[劇情] CSI: NY 719 雷~~

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愛情是毒藥啊~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 閃死你! 片頭, 一個Soho Spring Food Festivel進行中...... 各種新鮮的食物當場製作著, 某攤販: ... for Hawk! Hawks? 霍克葛格: (正在攬著Cameilla相視而笑) Yes, it's me. Thanks. Cameilla: Go on. 霍克葛格: What is this? Cameilla: It's called spaty frastic. Fries, a little Feta cheese, and thick gravy. 霍克葛格: You gotta be kidding me. (跟一個匆匆走過的男子略有擦撞) Cameilla: Don't you try it? 霍克葛格: You first. Cameilla: I promise you it's not like what it looks. I'm a trainer, if you remember. And if anything goes wrong, I know (拿起一跟薯條) a month is a mouth. 霍克葛格: (兩人湊進) Do you? (Cameilla餵霍克葛格) Hmm... it's actually really good. Cameilla: See? You gotta experience new things! I'm really happy you played hucky with us today. 霍克葛格: You always have bad influence on me. Cameilla: Is it? 霍克葛格: But I like it. (兩人輕吻, Cameilla忽然看到什麼) What is it? Cameilla: Lardon. 霍克葛格: Lardon? Cameilla: They do a BLT with blue cheese and cherry tomatoes that will blow our mind.(話聲剛落, 一台貨車忽然爆炸開來) 霍克葛格: Cameilla, Cameilla, are you okay? Cameilla: Yeah, probably. 霍克葛格: You sure? Cameilla: Yeah, what the hell going on? 霍克葛格: So people there need our help. 兩人爬起去把其他受到衝擊倒地的群眾扶離現場.   警車跟救護車抵達現場, 包子大拍照蒐證, 起火的貨車上印有WOW的標誌, 殘骸裡有一具焦屍. 弗帥: That's Derby Chasen. He was assigned to look around when the world known truck got exploded. 包子大: Any other fetalities? 弗帥: Amazingly no. 包子大: So if it's someone target to cause panic, he or she should try to maximum the damage then. 弗帥: Maybe we're looking at a truck malfunction? 包子大: (檢視屍體上的物質) Don't waste your time. Evidence suggests trace of triacetone tapelyrase. ... TATP is a common explosive liquid that you can easily find prescriptions on-line, it is basically why you can't bring liquids to the airplane. 弗帥: Why explode a food truck then? Jo去確認霍克葛格跟Cameilla的狀況... 霍克葛格: It's a sudden explotion, and people are basically no harms... Cameilla: ... but dizziness is a common situation. Jo: It's a miracle you both walked away, but I thought you called in sick today, didn't you. 霍克葛格: Yeah, but I- uh- Jo: Well, save that for Mac. Make sure this gentleman had you clean a little bit and come back to work. 霍克葛格: All right. Jo加入蒐證行列, 發現瓶蓋一個. 包子大: Lateral panels suggests the blow starts from the side panel. This is where the protane tank is. Jo: (將瓶蓋拿給包子大) Built bomb... 包子大: Rest of those pieces plus this tap might then tell us something. 天亮啦, 現場蒐證繼續進行著. 蒙大拿: We got so many protane tank shreaks here. We'll be lucky if we can get out of here by the dinner time. 丹尼: You hungry? 蒙大拿: I'm starving. All I can do is a banana with Lucy this morning. I don't even remember the last time I sit down and have a really breakfast. 丹尼: Oh, what about the feast we brought you in van? 蒙大拿: That was mother's day. Two years ago. 丹尼: Two... Really? Whoa. I'll get you something to taste once I'm done. 蒙大拿: I want panini bread with two eggs in the middle, as well as sausage and remember to put butters with it. And, I also want double cheese burger with gravy fries. 丹尼: (傻眼) Okay. (回頭意味深長的看了蒙大拿一眼) 蒙大拿: I am not pregnant. I'm just hungry. (丹尼點頭) 丹尼: (走向霍克葛格) How're you doing, doctor? As all those consulations? I'll wan to take a day-off, too. Those are the left-overs? 霍克葛格: Maybe. While all those things should wrap on the oursid, right? (丹尼點頭) Tell me, why this right on the inside? 席德大叔進行驗屍中... 包子大: How's it going, Sid? 席德大叔: Hey, Mac. Derby Chasen died because of bleeding, serious burns, and also smoke insolation. However, in this case, the young chief apron kind of isolate the fire from the torso under the shirt, and the result is, it also preserves this. (掀開死者圍裙, 其下的皮膚是完好了, 可以看到死者左      胸有一塊圓形烏青) 包子大: Some kind of insult contation... 席德大叔: That pattern looks familiat, I can't really place it. But what I can tell you is, it's probably painful, and it's still relativley fresh. Deliever no more than 5 hours before he died. 包子大: Suggesting he might have contact at the same day he died. 席德大叔: With whom hit him? And with what? 霍克葛格: (接電話) Hey! What's up? Cameilla: Are you busy? 霍克葛格: Just running to go through some evidence. What's it? Cameilla: I'm throuwing a party, and I want you to come. 