[劇情] CSI: LV 1121 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/05/08 15:11), 編輯推噓13(1309)
留言22則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
好累, 趕快收一收好不好? 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 烤魚小爆走, 囧尼義氣相挺, 女王很無奈... 片頭, Haskell切開一塊派, Haskell: Backed brit and raspberry preserves is the eye on the life of the pallete. Phil: Well, my wife not only shine on stage. I told you, the best resteraunt in LA can have her as a position. Gloria: Oh, Phil. He has much higher opinions on my cooking than I do. Tina: It's really nice for you to invite us over. Since, well, Will and I moved to town, we have hard time meeting people. Phil: Now you have Gloria and I. Haskell: Now, for the drink, you have to allow the guest to do something. Phil: Oh, well, it's not a school night, huh? Gloria: I don't have to drive. (兩人遞出酒杯) Thank you. Haskell: Thanks. Haskell背對著三人, 在Phil和Gloria的酒杯裡下了藥. Phil跟Gloria開始昏昏欲睡. Phil: Oh, I should skip the wine for dinner. Tina: Oh, that's a beautiful ring. Gloria: Thank you. Phil has really good taste. Haskell: Tell me, Gloria, how did you meet your husband? Gloria: Oh, that's one of those crazy stories. A blind date to meet in the evening. Phil and I eventually learned that we're not the ones the date company tried to set up. Haskell: Then how about Ray? How did you meet Ray? Gloria僵住, Phil搖搖晃晃的起身 Phil: Who are you? How did you know... Haskell拿起酒瓶往Phil敲了下去, Tina一把搶下Gloria的戒指, Phil倒地, 直接撞碎玻璃桌面 Gloria: No!!!!! LA遠方的Vegas, 烤魚從夢中驚醒. 烤魚淋浴的畫面切成Haskell淋浴的畫面, 他的身上滿是鮮血. 烤魚坐回床邊, 電話響起. 凱姐: Ray, cops found the body. John Doe. 烤魚: Haskell? 凱姐: Looks like his work from the crime scene. 烤魚: Where? 凱姐: LA. 烤魚跟凱姐到了LA. 凱姐: Detective Salza? Salza: Who's asking? 凱姐: Catherine Willows, Las Vegas Crime Lab. This is Ray Langston. Thank you for calling us. Salza: I didn't. If it's not me, I hope you didn't waste the trip. Hey, Brodi! Vegas is here. Willows. Lagston. Enjoy. Brodi: Welcome to LA. Another hour, I have to get my breakfast. 凱姐: You always eat in your crime scene? Brodi: I always keep it in my kit. Especially I know there would be someone who needs a sharing. (拿出一隻老鼠) They do love peanut butter, and they really love him. (指指屍體) Sorry, buddy. You're the evidence. 烤魚: (烤近垃圾箱) Excuse me. Significant biting trace. Brodi: Little guy is hungry. 凱姐: T.O.D.? Brodi: 72 hours ago. Here. 凱姐: Looks like 12 sharp injuries? 烤魚: All post murder. Brodi: We got to look up Nate Haskell, which is why we called you guys. 凱姐: But last of his victim is 10 stabs. 烤魚: No. Nate Haskell considered me as the 11th victim, even though he didn't stab me 11 times. 凱姐: Thanks for holding the crime scene, Brodi. 烤魚: We're gonna to need to turn him in. 屍體一翻過來, 烤魚臉色變了, 想起他跟Phil上次見面的情形. Phil: Excuse me, are you Ray? 烤魚: Yes, you are? Phil: I'm the guy who's going to marry your wife. Salza帶著LA警方前往Phil的住處. Salza: All clear. (跟凱姐看著滿地血跡) I'll call SID. 凱姐: (轉頭看到烤魚走進來) Ray. I don't think you should be here. Salza: Listen, I'll get a car to take you downtown. (此時烤魚看到桌面上一個跟上一個一模一樣的禮物盒, 衝過去拿) Hello! That's evidence! 凱姐: Ray, what are you doing? 烤魚: (打開盒子, 裡面是一張LA明信片, 景點Willoughby Observatory) (烤魚把明信片翻到背面: You never forget your first.) (盒子裡還有一張揉亂的Gloria in excelsis deo的樂譜) (樂譜裡包著Gloria的戒指) 凱姐: (沉默的拍了拍烤魚) 在Vegas, 小葛電話連線凱姐. 小葛: Condo security company gave us access to the survillance files. The time span period is 8:37. Metadata says it's from three nights ago. I got Gloria and Phil coming home but somebody else leaving in their car. 凱姐: There is no sign of Gloria or Phil? Salza: Maybe they're drunk. 凱姐: Greg, can you get us a better look? 小葛: (放大左側後照鏡的影像) Wow. 凱姐: Tina Vincent. Salza: Who? 凱姐: Latest bride of Haskell. (嘆氣) Is there a passanger? 小葛: This angle is not helping us. Maybe this will. (倒帶影像) (放大一個柱子上的反射鏡內的影像) Look at the front house. 