[劇情] CSI: LV 1217 雷~~

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是Chelsey耶~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 這是在偷渡其他影集嗎? XDD 片頭, 基本上是一群大學生在狂歡, 一名似乎是被人揍了的男子走近人群... Jake: Hey! Gussip boy! Who did you piss up now? Pete: No one, Jake. Jake: All right, if you're looking for Cassidy, You just missed her! 裡頭, 一名男子接近一名金髮女子 男子: Are you Miss Cassidy? Brooke: That's me. (接過男子要求簽名的本子簽名) 男子: So- you really a virgin? (Brooke瞪他一眼往外走) (在她身後大叫) I got your number, I can be your first guy! Brooke走到外頭找Jake Jake: Babe. You find your fan? Brooke: Hey! Leave that alone! Jake: I'm sorry, I mean GBF. Gay Best Friend. (兩人調笑, Jake的手往下滑到Cassidy腰際) Brooke: Stop! Jake: Sorry I let my hand moved there, you want a room? Brooke白Jake一眼後離開 派對持續進行著, 投影上可以看到身處派對的大家tweeter更新, 接下來一連串的更新卻讓大家愣住了, Pete倒在血泊裡... 警方來到了出事現場... 布拔: So, a series of 911 call comes in around 4:00 am but no one gives really a clear place information. DB: (看著人群) Well, who invited the campus? 布拔: No idea. Anyway, we found the vic here. It's called Final's Bridge. DB:So the vic committed suicide? 布拔: It's your job to tell. I'll leave the scene to you. DB越過封鎖線接近蒐證中的Finn DB: What you got? Finn: Well, I got a beer bottle. It's still wampy. Could be fresh. I also got some traces here on the ground. And then up here. DB: Looks like there might be less than a struggle. Finn: And here- on the edge of the bridge. Doesn't look like jumping. DB: Maybe someone flipped the kid over the bridge then. 大衛跟Morgan走下斜坡接近橋下 大衛: (滑了一跤) Ow. Morgan: You okay? 大衛: Nothing like a character cannot fix. 囧尼: (在屍體邊等著他們) Night after the exam, should be the craziest moment in those kids' life. Not for this one. You can smell he had more than a couple of beers. Morgan: (翻找證件) Pete Moyer. Sophomore. No cell phone. 囧尼: College kids without cell phone cannot happen. Maybe someone took it? 大衛: Several bones broken and mashed on the face. And... Morgan: It fits with the felling. But- He didn't fall straight down though... 囧尼: Just a push. Maybe the same person who messed his face. Finn對著圍觀的人群在照相 DB: What are you doing? Taking candidates from our crowd? Finn: They want to enjoy the show. Ah, the person of interest. (開心的看到Charlie) (兩人接近封鎖線邊邊的Charlie) Charlie. Hey! Charlie: (與Finn擁抱) Dad, it's nice to see you working together again. DB: Right. How come you're not in class? Charlie: It's only 8:30 am now. Everybody is talking about this. DB: I noticed. How you know that? Charlie: Well, this. (出示昨晚的那個tweeter畫面) DB: Oh, Brass said a series of 911 call comes in around 4:00 am. So could be someone pushed Pete down and took that photo? Finn: Yeah, could be. Charlie: And after that posted it to the wall? Just saying. Finn: (微笑看著Charlie)That's a theory. (轉頭對DB說) Must in blood. 法醫室裡羅賓爺爺告知Morgan狀況 羅賓爺爺: Well, the split on the face takes around 6 hours to set. Morgan: So He was hit by 10:00pm and then got killed around 4:00 am. Finn: We got a bloody cloth on his dorm room. It belongs to Pete. DB: So Pete changed and then went to the Theta Delta party? Finn: Yeah, or maybe he got hit at the party. DB: And the Voyuer4U guy who post the photo? Finn: Archie is working on that now. DB他們去找阿奇 阿奇: This guy lived out loud. DB: What do you mean? 阿奇: He's an open, active gay. He got a VLOG. He posted juicy gossips there. Finn: That must piss a lot of people. We have the whole school as suspects now. 阿奇: Well, probably. But we can narrow down to those people saying something on the VLOG though... Like this Jonesin4: " Hey, Queer, stop gossiping. Or if you're man enough, I'll find you." I am also trying to find who posted the photo. Here comes the result. DB: Who is it? 