[劇情] CSI: LV 1205 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/10/21 01:20), 編輯推噓26(26013)
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Morgan不哭, 姐姐我好心疼啊~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 1) 父女情節 2) 被挾持的直昇機跟上面的CSI 片頭, 地上的直昇機殘骸, 一人倒在駕駛艙裡, 鏡頭掃到地上的CSI背心...... 時間倒回數小時前, DB, 小葛跟Morgan抵達一處沙漠裡的現場, 小葛跟Morgan正在爭執LA跟賭城哪個比較好~~ Morgan: Really. No much culture, history... 小葛: If you think LA night life beats Vegas. You need help. DB: Hey, guys, please, We had a crime scene. 三人接近"屍體", 卻有直昇機隆隆隆的接近 DB: What's that? Rescue helicaptor? We have someone is murdered. 駕駛: And you had it till 30 minutes ago. We'retaking him to the hospital. 於是CSI三人組在救護員搬運傷患期間迅速拍照蒐證 小葛: (指傷患額頭) A bullet graze. DB: (看著傷患手腕) That guy was bound. Morgan: (問救護員) No wallet? 救護員: Nothing. DB接到囧尼電話, 尋求人手支援他負責的在Northtown的案子 DB: Catherine and Sara is on the court. Today is your lucky day. I'll send some one off there. (掛電話) Hey, Greg, why don't you hop on the helicaptor and then head to the Northtown? Nick has a double he has some problems with. 小葛: Oh, come'on, you are asking me to leave this gorgeous scene? Morgan: I'll do that! DB: All right, you go. Morgan: I'm up for some excitments! 直昇機起飛, Morgan打手機給小葛通報說三點鐘方向有血跡可以往那查. Morgan: You can be smarter and own me one! (直昇機抖一下) 駕駛: Hey, sweetheart, we may get bumpy. 布拔走進囧尼現場, 布拔說兩名死者West Wagon跟Tony Malos他都認識, 兩人都是一個組織Mad-10的成員. 布拔: They do drugs, extortion, prostitution... all those stuff. 囧尼: (看著兩名死者) It didn't seem like it's about business. Maybe it's personal. (查看地面) Metals... Coming from the back door. (兩人走去查看, 後門門把處有被燒灼器切割過的痕跡) Yeah. this is our force entry. (開門走出去找到發電機) Hey! It is right here. Stolen from Chaffery. 布拔: I'll give them a call. 直昇機上, 救護員準備電擊傷患. Morgan: What can I do? 救護員: Just stand back. (電擊) No pupil reaction. One more time. (再一次, 心電圖有起伏了) There we go. Welcome back, buddy. You're on your way to hospital. 男子: (昏迷又喃喃自語) Samantha... Samantha... Morgan讓他握住她的手. 囧尼: Hey, doc. Didn't hear you guys coming in. David: (驗屍中, 羅賓爺爺紀錄) Burn marks on the neck... 囧尼: (拍照) That's pretty nasty wound on the neck. David: We also find the wire. Matches the mark on this guy's neck. 囧尼: Fits to the one connecting the cutting mechine and the battery. ...There are easier way to kill though. 羅賓爺爺: Killer is either getting off or trying to get something out of them. 小葛遵循Morgan的幫助帶著DB走到血跡處. DB: Nice job. How did you know that? 小葛: I just, hum, trust my instincts. DB: (蹲下) We got two 9 mill cases right here. (東查西找) And, yeah, one shut grazed his head. (兩人前進幾步) 小葛: Second blood pool. Two more casing. DB: We got a second gun shut victim? 小葛: I don't know. ... Maybe they didn't hit anybody? DB: Yeah... let's take a walk. 小葛: Ah, found his jacket. DB: I think I found his ride. Wild tire track. 小葛: A SUV? DB: Maybe. (看看現場跟發現男子處的距離) He's trying to pull to the road. 小葛: (四下查看) Got a bloody print! (在一塊大概是施力點的石頭上) DB: (拿出手機拍照) I'll send it to Mandy. (結果居然沒幾秒就回傳了) That Mandy girl is good! Let's see... Frank Caffery. And the recent record is... (愣住) 囧尼在他的現場接到電話. 囧尼: Stokes. DB: You're looking for a Frank Chaffery? 囧尼: Yeah, he is my suspect. DB: He was our victim. 囧尼: Do you mean... DB: He is in the air with Morgan. 於是說Morgan接到通知電話. Morgan: Really? The Northtown double? Copy that. Sure, he'll be in custody. 