[劇情] CSI: NY 720 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/05/01 02:26), 編輯推噓8(803)
留言11則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
其實這集滿無聊的 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: Jo真的太了不起了! XD 片頭, 一群螞蟻啃咬著一具屍體... 鏡頭以時間倒退的方式流轉, 女性死者才剛有過一個纏綿的夜晚, 時間點倒回她在夜店裡遇到那名搭訕男子的時刻. 男子: (走向吧台) Your, um, best singlemill, please. (轉頭對女子打招呼) Hey. 女子: Hey. 男子: Are you drink? 女子: Sure. 男子: You're beautiful. 時間轉回現在... 包子大, 霍克葛格跟弗帥在現場, 蒙大拿拍照中. 弗帥: Hiker found her. The vitnesses called 911. No missing person fits her description. 霍克葛格: Marbelling of the leg decap told me she was dead at least 24 hours ago. 包子大: We have on like this on the other side of the park several weeks ago. 弗帥: That's right, we did. Macy Martinaiz. She was stabbed and stranggled and dumped. 包子大: Still unsolved. (注意到死者手上的戒指) F.I.T. Class of 2011 霍克葛格: (檢查死者的腳) She's been carried to this spot, not dragged. 弗帥: That trail over there just next to a road. Easy access. 蒙大拿: So what wrong turn takes her to here? 包子大: Sometimes evil finds you. On the road you take to avoid it. 蒙大拿找到了地上的鞋印, 開始拓印. 霍克葛格跟包子大繼續檢查屍體, 並採集指甲下的物質. 包子大: (拿起屍體旁邊乾掉的樹枝一枚) This coloration is consistant with the predicted time line of murder. 霍克葛格: (點頭, 指指死者胸前的傷口) Two deep punch line. Just right above the heart. 包子大: Sid found just the same wound as couse of death in Macy Martinaiz's case. (包子大比比死者脖子上的勒痕) Manual stranggle with left hand. 霍克葛格: It's the same guy did it. No doubt. 包子大點頭, Jo從後面走過來, 包子大: (看到Jo) I know what you're gonna to say. It's not how it looks like. I'm fine. Jo: It's exactly how it looks like! It's the same suit you wear yesterday, not if it's not for the day before yesterday! You haven't been home for two days! 包子大: This is the time that one case rolls over another. I'll be fine. Jo: What's the last time you have something to eat? Don't tell me the pending machine in the office! 包子大: I had a canorla bar! Jo: Promise you'll go home and have some sleep. 包子大: I have cases to work. I'm sleeping on the coach and then this came in! Jo: Boss of a crime lab were not that your good if you're running in fuss. 包子大: I'm not walking out the Bahama site of the investigation. Jo: No. Don is driving you out. It's all been agganges. You're going home and get a couple of hours sleep. And if you're lucky to get shower and brush your teeth, you'll be filled before eight. 包子大: Don, I can't just leave. 弗帥: Sure I can. I'm on my way going back to the town. I'm on my way go to places of anywhere. 包子大: Sid will expect me to hear the autopsy. Jo: It's covered. Your work is done here, Mac Taylor. Don will take you to the dining trailor, and then take you home. Tug you in. 包子大: And then give me milk and coockies, and singing me a lulloby? 弗帥: Lulloby thing is a little weird. But milk and coockies could happen. Let's go. 包子大投降的把手上的手套交到Jo手裡. 霍克葛格拿著擔架靠近正在檢查屍體的Jo. 霍克葛格: It's pretty impressive you get Mac to go home. It's not what he used to do. Jo: No. He is not. (檢查屍體) Nail care. Foot care done recently. Dress impressively. Probably a night out of town, huh? 霍克葛格: In Martinaiz's case, the victim left the bar with a guy she just recently found there. Jo: (拿紫外線照死者的手) 霍克葛格: That stamp will account as well. 弗帥跟包子大走在街上, 包子大: I hope the dining is satisfied. 弗帥: So no more milk and coockies? 包子大: (看到兩名男子從計程車走下來) Coach Ryan! Ryan: Hey! Mac Taylor! How're you? 包子大: Good, good. I'm still counting you for the Willdow's taking back this year? Ryan: Already on my calender. Hey, you fella know Jessy? My tenure partner. 弗帥跟包子大與Jessy握手. 弗帥: I gonna tell you. Great job on the game with River Camp! But I have to say in the middle it kind of blow up. Jessy: You saw the crane? 弗帥: Good point. But for the drift, I got two words for you: bash it, wash it. Ryan: Everybody is an expert. All right, Mac, I'll see you. 四人道別~~ 包子大: What's the matter of you? Let's go get a snack. 兩人在餐廳裡用餐... 包子大: What? 