Fw: [外電] 波士頓記者對於瓜MVP選票的解釋

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原文:http://tinyurl.com/c8yw7ap 翻譯:http://bbs.hupu.com/5567756.html By Gary Washburn Globe Staff / May 5, 2013 When I placed my NBA MVP vote a few weeks ago , I knew I would be in the minority. I knew LeBron James was the prohibitive favorite to win his fourth award because he unquestionably is the best player in the game. I voted for Carmelo Anthony based on his importance to the New York Knicks , who, if you haven't been paying attention the past decade, have failed to be relevant. 幾週前,當我投出我的MVP選票之時,我知道我會成為少數派。LBJ是MVP的大熱,因為他 無疑是聯盟最好的球員。而我把票投給 Melo是基於他對於紐約尼克這支已經沉淪多年球 隊的重要性。 When the voting was announced Sunday afternoon, I was flabbergasted to learn I was the lone voter among 121 to not give LeBron a first-place vote, truly believing Anthony, Kevin Durant, Chris Paul, and perhaps even Kobe Bryant would snag a first- place vote or two. Firstly, when I submitted my vote in mid-April, I had no idea I would be the only voter to leave LeBron out of first. This isn't Mrs. Wilson's class, I don't walk around asking fellow sportswriters their answers to the US History quiz. I had no idea whom the writers were voting for, so this was no LeBron conspiracy . Secondly, this isn't the Best Player in the Game award, it's the Most Valuable Player award, and I think what Anthony accomplished this season was worthy of my vote . He led the Knicks to their first division title in 19 years. That's a long time ago. 當投票結果出來之時,對於LBJ拿到121張選票中的120,我感到十分驚訝,我原以為Melo ,KD,CP3甚至KB都會拿到1,2張首位選票。首先,當我在四月中投票時,我完全不知道我 會成為唯一一個沒有把LBJ放在第一位的投票者。這不是Mrs. Wilson's class, 我不能 四顧詢問別人的答案。我不知道其他記者把票投給了誰,因此,這裡並沒有什麼關於LBJ 的陰謀。 其次,這不是最佳球員獎,而是最有價值球員獎,我認為Melo在這個賽季所完 成的事情,值得我的選票。他帶領尼克在19年後,重回分賽區榜首。19年, 這真是一段 很長的時間。 Anthony led the league in scoring average and basically carried an old Knicks team to the No. 2 seed in the Eastern Conference. Amar'e Stoudemire missed most of the season with knee issues, Raymond Felton missed six weeks, and Tyson Chandler dealt with nagging injuries, leaving Anthony, JR Smith, and a bunch of lottery picks from the mid-1990s to win 54 games and beat the Miami Heat three times. Melo領銜得分榜,並把尼克帶到了東部第二。阿罵因為膝傷缺席了絕大多數比賽,肥頓 傷停六週,拳王飽受頸椎傷病困擾,而瓜,JR和若干90年代樂透秀獨自取下54勝,並 3 次擊敗熱火。 LeBron can win the MVP award every year. He is that good. And it's to the point where I put him on a Michael Jordan scale . Jordan won five MVP awards but could have earned 10. In the 1992-93 season, Jordan averaged 32.6 points, 6.7 rebounds, 5.5 assists, and 2.8 steals and shot 49.5 percent from the field. And the MVP award went to Charles Barkley. So my vote had more to do with Anthony and less to do with the dominance of LeBron. If you were to take Anthony off the Knicks, they are a lottery team. James plays with two other All-Stars, the league's all-time 3 -point leader, a defensive stalwart, and a fearless point guard. The Heat are loaded. If LeBron was taken away from the Heat, they still would be a fifth or sixth seed. He is the best player of this generation, a multifaceted superstar with the physical prowess of Adonis , but I chose to reward a player who has lifted his team to new heights. LBJ可以拿下每年的MVP,他的確如此出色,因此,我們是時候該把LBJ放到MJ的標準上 要求了。MJ拿下5個MVP,但他本該拿下10個。1992-93賽季,MJ場均32.6分6.7板5.5助 攻2.8抄截,命中率49.5%,但是那年,巴克利拿下了MVP。 