結果電話才剛掛男子忽然清醒了過來, 一陣扭打後持槍對著Morgan跟救護員, 駕駛見狀想按求救鍵 Frank: I swear if you push the bottom I'll put a hole on her. (駕駛收手) Unstrap me. I said unstrap me! (對救護員吼) And don't you move, cop. Morgan: I'm not a cop. Frank: Listen up. I want you all hand me your cells! No! (大家交出手機, Frank把手機丟出窗外, 對駕駛說) You! To South. Fly low. You got it? (駕駛點頭) Morgan: Where are we going? Frank: Mexico. And there is a problem about "we." DB跟小葛越來越擔心... 囧尼: (在現場依然等無Morgan) No, it's over an hour. She should be here now. DB: All right, I'll check it. You still need help? 囧尼: Catherine and Sara finished the court. They're on their way now. DB: Good. (兩人掛電話) 小葛: (坐在敞開的後車廂上) No service on Morgan's cell. DB: (打回警局) Do you see the rescued helicopter already? 警方: Negative. We have been unable to trace them down. DB: Check up with the traffic control. (掛電話) (對小葛說) Maybe they taken the scence route. 凱姐跟羅賓爺爺確認Mad-10兩名死者的狀況, 不是很明白說怎麼Frank殺了兩個人後又被不隻名的人押到沙漠去處決? 凱姐: Frank'll be on hospital soon. I'm sure we'll get all the answers. 氣氛緊繃的直昇機內... Morgan: Who's Samaantha? You might have been dreaming. Frank: I wasn't dreaming. Morgan: She's someone special? 救護員偷偷摸摸的要動作卻被Frank發現 Frank: You! What are you doing? Don't move! (槍口轉向對著他) 救護員: ... Your visual is not compremised! Morgan: Frank, come on. It's not worth it! Frank: (考慮了幾秒) Drug him. I said drug him! You have five seconds. Hurry up! 5- 4- 3- Morgan在救護員慌亂的指示下幫他注射了藥劑 莎拉已經調出了Frank的檔案, 跟凱姐一起檢閱中. Frank在軍隊待過, 是chopper pilot, 年輕時犯案在獄中待了滿長的一段時間, 剛出來不久. 莎拉: So what was he doing there with the two Mad-10s? 凱姐: No idea. His Army file said he had a family before...... Daughther's name is Samatha. And according to the record of the prison, he once got mails from her. That stopped a while. He wrote to ask her letting him know how she's doing. And... (唸最近的信) "since you're asking pictures, here it is." (出示一張Samantha坐在一名男子膝上, 男子舔她 胸口的照片) 莎拉: Well, she grow up. Ouch. 凱姐: I've seen him before... (翻找照片, 發現是囧尼案件死者之一) 莎拉: That's one of the Mad-10s being killed. That explains why he's in the house last night. DB回到警局了, 攔下走廊上的艾禿. DB: Hey, I need to talk to you. 艾禿: What's the problem you need me to deal with now? (繼續往前走) DB: (跟著走) Morgan. 艾禿: Are you coming to complain how she messed up something? DB: (止住腳步, 嚴肅的看著艾禿) Let me talk to you with a second. Morgan is in a helicopter with a suspect which was supposed to land an hour ago. 艾禿: (臉沉了下來) DB: Now, look, this is my team, this is my responsibility. 艾禿: I'm her father. DB: I know, I know. 艾禿: (冷靜下來) You're right. Again you're a supervisor better than I'm a father. DB: (吩咐小葛) All right, we keep working on the case, and we also try to trace the helicopter at the same time. 小葛: (悶悶的) I was supposed to be the CSI on the helicopter. DB: (嘆氣) We really don't have time for this right now. Let's focus on trying to bring her home. DB跟凱姐在看一個影片, 裡面是Samantha. 凱姐: Porn video. DB: She looks druged. So, Chaffery saw this and tried to rescue his daughther. 凱姐: (拿出一堆從Frank住處找到的監視照片) He was tracking the Mad-10s, maybe right after he's out of the prison. 小哈走進來交付一些DNA什麼的報告. 小哈: I had all the guys posting on Facebook, Twitter... saying this: "if you see this, let us know". DB: Good. 小哈: She's a really good CSI. DNA報告顯示較小的那灘血跡屬於Triffany Denvor. 囧尼循線找到醫院, 詢問Triffany那天晚上到底怎麼回事. Triffany: I was just pretending. It's just an accident. They don't want me to be here, really. 囧尼: Who didn't want you to be here? Was it the Mad-10? Triffany: ...They took me out there. 囧尼: I'll protect you, I promised. 但是Triffany看到站在囧尼身後一個滿身刺青的男子後就不敢再說話了 囧尼: (轉身) Can I help? 