凱姐: It's him. It's Haskell. Salza: You said he changed the face. 凱姐: We were wrong. Salza: So as wrong about wasting the trip, huh? 凱姐: Greg, LAPD offered their full cooperation. Asking them about the traffic cams and see if you can following the car. 小葛: Copy that. Salza: You got my cooperation. Just don't forget, it's still my city. 凱姐很無奈, 轉頭看到烤魚僵在一邊看著Brodi蒐證, 凱姐走過去. 烤魚: He gained their trust, Catherine, as usual. 凱姐: We'll find him, Ray. And we'll find Gloria. 烤魚: Three days and three nights, hearing no words. None. Haskell's worst. What he did to his victims. It's already been 72 hours, I bet she's already gone. 凱姐: We'll see what evidence says. 烤魚: I don't think I can do this, boss. 凱姐: I'll call Sara. Let the car take you back to the airport. 烤魚: Thanks. 烤魚坐在車裡, 車沿著海岸線走著, 烤魚回想他跟Haskell的交手(還在學校時的連線訪談) 烤魚: Let's talk about something you enjoy, your fisrt kill. Haskell: Your never forget your first. But, I think it's a little intimated for the stage of our relationship. 烤魚: Tell us your definition about fun. Haskell: Fun is taking away something from somebody. 回想上次的案件的錄影帶 Haskell: Oh, Ray, there is moral in this story. 烤魚: Officer, do you mind pull over here? 開車員警: Sir? 烤魚: Officer, there is a bar over here. I want to have some drinks before I head to the plane. 開車員警: Flight is within an hour. 烤魚: There are flights to Vegas every hour. I can take the next one. Look, you're welcome to join me. 開車員警: I'm on duty, sir. I'll wait for you outside. 烤魚坐在吧台, 打了一通電話. 烤魚: Hey, it's Ray. I know you're working. I didn't expect you to answer, but you really are the one I can talk to. The only person I think can fully understands. At lease I hope you'll understand when I've done what I have to do. In a while I have to make choices, live with the consequences. The only person I have ever loved is dead. 鏡頭轉到Las Vegas, 羅賓爺爺正在跟囧尼一起聽著這留言. 烤魚: And now, there is only one thing left I needed to do. Goodbye, Al. 莎拉在Phil公寓採證. 莎拉: The residue from the glass. They were druged. If Haskell is playing his old trick, it's probably XXXXX. 凱姐: I'll let the LA lab run it. Did you meet SID Brodi? 莎拉: Yeah, she seems familiar. 凱姐: So I found blood in the shower. Looks like Haskell has been cleaned up. 莎拉: Right. And I have to process this gift. I'll do as soon as I can. 凱姐: Okay. 莎拉走道Brodi旁邊. Brodi: This likes high blood prosity to you? 莎拉: Yes, it does. Corp report suggested Phil XXX is strangled. Probably he's untied. Brodi: Head trauma first, 12 stabs post death. I don't see any causes of this. 莎拉: Gun shuts, maybe? Tina Vincent shut two people in Vegas. I only hope it's not our Grace. Brodi: You hear that? 莎拉: What? Brodi: (在血跡處檢起一隻蒼蠅) Megacillias Drosophilas. Little bugs crowding our crime scene. No gun shut. They painted the wall. 莎拉: So, Haskell's M.O. Killed the man, dumped the body, and kill the woman alive. (發現切派刀) Blood and tissue. Post murder stabs, anyone? Brodi: The flies aren't the only artist in this room. Phil Baker is hit on the head, stranggled. 莎拉: Stabbed post murder. Brodi: Let us paint. Body as the brush, dragged it to play Picaso. 莎拉: You're thinking all those blood came from just one source. (Brodi點頭) Haskell wants Lengaten to feel horrible for what happenes in this room. Brodi: He wants to get inside his head. Salza: (走進來對凱姐說) Hey, your boy Sanders tracked down Baker's car. Dumped in K-town. Blood in the trunk. 凱姐: We have no Glorida? Salza: We're heading. I got my guy serching around the parking lot all the area, but you made the search party yourself. Ray Lagston didn't go to the airport, and this morning a bullet on the shut back said he is dangerous. Tell me he's not armed. 烤魚在一家槍枝販賣店中... 烤魚: I don't want any serial number. 老闆: Hey! I'm a respectable owner here! 