Fw: [外電] 老錢的奧運日記 PART3

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※ [本文轉錄自 Knicks 看板 #1G6-OnTT ] 作者: lest83 (lest83) 看板: Knicks 標題: [外電] 老錢的奧運日記 PART3 時間: Fri Aug 3 22:54:37 2012 http://ppt.cc/N6En Tyson's Olympic diary, Part 3: My team 老錢的奧運日記 PART 3 :我的隊伍 附圖:http://ppt.cc/Mnbl Here's Tyson's third entry: MY TEAM I hear the critics say we lack size, but I don't agree. When you look back at how we were successful in 2008 in Beijing, winning the gold medal, we only had one center, Dwight Howard, and we started Carmelo Anthony at the four. The so-called "lack of size" is non-existent with us. It's interesting because we're seeing teams come at us more physical. They have to a tendency to do that because they can't beat us with speed or anything like that because we have the best athletes in the world. So they're trying to slow the game up. 我聽到一些批評的聲音說我們(美國隊)缺乏高度 我並不同意這樣的論點 請你回頭看看我們是怎麼在08年北京奧運中獲得成功的 在那金牌陣容中 我們只有一個 中鋒-"草莓獸" 我們讓瓜瓜打4號 所謂的缺乏高度是不存在的 有趣的是因為我們 很多隊伍想要依靠身體碰觸來對付我們 他們必須順從這個趨勢 因為他們沒辦法用速度 來對付我們 因為我們擁有世上最棒的運動員 所以他們只能試著讓比賽節奏變慢 We're playing against a lot of fellow NBA players, but when they're playing for their country, they're not the same players. Even though they're great players in our league, they become even better players for their own country because they have the confidence in their team and they're featured much more in the offense. They're also playing by the rules that they're accustomed to. I can't speak other languages, so I can't understand what they're saying on the court, but sometimes I do. Of course, you only learn the bad words when you grow up playing. 我們要跟很多NBA資深球員對戰 不過當他們為他們國家打球時 他們卻不是同一個選手了 即使他們在聯盟(NBA)中是很棒的球員 他們在他們國家隊中成為了更棒的選手 因為他們對於他們的球隊更有信心 並且打出很有特色的進攻 他們會打出他們習慣的球風 不過因為我不會說其他的語言 所以我也聽不懂他們在球場上說啥 (老錢:驚!想偷聽戰術 卻聽不懂再說啥!) 當然 當你長大時 總會學會一些髒話的呵呵 Overall, I think Spain is our toughest opponent. Everybody is saying they're a great opponent, and I agree, but there's been a lot of good teams. On any given night, anybody can be beat. We're looking at the teams that are in our pool play first -- Argentina, France, Lithuania, Nigeria and Tunisia -- and then we'll go from there. We face our last pool opponent, Lithuania, on Saturday, and then see Argentina again on Monday. After that, it's on to the quarterfinals. 大體來說 我認為西班牙是我們最大的敵人 每個人都說他們是不錯的對手 但是 這裡有很多不錯的隊伍 不限哪一個晚上 每個人都有可能被擊敗 我們期待第一次預賽 的對手->阿根廷 法國 立陶宛 尼日亞 突尼西亞 然後我們會晉級 我們最快會在禮拜六 對上立陶宛 然後禮拜一對決阿根廷 在那之後就是八強賽了 THE CREW It's a funny collaboration of a lot of different guys, and it's been great. The team camaraderie has been amazing. Here's my take on each of my teammates: 這裡有些對於其他人的有趣研究 這是很偉大的 因為我們的"基情"是令人驚奇的 (camaraderie是法語 意思是同志間的友愛與忠誠 我想各位是懂得...恩!) 讓我來呈現我的隊友給你們看 Andre Iguodala: You always have to pay attention to him because he has this thing where he likes to tap people on the opposite shoulder and make you turn around and not know it's him. 小AI:你總是會忍不住的去注意他>///< 因為他喜歡去點你的右肩膀 然後人躲在你的左邊 當你轉身去找人時 你不會發現是他做的!!! (老錢:幼稚!) Kevin Love: He's like the sarcastic jokester. LOVE:他就是愛說有諷刺意義的笑話 (老錢:嘴賤!!) LeBron James: He's like a prankster, jokester and keeps everybody calm and at ease. 喇叭詹:他就是個愛惡作劇的人! 並且讓大家冷靜 放輕鬆~ (老錢:壞蛋!) Anthony Davis: He's the rook, the baby of the crew, the little brother. 狀元兩津哥:他是個菜鳥 一個新生隊員 一個小底迪 (老錢:菜鳥!) Russell Westbrook: He's the outgoing one. 西河:一個直率的人 Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and James Harden: They're like the cousins that come from out of town. They have all these things and inside jokes, which now we're all a part of. 雷帝 西河 鬍子:他們像是出自同一個家族的表兄弟一樣 他們所有的那些笑話 我們都有參與到! Kobe Bryant: He's the intense big brother. 老大:他是個熱情的大葛格~ Carmelo Anthony: He's funny and very outgoing. Sometimes the media gives him some flak, but he never lets it bother him. He's always in a good mood. He's actually the team DJ and he always carries a Boombox. I gave him the nickname Radio Raheem. He keeps the locker room in great spirits. 瓜:他很有趣而且很直率 有時媒體常常抨擊他 但他從來沒被那些困擾過 他總是有不錯的心情 他其實是這支隊伍的DJ而且他總是帶著一個會發出很大聲響的箱子 (可能瓜瓜是專門播歌的@@) 我給了他一個綽號:"Radio Raheem" 而且他是休息室的精神領袖! (Radio Raheem好像是這個:http://ppt.cc/6ofG ) 關於這個稱呼是來自於導演 Spike Lee 的知名電影 Do The Right Thing 的角色。 可參考: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/luketsu929/post/1320642463 Deron Williams: He's just like the guy that rolls with anything. He's down for pranks, he's down to be serious. He just flows. 小胖:他是個隨性的人 他可以惡作劇 也可以很嚴肅 就只是很隨性 Chris Paul: I played with him in New Orleans, and he's the angry little point guard. The reason why I say that is because after the game against Tunisia, I was like, "Why are you so angry?" He's a true point guard. He makes sure his team is playing the right basketball. He's the epitome of a point guard that you want on your team. When you've got LeBron James on one wing, and Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant, and you've got guys like Carmelo Anthony coming off the bench, D-Will and Russell Westbrook, you've got to be able to dominate these guys with your personality for them to be able to do what you want. He plays almost like he's the coach on the floor. It's the biggest compliment that I can give him. 小保羅:我跟小保羅在紐奧良打過球 他是個憤怒的小PG 為什麼我會這樣說呢 因為在突尼西亞戰打完後 我問他:"為什麼你看起來很不爽?" 他是個真正的PG 他必須確保球隊正在打對的籃球 他就是你在隊伍中所想要的PG樣! 當你得到喇叭詹在側翼 然後還有雷帝跟老大 甚至瓜瓜還在板凳上等著發威 板凳上更還有西河跟小胖 你必須要有一個可以指揮這群傢伙的人 並且還能做到你所想要做得要求 小保羅就是場上的教練! 這就是我給他最大的讚美 Stay tuned for my next entry! In the meantime, you can follow me on Twitter @TysonChandler and check out my website TysonChandler.com. 嘿 期待我的下集吧~ -- ─∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ play with each _ ─-.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/03 23:01, , 1F
08/03 23:01, 1F