弗帥: Nothing. I'm just thinking. What is the formula that describes your dorm use? 包子大: I don't know. Where is the question come from? Well, do I look that tired? 弗帥: Yeah, kind of do. But think abour it. Our job is dealing with murder and manhandle. How many of this take our expressioness? 包子大: Our expressioness? 一名男子坐到包子大旁邊, 瞄到包子大的槍. 男子: (對吧台點餐) ... those maps should make some sence. 弗帥: What happened? 男子: Just, huh, haven't been back in the city for a while. ... go down to check the Laby of Liberty. 弗帥: Come here I'll show you. (男子橫過包子大把地圖遞上) 男子: Sorry, brother. 包子大: No problem. 弗帥: All right, here is where we are. (給予指示) 此時剛好侍者也把男子點的外帶拿來. 男子: Thank you. I'm appreciated, man. You guys have a good day. (離開) 弗帥: Two years. Every year as a cop is two human years. (侍者拿來帳單...) Thank you. 包子大: No, no, no. I'm buying. 弗帥: Get out of there. 包子大: I'll get it. (起身拿皮夾) 弗帥: Good man, Mac Taylor. 包子大: (皺眉) I have my wallet with me, don't we? 弗帥: You sure? 包子大: Yeah. I checked when we left the car. I put it to my coat's pocket. 弗帥: You sure? Maybe you left it. 包子大: No, I definitely have my wallet. 包子大明白到自己被扒了, 推開門走出去, 人當然已經不見蹤影了... 霍克葛格檢查從死者指甲下採到的物質, 蒙大拿檢查鞋印, 但是no match. 亞當: Whoa, nice work, Mrs. Messer! The 3 dimension, the trace, and the thing stucked are all fitted in! (用奇怪的口音說) 蒙大拿: What are you doing? 亞當: It's called smashing. I start taking this course... 蒙大拿: (笑, 打斷) I need some small helps. (出示現場的照片) See those trace along the shoe print? Nothing is our database matches it. 亞當: Well, I can run the photos with multiple comparison. That may lead us to know what we're looking at. 蒙大拿: That will be smashing. 弗帥跟包子大回到車邊... 包子大: No. I know it won't be here. Now it's probably in some trash can or what without my credit card and others. 弗帥: ... I've sent out the description of the guy. 包子大: I should see it's coming. 弗帥: He must reach to your wallet when he leens to show me the map. 包子大: That son of bitch. He looked right into my belt. He knows I'm a cop. 丹尼跟霍克葛格找到Jo. 丹尼: Hey, Jo. Our victim named Patricia Carly. She's a senior in IT. She took her roomate to a country club last night and ends up that she won't come home last night because she met a great guy. 霍克葛格: ... she was worried when she cannot reach to Patricia all day yesterday. Actually, she was just pressing missing person report this morning. Jo: What about the purple color under Patricia's nail? 霍克葛格: It's a very rare and expensive paint extracted from sea snails. Jo: Terrian purple. (丹尼挑眉) I worked on my shear of a few cases before. Do you an ounce of the dye costs more than an ounce of gold? 霍克葛格: We're not talking any kind of contemperary use. We're talking fine art or museum pieces. Jo: No way for her to sneak in such a museum pieces. 霍克葛格: That's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking the paint might be transported to her or something. 丹尼: So that narrowed down our suspection. 霍克葛格: I ran a list of fine art collectors in Manhatten. Now, it's not perfect, but it's a start. Jo: Oh, you boys are so good. 霍克葛格: We know that. Jo走進蒙大拿跟亞當工作的地方... Jo: (看著螢幕) Larry Le Jaman? 亞當: He was one of the best players last year. Jo: Oh, please tell me he doesn't have anything to do with this. 亞當: He doesn't, but... 蒙大拿: Those traces on the shoe prints turn out to be finger prints. Jo: Those prints are Le Jaman's? 亞當: Yeah, they're printed with only one out of 500 sneakers. 蒙大拿: They are five hundred pairs made and cost thousands of dollars. Jo: So how long do you think you need to come up with a list of these? 亞當: Come'on. Look who's doing the job here! (拿出隨身碟) Whoa-ha! It's already done! Jo: (笑) Okay, let's cross the list with those names here. 亞當: (接過霍克葛格剛剛拿給Jo的PADD) Let's see. Here we go. 兩個list比對出一位Charles Martin. 亞當: (輸入access DMV profile) Jo: Bingo. 丹尼,蒙大拿跟Jo在員警陪同下前往找人... 丹尼: Charles Martin, NYPD. (在房間中查看) 員警: We are all clear over here. 