烤魚: Is that respectable enough for you? (拿出一疊鈔票) I also need a laptop. 老闆: Guess it's for jobs. Let me take a look at the back. 烤魚拿起明信片查看, 發現一張跟Haskell留的一樣的, 老闆走了出來, 拿著一台筆電跟包在紙袋裡的槍. 老闆: You can have the post for free. (烤魚查看槍枝) Is it good enough for you? 烤魚: I'll need a fill to the laptop. 老闆: Five more bills. 烤魚: Sold. 老闆: No negotiate. Well, I like that. Hey, Willoughby Observatory, it's the best view in town. 凱姐: Nicky, I need you in LA. I can't find Ray. He's not answering his phone. I'm worried. 囧尼: Yeah, I know. He called the doc. He didn't sound really good. He sounds like he's in a dark place. 凱姐: We all be somewhere. Just get over here. 囧尼: Okay, I'm on my way. (掛電話) I'll find this ass. 凱姐走進Brodi跟莎拉工作中的辦公室 Brodi: We opened Gloria's social network page, found she was tagged in a friend's photo. 莎拉: We now know where Gloria and Phil met Haskell and Tina. It was a benefit concert four nights ago. Gloria was the main instruction. Gloria and Phil invited Haskell and Tina for drinks the next night. 凱姐: (看著照片下方描述文字裡Haskell的假名)Willoughby J. Willoughby. Is that supposed to be some kind of joke? 莎拉: Another Haskell's riddles maybe? 凱姐: But the post card left in crime scene is in Willoghby Canyan with an observatory on it. 莎拉: So what is he trying to say? 凱姐: I don't know. Something about Willoughby? Or something LA mystery? Brodi: Oh, don't look at me. I always do better in science. 莎拉: You know, we do know somebody who's in both. 小葛跟莎拉凱姐連線 小葛: Willoughby J. Willoughby, was a wealthy alley benefictor. He made his fourtune by shipping, but the boco money comes from laundry benefit. 凱姐: So wha't the benefit part? 莎拉: Trying to clean up the zat. 小葛: Yeah, it didn't last. Because in 1983, he shut his wife on the head during an argument. 凱姐: Attacking on his wife. I think I starting to get the joke. The post card. The ring. Gloria in excelsis deo. Haskell wants Ray to come out to play. 莎拉: So, some kind of an invitation. 凱姐: It's a real one and we're going to crush it. Greg, I want to know everything about Willoughby J. Willoughby. Working magic. 小葛: I'll do my best. 另一邊的烤魚也在做同樣的事, 找上一間The Penwick Hotel. 烤魚站在旅館塊, 發現Tina拿著一包東西走來, Tina看到烤魚開始逃竄, 烤魚拿著槍追了上去. Tina走過一個轉角查看中, 烤魚從後方勒住她脖子拿槍抵著她太陽穴. 烤魚: You know why I'm here. 警車也都到了旅館, 囧尼從一台車走了出來. 凱姐: Hey! 囧尼: Hey. I check-in with SID directly from the airport. They told me you were here. 凱姐: Detective Salza, this is CSI Nick Stokes. 囧尼: Hey, man. Salza: Whoa, everybody left Vegas to catch him? 囧尼: There're still couples of us. So what's happening here? Salza: Got a call. Sounds fire. And there is a body of Cocassian female. 囧尼: Who is she? 大家來到屍體前. 凱姐: Tina Vincent. 囧尼: (蹲在屍體邊) Somebody's work is pretty good. Looks like she might get a couple of slides, you know? (查看戒指) Salza: (撿起一枚彈殼) 9 mill. On her leg. On her head, and a whole lots between. (Tina手被綑綁在椅子上, 還有魚鉤陷入肉裡) I used to work with XXX. You will want this kind of information. 凱姐: Well, it's just statistic, bastard. 囧尼四處查看中, 發現一堆Admit One的票券, 有一張背用寫著You never forget your first, 囧尼夾起來看. Salza: Excuse me, what you think you're doing? 此時Bordi走了進來. 凱姐: Process the scene. Salza: I know I said cooperation. But, huh, I prefer my people on this. (囧尼放下證物) 凱姐: Look, Detective Salza, this is still a DJK case. Salza: You find your Langston yet? Maybe he found her. 凱姐跟囧尼往外走, Bordi追了出來. Bordi: Stokes! You're Stokes, right? 囧尼: (跟凱姐停下) Yeah. Bordi: LVPDCSI.com? 囧尼: Yeah. Bordi: You got something. 囧尼: Thanks. 凱姐: (看著Bordi) Morgan. I just figured it out. You're Conrad's daughther. Bordi: (笑) Before the divorce. 凱姐: Last I saw you, you're just a kid. So you don't go by Ecklie. Bordi: Took my step-father's last name. Got you guys later. (離開) 囧尼: I like her style. 