男子: Sorry, I thought it's my girlfriend's room 囧尼: Yeah, it's your mistake. Beat it. (男子離開) (對Triffany說) Now, if you want us put some cops right in front of your door... Triffany: Get out of here! Get out! DB告訴艾禿說Triffany是用來假扮Samantha讓Frank上當的餌 艾禿: So thsese guys want Frank think that Samatha is dead. The fact those people need to fake it means what? She already died? DB: Or she's still alive but they can't get hands out of her. We need find this girl and let Frank know. 艾禿: How? How can we find her? And how can we let him know? In the meantime, he thinks he witnessed his daughther's death! I can't help but think what it might mean for my daughther. 直昇機上... Frank: She's dead. My daughther, Samantha. You asked. Morgan: What happened? Frank: When she was little, I was a bad guy. I left her. she ended up getting messed with the wrong people. I tried to save her. Morgan: You want a second chance. Frank: Yeah, and it ended up with her get killed. Morgan: A couple weeks ago I finally sat down with my dad for the first time of a long time. Frank: He left when you're little, too? Morgan: When I was 14 he was really messed up with my mom. So she decided to leave and took me to California. He didn't fight for me to stay. If only he ever tried... Frank: That will be fair enough? You forgive him now? Morgan: I finally decide it is worth a shooting. (伸出手包住Frank握著槍的手) Whatever those mistakes we made, we can past that. He's a better man now. We have a second chance. 救護員忽然醒過來撲向Frank, Frank情急之下開了槍. Frank: (救護員腹部大出血) Look what you made me do! Look what you made me do!!! 艾禿辦公室外... 員警: Excuse me, Sir. This woman needs to talk to you. 艾禿: (心煩意亂) This is really not the best time... 女子: I saw on the news about my dad. DB: (抬頭) Samatha. Samatha: I want help. DB: Your father has been on the air two hours now. Samatha: ...I barely know him. 艾禿: You understand that he was trying to rescue you. Samatha: I don't need his help. DB: Samatha, your father understand the you was kind of stucked with some wrong guys. And he was trying to help. Samatha: ... I cleaned up a few years ago. I'm sober. I'm just trying to live quiet. I don't want to have anything to do with him now. (往外走) 艾禿: You know what? My daughther is in the helicopter. Along with an innocient pilot as well as a rescue guy! Samantha: (止步) I know. That's why I came in. Not to help him. I just don't want to see him hurt anyone else. So how can I talk to him? 警方持續的利用直昇機無線電發出訊息, 跟Frank說Samantha沒死要跟他說話 (Frank早就威脅所有人拿掉耳機了) 艾禿: When it comes to Morgan. I got quite good idea about what troubles she may get into... She was 14 and didn't understand the thing her mom and I arguing with. The she was 16 years old, she's all moody. Always too busy for school, too busy for a lot of things. "I'll call you back." Always "I'll call you back." And then she is here... DB: Hey, you know what? This can be a second chance for you guys. 艾禿: It- It just cannot end like this. 忙成一團的CSI小組終於利用沙漠現場的跡證鎖定另一位Mad-10成員: Alexander Zadian. 直昇機上, 受傷的防護員不住呻吟. Frank: Made him shut up! Morgan: Please, Frank. I'll stay with you. Just get him to the hospital! Frank: No! Just made him stop! (賭氣帶上耳機防堵哀嚎聲) (然後終於聽到警方的訊號: Frank Caffery, Samantha is not dead. She wants to talk to you. Please call back.) 