[外電] 八個瓜和Nash不能共存的理由

看板C_Anthony作者 (狗狗)時間12年前 (2012/06/15 13:54), 編輯推噓10(10029)
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原文出處:http://ppt.cc/wMkg 嗯,這篇不算是新聞,因為它的發布日期是6/11。 不過我找到它的時候發現板上沒有人翻過, 我想這跟瓜有關就翻一下好了,然後越翻越不舒服…… 感想我留到最後再說說。 -------------- New York Knicks: 8 Reasons Carmelo Anthony and Steve Nash Wouldn't Coexist 紐約尼克:八個瓜和Nash不能共存的理由 Steve Nash enters free agency this summer, and one team that could surely show interest is the New York Knicks. Steve Nash將在今年夏天成為自由球員,而其中一個顯然會對他產生興趣的球隊就是尼克 。 There is no guarantee that Jeremy Lin will be back with the team next year, and with stars Carmelo Anthony and Amar'e Stoudemire performing better when a true floor general gets the ball to them, Nash and his pass-first approach seem like a good fit on paper. 沒有人能保證Lin下一季仍然會回來紐約,而當家球星瓜和阿罵都在能拿到球的狀況下越 打越好,Nash看起來像是一個不錯的選擇。 Yet, as much as I love both Nash and the Knicks, this is a marriage that should not happen under any circumstances. Yes, Nash is a fine player and, quite possibly, one of the best players to never win a title, but his potentially coming to New York is a recipe for a rift between him and Anthony. 雖然我愛尼克也愛Nash,但這仍然是一樁無論如何都還是不要成立好了的婚姻。是的, Nash是一個很好的球員,而且他很有可能那些非常優秀可是從未拿過冠軍的球員的其中一 人。但是,他的到來將會造成他與瓜之間的裂縫。 Given how team chemistry in basketball is key, here are some reasons as to why these two stars could never coexist on the Knicks. 如何帶給球隊正面的幫助是一大重點,而接下來是一些為什麼瓜和Nash不能共存的原因。 1Amar'e Stoudemire's Presence 1阿罵的存在 There's an old saying that goes, "Too many cooks spoil the broth." 有一句老話是這麼說的:「太多個廚師一起煮一鍋肉湯。」(意味著太多人處理同一件事 情將會毀掉它) The way I see it, Carmelo Anthony and Amar'e Stoudemire are more than enough star power for the Knicks. They performed well together (finally) under new coach Mike Woodson, and if you ask me, Nash would be one star too many. 在我看來,瓜和阿罵這兩人的明星能力就已經使尼克超載了。他們在武僧的帶領下打得非 常好,如果你問我,我會告訴你,Nash如果來這裡,他將會是一名多餘的球星。 His presence means more unnecessary shots being taken and less of an emphasis put on defense. That is the exact opposite of what the team is all about now. 他的存在意味著更多不必要的投球和防守上更大的漏洞。這跟尼克現在所需要的東西是完 全方反的。 But speaking of Coach Woodson... 但說到武僧…… 2Mike Woodson's System 2武僧體系 The Knicks went 18-6 under Woodson, with Anthony and Stoudemire being responsible for most of the offense. This is because the former Atlanta Hawks coach runs an isolation system where he establishes his best scoring options and lets them do most of the work on that end. 尼克在武僧的帶領下打出18勝6敗的成績,而這依賴的是瓜和阿罵的進攻能力。這是因為 這為前老鷹教練帶領的是單打戰術,並以它做為最佳的得分選擇,讓瓜和阿罵在這方面付 出相當多的努力。 In terms of the point guard position, the man needs a player who will play tough defense and make getting his two stars the ball first priority. Seeing as how Nash has spent the last decade in an offensive system reminiscent of former Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni, he wouldn't be a good fit in Woodson's system. 他們所需要的後衛要有堅強的防守能力並且以他的隊上這兩大明星的球權為優先。而Nash 在過去的十年中一直都是擔任攻擊型的角色,他打得是尼克前總教練戴東尼的那種戰術, 而這樣他將不容於武僧的新體系。 In fact, he would probably try to score more often than pass, since he's used to doing plenty of the former, and thus create a rift between himself and his teammates. Especially with the high-scoring Anthony. 