丹尼: Print powder. Jo在寢室發現紫色的痕跡 Jo: It's very strange. 蒙大拿: Looks like someone is spraying crystal violent here. Looking for blood. Jo: What's going on here? 丹尼: I think that Particia Carly is murdered here. The crime scene has been processed already. 弗帥: The doorman said Chrles Martin left early yesterday to drive to a State business conference. 丹尼: Who can process the apartment with yellow print powder, the max swap, and luco crystal violoet? 蒙大拿: Definitely not NYPD crime scene. Jo: Whoever it was, it must have a basic knowledge of crime scene investigation. 丹尼: Basic knowledge. I don't like the frats. 蒙大拿: I heard that, Messer. 弗帥: (笑) No, no, no. I did some checking. It's not the frats. It's not the guys. No one is taking responsibility. 蒙大拿: If it wasn't, what are they looking for? 丹尼: (檢查喇叭鎖) I got two breaks. So whoever it was, didn't have a key. Jo: Found the source of Terrian Purple. 蒙大拿: What did you have? A GCM there? Jo: No. You don't need one. Simple chemistry response method here. Terrian Purple turns blue when it meets with water. So the trace of Particia's nail came from her touching with this paint on the wall here. 蒙大拿: So basically Martin kills Patricia here, cleans up, dumped her body to the park and drove out of state. 丹尼: While he's doing all these, somebody broke in and processed this place!? 弗帥: Well, Martin didn't check out to the hotel, said he'll be back when the conference is over. Jo: Let's hope he'll come right straight back. 弗帥: ... once the face of Charles Martin showed up, he's all ours. 包子大回到警局, 卻驚訝的看見那位"扒手"跟Jo在他的辦公室裡. 包子大: What are you doing here!? (搶過"扒手"手上的照片) Jo: I broght him up. He found your wallet in the dining place and brought it here. I thought you might want to thank him? (將皮夾拿給包子大) 扒手: It's all there, even the money. Can't say anything about who taked it. Things are pretty tight. 包子大: Who are you? And what you want? 扒手: I came for what you lost, so I at least expect a thank you. 包子大: I didn't loose it. You lift it out of my jacket. You son of a bitch. (把人推去撞牆) 扒手: You saw me take it, Dectective? You saw me? Jo: (打電話) Send to Detective Mac Taylor's office. ASAP. 包子大: Who are you? 扒手: I'll be much careful if I were you the way of asking. (包子大找到扒手的皮夾, 丟給Jo.) Don't have much than a few ducks in there, if you want, you can take it. Jo: Raymond Harris. Released from prison a weeks a ago. 包子大: Get the trash out of my building. (對前來的員警說) Jo: Doesn't feel right to let him just walk out. 包子大: Doesn't have any evidences, but I knew he took my wallet. Jo: Who is Raymond Harris? What does he want? 包子大: I'm not sure. 包子大走入一間餐廳, 某前警探Bill在那, 包子大要打招呼, Bill跟他暗示坐在他前方的桌子的一對年輕人要溜走... 包子大: (擋住) Oh, oh, you guys forget some? 年輕人: All right. (乖乖付賬) 包子大: I guess you never loose the instinct after your retirement, right? Bill: It's a curse. Always looking at the bad guys and then forget to see the good ones. When is the last time... 包子大: Purray's funeral. Three years ago. Bill: Right, Purray's feneral. Shouldn't be the last time we see each other, Mac. What's on your mind? 包子大: You remember this guy? Raymond Harris. Bill: I locked him up. 包子大: We did. in '94. A warrant in the Lorry site. Drug. Guns. Judge gave him 17 years. He came out a year ago. I ran up with him a couple of times then. Bill: He threatened you? 包子大: Not exactly. But he picked up my wallet right on the table there in this dinning room and showed up in my office to return it. Bill: I hope you colored his ass. 包子大: I didn't see him take it, and when he returned it, everything is still inside. Bill: What you're going to say. What's this about? 包子大: Several weeks after Harris got locked, I went to the prison for some other things. He's in a line with other prisoners... 回想畫面. Harris: (看到包子大) Hey! You know what you did, man? 員警: Back off, Harris. 