[劇情] CSI: NY 808 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/11/20 06:19), 編輯推噓2(200)
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Previously on CSI: New York 之防雷頁~~ 本集重點: Jo姐姐拍拍~~ 片頭回顧上集John Curtis的案子~~ 警方護衛著法官與陪審團抵達一個地方. 鏡頭轉往另一名年輕男子, 他在滿室酒瓶/電視開著的房間裡醒來, 發現時間已經接近十一點了, 於是匆匆忙忙的出了門. 陪審團在的地方是從前一個謀殺案發生的位置, 其中一名女子比對著現場照片. 此時, 年輕男子騎著腳踏車闖過的警方的護衛區, 開槍射殺法官. 包子大抵達現場, 弗帥: Crime cop in charge says he came in front of the jury, right into half dozen cops. 包子大: For a reason. Son of a bitch. 弗帥: Jury was came out at the same time to see the crime scene investigating a murder. 丹尼: (來到現場) Wow, that's Judge Vinny Cors. Right? 包子大: He's presenting for Markov's tripple murder case right in front of the store. 丹尼: Markov. That's the same name for a Russian organized crime. I remember we got dozen of bodies from that. 包子大: Looks like he just came out from a bakery of that. 霍克葛格採集了卡在車窗上的子彈, 蒙大拿則採集地上的彈殼. 霍克葛格: Shooter was gone two cases of bullet. The one I got right from the window? Smashed and cannot be recognized. It's probably useless. 蒙大拿: I tried to recover the fire-backs by police. ... This is the last one I can get. 霍克葛格: One- two- three- looks like you've got one missing. 蒙大拿: I'm thinking it's on the drive of our shooter. 霍克葛格: Witness said he's on a bike and turns right into the alley. 蒙大拿於是往那個方向走, 看到丹尼正在對著腳踏車採證. 丹尼: Hey, sweet. Guess this is a perfect run-away vehicle. 蒙大拿: It doesn't fit what you expected from a Russian hit man. 丹尼: Could be just using it to get near enough to shoot the judge for that period. 蒙大拿: ... I'm missing a buller and I'm thinking it could be on our shooter. 丹尼: Looking for blood trace. But I can't find one. 蒙大拿: The only description we got is a guy in a hoody and a backpack. They cannot id the guy on a street. 丹尼: (夾起玻璃碎片一枚) The broken glass comes from a front light of a car. Maybe the guy who hits this bike can. 包子大發表公開演說. 包子大: ... We will do whatever we need to do in order to get the guy who is responsible for this. And show them how powerful our system of justice is. 媒體A: Do you believe that Markov ordered the hit? 包子大: I won't pull out Markov's name before we have the time to look through the evidence. We will look all Judge Cors's cases. 媒體B: Are you saying that Markov is not behind this? 包子大: No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying let's investigate now so I can answer the questions based on facts instead of suspections. That's all for now. 媒體C: Detective, on John Curtis's case, the DC rapper? 包子大: Huh, he'll be on the court for primary hearing this morning. 媒體C: What about the evidence? Do you think you have a good case? 包子大: This isn't a on-going case. You know I can't discuss the evedence. 媒體B: Do you remember that Jo Denville drop the ball of the case? 包子大: The FBI lab tech mishandled the evidence of the case. As for Jo Denville, I'll take her courage and indigenity every time. 媒體D: How will New York handle the case because the political pressure from Senetor Matthew? 包子大: The way I deal with the case has nothing to do with the political pressure. I'll do what's best for the case. And what's best here is having Jo Danville pointing him out. 監獄裡 John: What are you doing here? You know you can't talk to me without my attorney. Jo: What needs your attorney for I'm going to say? John: Well, I'm sure this isn't social, is it? So why? Are you here to glue? Jo: I wish I could do that. I wish I could take the pleasure seeing you here sit in jail. That will be the only way for you to pay for what you did to her, made her suffer. My pleasure will wait until you get "Guilty" away from the trail. John: I won't be so quick committed as you. Jo: You were a free man. And it makes me sick to think that my cofession gave you the second chance. I can to make you promise. You won't walk away this time. John: I think you will be disappointed, sweetheart. I don't think this will turn out to be the way you want. Jo: Oh, people I'm working with is perfect for what they do. There will be no mistake this time. John: I'll make a promise to you. You put that bitch on the stand? You case will fall apart faster than your career in FBI. Don't count on Allie Rand. Jo: I'll see you on court, Mr. Curtis. 