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看板C_Anthony作者 (隨遇而安)時間12年前 (2012/06/26 21:06), 編輯推噓11(11023)
留言34則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Coach sure Lin will return after L.A. star dinners Mike Woodson may have sealed the deal in Hollywood with Jeremy Lin. 邁克-伍德森可能在好萊塢已經和林書豪敲定合約了。 Woodson returned from a five-day bonding session in Los Angeles with Lin, Carmelo Anthony and Tyson Chandler, and is more positive than ever Lin will re-sign with the Knicks this July. 在洛杉磯與林書豪、甜瓜以及拳王相處5天之後,他擁有了更多正面的訊息,對於 尼克在七月能和林書豪續約的事情。 In his first in-person interview since being hired as Knicks coach on Memorial Day Weekend, Woodson told The Post the visit was rewarding and he got a clear sense Lin is ready to re-sign. 在擔任尼克正式主教練之後,伍德森首次面對面接受了記者的採訪。 在採訪中, 伍德森表示這次洛杉磯之旅是值得的, 並表示他從林書豪哪裡得到了明確的續約 信號。 Lin becomes a restricted free agent on Sunday, and the Knicks can match any offer. 林書豪將會在(美國時間) 週日成為受限制自由球員,尼克可以匹配其他球隊提 出的報價合約。 “Absolutely he’s going to be back,’’ Woodson said at Ahmad Rashad’s charity golf outing in Scarsdale that raised $300,000 for White Plains Hospital. “We like what he brings to the table. He’s our starting point guard. He’s a young point guard who’s still learning, and he’s going to be better. That’s what happens to good, young players. If they work at their craft, they’ll be much better for it. Absolutely, he wants to be here.’’ “顯然,林書豪將會回歸。”尼克主教練邁克-伍德森說,“我們喜歡他場上的實 力。 他是我們的先發組織後衛,是一名年輕且仍不斷學習的後衛,他將會變得更 好。對於年輕人來說,這是大好事。 如果精心於自己的技術,他們將會變得更好 。顯然,他希望留在這裡。” Lin flew into L.A. from his home in Palo Alto, Calif. Chandler lives in L.A. and is working out in tandem with Anthony as they gear up for Team USA’s Olympic training camp in Las Vegas beginning July 5. Lin is on the U.S. Select Team. 林書豪從加州的 Palo Alto 家鄉飛去洛杉磯,和尼克隊友甜瓜以及拳王一起訓練 ,他們都將會出現在7月5日美國男籃訓練營中。林書豪入選了美國男籃陪練隊。 Woodson wined and dined the trio on two straight nights, including one in Beverly Hills captured on video footage by TMZ. Woodson said he flew with assistant coaches Darrell Walker and Jim Todd and staged workouts with the players. Woodson also went to Anaheim to work out Landry Fields, who also is set to become a free agent. 飯局可參考 http://ppt.cc/fOxx 辛苦阿瓜了,這個問題只能說不意外XD 連續兩個晚上,伍德森都和這三位旗下的球員在一起,聊天,喝酒和吃飯。伍德森 透露,同他一起前往的還有球隊的助理教練 Darrell Walker and Jim Todd。另外 ,教練組還去見了蘭德里-菲爾茲,後者也將會成為自由球員。 Woodson felt it important to get together with Lin, Anthony and Chandler. Anthony and Lin did not always mesh on the court and Lin seemed to be more comfortable under Mike D’Antoni’s coaching. 伍德森表示,讓林書豪、甜瓜和拳王在一起很重要。尤其是林書豪和甜瓜,他們在 球場上有些不融洽,而林書豪在尼克前任主教練邁克-丹東尼旗下打球時更舒服。 “He’s a big part of what we’re doing,’’ Woodson said of Lin. “All those guys are big pieces of the puzzle as far as moving forward with the ballclub. To be able to go out and sit with them, gives them a chance to bond. It gives me a chance and my staff a chance to get a piece of them on the court as well in terms of working them out. “他是我們的重要一份子。”伍德森談及林書豪時說,“這所有的人,都是球隊繼 續前進的一份子。和球隊中的每一個人坐下來聊一聊,能夠讓他們更加團結。而對 我和教練組而言,這也給了我們讓他們團結起來的機會。” “That’s the main focal point in trying to visit our players this summer,’’ Woodson added. “The development process is important. When you have a summer developmental program, you can’t be lazy behind it. You got to push guys to get better. We’re going to need that.’’ 「嘗試去拜訪我們的每個球員是這暑假最主要的工作。」武僧補充:「成長的過程是 很重要的,如果你有了暑假計畫的話,你就不會放懶了。你必須讓大家變得更好。我 們很需要這樣的過程。」 