[劇情] CSI: NY 801 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/09/25 07:33), 編輯推噓19(19019)
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美國進度雷~~ 本集重點: 1) Claire 2) 911 片頭, 一滴血落入水槽中, 原來是包子大刮鬍子弄傷自己啦~~ XD Claire出現在包子大身後 Claire: Hello, 911. My husband seems to have a self-erasion ceremony. I don't know, it's probably be inspired by some weekends movies...(走到包子大旁邊小聲說: She wants to know if you are good-looking) White guy, questionable sex-orientation, okay, thank you~~ Claire問包子大說怎麼忽然在整理儀容, 包子大說因為晚上要去看歌劇. Claire: Who are you going with to the opera? 包子大: John from the Rubbery Squash. Can you pass me the towel? Claire: John? How come I never heard this guy? 包子大: Can you pass me the towel? Claire: ... Now you're telling me that. (包子大: Turn around.) Claire轉身, 才看到毛巾架前的漱口杯裡放著兩張票 Claire: (笑) Nicely down. 包子大: John will be very disappointed. Claire: (轉身, 幫包子大擦掉耳朵下方沾到的刮鬍泡) What would you do without me? 時間回到現在, 包子大正在準備出門, 自己看著鏡子擦掉了多餘的刮鬍泡. 收音機: ... to the victims and our heroes of the day. We will never forget. 亞當在辦公室走著走進辦公室裡. 亞當: I need your signature on this, Boss... (辦公室沒人) Jo: (從後方出現) I told you not to call me that. 亞當: Well, your signature is needed on the bottom of this. My bigger boss. My inter boss! I'm gonna to call you that. Jo: Let's not now. Untill Sinclair feels the maximum, that, will still be on my table (拿出包子大的名牌: Detective Mac Taylor) (電話響接電話) Jo Denvile. 丹尼: Hey, Jo. It's Danny! 丹尼跟Jo報告案件, 某酒吧員工在酒吧前的台階被射殺, 之後酒吧內發生搶案. Jo: Anybody in custody? 丹尼: So far we're still looking. Jo: Is Flack there? 丹尼: Yes, he's questioning the owner now. 弗帥在作筆記中 老闆: ... sometimes a friend stop by. I don't see a problem with that. They didn't have to kill him. I mean, they got what they want, right? 弗帥: How much money they took? 老闆: 25 hundred, I guess. I need to check with the bartender to know the exact number. 弗帥: Bartender? Where is she? 老闆: She left before that happened. I called her. She was on her way back. 包子大在公車上, 報紙標題是"A decade of mourning" 包子大看到一個戴著耳機在聽歌的女生, 陷入回憶裡... 911那天包子大跟Claire是一起搭公車上班的, Claire跟包子大一人一邊耳機分享了一首歌, 包子大下車後Claire還靠在窗邊扮鬼臉跟包子大揮手告別. 回到案件, 霍克葛格跟蒙大拿來現場拍照蒐證 門廊牆壁上有抹過的血痕不知道是誰留下來的. 酒吧裡弗帥在詢問酒保Dale... 弗帥: I need you to calm down, okay? Dale: ...I should walk back to the bar and said something. 弗帥: Tell me about what you saw. Dale: I was about to leave, and I saw those guys. They're talking to each other and seems like planning something. I was not about to pass them. So I just turned and left... All I have to do is go back and say something. 弗帥: How did they look like? Dale: White guy and black gut. 6 feet, both maybe? ... 丹尼: (走過來) Shane usually closed the doors, right? Dale: Yeah. 丹尼: Then why you think he'll let those guys in? Dale: I- I don't know. Shane smoked. So you know he always go out to smoke cigrattes... 弗帥: All right, Dale. Thank you. 丹尼: Makes sense though. Shane got out for a smoke break. Bumped into those guys and then got shut? 弗帥: Yeah. But he should blocked the door by then, right? 包子大人在Piper laboratory裡面, 邊跑軟體邊有個女生不住打量他. 包子大: What? 女生: What? 包子大: ...You can ask me whatever you want to ask me. 女生: You lost your wife on 911, right? 包子大: Yes, I did. 女生: Did they... 包子大: No, they never identify her. 女生: Did she... 包子大: Claire. Her name is Claire. The victimes, they have names, they are not just DNA profiles. (一陣尷尬的沉默)     I'm sorry. I didn't mean... 女生: Okay... Is that why you're here to help for identfication? 包子大: No, I am here to help developing a new technique because one hundred and one thousands of victims still remained unidentified. Those families have no closures, and I know what how that feels like... So why are you here? 