席德大叔驗屍中. 霍克葛格: Life's never easy. 席德大叔: I've seen you pulled something like that out more times. 霍克葛格: (看著子彈碎片) That must caused some serious damage. 席德大叔: The buller hit the second rib and caused three fractions. This one- reaches the aorta and killed him immediately. This one, in the kidney, which is not fetal but most informative. Take a look of this. (顯示顯微鏡) 霍克葛格: XXXXX? How? 席德大叔: His medical records says the he has a food poisoning. 霍克葛格: So the shooting is not the first attempt to get Judge Cors's life! 霍克葛格告訴包子大這新發現. 霍克葛格: He was poisoned. ... and it's really non-heared that a Russian gangster riding on a bicycle. 包子大: Or maybe the shooting is not related with the poisoning. Find the gun and figure our who the shooter is. 霍克葛格: Got it. 包子大走進辦公室, 蒙大拿正跟兩名客人談話中. 蒙大拿: Mac, this is Senetor Matthew. And this is his daughther Serena. Senetor Matthew: I saw your press talk this morning. This attack on the judge is not a plain thing. Hope it is not too much. 包子大: Always things not plain. This is my bussiness. Detective Messer is pulling on evidences of the Curtis's case. Senetor Matther: I saw the animal walked away from what he done before. And I won't tolerant anyone drag a feet on this. 包子大: No one in this lab knows how to drag a feet. This is an active case and we'll treat it with high priority. Linsey can walk you through the case, but we won't be able to give you any information to compromise the case. 蒙大拿: Well. I can tell you our victim's story is cooperative with the evidence. She was drugged, took to the hotel and penalmized in the same manner much the same to your daughther, and another woman in the Washington's cases. Serena: How is she doing? 蒙大拿: As well as could be expected. She's very brave and she's eager to testify. 此時Jo從電梯裡走出經過包子大辦公室, 被Senetor Matthew看到. Senetor Matther: I don't want her anywhere near this thing. 包子大: I already made the call. But I want you to know that it's nothing about Jo Danville's ability. If my daughther were attacked, I would want her investigate the case. 丹尼: Whoa, look who it is? Where you went? Jo: Just meet an old face. Catch me up. 丹尼: Partial prints from the bike, nothing is useful. But I found fluid residue on the busket... Also, the glass is from an AUDI A4 or A6. First man reported at the area and see if anyone reported front end damage. Jo: You've been busy. 霍克葛格: (走過來) Victor Markov is behind this or the man got sluppy. Got from the bullet we pulled from the judge. (遞報告) Jo: Baikal IJ 70. ... You don't see this often in the market here. 霍克葛格: ... I got no hit from CODIS. 丹尼: Could be brought directly from Russia. Jo: So how this get sloppy? 霍克葛格: I pulled out a print on one bullet case. And it got a hit. Vitalie Barshay... Jo: How was this guy connected? 霍克葛格: We're going to find out. Time to pay Mr. Barshay a visit. 弗帥帶人去, 無人應門, 警方破門而入, 外頭的員警: Sir, we got a vehicle! 弗帥看著員警把人帶下車, 又回到屋內, 屋內一片凝亂... 弗帥: We walked into a crime scene. 弗帥: Just came back from a ten-day trip to Disney World. Wife said they have the house cleaned one day before their leaving. 霍克葛格: Well I got nothing. In addition to the house being "cleaned", I'm sure the guy wearing a glove. 弗帥: The guy took the gun, and some cash from the save. He said his wife and him are the only ones know it's there. 包子大: The save is well hidden. This isn't any neighborhood kid. We're looking an experienced bulgalor. 弗帥: Who's bi-professional as a hit man. 包子大: He may still have the gun. The gun will lead us to our killer. 霍克葛格: Hey, guys! Look what I get here. It's a wacky bag I got from the trash can out there. 弗帥: Wow, wow, that's ridiculous. Don't put it up there, man. (包子大偷笑) 霍克葛格: Now, Flack, the owner said they have the house cleaned one day before, right? So now look at what's inside the bag- I think somebody made themselves- snack. No mold or other activity. Hasn't been there for couple of days. 弗帥: So it exludes the cleaning lady. 