感謝 esther81828 大的翻譯:)) The Knicks will select 48th in Thursday’s draft, then head to free agency Sunday. The union’s victory in restoring Bird rights for Lin and Steve Novak has increased the Knicks’ flexibility. In particular, Novak now can be re-signed, and they will have a mid-level exception to use on a free agent, though it may be the mini-midlevel of $3 million for luxury-tax payers rather than the full $5 million midlevel. The NBA has appealed the union’s win in arbitration. 在即將進行的選秀大會上,尼克獲得了第48號簽位,然後他們將進入自由球員市場。 球員工會贏得了“早鳥權”爭議的勝利, 這樣林書豪和史蒂夫-諾瓦克都擁有了伯德 權。尼克可以在超過薪資帽的情況下和林書豪續約,而將中產合約留給其他可能的引 援對象。 “I think it’s great for our team as far as trying to move forward,’’ Woodson said. “It helps us.’’ “對於想要前進的我們球隊來說,這是一個好消息。”伍德森說,“這幫了我們忙 。” The Knicks’ first-round playoff loss to the eventual champion Heat gave Woodson renewed belief in their chances next season. The Knicks lost in five games — the same number as the Thunder in the Finals — but were wracked by a spectacular amount of injuries and bad luck. 尼克在系列賽的第一輪輸給了熱火,武僧對明年的機會有很大的信心。尼克在五戰後輸 了,跟雷霆在總冠軍賽一樣,不過這是因為他們有很多的傷兵,運氣不佳。 感謝 esther81828 大的翻譯:)) “We really are not that far away when you look at it,’’ Woodson said. “I like everything Miami did. Coach Spo [Erik Spoelstra] did a great job. LeBron, Wade and Bosh had a lot to do with it. The threesome worked. They got exactly where they wanted in terms of winning the title, and we’re trying to get there. No, we’re not that far away, but again we got to be a little lucky and stay healthy.’’ 「我們距離總冠軍真的沒有想像中那麼遙遠。」武僧說:「我喜歡邁阿密做的一切,SPO 做得很好,三王做得很好,他們的三巨頭有運作起來。他們得到了他們想要的冠軍,而 我們正在努力要去做到。不,我們真的沒那麼遠。不過再說一次,我們需要一點運氣和 健康的大家。」 感謝 esther81828 大的翻譯:)) Phil Jackson, who was not contacted by the Knicks about their coaching position, would differ. Last week, Jackson called the Knicks “a clumsy team, ’’ saying Anthony and Amar’e Stoudemire don’t work together. 禪師這個沒有被尼克連絡的傳奇教練有不同的看法,他上周才說過尼克是個笨隊伍。而 且他說阿罵和瓜是不能合作的。 感謝 esther81828 大的翻譯:)) “Phil is a great coach,’’ Woodson said. “He’s done wonderful things for our league. I wish him the best on what he decides to do, but I like our chances. I like our team and the makeup of our team. Sure, we got work ahead of us, but we’ll be just fine.” 「禪師是一個好教練。」武僧說:「他為我們的聯盟做了很多很棒的事情。我祝福他在 他想做的事情上都能順利,但是我喜歡我們(尼克)所得到的機會。我喜歡我們的球隊 並且喜歡我們做的事情。是的,我們需要往前走,繼續進步,但我們會成功的。 感謝 esther81828 大的翻譯:)) With Iman Shumpert out until January and Baron Davis out next season because of serious knee injuries, the Knicks want to bulk up in the backcourt. Woodson met recently in New York with veteran Spanish League point guard Pablo Prigioni. 香坡將休賽到一月,BD也因為嚴重的膝傷而整季掰了,尼克需要補強後場。武僧補了 新同學進來。 感謝 esther81828 大的翻譯:)) “We want to explore all those things, in the draft and free-agent market,’’ Woodson said. “We’ve had some major injuries in Iman and Baron. Those are two pieces counted on last season. We have to think out of the box. That’s OK to snoop around and see how to make the ballclub better. [Prigioni] is on the radar, but a number of guys are on the radar.’’ 「我們要整合這一切,不管是選秀或是自由球員市場。」武僧說:「我們的香坡和BD傷 得太重了,這是上一季的兩個大問題。我們需要跳脫數據來思考。我們可以研究看看要 怎麼樣做得更好,新同學是很重要的,是很重要的球員之一。」 感謝 esther81828 大的翻譯:)) 原文來源:http://ppt.cc/8dhe 參考翻譯:http://sports.163.com/12/0626/15/84UGVA4900051CA1.html esther81828大表示:武僧真的是好爸爸又很維護他的球員們, 他應該會一一去探視所有的孩子們吧XD +1 XD 話說武僧又被問到其他教練的事XDD 還有熱火奪冠的事... 哀~ 阿瓜之後應該也還是會一直被問吧 XD 雖然那個狗仔已經問過了,阿瓜也說恭喜了 XD -- = ̄ ̄╲ No Probleeeeeem!!!∥ [ ╗. ˙˙ ◆-—╴╴] = = ψsherry821224 = = +● ∥  ̄◣ ◢ ̄ ̄◣  ̄◣ = = >∥──  ̄◣ = = " /| ∥ ◥_◢= =__╱ ◥__◤ ╲_◢= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/26 21:14, , 1F
06/26 21:14, 1F