霍克葛格: Baby, aren't we just almost dying? Cameilla: Why do you think I'm throwing a party? Just some close friends I would want them to meet you, Sheldon.      9 o'clock? 霍克葛格: Oh, Cameilla, no, no, no. I got a bunch of works to do. Cameilla: Oh, come'on, Sheldon. Please, please, please... 霍克葛格: Oh stop that. All right, I'll come. Let me figure out something now, okay? Cameilla: Okay! 霍克葛格: (笑) Bye. 蒙大拿用電腦在拼湊碎片 丹尼: Is there a hungry woman here? (紙袋上有個笑臉) 蒙大拿: (笑) 丹尼: I got you the burger you want! 蒙大拿: Bring it in here. 丹尼: ... no food in the lab, remember? 蒙大拿: Danny, I can't come out right now. I think I just found something. 丹尼: What you got? 蒙大拿: I found this dark scratch on some pieces of the tank. Here, check it out. 丹尼: Looks like some harden liquid like gel. Maybe a glue? 蒙大拿: I was thinking maybe our perp glue the bottle on the protane tank and when it fires... 丹尼: Here comes the explosion! Maybe more lab works will tell us if it's the case. 蒙大拿: (一把搶過紙袋) You better get busy now! (跑走) 丹尼: Hey! Come'on! (笑) All right, save me a french fry! 霍克葛格人在Cameilla的Party上... Cameilla: I would love to see you having fun. 霍克葛格: I would love to see you. More drink? 霍克葛格離開去幫Cameilla倒酒, 忽然看到一間房間裡有煙飄出來, 霍克葛格走過去推開門, 裡面數名男女在抽大麻... 其中一名女子看到霍克葛格, 把大麻煙遞出, 霍克葛格轉身離開. Cameilla送霍克葛格到門邊... Cameilla: I'm sorry! I have no idea they're doing that there... 霍克葛格: Baby, that's fine. It's just I'm working for NYPD. Cameilla: I know! I don't even really know those guys. They're tagged friends of my friends. You know how good the intuition I am. 霍克葛格: Baby, it's fine. You go have fun. I'll call you in the morning. (走到電梯邊) Cameilla: Can I ask you something? 霍克葛格: Yeah? Cameilla: Have you ever tried that? 霍克葛格: You mean weed? Cameilla: Yeah. At some point you must have beed curious about it? 霍克葛格: At some points, I tried a lot of things. Not all of them are what I am pround of. Cameilla: I'll take that as a yes then. 霍克葛格: Yeah, does it matter? Cameilla: Because I never had. Between all those schools, works, and a couple weeks ago, I got a gun pointed to my head. And last night you and I almost died. All those things start making me to think maybe I still have some living need to do.  霍克葛格: Hey... Cameilla: (伸手攬住霍克葛格的脖子) Care to join me? 霍克葛格在Cameilla床上醒來, 看到時間... 霍克葛格: Damn it! Cameilla: What's wrong? 霍克葛格: I overslept. Cameilla: What time it is? 霍克葛格: 10. Supposed to be working one hour ago. Cameilla: Oh no. (圈住霍克葛格吻他) Call me later. 霍克葛格: Oh, baby, baby... (回吻) I gonna to go.      Talk to you later. 亞當在檢查圍裙. 包子大: Adam, you got anything of the chief trace? 亞當: Oh yeah, a herb spat. (包子大挑眉) It's called xxx, it's Chinese cave swallow saliva. You know, bird spat. I found the trace, swat it, and run the sample's DNA. Get this. Stain that's right on Derby Chase's chest.  包子大: So that must be part of the thing that hits him. Could it be part of the cousine, some exotic ingridient maybe? 亞當: That's what I thought. But I cannot find anything on their on-line menu, and also I cannot find the No. 3 special Cameilla told Jo about.  包子大: What a Chienese cave swallow doing in Manhattan then? 亞當: I don't know. But, hey, Mac, do you think if a bird spit on you is the same bad luck as bird poop... 包子大: (笑) Figure it out, Adam. (離開) 弗帥告訴Jo說這些美食競爭比大家想像的激烈很多 弗帥: ... out of 3000 competiters, 1200 of them have a truck. With not putting something special on his menu, that's when things get ugly. Jo: Those are all complains about Derby Chasen? 弗帥: Yeah. And eight of them are within the past six months. Jo: (翻閱檔案) DOT, Sensation, health department... didn't all thses help to say the food is amazingly good? 弗帥: This guy didn't think so.  Jo: Odelin Gonzalaiz. Well, that the name on all those complains. ... sounds like he's been working pretty hard in the system to against our vic. 弗帥: You think we should pay him a visit? Jo: Well, it is lunch time. Jo: That's a good-looking dog, Mr. Gonzalaiz. Odelin: No, it's the best. All natural, beef with special spice.     You can see from the post. 