包子大: Also gets us one step closer to the one who put a bullet to our judge. 丹尼在警局外的車上掃描到一台車的車牌EWQ-2147. 蒙大拿: Hi! 丹尼: Hey! What're you doing here? 蒙大拿: Just pick up some final reports for the out runner's case. 丹尼: Yeah? How is it going? 蒙大拿: I just want to go over it again before tomorrow. I don't want to be surprised. 丹尼: Nah, you're gonna be good. 蒙大拿: Thanks. 蒙大拿讚嘆了一下說現在警車的裝備真的超先進的, 丹尼說對啊還可以直接run警局的database, 然後拿出隨身碟, 嘗試比對那台撞到腳踏車的車的紀錄/車牌之類的... Jo遇到了Serena Jo: Serena, what are you doing here? Serena: My father is outstairs with the DA and I just hagging around myself. Something I have to talk to you. I want to appologize. Jo: You don't owe me an appology. Serena: No, I do. This- dropping out? For a while I was angry. I want him dead. For a second I forgot how hard it must for you, as a woman, as a mom, to do to watch that monster walked away from what he did to me. Jo: Not about me, Serena. Serena: It is about you. It's not fair that you life being turned upside-down because of it. My father is an emotional guy. He has no right to force you leave FBI. Jo: Now, I am not so sure I won't do what your father did if it was my daughther being hurt. Don't get me wrong. I'm not regret of my action. But I'm regret that my action set John Curtis free. What that did to you and your dad is another thing. Serena: I- I can't sleep well. I'm just- irrational. I felt like he's going to come over me again. Jo: He's not that stupid. It's highly unlikely for him to risk to be near you again. Serena: I'm not afraid to see him again. I need to be in that court room, seeing him being hand-cuffed and put into the jail. Senetor Matthew: Serena? What are you doing? You'll be late for the dinner with XXX. Serena: (對Jo說) Next time. Jo: (對Serena說) Take care of yourself. (對Senetor Matthew說) What a young lady you got there. Senetor Matthew: Yes, she is. (離開) Jo走進包子大辦公室 Jo: Okay, what we know? 包子大: We had the origin of the murder weapon. Hawks is recovering the DNA from the sandwich we got from the scene. Jo: Wait a second. The guy broke into the house made a sandwich? (注意到包子大表情怪怪的) What? 包子大: Your little visit to Mr. Curtis is not a very good idea. I hope you guys had everything you want to say out there. Jo: I did. I was just trying to make a deal there. 丹尼: (走進來) Hey, guys, I found the car hit the bike. If it's not a normal hit-and-run case, no wonder we didn't get much witness on that. 包子大: (看報告) Pavel Danshell. 丹尼: That car? Sit in the same corner at XXX and XXX for three days and no one comes near to that. 包子大: You guys had better get out there. 弗帥默默的把人家的車的輪胎漏了氣, 丹尼跟Jo監視中. Jo: Here we go. 丹尼: All right, that's Danshell. 弗帥: (衝出去) Put your hands on the car now! 丹尼: How are you doing, Pavel? Pavel: Not so good. Looks like I got another parking ticker now. 弗帥: I believe that's the least problem you need to worry now. Jo: (蹲到車旁邊檢查) 丹尼: Everything all right, Jo? Jo: Yeah. Everything is great. 回到實驗室 Jo: You said the bike is used for delivery, so it gets a bounch of flats, right? 丹尼: Right... Oh, so the fix, tapes on the inner tire... we might get prints from that. Wow, Jo, I don't care what others say about you, you're good! Jo: Let's see how good you are doing your job and get me a nice print. 弗帥詢問Pavel中 弗帥: Tell me about the bike. Pavel: It's used to deliver. 弗帥: You're not at the scene that night? Pavel: No! I was drinking coffee, and looking out from my window. Then I heard the shoots. I drove away, and then half down the street, boom! He fell, and then ran. 弗帥: Did you get a good look on his face? Pavel: I got a good look at my van. 弗帥: So you have nothing to do with the shooting of the judge? Pavel: A good judge, he's not bad. A xxx judge, it will be even better. 弗帥: So you're just there watching the judge and trying to dig something out so you can black mail him? Pavel: Black mail him? I prefer negotiation. As for your friend judge? He is not so sweet and clean as you thought. 弗帥: Sweet? Sweagy clean? What do you mean? Pavel: Well... who else in Amerian can have dozens of houses and a wife without work? 