警局裡... Frank: This is Frank Caffery. (艾禿跟DB撲向通話機) DB: There's someone here who wanted to talk to you. Samatha: (在DB示意下走過來) Dad? Frank: Samatha? Oh my God I thought you're dead! Samantha: The police told me. That wasn't me, Dad. They also told me you're trying to rescue me. Frank: I tried as hard as I could. Samantha: You remeber that wishing well you told me? Dad? Frank: Yeah? Samantha: Go there, I'll send someone there to help you get out! DB跟艾禿揮手讓員警趕緊把Samatha拉下, 但是已經太遲了. Frank於是要求直昇機駕駛轉向, 直昇機駕駛指出燃料快要不夠了,Frank總之置之不理... DB重新調度人力分配. DB: Greg and I will work on the "wishing well" Samantha implies. You guys working on finding Mad-10s. (莎拉跟囧尼點頭離開) 小葛: Why not just let Frank go? Wouldn't it be safer for Morgan? DB: I don't think so. 小葛: Why? DB: That girl hates her father leaving her away. Now, what's more likely? She wants help him or hurt him? (小葛懂了沉默了) That's the problem. 莎拉囧尼翻出Samantha走入警局前的的監視影像, 發現是有人帶她來的... 囧尼: That's Zadian. 莎拉: She's in the Mad-10. 小葛抓狂了, 衝向被扣押的Samantha揪住她衣領. 小葛: You set them up! You'll get all of them killed! Bitch! Where did you send them? Where! (艾禿跟員警進來把小葛架開) I'll hurt you if she got hurt! I swear! Where did you send them? Samantha: He killed two of us. He needs to pay. 小葛: Where did you send them!? (被拖走) Samantha: (看著艾禿) It's done. DB跟凱姐翻找著所有Frank的照片嘗試找出所謂的許願井, 反正一定是Frank入獄之前的事. DB: Look at the clothing. I've seen it before. (翻翻翻) Here! (找出小Samantha跟Frank的另一張合照) Wild West Village. 凱姐: That's a theme park. It's closed several years ago. 直昇機已經飛近那個廢棄的遊樂園了. Frank: There it is. Right there. (但是遠方的道路上出現箱型車們) Wait! Who is that? Cops? Morgan: (探出頭看) Not cops. (直覺不對對駕駛說) Get us out here. 駕駛: What? Morgan: Now! 但是來不及了, Mad-10的人已經拿出長槍射擊直昇機, 直昇機中彈墜毀在遊樂園裡... 影像回到片頭, Morgan掙扎的爬出直昇機 救護員已經死了, 駕駛也是. 警方的人還在路上, 布拔帶頭, 小葛也開車跟著. 布拔: I got lead. You got it, Sanders? 小葛: Yes. Morgan看到Mad-10的車逼進, 轉頭看到沒死但重傷還拿著槍的Frank. Morgan: Follow me. They're coming. You got to hide. Dude, you got the gun. Come'on! This way! (Morgan拖著Frank躲進一間酒吧陳設的建築物裡) Frank: All right. All right... Morgan: I got you. Let's go. I got you. (兩人匆忙躲好) 外頭, Mad-10總共來了三個人. Morgan: Those guys are your friends? Frank: They're the guys from last night. You think they're here to finish me off? Morgan: Bet you wish you're in Cubb right now. (Frank吠笑一聲) How do they know you're here? Frank: (苦笑) Samanth. (咳嗽) Mad-10 A: (聽到聲響) Man's here. Mad-10 B: Cover the back. 但是警車同時也趕到啦! 雙方交火~~ Morgan: (不清楚怎麼回事只聽到槍聲) Come'on! We have to go! Frank: I can't. I can't. I said I can't! (吼Morgan) I'm sorry. I have nothing left. (把槍交給Morgan) Save yourself, okay? 外頭警方擊斃了兩人, 但另一名Mad-10已經走近了屋子裡, Morgan在遮蔽下開槍將那位仁兄擊斃, 布拔趕進來, 踢開倒下的男人手裡的槍... Morgan: Everything clear outside? 布拔: Yeah. Morgan: He's over here. 帶布拔走回去找Frank, Frank睜著眼死了. Morgan恍恍惚惚的往外走, 看到外頭被擊斃的其餘Mad-10黨羽. 小葛: (衝下車) Morgan, are you hurt? Morgan: You still owe me one. (繼續往前走) 艾禿: (跑過來) Morgan. Are you... Morgan: I'm fine. Dad. (父女倆激動但僵硬的擁抱) I just want to get out here. 艾禿: Yeah. Morgan: (看向後面的DB) Can we go? DB: Sure. Morgan越過艾禿走向DB, DB帶著她走向警車, DB: You're going to be okay. (背後小葛跟艾禿都還在原地擔心的看著) Morgan: I'm fine. (沉默往前走, 然後終於哭了出來, 邊走邊啜泣) DB: You're goind to be okay. You're going to be okay. 本集心得: 1) A lot of times, there are just no second chance. 艾禿你有讓我飆淚了一下, 好好把握你的第二次機會吧! 可憐的Frank跟布拔一樣連第二次機會都沒有的啊!!! 2) 小葛乖(摸頭) 話說我還以為小葛抓狂完艾禿會巴Samantha一掌還是烙個狠話的哩... 做老闆的可能比較容易內傷? 3) 這幾集國外版友普遍好評居多的樣子, 特別是很多人是拿來跟Langstan-era比較......(笑) 4) 我說這次算不算是囧尼囧功發威? 畢竟最起頭是他要找支援的... 萬聖節又要到了, 囧瓜可以準備出沒囉~~ XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/21 02:04, , 1F
10/21 02:04, 1F