女生: ...I honestly don't know anymore. I joined the lab January on 2010. And ever since then, I identified only one victim. One. In all one and half years. 包子大: If you saw the family of the one you identified. You will never question that. 包子大抬頭, 看到牆上的時鐘指著九點鐘 911那天九點, 包子大人原來是正在詢問一名犯人的, 忽然發現外面警局裡一陣騷動, 於是包子大叫個員警看住犯人後出去看怎麼回事. 警局的電視正播著第一架飛機撞上大樓的畫面... 包子大: (電話響) Claire! Claire: I am okay. I got out. 包子大: Where are you? Okay. Keep going out of town. Claire: There are people there... 包子大: Just head out to Church street. I know you want to help. Listen to me. Just get away as far as you can...     (電視畫面傳來撞擊聲, 包子大轉頭看到第二架飛機撞上大樓)     Clare? Clare! Clare! Jo帶著某個似乎是候補人選的傢伙在局裡"參觀" 亞當不開心的在座位上邊偷看邊碎碎唸配音 亞當: ...Well, I am just so sorry, Sir. You're not really suitable for this job. What? Sinclare? That's a problem, yeah. Well, I tell you, it's because somehow he believed that Mac is not gonna coming back... 蒙大拿: (出現在門邊好笑的看著亞當) There is a serious problem with you,     Adam. 亞當: Oh, hey! How long you've been there? 蒙大拿: Let's say for a while. Jo: (送客進電梯後又回來) So how's the case? 蒙大拿: The prints we collected from the doorway belongs to our victim Shane Peterson. The prints from the bar inside are not helpful. 霍克葛格: Sid is going to take out the bullet soon... 亞當: (電腦逼了起來) Who is the man! Ha! (其他三人瞪他)    ...The cellphone those people rubbed. I traced them down! 霍克葛格: Aren't they supposedly turned that down first? 亞當: They were. But as the man... dig deeper and you'll find out that you can remotely turn them on! I got the location! 於是說丹尼跟弗帥衝去那個地點抓人, 弗帥在嫌犯A準備拿槍前走倒了他, 丹尼跟嫌犯B打成一團後來有員警幫忙. 弗帥: You are all right? 丹尼: Yeah. (拿起床上贓物堆中的手機) Technology! 弗帥: Yeah, I love it. 弗帥回到局裡, Jo來了解狀況. 弗帥: We got props, money, phones. All clear. Jo: Nice work! How about motivation? 弗帥: The room is still in processing. But it shouldn't be too difficult. The white guy is Mike Blake. And, the black guy's name is Mike White. His street name is Black Mike. Jo: (挑眉) ... I'll take Black Mike. 弗帥: Then I got Mike Blake. (看到Jo皺眉) The white guy. Don't think    about that. Trust me. 弗帥跟Mike Blake面對面~~ 弗帥: I can't imagine you're doing a thing that you cannot imagine yourself doing. So how's the feeling rubbing money and killing a guy? Mike Blake: I know what you're doing here. You come in saying that I killed someone but you're actually trying to trick me to admit the rubbery. 弗帥: ... You are truly intiminated. Mike. (拿出Shane的死亡照片) Black Mike: (把照片推開) That wasn't us. Jo: Then who will be, come'on! This guy died right after you guys rubbed the place! Black Mike: I don't know who shut the guy. It's not me or Mike. Look, Mike called and said he needs help. Said that there will be a lot of cash inside. Jo: How do you know? Black Mike: I don't know. All I know is when we got there, the door is open! 弗帥跟Jo討論案情 弗帥: It's either they're perfect liars, or I don't know how good I am about the job anymore. Jo: ... Mike and Mike seem sining the same song now. (看到霍克葛格走來)   Please tell me you got the evidence. 霍克葛格: I got the evidence. But... we checked both guns found in the room. Didn't match the bullet put from Shane Peterson's body. 包子大進入一家早餐店, 找一位老頭Joe 包子大: You should pick the message. I called three times this morning. Joe: You're persistent. Son of a bitch. (兩人打招呼) 包子大: I was... I was calling to see if you need me bring the event pass. Joe: I already got that. 包子大: ... so this is where you guys usually having breakfast together? Joe: Yeah. Every Saturday morning. ...I tried to remember his voice.    Then somebody passed by, and I realized it's not like the past    anymore. But this is how I want to remember him. 