06/26 21:15, , 2F
06/26 21:15, 2F

06/26 21:19, , 3F
謝謝e大 >///< 雖然這篇只提到一點瓜瓜,但還是想放瓜版,希
06/26 21:19, 3F

06/26 21:19, , 4F
望瓜迷們見諒 >///<
06/26 21:19, 4F

06/26 21:29, , 5F
當自己家就好 別客氣
06/26 21:29, 5F

06/26 21:36, , 6F
06/26 21:36, 6F

06/26 21:54, , 7F
06/26 21:54, 7F

06/26 21:59, , 8F
06/26 21:59, 8F

06/26 21:59, , 9F
不然來到紐約之後連續兩年都... 其實melo也很無奈
06/26 21:59, 9F

06/26 22:03, , 10F
06/26 22:03, 10F

06/26 22:07, , 11F
06/26 22:07, 11F

06/26 22:32, , 12F
06/26 22:32, 12F

06/26 22:41, , 13F
Good 真的只希望有完整健康的陣容+1 這是前提啊
06/26 22:41, 13F

06/26 22:46, , 14F
喔喔 我有看到 我是指"一起"的話,可能只能等訓練營了
06/26 22:46, 14F

06/26 22:48, , 15F
06/26 22:48, 15F

06/26 22:48, , 16F
06/26 22:48, 16F

06/26 22:48, , 17F
06/26 22:48, 17F

06/26 22:49, , 18F
好快 XD 恩恩
06/26 22:49, 18F

06/26 22:53, , 19F
06/26 22:53, 19F
收到 感謝 >///< ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (06/26 23:02)

06/26 23:13, , 20F
06/26 23:13, 20F

06/26 23:14, , 21F
06/26 23:14, 21F

06/26 23:15, , 22F
06/26 23:15, 22F

06/26 23:16, , 23F
06/26 23:16, 23F

06/26 23:17, , 24F
06/26 23:17, 24F

06/26 23:18, , 25F
06/26 23:18, 25F

06/26 23:19, , 26F
06/26 23:19, 26F

06/26 23:20, , 27F
看到LBJ說的一些話後,我也...QQ 算了,沒關係我只在乎瓜XD
06/26 23:20, 27F

06/26 23:20, , 28F
06/26 23:20, 28F

06/26 23:23, , 29F
06/26 23:23, 29F

06/27 07:01, , 30F
06/27 07:01, 30F

06/27 07:02, , 31F
06/27 07:02, 31F

06/27 07:03, , 32F
06/27 07:03, 32F

06/27 07:04, , 33F
06/27 07:04, 33F

06/27 09:20, , 34F
http://ppt.cc/nO15 這個有拍到拳王喔 XDD
06/27 09:20, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1FwRFPT0 (C_Anthony)