:11, 2F

10/27 22:12, 1年前 , 3F
10/27 22:12, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1ZM9jdpt (Cancer)