阿奇: (愣住) Pete Moyer, from his phone. Finn: We didn't find the phone in the scene. DB: Trace it. Maybe the killer take the phone with him. (撥電話) Nick! Are Greg and you still on campus? We have a location of Pete Meyor's phone from the dorm. 囧尼跟小葛來到那間宿舍撞門而入, 某人正要溜走 囧尼: Don't leave out from the window! (逮人) Take him. 小葛: Whatever you jonesinng for, you'll still got it? 囧尼: (撥電話) 小葛: Yeah, that's Pete's celll phone. 囧尼: You think the guy may be our killer? 小葛: (拿起手機) I think we have a strong connection. Sebastine被帶回警局偵訊 Sebastine: You guys got it so wrong. 囧尼: Oh yeah? How about this? " Hey, Queer, stop gossiping. Or if you're man enough, I'll find you." 小葛: Sounds really angry to me. Sebastine: It's not like it! 小葛: How so? Sebastine: Because I'm gay. The queer thing? It's just how we talked to each other! 囧尼: But you're on the bridge, weren't you? Sebastine: I was on the bridge. It's only because Pete texted me, saying that he needs help! When I got there, I didn't see him. I looked down the bridge, and... well, whatever happened in the bridge, he was like that already. 囧尼: You take his phone, took his death photo, and then left him there without calling 911. I called it suspect. Sebastine: I told you I have nothing to do with his death. 小葛: And posting it on the Internet? Sebastine: Trend to the end. It will be just what Pete wants. If I were you, I'll try to know what the "scan-dahl" Pete is talking about. 阿奇在忙著破譯手機, Finn跟Morgan去了解狀況, 阿奇發現一段影片... Pete: Love me, hate me. But you know the word "privacy" does not exist anymore... The eyes in the sky sees all... And this bomb that I'm about to drop. It's gonna blow you away. 阿奇: And I found this picture. Finn: Brooke Cassidy. No sex, no drug, American's famousest virgin. Morgan: Looks like they're arguing? Finn: Before he drops the bomb. Finn跟Morgan於是去找人 Finn: Excuse me, Miss. Cassidy. We're the Crime Lab. We understand that you're friend with Pete Moyer. Brooke: Yeah, that's right. Or I guess so. Morgan: What exactly you think about Pete Moyer? Brooke: A hot mess. Can be cruel sometimes. Finn: Cruel? Brooke: I came here to be a student, not the center of attentions. Sometimes he just doesn't get it. Finn: You mean your plede of purity of marriage. Brooke: Whatever it was, it is personal choice. And... Jake: (走過來) Babe, anything wrong? Finn: We are just asking some questions about Pete Moyer. And you are? Jake: Jake Payche. About Pete? He's the center of gossiping. And nobody wants somebody to post lies. Morgan: You're very protective and obsessive. Jake: I am maybe. Now, excuse me, we have classes. DB跟小葛檢查從Pete寢室搬來的眾多東西. 小葛: This kid has all kinds of stuffs. He does take all the paparazi very seriously. DB: (翻到某文件) Like, An A-plus serious. "Phone Hacking of Hack." 小葛: A final report? What's the class? DB: Anthropology of Fame. Taught by XXX Landrey. 小葛: Wait a minute, I know the name. He earns money by following celebrities. DB: And now he is teaching our kids. DB於是來到了教室 Landrey: Fame is good. But, without judgement of church? Or of community? Gossip. Fear, region, shame. Gossip is good. Gossip is for the society. 