[劇情] CSI: NY 717 雷~~

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防雷頁 本集重點: 孩子們真的都是很不知天高地厚加殘酷的啊...... 片頭, 某間學校之內, 一群新生跟家長隨著學校負責人走來走去, 在他碎碎唸介紹背景中, 你可以看到學生們在調情, 買賣毒品, 駭客上網...等的行為. 下課了, 學生走出來. 學校負責人: Well, I would love to thank you for your coming. Hope to see you in the Fall. Remeber, our students are equipped with the abilities that can help them achieve their goals in the future. 此時一名女學生跌跌撞撞的靠近, 頭上的傷口留著血, 然後在眾人的驚叫之中倒地... 學生們紛紛圍觀, 照相, 送簡訊, 透過某人的手機看到包子大跟Jo走進來. 弗帥: ...This is our vic. Olivia Cartilaz, 17 years old. Hey, someone move those kids out here. 包子大: They're not helping anything but just taking snap shut. Come'on, moving those people back there. 弗帥: ... no information about vic's life yet. According to her schedule, she just finished 3 periods. She must just come out of the classroom. 包子大: (蹲下檢查屍體) Significant blood loss. She cannot make that far. She was murdered right here around the class. 弗帥: Usually you tell your kids walk home safety from school, not through it. 包子大: (點頭, 起身, 看著學校的校徽下面的一行字) Ad Vitam Perimus. Means we're preparing for life. 弗帥: Well, somebody must have a different idea. 蒙大拿拍照, 包子大開始檢查指甲下的跡證. 包子大: ... it broke throgh the bone. Must take a lot of force to do that. 蒙大拿: No defensive trace on the hands. Suggesting she didn't struggle back. 包子大: (點頭) ... Our victim stayed away from the first crime scene. Witnesses said she walked from that direction. 蒙大拿: And all those kids saw her face. You will never forget this day. I still remember all the details of that night my friends got murdered. 包子大: Let's hope one of them remember all the detailes about what happened here. 丹尼在廁所裡檢查死者的東西, 找到一本圖書館的書, 序號PAR882LH. 丹尼: (抬頭看到Jo走進來) You hold your badge, young lady? (Jo亮出腰際的警徽) All right, that will do. (Jo笑了出來) Got blood stage here. This must be where the attack happened. Jo: COD is the wound on the back of her head. The shape fits with the edge of the sink here. 丹尼: Victim's backpack is right here. She seems to be a smart girl. (出示課本) Calculus C. Jo: Whoa. I never knew there is A or B. Jo開始查探每間廁所, 丹尼把洗手台的血跡採樣. Jo: Oh... I got shoe prints on top of the toilet. 丹尼: That's kind of a weired way to do your business, no? Jo: When I was in school, the mirror is so high that I have to stand on the toilet to get a whole view. 丹尼: Well, since there is no mirror across here on the wall, I would suggest that means someone is hiding. Jo: (採樣鞋印上的黃色物質) Laying and waiting. 弗帥跟大批警力忙著在做訪查. 女學生: Who will want to kill Olivia? Everybody wants to be her. 弗帥: Popularity comes with a price. Everyone hates her with that? 女學生: No. No one could be like that even if they tried. Some girls need to fight to stay on the top... but Olivia never needs to. 弗帥: Maybe some of those girls tried to take her spot light? 女學生: No. Olivia is the lead of her own. Everybody knows that. And they all respect that. Jo負責跟爸爸媽媽談話. Jo: Mrs. Cartilaz, did your daughther have any problems in school? 媽媽: No. Olivia is always very welcomed with the school. Jo: Did your daughther have a boyfriend? 媽媽: With her academic works. she really doesn't have the time. She was just always so bright. 爸爸: ... She'll be 18 soon. she is the leader of the debeat team. Jo: Is she ever involved in drug? Party? Drinking? 媽媽: Absolutely not. Is there any way this could be an accident? I mean, she could fell on her head, right? Jo: Sorry, but all evidence suggests this is a homicide. 媽媽: It just... It doesn't make any sence. Jo: It never does. I promise you that we'll do everything we can to find who did this. 法醫室裡, 席德大叔若有所思, 包子大走進來. 包子大: Sid? 