包子大: He said in a strong conviction. I believe he thought he was wronged, somehow. I just want to be informed. The warrant is good, right? Bill: Don't cross my territory to confront me. I think it sounds like about you. 包子大: No, I don't know what this guy want. But if he came to me, then he might come to you as well. I have a lot of respect toward you. It's just we have different ways to deal with things, that's all. Promise me you'll keep your eyes open. Bill: Fifteen years as a police officer, my eyes are always open. 警局裡. Jo: How's the process of the evidences? 蒙大拿: There's plenty of envidence to say that Partircia Carly was killed in that apartment. It has been cleaned up. But I found her blood on carpet and also on the cieling. Jo: Macy Martinaiz? 蒙大拿: Yeah, she was the last case Stella and I were working on. And there is also evidence to connect her to the apartment. The sample is a blood I found at the bed stand. It looks like it stayed there for a while. It matches to Macy Martinaiz. She was killed in that apartment, too. Jo: This chart of Charles Martin gave him a quite violent profile. 蒙大拿: Yes. And there is an evidence that suggesting there is another woman there other than Partricia and Macy. I found a blond hair on the sofa. DNA is not consistant. Jo: Maybe she is alive. 蒙大拿: Or maybe we haven't found the body. Jo: Let's hope it's the former. 丹尼: (走進來) Our mysterous crime scene investigator probably wears gloves while he's working. But he's looking at the inside, and forgets the outside. He ringed to see if anyone is home before he breakd in. I got a print. Come back as Mark Fields. 蒙大拿: He is a cop? 丹尼: Used to be. He was filed in 2007. He's a private investigator now. 蒙大拿: But why did he process our scene. What is he looking for? Jo: Maybe it's not what, but whom. Jo跟丹尼詢問這位Filed. Jo: Mr. Field, we have a missing woman that we're very concerned now. Right now you have a big hoop hanging right infront of your head. How far away you're to trouble depends on your level of cooperation. 丹尼: This is what we found in the briefcase in your car, along with your tools, phones, and computer. Why don't you tell us about Christine Marino. Where is she, huh? Field: She walked out from her husband Vinny, who's a friend of mine. He asked me to investigate. Found her. Bring her back. 丹尼: What's about Charles Martin. Field: They're good friends. 丹尼: So you thought they have an affair? Field: I don't know. But that's what Vinny thought. Jo: So what you found in Martin's apartment? Field: No sign of Christina. I'm looking for things like clothes, tooth bruches, or even a brief case. But no. Then I found a trace of heavy clean water use. I don't need to tell you what that means, right? So I took a closer look. 丹尼: The blood trace you found, along with the finger print you pulled out, belong to a woman named Partricia Carly who was murdered in that apartment just a few days ago. Field: I thought for sure it was Christina's blood there. Look, what if I tell you guys... 丹尼: (打斷) Look, save all that. Right now I'm interested is finding Christina. Jo: Was there anything else in that department that can help us find her? Field: No. That's it. I sweared to God. 弗帥跟蒙大拿詢問Vinny Marino. 弗帥: Mr. Marino, it is your wife. You have any idea she'll leave you? Vinny: No. It was like a sucker pinch on the stomach. You think she's dead, don't you? 蒙大拿: We have no evidence to say yes or no. 弗帥: The best hope is Christina is still alive and that's why we're trying to sort all those things out. 弗帥, Jo跟丹尼趕回Martin的公寓... 弗帥: He showed up a few minutes ago. Went to the back alley, and then been chased up to the roof. 丹尼: Did you see Christina Marino. 弗帥: No. We hope this guy can help us before he jumps. Jo: This guy is not going to jump. He was on the ridge just because he was chased there. He has no other places to go. Jo跟丹尼前往屋頂... Martin: You take one more step, I'm going to make a mess down there. Get back. Jo: I'll be right back. 