事實上,他可能總是試著去得分而不是傳球。而這將會製造他和隊友之間的裂痕,尤其是 得分機器瓜瓜。 3Jeremy Lin Could Be Back Next Year 3Lin明年應該會在尼克 As talented as Nash is, the Knicks already have a point guard! 就Nash的能力而言,尼克早就已經有了後衛了。 Jeremy Lin proved to be a fine option running the floor last year, and his willingness to learn and be coached made him near-perfect in Woodson's system. In almost an instant, he went from being a high-scoring and high passing guard into one who mostly passed and only scored when absolutely necessary. On top of that, he also played tough defense. Lin是過去這一年不錯的選擇,而且他的學習意願和受教的態度讓他在武僧的體系裡適應 良好。他在極短的時間內從一名高得分又高助攻的後衛轉型成幾乎都只有傳球、只有在必 要時刻才出手的球員。此外,他在防守端也做得非常好。 Most important of all, he established a good on-court relationship with Anthony once Woodson took over as head coach. He is a restricted free agent this year, but it's unlikely that he'll receive any offers that the Knicks could not match. 最重要的是,他在武僧接手之後在場上和瓜維持了一個良好的關係。他將會成為受限自由 球員,但眼下他似乎不會拿到任何尼克跟不了的薪資。 That said, why break up the band? 這麼說起來,為什麼要打破現有的陣容呢? 4Nash's Age 4Nash的年齡 Nash is currently 38 years old, and he'll turn 39 in February. Sure, he can still keep up with the best of them, but he's still not getting any younger. Nash已經三十八歲了,明年二月將滿三十九。當然,他依然可以打出最好的表現,但他已 不再年輕。 That being said, Anthony and the Knicks are basically establishing themselves as a young upstart team that is a force to be reckoned with. Should they sign Nash and his age suddenly catches up with him, that will throw a wrench into the team's plans—one that may never come out. 瓜和其他的尼克球員們建立了一個年輕的體系。他們有需要簽下Nash這個比他們都大得多 的球員嗎,而且他或許會打亂尼克還沒問世的計畫。 5Big Market Inexperience 5缺乏大市場的經驗 Carmelo Anthony is originally from New York, so he knows what it takes to satisfy the demanding fans. Sure, his time in a Knicks uniform has been short, but he has still essentially given the fans what they have asked for in high scoring and some solid rebounding. 瓜是紐約之子,所以他知道要如何去滿足那些粉絲們。是的,他身著尼克球衣的日子不長 ,但他依然給了球迷想要的:高得分和一些紮實的籃板。 Nash, on the other hand, doesn't have such experience. He has experience playing in two markets: Phoenix and Dallas. Yes, Dallas can be considered a larger market, but it's still pretty small compared to the likes of New York and Los Angeles. Plus, they didn't win a championship until Nash had been long gone from the team. 但Nash在這方面並沒有太多經驗。他有在鳳凰城和達拉斯打球的經驗,但這兩個城市和紐 約或是洛杉磯比起來,它們仍然不夠大。而且在Nash離開隊伍之後,他們就沒有再拿過冠 軍。 I'm not saying Nash isn't a mentally tough player, but at his age, dealing with fans as critical as those of the Knicks could be a bit much to handle. Should that happen, I can't imagine Anthony would be too happy with him. 我不是說Nash是一個不夠好的球員,但在他這個年紀,要去處理那些和批評尼克一樣去批 評他的粉絲是比較難招架的。如果事情真的這樣發生,我不認為瓜會對Nash感到多開心。 6New York Is Anthony's Town 6紐約是瓜的家 As I mentioned before, having one too many stars on the Knicks would be a bad idea. That said, New York is Anthony's territory, and having Nash on the team could turn into an ugly battle for the spotlight. 就像我前面說過的,太多球星對尼克來說會是負向效果。也就是說,紐約是瓜瓜的領土。 而Nash來這裡無疑會和瓜搶鎂光燈。 Look at it this way. Nash has been the alpha dog in Phoenix for the past 10 years. Now that he's entering the twilight of his career and is still a top contributor, do you really think he's ready to go out as someone hanging out in the background? 