包子大: ... You're coming, right? Feel like I found a friend of life. Joe: I know, feels like that we really helped people that day to live. 包子大: All those charasmetic, charming cops or firefighters gathering together and built up something we'll never forget. 包子大走進消防局裡找信, 拿了crime lab的東西後, 發現給Joe的信封, 打開才發現裡面就是Joe的event pass... 包子大嘆了口氣, 看到走過的消防員, 想到911那天他殺到現場以後看著大樓倒下, 忙著往後跑並協助掩護路上的其他普通人的事. Jo在Faneli Cafe裡, 抬頭看到垃圾車經過, 車頂冒著黑煙. 911那天Jo也隔著窗戶看著黑煙, 辦公室裡所有人亂成一團. Jo: (接電話) Mom, thank God! Where are you? Okay... I want you to pick up the kids, and then take them to your house. Yes, your house. I won't be able to be down for a while. I know the kids will be safer. No, I don't know what happened. All I know is that we're being attacked. 包子大出現在Jo旁邊. 包子大: Jo. Jo: Hey, you okay? 包子大: Yeah. Hey. Jo: Thank you for seeing me and taking the trip downtown. 包子大: No. Thank you for saving me the trip up there. Jo: Well, based on the situation now it's you saved me times to deal with the cases. 包子大: Last time I called you it sounds like it all wrapped up? Jo: It is back then. We got guns, suspects, and money. Now they denied   homocide. And we don't have the gun firing that bullet. We don't have the evidence... (包子大忽然笑出來) What? 包子大: Nothing. I was just thinkin how clean the desk must be now since it's your desk now. Jo: No. I'm the inter boss. It's still your desk! Although you should see Adam's face when I moved some things around. We both know that I'm just keeping it for you until you're back. 包子大: I'm not coming back, Jo. Jo: Okay, I'll believe you when the "come time" is come. Somebody has to take the damn boss away. 包子大: Thanks. See you there. (Jo轉身離開) Hi, Jo? Jo: ? 包子大: Measure twice, cut once. Jo: I know. I know. We got pictures and all others. Answer is there   somewhere. Jo回到實驗室後進行射擊濺射試驗. Jo: (拿血跡印結果問蒙大拿和霍克葛格) Tell me the differences by simply looking at them? 蒙大拿: ... this one is more flat? Jo: That's what it looks like right after the shooting. Now look at the picture we took from the crime scene. 霍克葛格: This one looks more like the other print there... Jo: It's 10 minuted later's print. Just about the time the pups walked out the bar. 霍克葛格: Which means someone left the bar immediately after Shane got shut. Jo: So we know Shane will open the door under three possibilities: to let someone he knew in. To get a smoke break. Or, to let someone leave... Jo跟弗帥等在酒吧對街, 丹尼的警車開近... Jo: Are you sure she's coming? 丹尼: She's not in the house. And witness said she's on her way here. 弗帥看到丹尼警察制服上的Messer名牌, 回想911那天... 那時灰頭土臉的弗帥正扶著一名受傷的女子前往急救站. 弗帥: You need a rest. Sit here. It's okay. You'll be okay. 此時丹尼矇著口鼻往弗帥他們剛剛走來的方向衝... 弗帥: Hey! Buddy! you can't come down there! 丹尼: It's okay! It's part of my job! 弗帥: Okay. What's your name? 丹尼: Messer. Danny Messer. Listen... 弗帥: Listen. You can't go down there! 丹尼: No! There are... 弗帥: They were all gone. They were all gone. (丹尼愣住)    She felt very bad and I really need help to bring her to safer place, okay? 丹尼的聲音打斷弗帥的回憶 丹尼: It's game time! There she is! (對接酒保正接近酒吧中) My work here is done. Good luck! Jo: (看著車開走) Don't be late! At lab on 4:45. Joe在溜狗, 回到家卻看到包子大坐在他家門階上 包子大: Joe... (出示Joe的event pass) You were there that day. It won't be the same if I stand there without you. Joe: (嘆氣) Mac, I was standing there merely for the families. 包子大: I know that. I don't think I ever saw a more selfishless man before. But sometimes you need to find the way to let go of your own pain. Joe: ... You lost your wife. I lost my son. There is just no good way to let go of that... 