Fw: [外電] Melo的訪問

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Melo gearing up for increased comp in East By Jared Zwerling | ESPNNewYork.com NEW YORK -- Since Michael Jordan retired in 2003, the West developed into the dominant conference, fueled by deeper teams, increased star power and -- most importantly -- more championships. Even when the Miami Heat won the NBA Finals in 2012 and '13, the Eastern Conference overall was still a bit weaker. 自從2003年Michael Jordan退役後,聯盟就一直是西強東弱的格局,即便熱火在過去兩 年實現兩連冠。 But entering this season, Carmelo Anthony knows it's a whole new ballgame: The Eastern Conference's top five teams -- the Heat, Bulls, Pacers, Nets and Knicks -- could all compete for the No. 1 seed, according to ESPN's "Summer Forecast." And Melo feels the East is now more competitive than its conference counterpart. 但是這個即將來臨的賽季,Melo知道這將會是一個全新的開始:根據ESPN在夏季給東區的 預測排名前五名-熱火、公牛、溜馬、籃網和尼克,這些球隊都有機會爭取東區第一種子 。而Melo也覺得現在的東區比起西區更有競爭力了。 "When I was in the Western Conference, everybody was talking about how the West is so much better," he told ESPNNewYork.com on Wednesday. "But now, the power has shifted back into the Eastern Conference, so we're ready. We're excited about that." Melo週三被訪問時說道:「當我在西區時,人人都說西區更強。但現在,聯盟的格局已經 發生了改變,實力開始逐漸轉移到了東區,我們已經準備好了,這令人興奮。」 While the Heat remain intact, Derrick Rose is returning and the Nets and Pacers acquired more seasoned talent, the Knicks added Andrea Bargnani, Metta World Peace and Beno Udrih, who Anthony believes are key pieces for the team to be successful. 今年夏天,除了熱火基本保留住了奪冠陣容之外,公牛核心Rose在新賽季即將傷愈復出, 而籃網和溜馬通過交易和引援迅速提升了實力。Melo認為,阿平、義大利狀元和立群的加 盟將成為尼克在下賽季取得成功的關鍵因素。 "I think we have the talent," he said. "I think the most important thing is injuries, for one, and then everybody just coming together and just taking on the challenge as one. We can't let nothing else break that bond that we're going to build over the season." Melo說:「我認為我們球隊擁有足夠的天賦。但是最重要的一點是避免傷病。我希望大家 為了同一個目標能夠團結起來,絕對不能讓任何事情破壞過去一年建立起來的機會。」 MELO'S WORKOUT PLAN: This offseason, Anthony has been in Los Angeles working out with his longtime trainer, Idan Ravin, performing basketball, beach and weight workouts. Melo called it a "great summer" as he prepares for the season. Melo的訓練計畫: 今年夏天,安東尼一直待在洛杉磯跟隨私人訓練師Idan Ravin一起訓練,他認為自己渡過 了一個“很棒的休賽期”。 "[Idan and I] are always trying to figure out what's that next move or how we're going to push this year. And I think we did a great job of just coming up with something and just running with it," Melo said. "Just certain dieting things, just taking chances with different styles of training -- not just doing stuff on the basketball court or in the weight room. I'm trying to just push the limit." Melo說:「我和Idan一直在嘗試尋找取得突破的方法,我認為今年休賽期的訓練效果很不 錯。除了特別注重飲食搭配之外,我還接受了各種不同形式的訓練,它並不僅限於籃球場 和重量室。總之,我在盡一切可能地突破自身的極限。」 Ravin shared some insights into his private work with Anthony. Ravin分享了一些他和甜瓜一起訓練的情形。 "Among the many things that make him great is his willingness to evolve," Ravin said. "We constantly look for ways to add new wrinkles to his game. Defenses and defenders become more sophisticated each year, so we always look for ways to counter this. He has been consistent and methodical with his training, as well as meticulous with his diet, avoiding the processed and refined sugars." Ravin 說:「我們一直在試圖讓他的比賽風格變得更加全面。如今的聯盟裡,防守強度以 及防守球員的能力都在逐年提升,因此我們必須找到相應的對策才行。而他保持著一貫且 有條理的訓練方式,在飲食方面也盡量避免一些加工和糖製的食品。」 One element Anthony would like to bring more to the court is running pick-and-rolls, and for good reason. In 2012-13, while he ran only 184 pick-and-rolls, he ranked first in points per play at 1.071 (the only player above 1.0). That's a big credit to his shooting ability and Tyson Chandler's strength as a screen-and-roller. 值得一提的是,Melo特別希望未來能夠在場上更多地嘗試擋拆進攻。因為根據數據統計, 儘管他在上賽季一共只打了184次擋拆,但是平均每次擋拆後的得分能達到1.071分,排名 NBA首位,並且成為全聯盟唯一一個在這項數據上超過1分的球員。這在很大程度上歸功於 Melo本身的投籃能力以及尼克中鋒拳王的掩護質量。 "I want to continue doing that and figuring that part out, but that comes along with the territory and the game situation," he said. "It's all about just trying to tighten up those screws that you already have, and just having fun with it." Melo說:「我希望能夠把這種打法繼續下去,但同時也需要視比賽的具體情況而定。在球 場上除了最大化地發揮出自己的優勢之外,享受比賽帶來的樂趣也很重要。」 原文:http://tinyurl.com/ma7ewjw -- "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile" 「當人生給了你一百個哭的理由時, ⊕ 你就應該向它展示出一千個笑的理由。」 - Carmelo Anthony> http://instagram.com/p/cvBB6AKNhX/ /| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) http://instagram.com/p/dfWFdsrzUT/ Melo前幾天跟快艇等人和哈登一起在LA訓練 http://instagram.com/p/dm7QQILzSl/ ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (09/11 23:17)
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