在LA警局內. Bordi: I processed Tina Vincent's room. Prints left three people there: Nate Huskell, Tina Vincent. Salza: CSI Raymond Langston. You want explain that to me? 凱姐: I can't. Salza: I have enough trouble chasing down bad guys. I don't need to be chased by this one, too. 莎拉: Look, we don't know what happened in that room. Salza: Yeah, we do. Someone tourtured that girl with all he wanted, and then he put a bullet over her head. Now I'm asking you again does Ray Langston carry? 凱姐: No! Salza: What about blood evidence? Bordi: I found blood on door knob, and on victim's ring along with xxxphilios. It's evidence of struggle. DNA comes back to an unknown African American male. Salza: And again it is CSI Langston? Bordi: I would think so, but it is not in the system. Salza: How would that be possible? Lengsten is a CSI. 凱姐: Ray is volunteering. Salza: Great. So if I want to kill someone, I'll transfer to Vegas. 莎拉: Ray is not a murder.  Salza: No? 莎拉: No. Salza: He's definitely our suspect. 烤魚走進自己的旅館房間, 冷靜的拿著槍坐下, 轉身. 烤魚: How did you find me? 囧尼: I'm a proud hunt dog. I painted my self..., and checked all the hotels around this area. It's pretty easy. Now you care to hand the gun to me? 烤魚: You need to go home, Nick. You're not here to take me back. 囧尼: I'm not here to take you back. I'm here to help you out. 烤魚: Haskell wants me, all right? He doesn't want you. 囧尼: Raymond, Tina Vincent is dead. (烤魚聞訊扶額) Now I know you didn't kill her. You need to tell me what happened. 烤魚: Haskell wants me to find her. 回想畫面, 烤魚推著Tina回到她房間. 烤魚: Where is he? Tina: You won't hurt me. 烤魚: (巴掌加扯頭髮) You gonna tell me what I want to know. Tina只是一直笑. 囧尼: And did she? 烤魚: No. All she said is that Nate wants me to have that. (遞出囧尼之前看到的票?之一) Said the blood on it is Gloria's.    I used every ounce of my strength not to hurt her. 囧尼: Well, Haskell came back after you left and gave her a great hurt for you. (烤魚抱頭) You do realize what he's doing, don't you? 烤魚: Yes, yes, he is isolating me. 囧尼: He wants you to feel fugitive. He's cutting you from everyone and everything. And believe me, if it's this easy for me to find you, LAPD won't have a problem. Take a look at this. I found this at Tina Vicent's crime scene. 烤魚: (接過Bordi傳給囧尼的照片) You never forget your first. 囧尼: Same ticket, same message. 烤魚: What is he saying? 囧尼: The sick bastard just left us a break drunk trail, all we have to do is to figure out where it leads. 烤魚: I can't call the lab now, can I? 囧尼: I can. 小葛跟小哈與囧尼通訊中. 小葛輸入票跟號碼734009與734015. 囧尼: How are we doing, Greg? 小哈: (咬耳朵) Ask him about Langston. 小葛: I found the manufactory of the tickets 小哈: Ask him about Langston! 小葛: (揮手要小哈別煩) I'm running the database right now. 小哈: Will you ask him? 小葛: Shut up! 囧尼: What? 小葛: Huh, sorry, I wasn't talking to you. 小哈: (抓起分機) Hum, Nick, yeah, it's me. Hum, I heard the news and while I'm emphasized with Ray, I feel I must express my concern that his hairy duty style only reflect badly to the team. 囧尼: How about you just put Greg back on the phone? 小哈: Yeah, I'll do, just... huh... tell me, is any news from Ray? 囧尼: No. If I found him, I'll let us know. 小葛: Give me that! (搶過電話) All right, I think I got something. According to those records, the tickets are delieverd to LA, parts of the Santa Monica Pier. 烤魚跟囧尼前往那處遊樂園. 烤魚: The Carousel. You never forget your first. 囧尼: What are you talking about? 烤魚: My first date with Gloria was on a carousel in Baltimore. 囧尼: How would Haskell know something like that? (烤魚沉默)    If you want you can take a walk inside that. 烤魚: You got my back, right? 囧尼: Always. 烤魚走進去, 啟動旋轉木馬, 小心翼翼的查看著, Haskell出現了. Haskell: This isn't our first date, Ray. This is just our first without shafron. 囧尼: Get your hands up! Haskell: Oh, Ray. I'll fear. (抬手作勢要投降) 囧尼: You're under arrest. You son of bitch! Haskell: Oh, yeah? (低頭消失, 囧尼開槍) 囧尼: Where is he? I can't see him inside! Outside, Ray! 