包子大: We were both down there, Joe. Seeking, searching and hoping. When we first met, I remembered you told me how moved you were. You said you remembered all those faces. And how everyone there gathering together to help someone get out. It inspired you to channeled your pain for so much good. Celebreate that. Share that. You said you stand there for families. You are one of the families. (遞上pass) Guess you will change your heart? Joe: (擁抱包子大) I won't. But thank you. I thought Clare will be there with you. Jo跟弗帥面質Dale. Dale最終承認她是Mike們的內應, 她是那個應該要幫忙開門的人, 但是Shane說要送她出去, 走到門邊看到Mike們衝過來時, 她慌了, 阻止了Shane要關門的動作, Shane還在疑惑中就被Mike們打昏了一下. 之後Dale在外面等著, 準備等Mike們離開後打電話報警, 結果卻先對上了搖搖晃晃爬起來很疑惑的Shane, 於是她就這樣開槍了... 槍是Mike Blake給她"以防萬一"的, 然後她幫忙的原因是她欠Mike Blake錢, 而且Mike Blake跟她保證過沒有人會受傷...... Dale: I will never forget Shane's face... Jo: Especially you'll remember that an innicient man died today for no good reason all the rest of your life. Dale: What do you mean? What's today? 席德大叔收攤了, 在一具John Doe的名牌上寫下日期09/11/2011 畫面切到911那天, 席德大叔剛寫完一個名牌09/11/2001, 就又馬上去處理傷患, 霍克葛格也在臨時急救中心裡忙著照顧傷者. 包子大跟兩個消防員抬著一個消防員進來, 已經來不及了, 兩個消防員脫下了頭盔, 包子大執著死者的手輕聲唸著禱詞 包子大: ...May you rest in peace. 席德大叔跟霍克葛格都換好裝了 Jo: (換好裝拿著花走出辦公室, 看到還在調整領帶的弗帥) You ever seen   Danny? 弗帥: He's on his way up. Jo: (伸手幫弗帥調整) We know each other about a year now, Flack. I never   tell you that. But I want you know that you're one hell good detective. 弗帥: (笑) Thanks, Jo. Inter boss. Adam got that! 蒙大拿換好衣服要離開他們的辦公室, 亞當還手忙腳亂繫不好領帶~~ 蒙大拿: Do you need a hand? 亞當: No, no, I got that. (繼續手忙腳亂) 蒙大拿: (看不下去還是去幫忙) By the time you finished it, there are 20 ceremonies done already. 亞當: Ha... thanks! 外頭丹尼來了~~ 丹尼: Where is Adam and... what's her name? (笑, 對走廊盡頭的兩人揮手)    Hey! Babe, let's move! 蒙大拿繼續和亞當的領帶奮鬥... 亞當: Can I tell you something? 蒙大拿: Sure! 亞當: I slept through it. 蒙大拿: Through what? 亞當: 911. (蒙大拿愣了一下) I actually never told anyone of that before. I am emberrassed. Everyone is asking me "where are you?" And... I lied. I told them I was on my way to school and then saw the news on TV. Or when the towers went down, I was on the roof of a building like here. And I just couldn't believe my eye. The truth is that I slept. You know, couples of beers with friend the night before... I have to wake up, still. But by then the entire world is changed. I woke up at 5:00 am next day and I went downstairs. I just can't believe the emergency lights are there flashed nearly 24 hours already... 蒙大拿: Then you joined back to the game immediately? 亞當: Yeah. 蒙大拿: Me, too. 亞當: ...I thought you were in Montana? 蒙大拿: I was. I saw that on TV and felt totally useless. I want to help. Then I heard that truck go across countries and people can just join. So I jumped to one of the trucks. And then arrive here next day. So we're about on the same time line. Strange thing that I never knew you there. 亞當: (微笑) Jo: (在走廊上喊) Let's go. You two. We don't want to be late! Memorial wall現場, 包子大在台上致詞... 包子大: To be in the heart of something so important, it's my honor.     To know that we contribute a little bit to so many who lost so much... They were in our heart forever. Many of us are affected in some ways or another that day. We paused. We prayed... I met some trully remarkable people. (抬頭看到Joe出現, 微笑)     As we attempted to heal our broken heart, please remember, here are people united together not only because of our grieve, but also our stands as a family. 結束後, 包子大來到海邊, 拿出那兩張歌劇票, 把票送進海水裡... *本集最後場景是 The Brooklyn Wall of Memorial 本集心得: 1) 案件就算了...比本店還無聊... 2) 弗帥的頭髮跟丹尼的警察制服都滿讓人灑小花的~~(樂) 3) Jo姐姐依然讓人很開心! 4) 包子大心酸的啊...再加上911 memorial wall真是太犯規了(含淚) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/25 08:16, , 1F
09/25 08:16, 1F