我們不妨用這個角度來看看。Nash在過去的十年裡是太陽的頭號巨星。雖然他現在已經走 向他生涯的下坡路段了,他仍然也還是一個頂尖的球員,你真的認為他會甘心地屈居後位 嗎? I sure don't. 我確定他不會。 8Nash Doesn't Play Defense 8Nash不防守 The moment Mike Woodson took over as head coach, Anthony upped his effort on defense and the Knicks did quite well as a result. Sure, his best efforts came on scoring, but he was at least alert and attentive on the other end of the floor. 在這武僧接下總教練的時刻,瓜在他的防守上加倍努力,尼克也因此打得更好。當然,他 最好的用處仍然是在得分上,不過至少他願意注意並細心地看待場上發生的事。 Nash, on the other hand, would not be able to do this if he became a Knick. Though talented, he has averaged less than a steal a game for his career. 另一方面,Nash如果成為尼克的一份子,他不會這麼做。他很有天賦,但他生涯中卻只有 平均一場不到一個抄截的紀錄。 What would be the point of having him on the team if he couldn't get on the same defensive page as Anthony and the rest of his teammates? 如果他無法達到和瓜或是其他球員一樣程度的防守,那會變成什麼狀況? 9The Knicks Don't Need Him! 9尼克不需要他! As I mentioned before, the Knicks went 18-6 once Mike Woodson took over as coach. Much of this success was from establishing Carmelo Anthony and Amar'e Stoudemire as the top scoring options, with them getting most of the opportunities. 就像我前面說過的,尼克在武僧的帶領下拿下十八勝六敗的佳績。大部份的這些成功是建 立在瓜和阿罵的得分上的,因為他們得到更多持球的機會。 That said, there is absolutely no reason to bring Nash in as point guard and risk a team chemistry nightmare between him, Anthony or even Stoudemire. The way I see it, the team is fine the way it is and is set up for many years of success under their new coach. 也就是說,這裡確實是沒有理由讓Nash來擔任後衛並且為尼克的優勢製造風險,尤其是在 瓜與阿罵之間。在我看來,尼克已經找到了他們正確的方法並且已經準備好在新教練的帶 領下拿下未來幾年的成功。 Having Nash share the ball with Anthony and the others will just undo all of that. 如果讓Nash來和瓜分享球權的話,上面說的這些就一件也做不到了。 -------------- 嗯,我的結論是這記者假中肯真反串。 不知道是不是我自己腦補了, 我覺得他雖然通篇都在嗆飄髮哥, 但他真正想要婊的人是瓜欸orz 中間再度提到瓜和阿罵的ISO, 還有瓜體系、瓜地盤, 一切的一切都跟總板發言好像(???) 不知道有沒有人可以看到稍微可以討論的點? 如果沒有的話我就砍文好了, 因為這篇我覺得有點討厭可是又好像不算是廢文…… -- .‥…──∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────── \  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ _ ─-.╳ ︶- ρ\ `, ▲ ─────∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/15 14:37, , 1F
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06/15 14:44, , 3F
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06/15 14:45, , 4F
http://tinyurl.com/84qd4pc Carmelo can play with anyone
06/15 14:45, 4F

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06/15 20:38, , 8F
翻譯辛苦了...@@;; 下次找瓜和拉拉愛的故事翻譯吧...XDD
06/15 20:38, 8F

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06/15 21:48, , 16F
瓜的新消息→ http://0rz.tw/E1L66
06/15 21:48, 16F

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06/15 22:30, , 20F
那個阿瓜照片應該是好幾天前的 今天看到拉拉按讚時看到的
06/15 22:30, 20F

06/15 22:31, , 21F
http://ppt.cc/Y~bZ 這個XD 悠閒瓜 XDD
06/15 22:31, 21F

06/15 22:32, , 22F
推o大 可多翻翻瓜拉愛情故事呀XD 或者是瓜和那幾個知心好
06/15 22:32, 22F

06/15 22:33, , 23F
友的舊聞 XD 不過還是謝謝E大翻譯這個,讓我看到都笑了XD
06/15 22:33, 23F

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香波表示:我真的很希望大家都能留下 (看著JR (大誤XD
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文章代碼(AID): #1FsiuWPu (C_Anthony)