Fw: [外電] Melo:尼克比去年更好

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Carmelo: Knicks are better than last year By Marc Berman September 10, 2013 | 3:53pm 來源:http://nypost.com/2013/09/10/carmelo-knicks-are-better-than-last-year/ Carmelo Anthony said Tuesday he believes the Knicks are a better team than they were last season and called the Nets rivalry now the best in the NBA. 在星期二,Melo說,他相信下一季的尼克會比上季更好,並且表示,現在尼克與籃網 是NBA最棒的競爭關係! Anthony, a guest speaker at the Bloomberg Sports Business Summit in Midtown, also indicated he would have even more of a scoring mentality than he did last season, when he won the scoring title. Anthony also cracked up the audience by joking about rumors he would sign with the Lakers as a free agent. Melo受到 Bloomberg Sports Business Summit邀請成為來賓,他表示,他心態上已經 準備好了,將會比上季得更多分,上一季他是聯盟的得分王。 同時對於他將到湖人這 個流言,他還向觀眾開了一個玩笑。 “We were the top two seed last year,’’ Anthony said. “I think nobody expected that. This year we expect to do the same thing. I actually see this team be better than last year’s team. I won’t get into all the details [why]. But we feel that. We feel we have improved as a unit.” 「我們上季是東區第二名。」Melo說道,「我想一開始沒有人會相信這個。 今年我們 仍然會做同樣的事。老實說,我認為本季將會是比上季更好的球隊。 我不會將原因說 得太過詳細。但我們是這麼認為的。我們覺得我們已經漸漸成為了一個整體。」 The Knicks went 54-28, winning the Atlantic Division, but petered out in the second round, losing in six games to the Pacers. The Knicks drafted Tim Hardaway Jr. and added Metta World Peace, Andrea Bargnani and point guard Beno Udrih. Their losses were Jason Kidd, Steve Novak and Marcus Camby, all three of whom barely played in the playoffs. Still, some are predicting the Knicks to drop to fifth in the East. 尼克上季獲得了54勝28負,贏得了大西洋組第一名, 但在第二輪,打了六場球賽輸給 了溜馬。今年尼克選秀會上選中小哈達威,增加了阿平、義大利狀元和立群。 他們失 去了基德、諾瓦克和坎比,而這三位在季後賽上場時間並不多。 許多人預測尼克今年 將會是東區第五名。 The restocked Nets, with Kidd as their coach, are getting all the hype, and Anthony, a Brooklyn native, is savoring it. 老基退休後到籃網當教練,而Melo是布魯克林出生的,他滿心歡喜接受這件事。 “I love it,” Anthony said. “I think it’s a great for sports. I think it’ s great for us as a Knicks organization. To have somebody we can compete with on a consistent basis four times a year, I think it’s going to be the best rivalry in basketball for a long, long time.’’ 「我喜歡這樣!」Melo說道,「我認為這對於運動來說是很棒的。 對我們尼克來說是 很棒的。 有個像這樣的對手持續競爭,一季要打上四次,我想這對籃球來說,是很好 的競爭關係,可以持續很長一段時間。」 That Anthony, who can opt out of his contract after this season, was talking in the long term appeared a good sign for Knicks fans, though the Lakers surely will try to woo Anthony next summer with their cap space. Melo 本季結束後可以跳出合約,談到是否與尼克簽下長約這件事,湖人在明年夏天肯 定會想盡辦法、充分利用薪資空間來追求Melo。 Anthony was on the panel to talk about building a “billion-dollar brand’’ and spent time promoting his companies such as PowerCoco — a coconut water sports drink. The panel’s interviewer, Matt Miller of Bloomberg TV, teased Anthony that Los Angeles was a good place for coconut-water drinkers and the Lakers were “a strong brand.’’ Melo 參加了一個名為建立一個“十億品牌"的活動,他花了一些時間來宣傳他的公司 PowerCoco,那是一間製造椰子水運動飲料的公司。Bloomberg電視節目的主持人 Matt Miller開了Melo 一個玩笑,他說洛杉磯是個賣椰子水的好地方,而湖人是個知名的老 品牌。 Anthony shot back, “I would love to sign the Lakers up to be one of the sole teams in the West that drinks PowerCoco.’’ Melo回擊表示:「如果湖人是西區唯一一支喝PowerCoco的球隊,那麼我很榮幸與他們 簽約。」 The crowd of sports business executives erupted in laughter. 觀眾瞬間爆笑。 The Knicks being training camp Sept. 30 and kick off the season Oct. 30 against the Bucks. On opening day of last year’s training camp, Anthony declared he wanted to be less of a scorer and more of an all-around player. He sang a different tune Tuesday after leading the NBA in scoring last season (28.6), perhaps realizing his output is even more vital this season. 尼克的正式訓練營將在 9月30日展開,10月30日球季開打,對陣公鹿。 