烤魚追到一處被扯開的鐵門邊, 囧尼走到一處Pacific Park邊, 看到Haskell. 囧尼: (舉槍) Haskell! You're under arrest! LAPD員警: (舉槍對著囧尼) Drop the gun! 囧尼: I'm a CSI! He's our suspect! LAPD員警: I don't care who you are! Drop the gun! 囧尼: You're making a big mistake! Listen to me! LAPD員警: No! You listen to me! Drop off the gun, put your hands on your head, and then on your knees! Do it, now! 囧尼: (無奈的把手舉起) I'm not on my knees. 烤魚跟Haskell隔著一個遊樂設施面對面了, 兩個人都舉著槍, 一名LAPD員警忽然出現. LAPD員警: Drop the gun! Haskell: Oh, you should listen to him, Ray.      (員警愣住, Haskell開槍射中員警)      Oh, I know how you feel, Ray. But if you pull that trigger, you're killing more people than me. Two people died, Ray. She's still alive! Your Gloria is still alive, Ray. Drop the gun. 烤魚愣住, 放下槍, 後方的LAPD員警上前銬住他. Salza: Nate Haskell is responsible the death of 25 people, including four law officers in Las Vegas. And last night he took down one of my man. So how come he didn't take yours? 烤魚: I can't answer that. Salza: That's a lot of crap. Where did you get the gun? 烤魚: I took it from a sale motitative near a park. My intention were to turn it in. Salza: You know something? You're lucky that Officer Davis were investigated. The bullet took out from him is a match to the one killed Tina Vincent. But You knew where to find her. You knew where to find Haskell. Now, I don't care if you're inside his head, or he's inside yours. You know what's going on here. You got the choice. You talk to me or I'll put your ass on plane back to Vegas myself. 烤魚: (靠近Salza) Am I being charge for the crime? Salza: (離開, 走向凱姐跟莎拉監控他們的房間) 凱姐: I'll be the one to get him on the plane. Salza: If it's up to me, I'll send you all home. But then I got a problem, Haskell dropped another body is my ass in the sling because I'm the mooran who said Haskell is expected to Vegas. 莎拉: So no air fare then. Salza: How about no more surprises?  莎拉跟凱姐靠近剛被放出來的烤魚跟囧尼. 凱姐: (對莎拉說) How about you go back to the SID? 莎拉: (瞥了烤魚跟囧尼一眼) I'll go check with Morgan. 凱姐: I told you to find him, Nicky. 囧尼: I did find him. 凱姐: You should have known better. You have to have his back. Behave like some cowboy with mission!? 囧尼: So you're going to send me home, too? 凱姐: Oh, if I could I would. But I can't because I need you here.    And luckily, LAPD is giving you a second chance. Ray? You're going back to Vegas. We have to put a guard to your door? 烤魚: No, that won't be necessary.  凱姐離開. 囧尼: We'll get him. 莎拉跟Bordi在查Tina現場的白色粉末物質 莎拉: Smooth, polyangulared, looks like beach sand. Bordi: We got it from Tina Vincent's room. 莎拉: That makes sence. Haskell is the peer. He spent a lot of times in the beach. Bordi: He's not only spend time on the beach. I think he went to somewhere else. Put your nose down that one. 莎拉: (低頭查看顯微鏡) ... paints, this sand is under construction. Bordi: Finding that downtown? You still think economy as it was good?     Maybe Haskell is squading. 莎拉: Or it's where he left Gloria's body. Bordi: If it's a trio from history? That side paint of the building should get you the same story. Time for a little chip and dip. Bordi重新檢驗了那些漆料, 驗出Triethylenetetramine, bisphenol-A. 在Las Vegas機場. 羅賓爺爺: Hey, Ray. 烤魚: Hey, thanks for coming to get me. 羅賓爺爺: Catherine didn't give me much choice. But I would be here anyway. What's going on? 烤魚: Haskell could kill me, but he didn't. 羅賓爺爺: Well, yeah, maybe he didn't want to kill you. He just wants to keep hurting you. 烤魚: Look, can we go back to the lab for a while? 羅賓爺爺: You're on leave, Ray. You think that's a good idea? 烤魚: I don't know, but you think it's a good idea for me just come home and sit in an empty house? 羅賓爺爺: (想了想) Come'on. 囧尼凱姐莎拉跟Bordi在檢視Bordi的結果. 莎拉: The trace we found in Tina Vincent's room is commercial sands. Bordi: Some paint chips with it give us the building. 