08/03 23:02, , 2F
08/03 23:02, 2F

08/03 23:02, , 3F
08/03 23:02, 3F

08/03 23:03, , 4F
08/03 23:03, 4F

08/03 23:03, , 5F
大推!!!!!!!!!! XD 好有趣XDDD
08/03 23:03, 5F

08/03 23:04, , 6F
http://instagram.com/p/N3W_elM9y6/ Love欺負菜鳥 (誤XD
08/03 23:04, 6F

08/03 23:10, , 7F
08/03 23:10, 7F

08/03 23:17, , 8F
08/03 23:17, 8F

08/03 23:56, , 9F
08/03 23:56, 9F

08/03 23:57, , 10F
小AI會不會太幼稚XDD 那是我國中玩的遊戲欸XD
08/03 23:57, 10F

08/04 00:13, , 11F
08/04 00:13, 11F

08/04 00:14, , 12F
只是小AI應該都快26 27了吧 真的有點太幼稚XDDD
08/04 00:14, 12F

08/04 00:18, , 13F
對了 這篇可以借轉瓜版嗎? XDD
08/04 00:18, 13F

08/04 00:20, , 14F
08/04 00:20, 14F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: skymay (, 時間: 08/04/2012 00:21:06 ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (08/04 00:22)

08/04 00:22, , 15F
瓜瓜真的不在意:) 所以球迷也要放寬心哪
08/04 00:22, 15F
補瓜瓜的稱呼來源 ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (08/05 12:05)
文章代碼(AID): #1G6_fpU5 (C_Anthony)