學生們離開後DB接近講台 DB: Excuse me, may I have a word, Dr. Landrey? Landrey: Of course! You're late. Uh, police, right? DB: Um, CSI. Landrey: You want to know about Pete? He was my best student. DB: Yeah, I can tell that. Well, maybe not so good for Pete. I understand that he wrote a final report "Phone Hacking of Hack"? Landrey: I taught this class in a way that students could pursue their intellectual muse. That's the reality. You got beautiful people and not-so-beautiful people. DB: Then, Dr. Landrey, do you have any idea about this scandal waiting it to happen thing? Or maybe you involved Pete in? Landrey: He's one of my student, not one of my employees. And, you know, actually, as "out" as he was, he kept things in the closet. That's the most exclusive word you can get from me. DB: Thank you. Landrey: No, no, no, Thank you. That's very helpful. DB嘆了口氣看著Landrey離開. 小葛跟DB開始搜起Pete的衣物來, 結果小葛發現一件風衣內裡怪怪的 小葛: I may just found a quid. (拿剪刀剪開, 隨身碟一只) Let's check it in. (拿去給阿奇) DB: Check Brooke's folder first. 小葛: Wow, he was hacking into all e-mails and photos. 阿奇: (叫出所有檔案瀏覽) There is no controversial there. DB: Check Jake's folder. 小葛: (發現一張眼熟的刺青) Wait a minute! I saw that tatoo before, from someone climbing out of a window. 阿奇: (放慢撥放速度, 下幾張後, 出現Jake與Sebastine的合照) (兩人都是光粿著上半身的) Sebastine Jones. 小葛: Looks like boyfriend got a beard. 囧尼跟小葛詢問Jake Jake: Where did you get these? 小葛: A flash driver hidden in Pete's jacket. 囧尼: And these- we found in Pete's computer- in your dorm. Jake: So what? It's not what it looks like. I- Sebastine- he came over and- we didn't- he asked to take photos. It ended up in Pete's hand, so what? 囧尼: Oh, I don't think your girlfriend will be happy when Pete drop the bomb. Gay, straight, whatever. Pete decided this is worth as a scandal. You mind giving me your prints and DNA? Jake: I have rights. 囧尼: Yeah, rights. For your best you had better cooperate. His computer in your hand usually be called "motive". Jake: ... Sebastine texted me after Pere's death. So I got his computer. You know, even though it is really nothing- people won't understand. 囧尼: Let's put it in the evidence vault. Would we? 囧尼去找阿奇 囧尼: So, how long till you can unscramble that? 阿奇: It takes time. 小葛: (出現在實驗室) When I said the kid took paparazi seriously, I didn't expect it to be such seriously. 囧尼: (看著小葛手上的物體) What is it? 小葛: A remote digital receiver. He must spying someone. All we need to do is to identify where it links to. 阿奇: ...All right, I'll try to do my job my amplify the signal and identify the location. Charlie帶著他媽的愛心食物來找他爸 Charlie: May I come in? Mom is worried that you're not taking care of yourself. DB: (笑) Come'on in. (看著兒子) You're trending, right? How you think about those things like public opinion on the behavior of putting your nose under others' business? Charlie: It's not important how I think, it's what the norm people choose to accept. DB: Right. What's the other you get? Are those salt-and-viniger chips? Charlie: Yeah. (遞給他老爸) So, I saw Finn at the other room. How's that working for you. You know, it is just kind of a drag last time... DB: Second time will be a better try. Finn正在忙, 聽到Morgan的聲音 Finn: Morgan, did you bring lunch? Morgan: We have a compony. Finn: (抬頭, 看到Brooke) Hey. Brooke: Hey. 三人都坐下後 Brooke: I know you guys arrest Jake. But I can garantee that he has nothing to do with Pete's death. Finn: How do you know that? Brooke: Because I was with him that night. Morgan: All night? Brooke: Yeah, all night at the party. You don't have to have sex to stay with someone all night, right? Finn: Then... how you think about that possibly your boyfriend is not so loyal to you? Brooke: (笑) Look I'm not that naive. I noticed that when we first met. He's perfect for me. Sexually confused enough that he will not press on me. The purity of marriage... No matter how you call it, it's very important to me. Morgan: Pete didn't come to you to reveal Jake? Brooke: No, no. We're not fighting about Jake. We're arguing about Professer Landrey. I told Pete he should stay away from the guy. Pete didn't agree. Pete told me I was all alone, and he told me to check his next VLOG and the truth will be revealed. 