在包子大辦公室內 包子大: So we believe Pavel is following Cors in order to dig out some dirt from him and black mail him for the case? 弗帥: Yeah, and his suspection about Judge Cors being some kind of dirty could be true. Jo: I'll take a look at the judge. This could be not about Markov. 包子大: Take a look at all his cases, too. This gonna take a long time. 丹尼: (走進來) Hey! So I got a 3 dimentional print from the inside of the tire and got a hit at the CODIS. Nicholas Albramson. He was in jail for 8 year from a felcony when he was 15. Drug, mostly weeds, and resistance of arrest. Jo: Not exactly a profile for a killer. 包子大: Could be that the bike is stolen. Enough for a research warrent though. Jo: ... He was inherited to his dad's job. He was a deliver man and also worked in XXX. 弗帥: That's a place Pavel mentioned that Judge Cors visited regularly. 包子大: Could be easily to do some food poisoning. Jo: And maybe a shooting somewhere else. 包子大: ... so the question is why would he want Judge Cors died? 弗帥: Let's go ask Mr. Albramson. 弗帥去逮人. 弗帥: (把人壓到地上) So Nick, this is probably a bad time, but does Porter House is good as everyone said it does? 回到警局... 弗帥: So, Nick, you was on the street that night Judge Cors was shut. And guess what? He was shut by a guy described just like you. Nick: I was hit by a car that night on my bike, but so what? 弗帥: You run? Nick: I don't like cops, when they approach me? I run. 弗帥: You run because you have a good reason to run. You were there when the judge is shut in front of the bakery. This is just an amazing coincidence? There are more. Judge Cors is a regular customer at the place you worked. Nick: We got a lot of regular customers. 弗帥: But this one is different. Judge Cors got food poisoning a few weeks ago. Somebody sprinkled things to his drink. Nick: I don't know what you're talking about. 弗帥: Why did you do this? Why did you want Judge Cors died? Nick: Okay, I grew up. I did this because I'm tired of all this. No, seriously, I'm tired of sitting behind the desk. 弗帥: You think this is a joke? Nick: No, I think this whole thing is a joke. 弗帥: So, you were there last night. You didn't shoot anybody, and you didn't hear and see anybody fire a gun. That's your story? That's what you're going with, Nick? Nick: That's what I'm going with. 弗帥跟丹尼努力找出當晚腳踏車路線的同時, Jo在Judge Cors的舊案子裡發現了奇怪的地方, Judge Cors似乎常常重判一些少年犯的案子(另一個case是Thomas Hills), 而那些少年犯出獄之後需要前往的地方因為經濟因素被關閉了, 於是大多數這些孩子被一名叫做George Nelson的人"領養". 許多相關紀錄在法庭紀錄庫裡面都沒有, Jo指出是有人蓄意掩蓋. 包子大: More kids means more money... That's how Cors made up his career. Jo: ... and more kids suffered for what they shouldn't get. 包子大: ...but how come a kid like Nick can get access to such files? Jo: You ran? 霍克葛格: Yes I did. I finally managed to pull out the DNA profile from our sandwich. I think I got out bulgolor. Jo: (看著電腦螢幕上的Thomas Hills) You didn't just find our bulgolor. I think you just found our killer. 丹尼跟Jo去逮人, 正好Thomas準備騎腳踏車離開, 被丹尼壓制. Jo: Bullet hole... gun... and our missing bullet. 丹尼: And our murder weapon. 包子大跟Jo詢問Thomas. 包子大: Mr. Hills, you've been in this system. You should be familiar with your rights. Thomas: ... I did. I put a hole on that son of bitch and I'll do that again. Jo: Look, Tommy, how did you find out what Cors did to you and Nick? 另一邊... Nick: I got Tommy a job a few weeks ago. Setting tables. Doing deliveries. 丹尼: All right. Nick: I was trying to help him. It was the second night, the judge came in. I set his table before, but this is the first time I saw Nelson. 回想畫面 Nelson: What's wrong with my face, son? Nick: Nothing, it was just a mistake, I- Nelson: Well then swap that stupid look on your face and go tell the manager that this gentleman needs someone else. Nick: Yes, Sir. Tomas: Nick came into the kitchen and told me that. I need to go see that by myself. 於是說Tomas聽到了這兩個人的談話... Judge提醒說他們要小心一點, 像Nick的媽媽就找了一個很有心的檢察官要救出兒子, Nelson說他怎麼可能忘了那個例子, 他可是花了很多錢讓that ambulance go away. Nick: It was Tommy who heard all the conversation. It needs not a genius to figure out what they did. 丹尼: So you and Tommy want him pay back. Thomas: I couldn't let it go. Nick wants to go to the cops. But I thought he is insane! Who're going to believe this? To believe a couple guys like us? 