弗帥: Why don't you tell us about your natural beef with Derby Chasen? Odelin: Thank God, you finally come to help. That punk damaged my bussiness illegaly! Jo: We understand your angry with all the complains you made. Odelin: I passed that message to every department I can think of. All he did is just pulling a truck there and then block my space! Did he respect what I established here before him? No. Did he follow the signs and rules? No. But he still easily get all the lights out. 弗帥: No anymore.  Odelin: I really appreciate your help, officers. But I don't think it will really end all these. Jo: Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore, Mr. Gonzalaiz. He's dead. Odelin: The explosion? 弗帥: Yes. The competition is exploded out of the street. Jo: And given your nature with Derby Chasen, you understand why we are here. Odelin: I am angry. But I would take anyone's life out of them. Jo: We'll get back to you, Mr. Gonzalaiz. (兩人離開) 弗帥: Found anything useful? Jo: No. I found TATP trace on the bottle tap that looks like his hot souce bottle. But there are thousands of that in New York city. And unless we have scientific evidences to put him on the scene... 弗帥: But we have motive. Jo: Well, according to what we just heard, that's questionable. 丹尼在查霍克葛格在現場發現的餐盒. 霍克葛格: (行色匆匆走進來) Hey. 丹尼: Hey, Dr. Love. 霍克葛格: Did Mac ask for me? 丹尼: Don't worry, I covered for you. I, huh, told him the subway broke you down.  霍克葛格: Nice. 丹尼: Hum-huh. Me, meanwhile, is running the box you found in the crime scene. 此時兩個人走進來... 男子: Detective Messer? 丹尼: Yeah. 男子: Doctor Hawks? 霍克葛格: That's me. 男子: You were chosen to do the drug test of the department. 霍克葛格: I already did that earlier this year. 丹尼: Yeah, I did that twice during the past two months.  男子: The test prefers to be totally random and they might be repeated then. Follow me please. 丹尼: You heard them, man. Let's go peanut cup. 霍克葛格非常不舒服的想起昨晚跟Cameilla的對話, 還有早上起床在時鐘邊看到的菸蒂... 包子大的視訊忽然打開... 席德大叔: Lay back, gourment! 包子大: Excuse me? 席德大叔: I'm happy to tell you that I'm a beautiful gourmant. And I've been taking summer schools at the end of the past two years and my reputations is nearly to be ranked as two honorable tastes. But I suspect you wonder why it is matter. 包子大: I am. 席德大叔: Meet the potato riser! I know I recognize that. It's a tool for graze things out of the ingredients, like moisture and other things. It's a critical part of any professional chief's kitchen. 包子大: And consistant with the trace on Derby Chasen's chest. 席德大叔: Um-hum. 包子大: Thank you, Sid. 席德大叔: Auf Wiedersehen. Jo: (走進來) So Odelin Gonzalaiz is anything like what I've been feared. According to the records, he's feeding homeless at the city shelter the day and no where near the food festivel. 包子大: And how this guy ended up dead. 亞當: (走進來) Bird nest soup. 包子大: Bird nest soup? 亞當: Yap, Chinese soup that costs hundreds a bowl. You want to know why? Jo: Because it's made with the rare nests of Chinese cave swallow. 包子大: Hum. 亞當: And you know how they made their nests? 包子大: Adam.  亞當: Bird spit. Yeah, when the salica dried... it turns into this gellatin plot. 包子大: And fits in the potato riser. Jo: Potato riser? 包子大: That can explain the trasfer of bird saliva trace on Derby Chasen's chest. 亞當: Well, there are only a few places in Manhattan selling the bird nest soup. And one of them happens to have Derby Chasen as a former employee: Bronox Reily. Jo: So all this time we're looking on food trucks, we should focus on dining. 包子大: Let's go see if murder is on the menu. 一個忙碌的廚房內... 主廚: Come'on! Move, guys! No! Those stripes are terrible. (嚐一口湯)    More salt, more. (經過一個正在灑東西的小廚師) I told you to pinch it, not to burry it! I make the good taste, you make it looks good! (看到走進來的包子大跟Jo) Somebody show these guys the dining room! 包子大: Bronox Reily? 主廚: I'll be with you in a minute. 包子大: Detective Tylor and Denville, we would like to talk to you about Derby Chasen. Bronox: All right. Here is all you need to know. I'm grateful to have him working for me. I taught him everything I know. And he ends up stealing a bowl from me. Jo: Stealing a bowl from you? Bronox: He used the idea to put Feta cheese on the fries... and the worst, he was using several of my recipes! 包子大: (拿起potato riser) So you confront him? Bronox: Hell, yes, I confronted him.  