10/21 03:41, , 2F
比較是一定的 風格差距頗大 推囧瓜 XDD
10/21 03:41, 2F

10/21 03:49, , 3F
10/21 03:49, 3F

10/21 09:01, , 4F
10/21 09:01, 4F

10/21 09:03, , 5F
囧瓜也是需要新梗的...不能一直拿隔壁棚兄弟來玩啊 XD
10/21 09:03, 5F

10/21 09:03, , 6F
10/21 09:03, 6F

10/21 09:03, , 7F
不過這集我們已經看到小葛的春天了 XDDDDDD
10/21 09:03, 7F

10/22 22:45, , 8F
可是 我懷疑Morgan喜歡囧尼耶 @_@ 而且小葛要安慰他時
10/22 22:45, 8F

10/22 22:46, , 9F
Morgan表情很冷淡Orz 小葛熱臉貼冷屁股阿
10/22 22:46, 9F

10/23 00:45, , 10F
我覺得Morgan不是冷淡耶 她是受到驚嚇了
10/23 00:45, 10F

10/23 00:45, , 11F
10/23 00:45, 11F

10/23 00:47, , 12F
Morgan 很正~~(心)
10/23 00:47, 12F

10/23 03:53, , 13F
10/23 03:53, 13F

10/23 06:32, , 14F
我覺得Morgan有興趣的比較像是囧尼, 但是對小葛冷淡應該是
10/23 06:32, 14F

10/23 06:33, , 15F
10/23 06:33, 15F

10/23 11:49, , 16F
這集好看 不過囧尼你的囧功也太可怕 請支援也會發生事XD
10/23 11:49, 16F

10/23 19:30, , 17F
10/23 19:30, 17F

10/24 05:07, , 18F
飛機上救護人員和機師很可憐...感覺是間接被Morgan害死的= =a
10/24 05:07, 18F

10/24 06:01, , 19F
10/24 06:01, 19F

10/24 12:36, , 20F
10/24 12:36, 20F

10/24 23:04, , 21F
.樓上好繞口, 進版畫面的囧瓜超親切的~~ XD
10/24 23:04, 21F

10/24 23:05, , 22F
機組兩人真的滿雖的, 不過說到底應該還是Samantha害的吧/
10/24 23:05, 22F

10/25 01:22, , 23F
10/25 01:22, 23F

10/25 15:23, , 24F
個人覺得這集不錯看 Morgan滿會演的阿飛機上2人滿無辜.
10/25 15:23, 24F

10/25 18:18, , 25F
10/25 18:18, 25F

10/25 19:26, , 26F
Samantha 是 Frank(劫匪) 的女兒.
10/25 19:26, 26F

10/25 20:09, , 27F
10/25 20:09, 27F

10/29 00:16, , 28F
10/29 00:16, 28F

10/30 01:16, , 29F
10/30 01:16, 29F

11/02 17:39, , 30F
11/02 17:39, 30F

11/05 14:41, , 31F
11/05 14:41, 31F

11/05 14:41, , 32F
11/05 14:41, 32F

11/08 07:27, , 33F
推"剩Archie說.."XDD 艾禿這季戲份好多,可以分給女兒變
11/08 07:27, 33F

11/08 07:28, , 34F
11/08 07:28, 34F

11/29 02:42, , 35F
11/29 02:42, 35F

12/19 01:04, , 36F
他x的...摩根真的應驗了"紅顏禍水"這句話 有夠賽的~
12/19 01:04, 36F

12/19 01:05, , 37F
12/19 01:05, 37F

12/19 01:06, , 38F
"下輩子把你的槍看好 別被別人給搶了~" 唉... = =a
12/19 01:06, 38F

03/11 17:22, , 39F
Samantha超賤... Morgan最後從忍住到大哭 好感人Q_Q
03/11 17:22, 39F
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