所以,我的選票對於Melo意味著更多,而對於LBJ統治力的影響則更小。如果我們把瓜 從尼克拿掉,那麼尼克會是一支樂透球隊。LBJ的隊友是兩個全明星,聯盟歷史三分王 ,和一個無畏的防守型PG。熱火的配置更好。如果把LBJ從熱火陣容中拿掉,他們任何 可能會是東部第五或者第六。LBJ是這一代最好的球員,全面的巨星,英勇的Adonis( 這我就不翻譯了,自己去查意思吧)。 但是我選擇把票投給一個把他的球隊帶到新高 度的球員。 The Knicks were slapped around last season by the Heat in the first round, swept by the Celtics the year before, and the constant has been Anthony. Stoudemire, an All-Star-caliber player when healthy, has been dealing with knee problems the past few years. Chandler is a defensive center, and Jason Kidd, Marcus Camby, and Rasheed Wallace are beyond aging. That leaves the scoring load to Anthony and the mercurial Smith. 尼克在去年首輪被熱火痛擊,前年則被塞爾提克橫掃,安東尼都在隊中。阿罵在健康時 是一個全明星球員,但是過去幾年,受困於膝蓋問題。拳王是一個防守型中鋒,而基德 坎比西蛙都年事已高。所有得分重擔都落在了Melo和起伏很大的JR身上。 The perception that I knew the other 120 voters cast their first-place votes for LeBron and that I went against the grain as some kind of statement is inaccurate. I have covered the league for years, watched Jordan lose the 1996-97 MVP to Karl Malone, and understand that for one season, certain players just elevate their games. I thought Anthony was the most valuable player to his team this season, not the best player in the league. And the fact that Anthony is struggling in the playoffs, three weeks after I cast my vote, is a serious case of Wednesday morning quarterbacking. Anthony scored 50 points at Miami April 2 and averaged 36.9 points in April when the Knicks were trying to lock down the Atlantic Division and the No. 2 seed. 關於我知道120張選票首位都給了LBJ而我因故有意與大眾相反的說法是不正確的。我關 注了這個聯盟很多年,並見證了MJ在1996-97賽季在MVP評選中輸給了卡爾馬龍,我明白 那只有一個原因,一些球員提升了他們的比賽。我認為Melo是本賽季對於其所在球隊最 有價值的球員,而並不是聯盟最好球員。在我投票三週後,Melo的確在季後賽表現掙扎 ,但是在四月份,Melo場均36.9分,對熱火拿下50分,同時帶領尼克鎖定大西洋賽區冠 軍以及東部二號種子。 LeBron had a marvelous season and should be the first player to win seven MVP awards, but this season I felt Anthony meant more to his team. It obviously was not a popular vote but it was my right to vote that way. I definitely understand those who believe LeBron should have won unanimously but it's no easy task making the Knicks relevant again and I think Anthony deserved my kudos for this season. LBJ有個了不起的賽季,也應該成為第一個拿下7座MVP獎杯的球員,但是這賽季, 我認為 Melo對尼克意味著更多。儘管這是一個冷門的選擇,但是這是我投票的權力。我明白那些 認為LBJ該全票當選MVP的人的心情,但是讓尼克重回舞台中心並不是一件容易的事情,因 此,我認為Melo配得上我的選票。 好多人抨擊這個記者,甚至有人陰謀論說他是想害Melo被黑,尤其他的身分還是波士頓 記者所以有可能是故意不投給LBJ的,因此Melo還出來幫他說了一些話。 http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1407936.html 在今年的MVP選票中,最終當選本賽季MVP的勒布朗-詹姆斯得到了120張第一輪選票,而他 唯一丟失的一張第一輪選票被卡梅羅-安東尼得到,給安東尼投票是來自《波士頓環球時 報》的記者Gary Washburn。 在此之後,不少人都指責起了Washburn。安東尼在談到此事時表示,他希望所有人都不要 繼續指責Washburn了。 “I don’t know why he catch so much flak for that,” Anthony said. “He has the right to vote for whoever he wants. Lebron won the MVP. Why everybody so mad that he didn’t win it unanimously? “我不知道為什麼他會因此得到這麼多的指責,”安東尼說道,“他有權利選擇任何他想 選的人。勒布朗贏得了MVP,為什麼每個人都對他不能全票當選感到這麼生氣?” Then Anthony ended his answer by saying, “Thank you” - to Washburn. 最後,安東尼以“謝謝你”結束了這個問題的回答,當然,這個感謝是送給Washburn的。 其實我也不懂為什麼沒全投給LBJ就是有陰謀的...@@" 然後這記者的解釋好多人好像還是不肯接受,只是我覺得他的解釋還蠻清楚的 不過我想一堆人還是覺得數據更重要吧 XD -- ─── [[ =" ∵ ◆]] ────────── ▊◢◤ \ Once a Knicks, ▊◤ ▊ ◥◣▊ ◢◤◥ ▊◢◤‵、 ◤◢ always a Knicks. ▊◥◣ ▊ ▊ ▊ ◥◣ ─-.╳ ▊ ◥▎▊ ◤▊ ◥◣ ▊◥◣ ◣◥◣ ρ\ `, ψsherry821224 ─── ◥ ◥ | ────────── ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (05/08 18:19)
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