席德大叔: Huh, just thinking about my niece. She's no much older than our victim here. She's a beautiful girl. COD is serious head trauma. The shape confirms the sink is our murder weapon. No abuse or other traces. However, I do find skin tramandisement on her right knee. 包子大: (俯身查看) Reddish. 席德大叔: It usually appears after two hours contacting things like poison ivy or cleaners. I swapped it and found some microbios. I already sent it to the lab. 包子大: According to the interview to students and faculties, there is about 18 minutes prior of Oilivia's death. Is it possible to develop such a contact among that windoe? 席德大叔: Absolutely. 包子大: Then whatever it is, it may tell us where she was or even whom she is with. 席德大叔: One other thing, I found a print. That's the only thing on her body. (出示死者右手食指上一個超小的字母) 包子大: (拿起放大鏡) How did the smartest girl in the school get a F? 亞當跟丹尼在查書包裡的東西, 並進行細菌培養等等...... 丹尼告知包子大席德大叔的取樣得到的東西, 成分分析得到的三種黴菌都是學校內可以常見的東西, 於是包子大要丹尼去學校各處取樣, 找出"三樣"同時都出現的地點. 丹尼取樣後蒙大拿進行了交叉比對, 最後確認了位置是在圖書館. 丹尼跟蒙大拿前往學校圖書館. 蒙大拿: Can you imagine Lucy in a school like this? 丹尼: A young girl just got murdered, I tried not to. 蒙大拿: This is a five-star academic. XXX built this especially for young kids. It's particularly good for arts and science. The college admission is 95%. 丹尼: (笑) You remember all the brochure? 蒙大拿: I was just trying to be prepared. It's our daughther's future. 丹尼: All right, sweatheart. She will enter a nice, old-fashioned public school like the one I went though, okay? Not like those kids. 蒙大拿: (笑) Okay. (兩人進入圖書館) So the trace suggests this is the last place Olivia was in. 丹尼: I found the "Greek Tragedy" in her backpack. So should we start by cloumns or by rows? 蒙大拿: You mean what's the arrangement system? 丹尼: Yeah, I never get that figured out. 蒙大拿: Or you just didn't use that at all. 丹尼: (被打腔只能吹口哨, 兩人開始找書) Boom, okay, this is the copy of that book I found. 蒙大拿: This only tells us she had been here. But not if anything happenes here. She must knee down, and got the mod planted. (模擬死者跪下要拿書的樣子, 右膝正中地毯上的黴菌) 丹尼: (發現書架後的讀書間一室凌亂) Looks like we got some activities here. Hum. 蒙大拿: Whoa. There is hand prints all over the table. 丹尼: (查看桌角) Looks like the table is repeatedly slam against the wall. 蒙大拿: Is that an ass print? 丹尼: Hell yeah. It does look like an ass print. Baby, do me a favor, hop up to this table. (兩人模擬出一男一女在桌上親暱的姿勢...) Like this! Looks like there are a lot of secret activities back here, huh? 蒙大拿: Yeah. (下桌後從桌子的角度往外看) So Olivia saw two people having sex here. You think that's enough for them to kill her? 丹尼: If one of them is a teacher, that would be a bonus point. 蒙大拿: She's just here looking for a book, but instead she got a sexual education. 兩人開始蒐證, 蒙大拿採集指紋, 蒙大拿: It's a student with a record! (名單顯示Bejamin Gold) 兩人找上校長跟那位學生, 校長幫蒙大拿打開Benjamin的置物櫃. 丹尼: Drug holding on 15, that's quite impressive! Benjamin: You cannot open my locker just like that! It's private property. 校長: My private property, Mr. Gold. You waive that when you got the acceptions from the school. Benjamin: What are you searching for? 丹尼: You got a couple of hits with Olivia? No? (蒙大拿發現了置物櫃後的一個小暗箱) What we got here? Whoa. 蒙大拿: (拿出一台錄影機, 腳架, 還有色情錄影帶!自拍後置販賣版那種) Someone wants getting attention. 丹尼: (看看錄影帶的標題: Principle Andrew: Big Exam. 看向校長) What are you teaching those kids here? 校長不可置信的看著Benjamin. 包子大: (關掉放出來看的錄影帶) Principle Andrew's big exam? That's clever. Benjamin: (微笑) I know, isn't it? 包子大: You seems a little cocky for a young man who is going to jail soon. Benjamin: Whoa, wait a minute, all those girls signed a condorsement here. None of them are under age! 包子大: You can take that as sexual frame. You know that? You're in the library, aren't you? 弗帥則在跟圖書館錄影帶女主角對談. 