阿奇找到了與遙控器連結的網路... 小葛: Where is it? Wait, there, on the shelve. "Celebrite's Post"? Pete's camera is in Landrey's office. 小葛跟囧尼進入Landrey的辦公室搜查, DB則把Landrey請到警局來"坐坐". DB: I have something I want to show you. (出示網頁) Landrey: That's my office. Do you have a warrant? DB: Actually it's university's property. (囧尼的人頭出現) You see, Pete Moyer put that camera in your office. He's watching. 小葛: Nick, somebody bleed on the rug here. 囧尼: If it's Pete Moyer's blood, he was beaten in the room. Landrey: So? That kid intrude my privacy. I'm the victim here. DB: Now you play the privacy card? Wow. After what you did! Landrey: Do you have anything else? DB: Yes. I have blood on you rug. 小葛跟囧尼繼續搜查, 發現了沙發上頻繁的性活動跡象 囧尼: One of Landrey's student found this extra credit counch. DB: How many women on your class? Landrey: I do have several female student, and? DB: And how many you have sex with? Your protege can make it to be the scandal. Landrey: Are you serious? They are all adult to be responsible for their own acts, and all of them are consensual. What scandal? DB: It's true that it is not illegal having consencual sex with a student. 囧尼: Seven students. We found seven sets of DNA on the couch. DB: That only makes the guy a can, not a killer. 囧尼: Well, it still can be a motive to killing Pete. And we got the blood on Launder's rug. DB: But if the fight is not sex, what's it about? 囧尼: You never know what you gonna seen until you open the camera. Maybe Pete saw something Launder doesn't want him to see. DB: And maybe Pete not know the answer. I like that. We need to identify that seven women. 課堂上鬧轟轟的 某女學生: You see the cops taking him away? 另一個女學生: That cannot be ture, right? Finn: (帶著Morgan走進來) Hey, We're from the Crime Lab. We are going to share things with you. Now understand this information haven't been revealed anywhere yet. Morgan: We found several traces on the ground along the bridge. Which tells us Pete is struggling with someone before his fall. We would love to collect your DNAs in order to zero his killer. I supposed all of you will be willing to help us catching the killer. 某女學生: What if we refused to provide that? Finn: We understand. This is strictly voluntery. But if you choose so, we have to ask you keep the information closed. So no sharing, no posting, no kidding. Now, first volunteer get the swap? (學生們還真的動了起來) Morgan: I can't believe this works. 於是說有了比對的對象 囧尼: (告知DB) All these girls were in the class. 女學生A: I took Landrey's class for an easy "A". Everybody knows a pretty girl, dressing in a mini-skirt, sitting at the front row in the class can get a nice grade. 囧尼: We understand that you're sexually involved with him. And he claimed it is consensual. 女學生A: It is. Of course he didn't say that I should keep it as a secret, but, well, it was understood. Finn: Ashley, I am not accussing you anything. I just want to ask if you have a agreement with Professor Landrey? Did Professor Landrey forced you into it? Ashley: I don't want to talk about it. Finn: Ashley, I know it is hard. But we want to help Pete, don't we? I think Pete found out and then wanted to help you. Ashley: Pete only cared about Pete and his gossiping career! I have the right to be left alone! Finn: But Pete found out cost his life... I can help if you tell me what happened between you and Professor Landrey. Ashley: I killed Pete! I was the reason he was on the bridge. I pushed him ff! Can you help me know? 