上季訓練營第 一天,Melo說他希望減少得分,成為更全能的球員。而上季他是NBA得分王,場均得分 28.6。 本週二他卻表達了不一樣的想法,或許他了解到本季他的得分將是更為不可或 缺的。 “When you can do something so great, that’s the only thing people see you as,’’ Anthony said. “When you do something good, people don’t see that. People expect me to go out and score 30. If I score 15 points and we still win the basketball game, people look at that and say, ‘Oh, he’s not on his game today.’ 「當你把某件事做得很出色,人們就只用那些件事來衡量你。」 Melo說道,「當你僅 僅把某件事做好了,人們不會注意到。人們希望我跳出來得30分。 如果我得了15分, 而我們仍然贏下了球賽,人們會說:'噢,他今天打得不好。'」 “There’s a fine line. My thing is to go out there and be great. If I score the basketball and can be one of the best scorers in the world … Yeah, I can do other things and I do other things. But when you do something so well, people overlook everything else.’’ 「這樣的評論沒有錯。我想要做得更好。 如果我在球賽裡得分,而且成為世界上最好 的得分手… Yeah,我可以做其他事,而我也做到了。但當你把某件事做得很出色時, 人們會看低你在其他方面的貢獻。 」 But Anthony said scoring titles mean nothing compared to his first NBA title. His playoff resume is rocky, having gotten out of the first round twice in 10 seasons. 但是Melo說,和總冠軍相比,得分王頭銜毫無意義。 他的季後賽行程表仍然充滿挑戰 ,這是他十年來第二次沒有在第一輪被淘汰。 “For me now, the only thing I need is a championship,’’ Anthony said. “I think I proved to everybody the type of basketball player I am. Everyone in the world knows I can score the basketball — to separate myself is a championship. I can count on one hand the amount of people that won a national championship in college, a gold medal and an NBA title. If I can do that, that kind of separates me from some others.’’ 「現在對我而言,唯一想要的就是冠軍。」 Melo說道,「我想要向每個人證明我是一 個怎樣的球員。每個人都知道我能得分,而將我隔離於總冠軍之外。 我已經得到了大 學冠軍、奧運金牌,接下來就是NBA冠軍。」 翻譯參考:http://bbs.hupu.com/6363374.html 另外補一下ESPN報導,上面這篇沒寫到的地方。 http://tinyurl.com/otksnbh Anthony, who grew up in Red Hook, Brooklyn and was raised in Baltimore, thinks the younger generation of basketball fans in Brooklyn will root for the Nets. Melo出生於布魯克林的Red Hook,並且成長於巴爾的摩,他認為布魯克林的年輕球迷 會轉而支持籃網。 “We all know from the Jackie Robinson days, that was the last time we actually had something to believe in,” Anthony said. “Now, with the young kids that are coming up these days, that’s their team. They grow up under the Brooklyn Nets and that’s their team.” 「我們都知道Jackie Robinson日,那是我們最後一次真正相信的事情。」Melo說道, 「現在,這些年輕的孩子們長大了,他們有他們支持的球隊, 籃網隊陪著他們成長且 成為了他們的球隊。」 He added: “It’s going to be a funny thing to see the kids growing up there, how they convert from Knicks fans to Nets fans. The household might be Knicks fans and the kids might be Nets fans, so it’s a rivalry everywhere, in the households, on the basketball courts, in the streets, in the boroughs. It’s everywhere, and it makes it fun for the game.” 他補充道:「 看著他們從尼克球迷轉變為籃網球迷,是件很有趣的事情。也許一家人 都是尼克球迷,但小孩子偏偏獨自支持籃網。 所以這種競爭無處不在,在家裡面,在 籃球場上,在大街小巷,在城鎮內外, 隨處可見,這讓這項運動變得更加有趣。」 PS.何謂「Jackie Robinson days」: Jackie Robinson在1945年時與道奇隊簽約後,先在小聯盟進行訓練,經過2年努力, Jackie Robinson在1947年4月正式登上大聯盟,並以一壘手的身份上場,雖然美國當 時已廢除種族隔離政策,不過當時的美國人仍將種族歧視深刻烙印在腦海,因此,他 在大聯盟期間,不斷有傳出要暗殺他的消息,對方球員有時還會在比賽過程故意碰撞 他,讓Jackie Robinson在當時飽受巨大壓力。 但Jackie Robinson面對恐懼、困難卻是越挫越勇,他生涯打擊率平均為3成11,共有 137支全壘打,並曾獲得國聯新人王、國聯年度MVP、國聯打擊王、國聯盜壘王等多項 殊榮,他更在1955年帶領道奇隊奪得大聯盟總冠軍。 而Jackie Robinson的光榮事蹟 隨著1956年退休後,正式劃下句點,由於他的傑出貢獻,在1962年時以相當高的得票 數被選入美國棒球名人堂。 2004年開始,大聯盟將Jackie Robinson初次上場的日子定為「Jackie Robinson Day 」,並在多方努力下,讓所有球員在當天穿上背號42號的球衣,作為紀念,對於美國 來說,他不僅為首位登上大聯盟的黑人球員,更珍貴的是, Jackie Robinson代表著 打破種族歧視的重要指標。 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/smallfower130465/post/1324309402 -- "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile" 「當人生給了你一百個哭的理由時, ⊕ 你就應該向它展示出一千個笑的理由。」 - Carmelo Anthony> http://instagram.com/p/cvBB6AKNhX/ /| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (09/11 23:17)
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