[閒聊] scrolls 提示與小技巧

看板C_Chat作者 (瘋法師)時間11年前 (2013/06/06 20:18), 編輯推噓6(604)
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官方新PO出來的文章,小提示和技巧指導。 https://scrolls.com/2013/06/scrolls-tips-and-tricks Your units/the board 單位/地格 Keep board control! If you’ve a choice between damaging your opponent’s idol or creature, it’s probably better to hit the creature. Prioritise units that will attack next turn. 保有地格的控制!如果你有機會對敵人的雕像或生物造成傷害,最好的選擇應該是攻擊 生物。尤其是下回合就可以攻擊的生物。 It’s OK to let your idols take a few hits. Don’t give up a unit unless it’ s completely necessary or part of your strategy. 讓你的雕像受點傷害是OK的。不要放棄你的單位,除非他完全不重要或不是你戰略的一 部份。 Always check your unit’s countdowns and those of your opponent’s units. 不斷確認你的單位的CD時間,還有敵人的。 Remember to take advantage of your units’ mobility: pull them out of harm’s way, move them in to strike, or block an opponent’s attack with shrewd planning. 記得保持你單位的機動優勢。放置他們在敵人的路線之外,然後在精明地算計下移動他們 去打擊敵人,或是阻擋敵人。 Resources/your deck 資源/牌組 Sacrifice for resources early on, then move towards a mix of resources and scrolls later. 早期先為了資源而犧牲卷軸,之後再去考慮資源和卷軸數量的調整。 If you’re down to your last scroll, it’s almost always worth sacrificing it for two more. 如果你只剩一張卷軸在手,那麼他最佳的價值就是犧牲他去換二張牌。 The more lean your deck is, the more control you have over your forces. There ’s a minimum of 50 scrolls per deck. You probably don’t want to include more than that. 這句原意是:你越了解你的牌組,你就越能發揮更大的戰力。牌組最少只能50張而已。你 沒必要讓他包含更多東西。 但我覺得這樣譯就好了 ─ 相信你的牌組! Stick to single resource decks when starting. It’s easier to learn basic strategy that way. 在一開始時專心玩單資源牌組,這會讓你更容易去熟悉基本的戰術。 Make sure your deck has good resource balance. You want some scrolls to play early-on as well as some hard-hitting finishers for the late game. 讓你的牌組保有良好的資源平衡。遊戲初期就能上場的卷軸和後期的強硬卷軸一樣重要。 Scrolls can be common, uncommon, or rare. You can tell the rarity of a scroll by its border, and weathered edges. 卷軸分為一般 (common)、罕見 (uncommon) 和稀有 (rare)。你可以從卷軸的邊框和風化 邊際看出來。 You can spend your hard-earned gold on new scrolls. You can also sell any you don’t need back to the store at a reduced price. You’ll probably get a better deal by trading with other humans though. Check out the Trading room and make some friends! 你可以把辛苦錢花在入手新的卷軸。你也可以把不要的卷軸賣回商店以換取剩餘的價值。 你也有可能和其它玩家達成一筆好交易。確認一下交易房和找一些好朋友吧! Controls/menu tips 操作/選單小提示 Watch out for the cheeky notifications in the top right corner. Click them to join games. 觀注一下畫面右上角那厚臉皮的提示。按下去以加入遊戲。 Press “Ctrl” to show stats (Attack, Countdown and Health) for all units and idols on the board. 按下 Ctrl 可以顯示所有場上單位和雕像的狀態 (攻擊力、CD和血量) Press Enter to chat with your opponent during a game. 按下 Enter 可以在遊戲中和你的敵人聊天。 You can join any room by typing its name into the “join or create custom room box.” You can also create your own rooms for friends/enemies this way. 你可以加入任何在 "join or create custom room box" 內的遊戲房間。或是創造你自己 的房間和朋友或敵人同樂。 Advice on how to be a good person in Scrolls and life in general 如何在人生和 Scrolls 中成為好人的一般建議 Don’t get disheartened if you lose! Try to work out where you went wrong and make better decisions next time. 不要對你的失敗感到灰心。在失敗後試著在下次做的更好,還有更好的決定。 Be nice to your fellow scrolldier! A quick gg after winning or losing goes a long way. 對你一同遊戲的同伴好一點!在贏了或輸了之後,一句 gg 可以讓你們關係更長久。 Trials are hard, but the rewards can be great! Trials的挑戰有難度,但獎勵很好! Don’t be afraid to ask for advice if you’re confused by a certain aspect of Scrolls/life. Most people are nice once you get to know them. 如果你在人生或 Scrolls 中感到困惑,不要羞於尋求建議。一旦你去了解他們,就會知 道多數人都是很不錯的。 -- 「星耀如眼,賜吾輩目光。 取吾奉獻,予吾輩力量。 此等威力,暗夜淚光芒。」 ─黑暗祭禮 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/06 20:19, , 1F
等等 現在大家沒空(?)
06/06 20:19, 1F

06/06 20:21, , 2F
06/06 20:21, 2F

06/06 20:21, , 3F
本來gg是good game 現在台灣人喊gg現在是什麼意思??
06/06 20:21, 3F

06/06 20:23, , 4F
不知道 很多人看到GG就會爆走生氣 問號
06/06 20:23, 4F

06/06 20:23, , 5F
就打完了喊GG呀 變習慣了
06/06 20:23, 5F

06/06 20:25, , 6F
06/06 20:25, 6F

06/06 20:27, , 7F
有請hydra老師 (?) LoL版 #1HcUY8jE
06/06 20:27, 7F

06/06 20:28, , 8F
06/06 20:28, 8F

06/06 21:02, , 9F
牌組最多只能50張而已 -> 牌組最"少"只能50張而已
06/06 21:02, 9F
※ 編輯: wizardfizban 來自: (06/06 21:18)

06/06 23:19, , 10F
gg就是gg 既不偉大也不卑微
06/06 23:19, 10F
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