Bronox: You are using my recipes as street food? I thought you're talented! But look at you! Stuck in this food truck instead of a real dining restaurent? With those comb fast food?     (抓起芥末醬往Derby的鬆餅淋) Derby: Hey! Take it easy! I just want to win the food festival.     Not to please any high-price slut like you! Bronox拿起手邊的potato riser敲了Derby胸口一記 Bronox: I made more lunch than your sick truck every day! You keep this up, and I promise you, I'll fry your ass with all those stands. Jo: Turned up a little high, don't you think? Bronox: What are you talking about? 包子大: Derby Chase's truck is exploded in the festivel, and he was killed with that. We have a nice table waiting for you downtown. 霍克葛格檢查餐盒, 發現上面有字: 1125 Columbus Ave. #324 弗帥: Chief Shemuck said anything? 包子大:... now he's biting his tunes. 霍克葛格: (走過來) Hotel XXX. I found the take-out box in the scene and ran the traces of it. And then found this. 包子大: That's the number of the room? 霍克葛格: Yes. The room is vacant now. But I can tell you who were in there that night. Gus XXX. 弗帥: That name sounds familiar. 霍克葛格: He owned the WOW. 包子大: I thought it is Derby Chasen. 霍克葛格: Yes. It turns out he just owned about 40% of the steak. 包子大: So they're partners. 霍克葛格: But Gus owned other 16 trucks aroung the city. And on top of those... (出示PADD) 弗帥: That's why I know him. 包子大: (接過PADD看著兩人) 弗帥走到一台food truck前. 老闆: What can I get for you? 弗帥: Can I have a No. 3 special please? 老闆: That will be five bucks. 老闆接過錢, 拿過一個盒子寫上一些字, 把盒子交給弗帥. 老闆: Enjoy. 弗帥: Yeah, I will. 弗帥進入一棟大樓, 敲了201門. 女子: Hey, baby. You're here for No. 3 special? 弗帥: Mind if I get thing I'm paying for. 女子: You like what you see, don't you? 弗帥: Oh-yeah. 女子: On that case, I'm all yours. 弗帥: (抓住女子手腕) On second thought, (銬人) I am not that hungry. Jo負責詢問女子 Jo: Why a glamorous woman like you need to chasing yourself like this, Nina? Nina: Well, there's more worse way to make a living. Jo: I bet that's what you tell yourself every time when a strange man leave your bed, and they will look into your eyes. Nina: At least I'm not on the street. 弗帥跟包子大詢問Gus. 弗帥: How you pull those women in, Gus? Because last time I meet you, you said you were treating them like prince. Gus: What can I say? Once you get all those trucks set. Girls are coming...... Nina: It's actually better. All my clients became younger, cooler. Jo: Nothing cooler than turning food truck into business trick. Tell me about Gus. Nina: He is a nice guy. 包子大: You're a pimp! Gus: I'm an investigator! 弗帥: Using food truck to be part of the prostitute industry is illegal! Not to mention blow one of them out! 包子大: That makes you a murder. Jo: How's your feeling about Derby Chasen? Nina: He was good at first. He got chased out of the restaurent. Gos offered him a job. He was a really good cook. Business is boomingusting, too. Jo: Oh I guess he's also serving you aside the truck? Nina: I'm not the only one who works for them. Jo: I'm sure with how successful you are, it must turn girls away. Nina: Trouble is Derby is turning customers away, too. Jo: Oh yeah, why is it? Nina: Once Derby start getting his own trucks, he told Gus he did not want to sell things other than food. Gus: Man, I really like your food. (抓住Derby) But you really think people come here to eat? Derby: ... I don't care. I own half the truck. Gus: Oh yeah? Tell you something: I put you in the truck, and I can also find ways to get you out! Gus: It's a simple disagreement between business partners... We have great combination: Food in front, dessert on the side. Huh? No more girls need to be on streest, all the money earned could be put back to the truck and the whole thing is compeletely out of your radar! So you tell me, why the hell would I blow it up? 大家一起討論案情... 包子大: We got a burned body in a truck, without one single leading.     Come'on, guys, I need some answers. 丹尼: I got those pieces of the tanks, but nothing really can help up put anyone to the truck. 霍克葛格正在思索, 轉身卻看到驗藥的兩位officer正在跟某人談話, 愣住. 包子大: What about you, Hawks? Hawks! 霍克葛格: I'm sorry, Mac. I was thinking... 蒙大拿: (走進來) ... it is glue. Acetae, specifically. 丹尼: Used to Chinese chopsticks, XXX, OOO... 