丹尼: Where are you going? Jo: I'm going to have a chat with Mr. Martin. (直直走過去) Martion: Get back! Get back! Jo: (動作迅速的翻過圍欄) Relax, Mr. Martin. I'm not going to ask you calm down from here. If I were you, I'll answer the question before I made any decision soon. Where is Christine Marino? Martin: You think I'm stupid? You're not here to ask for Christina Marino! Jo: Oh, I'm here for Macy and Patricia, too. But it's Christina we are worrying about now. Martin: I'll never do anything to hurt Christina. Jo: Well, if you're jumping now, you're much definitely to define that. Why don't we come back from the ridge and talk about Christina on a more solid ground. Martin: That's not an opioin, detective. If I went back now, I'll spend all my life in jail. Jo: You don't have to decide it now. There are thousand of ways to kill yourself later if you changed your mind. Let's go. 兩人僵持, Martin放棄走了回去. 丹尼: You all right? Jo: (伸出手, 手在抖) Yeah, just andorine rush. Maybe I'll need a cup of tea. 回到Martin的公寓 Martin: I'm not gonna deny she was here. 弗帥: Well, then, you'll understand why we were a little bit concerned about her safety. Martin: Look, Christina was my friend. A couple weeks ago, she called me and asked me to meet with her in a coffee shop. I got there, she was sitting in a corner with this ridiculous leopard skin suitecase. She just left her husband, and she wanted to stay with me a few days. Jo: How long did she stay? Martin: About a week. She left a couple of days ago. Said she wants to be alone. Said she'll go get a room at a hotel downtown. I guess she felt threatened. 弗帥: I guess she did. Because it didn't take long for you to find Partricia Carly and killed her. Martin: Well. If it's about the construstion, detective. I can make sure to you that both Macy and Patricia's last moment of life is full of pleasure. 丹尼: You mean before you stranggled them and stabbed them to death? Martin: That part is my pleasure. The end of pulse... not expect you guys to understand. 弗帥: No, I get it. It's like the end of pulse by punch your face now and throw you out of the window. Jo: Why should we believe you that you didn't kill Christina? Martin: You don't understand about Christine. She is not like all those other women. She wasn't angry of anything. Those other women are takers, just like me. And I think you know enough people like me to know that I didn't kill her. 包子大在辦公室裡講電話, Bill在一名員警陪同下走進來. Bill: I hope I didn't interfere anything. 包子大: No, no. You're not. What's up? Bill: I went back to the notes for what we left behind. 包子大: No, you're right. I don't have the right to accuse you anything. Bill: Well, if you're not like that, you're not Mac. I don't have the original files of Harris. But this is my copies of his case. 包子大: Bill, this is really unnecessary. Bill: I'm just as curious about the case as you. 包子大: Any answers to it? Bill: That's just it. Everything we did is textbook. 包子大: Well, right now. Raymond Harris's reception is his reality. Only he knows what is it about. Bill: Yeah. 包子大: That makes him dangerous. 晚上的街上, Bill走出一間雜貨店, Harris監視著他, 下車跟在他身後...... 結果轉過一個轉角卻發現雜貨散在地上, Harris疑惑的上前查看, 被埋伏的Bill打個正著. Bill: (揍人) What's done is done. Let it go! Bill揍完人後離開...... Jo: Charles Martin proudly announced he killed two women. So there is no reason for him to deny killing Christina Marino. I believe him. 包子大: For a serial killer, Christina didn't fit the profile. Jo: Well, he has opportunities, but no motive. 包子大: Untill we have evidences suggested she was murdered. We have to assume she was alive. 霍克葛格: (走進來, 包子大正在脫外套) Hey, Mac. You probablly want to keep that on. Christina Marina's cell phone bill showed off where she was four days ago. Danny and Lindsay      are on their ways now. 包子大跟Jo抵達現場, 血跡斑斑... 蒙大拿: "Do not disturbe" on the door. ... Christina check in three days ago. Never seen her after since. 