09/25 10:20, , 2F
09/25 10:20, 2F

09/25 10:52, , 3F
笨當剪頭髮有好看啦,可是更顯得癡肥 XDDDDD
09/25 10:52, 3F

09/25 10:52, , 4F
他的小宇宙被麥瑟太太發現了 XDDDD
09/25 10:52, 4F

09/25 10:59, , 5F
Jaime Ray Newman好正....整集只注意到她XD
09/25 10:59, 5F

09/25 15:49, , 6F
09/25 15:49, 6F

09/25 15:50, , 7F
09/25 15:50, 7F

09/25 15:51, , 8F
09/25 15:51, 8F

09/25 16:01, , 9F
09/25 16:01, 9F

09/25 18:52, , 10F
這集就是為了911十周年拍的阿...要歡樂很難吧 囧
09/25 18:52, 10F

09/25 19:31, , 11F
09/25 19:31, 11F

09/25 22:58, , 12F
09/25 22:58, 12F

09/25 22:59, , 13F
09/25 22:59, 13F

09/25 23:00, , 14F
09/25 23:00, 14F

09/25 23:08, , 15F
09/25 23:08, 15F

09/26 00:03, , 16F
超沈重的一集 最後那些照片是真的吧?!
09/26 00:03, 16F

09/26 00:24, , 17F
不過這對夫妻真的是閃死人 我在公車上的話應該會受不了XD
09/26 00:24, 17F

09/26 00:33, , 18F
09/26 00:33, 18F

09/26 00:33, , 19F
09/26 00:33, 19F

09/26 01:15, , 20F
Claire是之前演Drop Dead Diva的Vannesa,我一直覺得她
09/26 01:15, 20F

09/26 01:15, , 21F
09/26 01:15, 21F

09/26 01:25, , 22F
最後的照片應該就是the Brooklyn Wall的真實樣子無誤~~
09/26 01:25, 22F

09/26 01:26, , 23F
雖然很沉重, 不過我個人跟j大一樣很前面開始就狂哭(囧")_
09/26 01:26, 23F

09/26 03:13, , 24F
09/26 03:13, 24F

09/26 03:13, , 25F
不過最後包子到海邊去憑弔 & move on 也不錯啦,
09/26 03:13, 25F

09/26 03:14, , 26F
只是可惜現在 Ground Zero 是工地,不然可以呼應1x1片尾
09/26 03:14, 26F

09/26 09:17, , 27F
09/26 09:17, 27F

09/26 22:09, , 28F
09/26 22:09, 28F

09/26 22:10, , 29F
They were all gone (人全都死了) 丹尼的表情才會那麼悲慟
09/26 22:10, 29F
謝謝~~耳包出很大! 啊哈哈~~

09/26 23:21, , 30F
我.......覺得這集很無聊也~囧 除了宅當在那邊碎碎念除外
09/26 23:21, 30F
以案件而言很虛沒錯啊~~911本身倒是...恩...確實是無法忘懷的事吧? 話說我今年暑假要上飛機的前一晚看到CNN報說賓拉登擊斃時心情是一整個複雜啊...

09/27 00:30, , 31F
09/27 00:30, 31F

09/27 00:31, , 32F
09/27 00:31, 32F

09/27 00:31, , 33F
09/27 00:31, 33F

09/27 00:31, , 34F
09/27 00:31, 34F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (09/27 09:14)

09/27 12:39, , 35F
我也是一直掉淚的看完阿~還意偷偷地XD 上班午休時間看的XD
09/27 12:39, 35F

09/27 20:59, , 36F
911太讓人落淚了QQ 宅當好胖XDDDD希望之後案件能精彩些~
09/27 20:59, 36F
修改一下新注音陷害我的錯這樣~~ XD ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (09/27 23:28)

09/30 21:42, , 37F
09/30 21:42, 37F

10/03 03:23, , 38F
10/03 03:23, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1EVcZ7ln (CSI)