女學生: Yeah. But I'm not there every day. 弗帥: Got a lot of works done there? 女學生: Yeah. 弗帥: I don't consider having sex as a homework. 女學生: (臉色大變) Okay. You have to promise not telling my parents about that. I would be totally exploded with that. They have zero tolerance for, like, everything. I'm finished. I could kiss my hearts and goodbye. 弗帥: I cannot promise anything untill I got the information I need. You understand? Let's start from Benjamin Gold and what happened in the library. Benjamin: My production has minority of library shut. You have to believe this. I have a sharp memory. 包子大: Well, how about this? Olivia witness your performance and was about to reveal your little secret. 女學生: ...Ben tole me the camera is setting, we just need to get a few shut for excitment. You know, just dropping the pants... 弗帥: Okay, I don't need that detail. Just jump to where Olivia saw you guys. Benjamin: I don't know what you're talking about. 包子大: Your company, Peggy, was sitting just next to that room. She would tell us everything, including what happened after Olivia caught you guys making out in the library. You had better not lying to us. Peggy: Olivia didn't catch us. I don't recall seeing her there. 弗帥: Then after you finished, what happened? Peggy: I left. Benjamin: I didn't kill Olivia. An she didn't frame a blood threat of my production. 回想畫面. Peggy: That's fun. (輕啄Ben的臉頰後離開) Benjamin: (整理衣服) Who's there? Oh, crap, Olivia. Look, I don't know what you saw... Olivia: I saw enough. Benjamin: Please don't tell Principle Andrew, he will kick my ass. Please, name a price. What you want? I can do anything. (Olivia靠近他) What are you doing? Olivia: You. Hopefully. When should we set it? Benjamin: Olivia wants to be a star. 包子大眉頭一皺. Jo看到亞當很困惑的走著. Jo: What's up, Adam? You finished your research? 亞當: (一整個抓到人吐苦水這樣) I examined Olivia's backpack and her clothes. There is this stange material OOO and XXX. It's the Mar's soil!... And I haven't come to Mac yet. I think he'll thought that I am crazy. Jo: ... I'm sure Olivia never got to Mars, and also her killer. You just need to figure out how those soils got there. 亞當: Okay. (轉身看到包子大朝他們走來) Oh God. (轉360度逃走) Jo: Okay, so what's up with you? 包子大: The moss trace on Olivia's knee leads us to the library, where she witness an imature porn video shot. Our suspect, Benjamin Gold, has records, plenty of loss. Jo: Sounds like a motive to me. 包子大: But Benjamin Gold claimed that Olivia wants to be one of those porn stars. Jo: Oh come'on. Teenager's fantasy doen't make it as a truth. 包子大: But without the evidence, we can only put Ben to the library, not the restroom. We're starting from the begining again. 霍克葛格: (走過來) Maybe not. Remember the yellow trace you found on the shoe prints? It's emperor scorpin. Jo: How does an emperor scorpin get into a New York's high school? 包子大跟霍克葛格跑去學校. Bocker: Poisonous creatures. But don't be fool by the appearance, their stings are all removed. I'm Mr. Bocker. Biology. 霍克葛格: How many you have here? Bocker: We have, had, five. Unfortunately, yesterday one of our students thought it would be funny to scare his classmates. (昨天某倒霉的蠍子被拿來嚇一個叫做Amy的學生, 一個男生趁另 一個女生問Amy問題時把蠍子放在她桌上, 回頭後Amy嚇的把蠍子 打落到地上, 其他人哄堂大笑, Amy走人時踩死了蠍子) 霍克葛格: Who is that lucky girl? Bocker: Amy Thomas. She was an incredibly smart girl. But frequently target by her classmates. 霍克葛格: Why is that? Bocker: Well, those information is not ofren revealed to us. What I can tell is that's from a particular type of team, detectives... 包子大: So what are the acasemic achievement of those kids? Bocker: They're all smart kid... but what I'm talking is out of the classroom. Socially, those kids could be brutal. Amy is smart, but other than that ring, styles? Social life? None. 