丹尼: ... a male called down request no meal service. Jo: Probably the same man who break in, confront her and slides her throat. 包子大: ... all across the wall. She was moving. 蒙大拿: Looks like she ends up here and was beaten. 丹尼: Looks like something stand at the corner there is not in the room anymore. 包子大: It was a suitecase... Jo: ...A leopord skin suitcase. 包子大: No longer for looking a missing woman. We're looking for a missing body. Jo: Messy and spontaneous. That's not Charles Martin's style. 蒙大拿: So who killed her? Who was even knew she was here? 包子大: Her husband Vincent Marino. He could have called the hotel.     And he has motive. 丹尼: Yeah. How could we go after Vincent Marino without the body? 包子大: By acting like we have one. 包子大跟弗帥詢問Vincent. 包子大: That's just make it simple. We know you killed Christina. Vincent: This is outrageous. I won't sit there and listen to your accussing. 弗帥: We found Christina's body, Mr. Marino. Now we need to know why you bushed her like that. 包子大: One thta makes the pattern on the wall. Vincent: I won't know anything about that. You got the part you      want. 弗帥: Oh yeah? Let me see if I got this right: You cut Christina's throat right on the doorway. Look! Look at it, Vincent! You did this! Vincent: No! 包子大: You killed her, Vincent. You beat her to death. You left her laying on the floor defenseless to die! 弗帥: You dumped her in her own suitecase. 包子大: That leopard suitecase! You dumped her like she was a bag of trash! Vincent: I gave her everything she want. Everything I did is for her, not for me. All I ask for is love, respect. She told me she hates me. I begged her to stay. I begged her to come home with me. I begged like a fool! 弗帥: It's a significant way we found her. Why there. Vincent: It's where we met. Prospect Park. First I saw her, she was just the perfect thing. She was right back at the entrace of the park, pulling back her pony back. I put her right back where I found her. 霍克葛格, 丹尼和蒙大拿在公園的水池裡打撈出了那個行李箱, 行李箱裡正式Christina的屍體... 弗帥: I don't have any idea Marino will use the information to find Christina. 包子大: Marino won't be in captive if he didn't believe we found the body. 弗帥: You owed me 70 dollars for this leopord suitecase, by the way. You know what? If Mark Field never broke into Charles Martin's apartmant, we probably will never solve the case. 下一幕, Raymond Harris如法砲製的摸進了一間公寓... 弗帥: Who's that? 包子大: We called him Wild Bill Hunts. He was my first partner. 弗帥: Don Flack. (握手) Bill: Bill Hunts. 弗帥: Nive to meet you. 包子大: What are you doing here, Bill? Bill: Seeing you might be interested to see an old buddy. 包子大: Maybe poking around since Raymond was running around? Bill: I don't think Mr. Harris is bothered that anymore. 包子大:(皺眉) 弗帥: Is there a body to turn in or what? Bill: No, I just have a chat with him. 包子大: I know what you mean by chat. You shouldn't have done that. Raymond Harris撬開一扇門... 弗帥: Something tells me you could be very persuasive. Bill: I definitely think I got my skills. 包子大: Bill, things could be not died that easy. I can see in his eyes. Raymond Harris拿出藏在後面的槍枝... Bill: Trust me. He's scared. 包子大: You should have left him alone, Bill. 本集心得: 1) 案件本身好無聊, 主要是要帶出季末要用的Harris而已吧? 2) 但是大家的互動還是很好看啦! Jo氣場壓倒包子大把人趕回家休息耶! 忍不住懷疑是不是有星姐偷偷真傳包子大應付祕技這樣... XD 在屋頂上跟Charles的攻防也很讚~~ >///< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/01 03:59, , 1F
除了彼得方達出現外竟然連The Event的Thomas(演
05/01 03:59, 1F

05/01 03:59, , 2F
Raymond Harris那位)也出現了...
05/01 03:59, 2F

05/01 07:08, , 3F
05/01 07:08, 3F

05/01 07:08, , 4F
我還是很愛阿當裝大舌頭耍白痴樣 XDDDDD
05/01 07:08, 4F

05/01 11:00, , 5F
Coach Ryan是 New York Jets的教綀本人客串 另一位是
05/01 11:00, 5F

05/01 11:00, , 6F
05/01 11:00, 6F

05/01 11:05, , 7F
05/01 11:05, 7F

05/04 10:19, , 8F
包子大的眼袋一層又一層 哭哭
05/04 10:19, 8F

05/06 18:10, , 9F
05/06 18:10, 9F

05/06 18:11, , 10F
05/06 18:11, 10F

05/07 01:40, , 11F
05/07 01:40, 11F
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