包子大: So you put XXX in his drink? Thomas: I don't know what I'm thinking. I want to see if I can make him died like that. Jo: So when that failed, you decided to do the shooting? Thomas: Nick tried to talk me out of this. He really did. He came over to my place. 回想畫面 Nick: You cannot do this! Thomas: I have to! Son of a bitch! We can't let him go! Thomas把Nick打昏, 鏡頭回到一開始 Nick: I woke up. I jumped my bike and tried to stop him. When I came to the 95th. I saw the flash and I heard the shuts. Then I was hit by the car when I tried to catch up with him. Thomas: You know what happened to good kids when they're in the situation? They turned bad very fast. Nick回憶起進牢前的事 Nick: ... I have a new pair of glove on my shelf. But all that was taken away from me. Thomas: That man took my life away from me! I think it's only fair for me to take his! Jo: You don't have to make the choice. This is a system of justice. Thomas: What will happen to the bastard Nelson? Expect that I got him, too? 弗帥帶人去逮Nelson, Nelson正在看新聞報導, Nelson選擇了自殺, 弗帥等人聽到槍聲進去時已經來不及了. 回到警局. 弗帥: Hey, what's up? 蒙大拿: Hey, I need your help, Don. I need to talk to Allie Rand again. I have some concerns about the hearing tomorrow. 弗帥: What are the concenrs? About the character of whole escort thing? 蒙大拿: No, the science stuffs. She had GHB in her system. 弗帥: That's what the drug the guy use, right? 蒙大拿: Yes, but the level of the GHB is inconsistent with her timeline. 弗帥: So what? You think she couldn't remember when she was rapped? She's drugged. It won't be that bad. 蒙大拿: I'll say I have to talk to her again. Allie: Why we're doing this again? I already told you what happened. Is there something wrong? You don't believe me, do you? I know this is going to happen! I am so stupid. 蒙大拿: Calm down, Allie, I believe in you. I just have a few questions. And I need to run through them again for the hearing tomorrow. Okay? Allie: I'm sorry. 弗帥: It is most important for you to tell us the truth. Every details you can remember, do you understand? 蒙大拿: Do you use other drugs, Allie? Allie: No, I drank mostly. Some weeds sometimes, that's it. 蒙大拿: Do you ever tried to drug your customers with the GHB drug like what John Curtis did? Allie: No, never! 蒙大拿: And do you ever drink or eat anything between the time you woke up and came in to report? Allie: No, I drank a bottle of water at the top. 弗帥: Are you sure about the time when he drugged you? Allie: Yes, I'm positive. I know when I was there. 蒙大拿: Okay, that's it. Allie: That's it? You don't need to ask anything else? 蒙大拿: No. Take care of yourself. I'll see you in the court tomorrow. Allie: (離開時轉身) Are you sure? 蒙大拿: Yes, I'll see you tomorrow. 弗帥: You think she's lying about the drugs? 蒙大拿: It's not what I think, it's what the science says. 弗帥: What are you going to tomorrow? 蒙大拿: I'm going to tell the truth. Based on what she told us and the dose of GHB in her system? They's tossable. 蒙大拿第二天果然被Curtis的律師以這一點瘋狂攻擊... 律師: So it's either you're wrong, your test is wrong, or Miss Rand is wrong. As you can see, she's most probable still alive. Your honor. 蒙大拿啞口無言的下去了~~ 法官: Mr. Curtis, please stand up. The purpose of this preliminary hearing, is to decide if this case has to be continued. And based on the lines we heard this morning... the request for delayed investigation is rejected. Unfortunately, as some testimony we heard may cause some concerns abour our credits... I found this disturbance is annoying. Therefore the amount for Mr. Curtis to XXX is down to 500 thousand dollars. We'll see everyome back in January. 本集心得: 1) 是怎樣? 三家店最近說好要一起探討正義執行問題嗎? 拜託海灘店這禮拜賞我個痛快吧! 2) 開頭那一句讓我傻了一下, 看太多Project Runway了...(默) 3) 案件本身不錯, 好像去年美國真的有過法官利用少年案圖利的新聞, 沒有像這集這麼誇張啦當然, 不過詳細內容我也忘了...... 4) 為什麼這集沒有亞當出來搞笑? 5) 想必一定會在看到Curtis, 蘋果店這季貫穿的大概是這老兄了? 於是說Allie揪~竟~隱瞞了什麼? 讓我們繼續看下去... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/21 00:07, , 1F
11/21 00:07, 1F

11/22 00:41, , 2F
好看! 等不及EP09了!
11/22 00:41, 2F
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