凱姐: So you think if we find the building, we find Haskell? 囧尼: Based on this, ... the building hasn't been paint 12 years. 凱姐: That's an old building. Bordi: But the XXX suggested a recent innovation. 莎拉: ... mixture of those is a fire-proof material. 囧尼: So what's the building we're looking for? A school? A hospitel? 凱姐: Let's ask LAPD to pull a list of such buildings with 3 years. Let's start from there. Nice work, Morgan. 囧尼: Yeah, thanks. 烤魚在局裡, 小哈走過來. 烤魚: Hey. 小哈: Hey. 烤魚: (嘗試進入警局系統) Access denied. 小哈: Yeah. You probably think it's virus, but, huh, it's Willows. 烤魚: Catherine pulled me out of authority!? 小哈: I'm sure it's just temporary. 烤魚: You're damn right about it's temporary because you're going to give me your codes now. 小哈: No! I can't do that. 烤魚: Well then I'll go all dirty harry on you. 小哈: You are listening. Let me do this. I won't tell you. 烤魚開始搜尋Willoughby J. Willoughby, 碎碎唸的聲音被小葛注意到. 小葛: (走過來) What's going on? 烤魚: You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. 小葛: Solution. That's Willoughby J. Willoughby, huh? I thought we left him behind Tina Vincent's death. 烤魚: We did. Not so sure if Haskell did. Man killed his wife on his head. There gonna be some deeper meaning. 小葛: (搖頭) He didn't kill her. 烤魚: She survived? 小葛: Yes. 小哈: Is that that significant? 烤魚: Yes. Tell me more details about the crime. 三人進入辦公室. 小葛: LAPD fax me the copies of real files. Apparantly, Willoughby was the biggest. 小哈: Willoughby J. Willoughby. A name so nice, who's married twice. 小葛: Willoughby's second wife, Audry, was from Las Vegas. During the night of shooting, wife number one Sylvia, suprised wife number two and Willoughby during a trusted trail. One thing leads to another, Willoughby shut wife number one. 烤魚: So wife number two witnessed the crime. 小葛: Along with her 7-year old son. 小哈: And that 7-year old boy, is Nate Haskell! 小葛: (瞪小哈) If Nate Haskell is 75 years old. 烤魚: What is the boy's name? 小葛: Arvin. 烤魚: Wife number one survived. What happened to wife number    two? 小葛: Audry was committed to some psych therapy hospital later, and the boy was under the custody of his uncle. That's pretty much the end of the trail. Wife died in the same year at the hospital at 1980's. 小哈: (看到小葛的停頓) Is that a problem? 小葛: Catherine said that Haskell might be hiding in an industrial building. Maybe a hospital. One of those near St. Monica that are going innovations. 小葛輸入那間醫院的名稱St. Colette Hospital. 新聞顯示Construction delays plague St. Colette project. 小葛: I, huh, I got to call Catherine. 烤魚抓過小葛的資料, 上面寫著小男孩Arvin的舅舅名為Troupe, 小男孩之後trasferred to Nessus, Nevada. 烤魚: Dave. 小哈: Yeah? 烤魚: Would you mind give me some coffee. 小哈: Absolutely. 烤魚迅速的跑向電腦查閱資訊, 原來他們之前(上一集)發現斷肢的農場就是Throupe Farm. 烤魚衝向之前的證物, 翻出year book, 發現那個跟他們說話的農夫就是Arvin Throupe! 然後繼續查閱1976年的High School, 發現了一位Warner Throupe. 烤魚: Hello, Nate. LA警方來到那棟St. Collete Hospital. 小哈回來發現沒有人影的辦公室. 烤魚回到那間農舍對面的老房子, 發現地面上的票跟字條You never forget your first. 醫院內, Salza跟囧尼掀開布幕進去, 但是病床白布下的是一團棉被, 上面放著一張紙條: Made you look. 烤魚在老房子裡繼續搜索, 順著票跟前進, 發現倒在地上的老農夫. 烤魚: Mr. Throupe? Mr. Throupe: (呻吟) 烤魚: Mr. Throupe? Where is your son? Mr. Throupe: Warner. 烤魚: Where is he? Mr. Throupe: He is home... (死去) 烤魚: (打電話回局裡) My location: Old Throupe Farm. Code 3. (然後烤魚聽到了鐵鍊聲跟呻吟聲) Gloria: Ray? 烤魚: Gloria! I'm going to get you out of here. 烤魚正忙著解開Gloria的鏈子時, Haskell出現在那房間的門邊. Haskell: Welcome home, Ray. Welcome home. 本集心得: 1) 艾禿女兒我喜歡!!! Bordi跟她爹一點都不像就是了, 媽媽一定很漂亮!XD 2) 因為還要演一集, 想必Haskell那槍不會開下去, 是說我很期待能不能直接來個兩人對峙時第三人從後面弊了他算了... 3) 好處是這樣搞應該這季結尾不會再是天殺的cliff hanger了~~ 壞處是蜘蛛人真的要爬過季了~~(阿編你們不會忘掉他吧?) 4) 囧尼OS: 意義是什麼? 拎盃只聽過義氣啦! 女王應該學Gibbs巴這兩隻巴頭巴下去的! XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/08 15:34, , 1F
說實在 我很想看何神突然從後面出現給他一槍
05/08 15:34, 1F