蒙大拿: Yes, but it didn't really help to narrow things down. Until I found something else. Cerena glue is really sticky, right? So I run the trace around it in the hope to find something useful. 丹尼: And you find a print! 蒙大拿: Yes, I did, a partial prints... guess who's name on it?     Godelin Gonzalaiz. 包子大: The hot dog vener? Jo: But we have witness saying he was on church feeding the   homeless. 蒙大拿: Because he was. That is not the guy I'm talking about. 包子大, 霍克葛格跟弗帥進入一家餐廳中, 忽然聽到有人在移動的聲響... 弗帥: Gonzaliaz? NYPD! 某人推翻了整個餐櫃架, 一排又一排的鍋碗瓢盆倒下... 弗帥: Watch out! 包子大: You okay? 從後門跑走的男子被霍克葛格逮個正著. 霍克葛格: Hey, this is the guy bump into me at the festivel. 包子大: Godelin Gonzalaiz, Junior. 弗帥: You sure like messing thing. Godelin Jr.: Doing what I have to do. 包子大: Committing murder? Endanger lifes of hundres of people? Godelin Jr: There is no other way. My father can see his future by looking to the guy's face. We filed all those complains, but they're all being ignored. The trucks come, the crowds keep coming. How can we compete with that? 霍克葛格: The way every other does: work hard. Godelin Jr: That's what I thought.  Godelin Jr: Don't mind papa, the food is even not that good. Godelin: Look at those people on line... I made eighty bucks a day now... Forget about those homeless, I wouldn't even be able to feed myself is this keeps up. Godelin Jr安慰爸爸 Godelin: You're right. Everything will be fine. Godelin Jr: That's not fair. 弗帥: Especially when you figure out what's really going on in that truck. Godelin Jr: I'm an idiot. Best dish in town is worth 500. Godelin Jr.在某個晚上看到三名男子買了No. 3 special 那三個人隨手把紙盒一丟, Godelin於是把盒子撿起來, 前往該地址 Nina: If you are a cop, I am only engaged in sex with friends, and no money changes in hands. Godelin Jr: You're a hoocker? Nina: (笑) So you're not a cop. Sorry, honey, I am a little bit over-booked now. So if you want to eat, you'll need to order like everybody else. Godelin Jr: That's what I knew. And I think if the man is died everything would be different. 包子大: So you decided to play fire again, and do something your father will never do. You made a home-made bomb out of the those hot souce bottles, and attached it to the protane tank using glue. But you made a mistake, you left your fingerprints. When you lit it and walk away, you left dozens of life in danger.  霍克葛格: You killed an innocent man. Godelin Jr: He's far away from innocent. Godelin: (在員警陪同下走進來) It's not for you to judge... What have you done! 霍克葛格走進包子大辦公室. 霍克葛格: You want to talk to me? 包子大: To be honest, I would rather not talking about this. I got the results of your drug test, it's not high enough to press charges, but there is trace of xxx in your blood, Hawks. 霍克葛格: ... just second-hand exposure. Bad luck. You gonna to believe me. 包子大: Like I believe you when you call in sick? This is not about bad luck, this is about bad choices. 霍克葛格: I know you're right, and I'm sorry. But Mac, sometimes I feel like this job affect every single choices I made. I mean, other people, they leave their works in the office, and it's okay for them to loose a bit. We do a lot of good things, but sometimes this looks like the only thing we're allowed to do. 包子大: It comes with the badge. Surely Cameilla understood. 霍克葛格: Yes, she does. She does. But this has been a long time that I've been in a relationship that's worth to get into troubles for, you know? 包子大: There is no trouble about having fun with someone special. But I need to be here on time tomorrow, with a framed mind and get the things done. Are we clear? (霍克葛格點頭)     Good. Go home. Get some sleep. 霍克葛格回到家, 某人敲門. Cameilla: Sorry about dropping by without annouce. I just can't stop thinking about you. 霍克葛格: Cameilla. I kind of have a bad day. I just want some rest, okay? Cameilla: Okay... but, huh, you sure about that?      (大衣一脫, 下面未著寸縷, 霍克葛格傻眼了) 最後電梯傳來盯的一聲, 霍克葛格趕緊護著Cameilla進門了~~ 本集心得: 1) Somehow I thought she's too big a bite for Hawks to chew... And it probably won't last long. But it surely will last long enough for the editors to play... 2) 笨蛋夫妻也很閃, 強力支持Lucy有個弟弟或妹妹!!! XDD 3) 案件嘛...恩...so so啦..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/10 03:08, , 1F
04/10 03:08, 1F

