[請益] 請教一個英文文法題

看板CS_TEACHER作者 (過去)時間14年前 (2010/11/01 11:29), 編輯推噓4(404)
留言8則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
請教一下: what is the situation?中主詞是哪個? 是what還是the situation? 另外What is that?中主詞是哪個? 是what還是that? 另外Who is he?中主詞是哪個? 是what還是he? 假如what is the situation?中主詞是the situation的話,改成名詞子句後, 會變成"what the situation is"對嗎? 假如What is that?中主詞是that的話,改成名詞子句後,會變成"what that is"對嗎? 假如Who is he?中主詞是he的話,改成名詞子句後,會變成"what he is"對嗎? 要是把what is the situation?接在What do you think...?中的話, 是變成What do you think is the situation?還是What do you think the situation is? 要是把what is that?接在What do you think...?中的話,是變成What do you think is that?還是What do you think that is? 問了很多,拜託麻煩解答一下,感激不盡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/01 11:35, , 1F
1. What do you think the situation is?
11/01 11:35, 1F

11/01 11:52, , 2F
11/01 11:52, 2F

11/01 12:39, , 3F
what疑問詞 is動詞 the situation主詞
11/01 12:39, 3F

11/01 12:40, , 4F
11/01 12:40, 4F

11/02 13:58, , 5F
what is that 這句應該可以把that當主詞,也能把what當主詞
11/02 13:58, 5F

11/02 14:08, , 6F
然後把what do you think跟what is that接再一起詞意很怪
11/02 14:08, 6F

11/02 14:09, , 7F
比較習慣的用法應該是do you think what is that?
11/02 14:09, 7F

11/02 14:09, , 8F
或是do you think what that is?
11/02 14:09, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1CpZGtG7 (CS_TEACHER)