包子大: Is there any connection between Olivia and Amy? Bocker: They are two different species. But you can ask Amy yourself. (示意兩人回頭, Amy正在做實驗) 包子大: Thanks. Bocker: Sure. 包子大跟霍克葛格靠近Amy跟一個男生, 看來他們是科展的團隊. 包子大: Amy Thomas? 男生: And I'm Alan Timothy. Nice to meet you. Have you guys see our poster yesterday? 霍克葛格: No, we're not. Alan: That's okay. Just give me a several minutes to set up. This is a XXX lizard, which is capable of color changing. We're aiming to study... (Amy開心的幫忙拿版子) 包子大: I'm sorry. But we're with NYPD crime lab. We need to speak with you, Amy. 三人到室外談話. 包子大: Where did you go after biology course yesterday? Amy: I don't remember. 包子大: Let me help you remember. You were hiding in a restroom. Amy: How do you know that? 霍克葛格: We found your shoe prints on the toilet. 包子大: Where is the same restroom that Olivia got murdered. Amy: You cannot connect my shoe print to the restroom without preactical reference. Which I didn't give you one. 霍克葛格: Mr. Bocker told us the joke and the scorpin. Amy: He did? 霍克葛格: Traces of the scorpin puts you in the restroom. 包子大: He also implied that this is not the first time you were signaled out by your classmates. Amy: ...Why would you care? 包子大: Because Olivia was murdered. We need to know why and what you did in the restroom. Amy: After Schmark put the scorpin on my desk, I don't want to give them what they want to see. So I went into the restroom to wait till the next class starts. I was just there until those cheerleader coming in. Apparantly they were talking about me, so I don't want to be found. That's when I stepped on to the toilet. Pretty good to be invisible when I need to. 霍克葛格: What happened later? Amy: They left, and I came out from the toilet and left as well. 霍克葛格: We need the names of those girls. Amy: Cyntia OOO and Rachel XXX. Is there anything else I can do for you, detectives? Or you're done packing my personal life? 包子大: No. Thank you for your time. 回到了辦公室 Jo: Amy Thomas's story is confirmed. We found both the cheerleaders. They both admitted, without remorse, that they made fun of Amy inside the restroom with knowing she was there. So cruel. If they're in my school, I would kick them to the D-team. 蒙大拿: You're a cheerleader? Jo: Don't make me do the movements now. 大家大笑. 霍克葛格: So, that's Gold's coat there. We found the endorsement signed by Olivia on the pocket. Looks like she's ready for a close-up. Maybe Gold is telling the truth. 蒙大拿: And there is no evidence to put Gold in the restroom. 包子大: According to Gold, Olivia was alive at the first five minutes of the 18-min period. Jo: We just have to figure out what happened during the 13 minutes. 包子大: There must be evidences to tell us that. Maybe we didn't look close enough. 包子大檢視起一個水瓶... 包子大: Sulfiod xxx... those aren't ingredients of water. 霍克葛格: And I am sure it's impossible to be 1947 calories. 包子大: Information: 1TD. 蒙大拿: 1947 1TD? Truman dumping the bomb! 包子大: 2MP and NS... Jo: The National Security. All those information on the bottle is replaced by the information of Cold War! 霍克葛格: That's impressive. Jo: Where did that bottle come from? 霍克葛格: The victim's backpack. 蒙大拿: Olivia is the smartest girl in the school. She wasn't a cheater. 包子大: She must got this from someone else. That explains the transprint on her finger tip. Linsey, log in the school system, I want to know what exam is scheduled today. 蒙大拿: AP World History. 包子大: Looks like Olivia got a cheater. 霍克葛格開始要找瓶身上的指紋, 席德大叔採了Olivia的指紋以供比對. 霍克葛格後來甚至把標籤拆下來找內側的指紋. 包子大: Let me guess, they're not Olivia's. 