05/08 15:54, , 2F
女王應該巴囧尼+1 超欠揍
05/08 15:54, 2F

05/08 15:55, , 3F
05/08 15:55, 3F

05/08 20:31, , 4F
05/08 20:31, 4F

05/08 20:31, , 5F
05/08 20:31, 5F

05/08 20:32, , 6F
05/08 20:32, 6F

05/08 20:32, , 7F
05/08 20:32, 7F

05/08 20:57, , 8F
大推第一句! 好累好變態的Haskell 趕快收一收啦 (翻桌)
05/08 20:57, 8F

05/08 21:08, , 9F
05/08 21:08, 9F

05/09 20:35, , 10F
可以請問蜘蛛人是哪一集嗎><? 快被Nate煩死了
05/09 20:35, 10F

05/09 20:35, , 11F
05/09 20:35, 11F

05/09 23:31, , 12F
05/09 23:31, 12F

05/09 23:32, , 13F
05/09 23:32, 13F

05/09 23:33, , 14F
這人煩死了,跟Shane Casey一樣快點被一槍斃命啦拜託
05/09 23:33, 14F

05/10 11:23, , 15F
當鋪老闆說 Gates or Jobs? 那裡完全戳中我的笑點 XD
05/10 11:23, 15F

05/10 14:35, , 16F
拜託,不要讓這變態跨季啦...蜘蛛人還在冬眠嗎= =
05/10 14:35, 16F

05/10 16:40, , 17F
Gates or Jobs?真的很妙 這集看的超緊張!!
05/10 16:40, 17F

05/13 22:29, , 18F
我也想看何公從Haskell背後給他一槍 多俐落阿!!
05/13 22:29, 18F

05/17 13:55, , 19F
05/17 13:55, 19F

05/27 18:56, , 20F
烤魚超煩的 他跟其他人配合一下會死嗎
05/27 18:56, 20F

05/27 18:56, , 21F
規定就是規定 這種行徑在NY早就被開除了吧
05/27 18:56, 21F

05/27 19:02, , 22F
然後老是要別人配合他 其他人也縱容他也真是Orz
05/27 19:02, 22F
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