阿奇找到了Professor Landrey強暴Ashley的片段 阿奇: A lot of sex. But no one like this. Morgan: Why wouldn't Ashley report it? DB: Shame is common for rape victim. Especially if the rapist is known to the victim. 囧尼: We checked the trace on the bridge. There is no consistency with her confession. DB: Yeah? 囧尼: The grabs on the bar aren't right. DB: That's try it, Morgan. Morgan: (伸手對著欄杆的影像) Well, there is the prints. DB: Well, another 18 inches and you might be there. Morgan: (站上了一張凳子後伸手) 囧尼: Yeah, right on the edge. Ashley: Pete followed ambushed me and told me that he knew what Professor Landrey did. He said he'll make Landrey paid and he'd seen that happen. I want to stay away. But he didn't give up and said that he wants my exclusive. I know there are other girls sleeping with Landrey. But I'm not like that. I should have take the C. I was just trying so hard to get in the law school... Finn: Pete knew that. The tape is an evidence. I need to know what happened on the bridge. Ashley: I left the party and climb to the bridge. I thought Pete was there because he still somewhat cared about me. 回想畫面 Pete: I'll go with me to the cop. Here, give me your hand. Just trust me! Ashley: He said we couldn't give up. I cannot let Landrey win. When I turned, he got to his cell phone. I knocked it out his hand. And then he- he fell. If I just haven't gone into Launder's office, Pete won't die now! Finn: None of these is your fault. Ashley: I lived it with 13 days. I went to class. I went to work. I boxed it up and push it to the corner to pretend it is not there. Finn: The jury will know why you still go to the class. It is all right. Ashley: A jury? I- I cannot stand in front of a jury. Finn: Ashley, if you don't put the charge, Professor Landrey will get away. Ashley: It's not my problem. I just want to be left alone. Please. DB跟布拔看著審訊室裡的Ashley嘆氣 Finn: (走出來) Which means the guy walked away. DB: We have to take up our victims until they come. Charlie又來找他老爸 DB: Hey! Do we have any arrangement tonight? Charlie: No, but mom thought it will be cool to have a family diner all together. DB: Sounds good to me. Charlie: You okay? DB: Some cases doesn't end up with what you want. Charlie: Well... Do you know that Professor Landrey raped a student? DB: Ah, news do travel fast, hum? Charlie: Well, it is on the Internet now, and the university is investigating him now. No, (查看手機) actually, the university suspended him. DB: (一愣) What? Charlie: It looks not like that he's going to get away with that. DB: This is what you called trending, huh? Charlie: Yeah. 本集心得: 1) Gossip boys? Person of Interest? XDDD 2) Charlie這次戲份好多, DB跟Finn的往事顯然是個梗... 3) 看Brooke看了好久覺得好眼熟, 最後才發現是之前Dancing with the Stars 的參賽者(Disney Channel的Chelsey) 4) 於是說正義可以由其他形式伸張? 個人還是想看人渣被關就是了...... Pete你到底最後為什麼要拿出手機勒??? (偏頭) 注意: 下週小哈的娘親就要出現囉~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/18 00:14, , 1F
03/18 00:14, 1F

03/18 00:15, , 2F
03/18 00:15, 2F

03/18 00:15, , 3F
03/18 00:15, 3F

03/19 13:20, , 4F
喔喔原來是叫那個GAY來救人! 好慘 本不該死的@@
03/19 13:20, 4F

03/21 21:58, , 5F
有講說他是要叫人來救人嗎? 另外這集還滿平順的
03/21 21:58, 5F

03/24 06:50, , 6F
有提到他死黨有接到求救電話應該就是要幫忙救人 卻被當成..
03/24 06:50, 6F

03/25 21:38, , 7F
Landrey教授的沙發不知道是不是在影射landry fields借
03/25 21:38, 7F

03/25 21:38, , 8F
03/25 21:38, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1FPBV345 (CSI)