04/10 04:44, , 2F
04/10 04:44, 2F

04/10 06:27, , 3F
04/10 06:27, 3F

04/10 06:28, , 4F
失望啊~~ 偶爾讓霍克葛格秀秀身材也不錯嘛~~阿編~~ XDD
04/10 06:28, 4F

04/10 09:12, , 5F
04/10 09:12, 5F

04/10 09:17, , 6F
pisacat我也是這樣抱怨啊....結果一堆人說我花癡= 3=
04/10 09:17, 6F

04/10 09:17, , 7F
不過另一對實在太好笑了啦 XDDDD
04/10 09:17, 7F

04/10 09:17, , 8F
有人食量太大了喔 xDDDDDDD
04/10 09:17, 8F

04/10 09:30, , 9F
話說,最後一幕,其實是Spartacus續篇吧(喂喂喂) XDDD
04/10 09:30, 9F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (04/10 09:31)

04/10 09:32, , 10F
04/10 09:32, 10F

04/10 09:33, , 11F
04/10 09:33, 11F

04/10 09:36, , 12F
04/10 09:36, 12F

04/10 09:42, , 13F
然後,啊那個阿當在問的不就是燕窩嗎 @__@
04/10 09:42, 13F

04/10 09:55, , 14F
04/10 09:55, 14F

04/10 11:12, , 15F
04/10 11:12, 15F

04/10 11:58, , 16F
這集真的是超閃的,同時被兩對閃是怎樣XD 這集霍克葛格做的
04/10 11:58, 16F

04/10 11:59, , 17F
04/10 11:59, 17F

04/10 16:08, , 18F
04/10 16:08, 18F

04/10 16:08, , 19F
快點給Lucy生個弟弟或妹妹吧! 獨生女是很寂寞的啊
04/10 16:08, 19F

04/12 21:04, , 20F
04/12 21:04, 20F

04/13 02:29, , 21F
04/13 02:29, 21F

04/13 19:02, , 22F
推樓上 不太喜歡他的感覺
04/13 19:02, 22F

04/14 02:34, , 23F
04/14 02:34, 23F

04/14 02:35, , 24F
Cameilla 直覺是個危險人物~~
04/14 02:35, 24F

04/14 23:33, , 25F
04/14 23:33, 25F

04/18 07:52, , 26F
看蒙大拿對食物的要求 真的會讓人以為她懷孕了
04/18 07:52, 26F

04/18 07:52, , 27F
不過這段超好笑 丹尼回頭時的眼神超好笑的
04/18 07:52, 27F

04/19 11:37, , 28F
不喜歡Cameilla +1 ...
04/19 11:37, 28F

04/22 20:09, , 29F
Cameilla像是演驚悚片的XD 喜歡被DL閃^_^
04/22 20:09, 29F

04/23 15:37, , 30F
不喜歡Cameilla +1...
04/23 15:37, 30F

05/12 22:46, , 31F
05/12 22:46, 31F

05/12 22:46, , 32F
05/12 22:46, 32F
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