霍克葛格: Yes, but they're not in the system as well. 包子大: I guess they won't fir with Gold's either. There must be other ways... 丹尼去找亞當. 丹尼: It looks like they only print out at the day of the exam. 亞當: ...So somebody must hijecked to the teacher's computer. It's not impossible, it's just bossy... (亞當開始操作試驗他的理論) Yes! 丹尼: Is that Mac's? It's pretty impressive. 亞當: Yeah. And I think I know where the Mar's soil come from... (匆匆跑出去) Jo在繼續檢查Olivia的東西 蒙大拿: I called the principle. He said he didn't expect any of his students cheating. Jo: Just as he didn't expect any of his student murdering. Every school has cheaters. 蒙大拿: I guess he's just trying to preserve their reputation. They have to proof they worth that 1800 tuition. I understand they're under pressure, but I can't understand why someone will put so much efforts to prepare cheating. Did you find more of those cheating sheets? Jo: Nope. Just the bottle. I have to admit that's more than genious! 蒙大拿: I know! I wish I would think about that in my math class. Jo: (忽然想到什麼) Olivia has everything coming to her, right? 蒙大拿: Yeah. Grades, looks, friends. Jo: But there is one thing missing. Girls like Olivia usually have boyfriends. 蒙大拿: But isn't it out of permission? Jo: Girls at that age identified themselves by two things: friends and passion. Listen to this: Olivia, I know our times together is brief, but I hope this relationship could continue. 亞當衝去找霍克葛格跟包子大. 亞當: I found it! They're not really come from Mars! 包子大: Then where are they come from? 亞當: It's a little bit hard at first because there is not must reference, but once I got into those databases. Da-la! (另外兩個人一臉冷靜) Oh, huh, all right. It comes from those astro traces in Ockonama, Chile. (出示圖片, 包子大想起Alan鬣蜥籠子裡的裝飾...) 弗帥跟Jo負責詢問Alan. 弗帥: You know, I am not a biologist, but apparantly this color change study needs a lizard from Chile. Alan: My parents went vacation to Chile, and they bought me that as a present, for my science project. 弗帥: Yeah. Jo: You seem to be a smart kid, not smart enough to remove the tags on your cheating sheet. 弗帥: You, forget to remove the original tag. Because of that, we were able to tace back to the original grocery store. Good thing Mom is using a credit card. Jo: You and Olivia once have study group twice a week. What happened? Olivia found your cheat sheet? I can imagine she threatened to turn you in. Grab the water bottle, and got all exploded? You wouldn follow her? Alan: Nothing of these happen. I didn't kill Olivia. Jo: "Olivia, I know our time together is short. But I would love this relationship to continue." Does this sound familiar? It's your hand writing. 弗帥: Olivia is a beautiful girl. What happenes on those one-to-one meethings? Alan: I'm not a cheater. And I'm not a killer! Jo: Maybe you see your relationship with her more than that and when she caught you cheating... Alan: Fine! You got one thing right! I do like Olivia, a lot! And I would not do anything to hurt her. But I was not a cheater. I was helping her to cheat! Alan: Olivia signaled me out. I don't know why first. I... Jo: Did she ask you to help her cheating. Alan: The teachers always left their computer open. I can easily get hecked in. The water bottle is my idea. Olivia likes it. 弗帥: You got to Georgetown. Why did you help her cheat? Alan: Because I can't stand any girls more than five minutes other than Olivia? 弗帥: (走到外面找一切看在眼底的包子大) I don't get it. 包子大: Human got involved in murder because of three things: Money, revenge, and... (注意到那張Alan跟Olivia照片後的Amy) jealousy. 包子大跟Jo去找Amy. Amy: (在圖書館唸書, 抬頭看到包子大) Oh, hi, elegant. 包子大: We just want to learn more about the science project of you and your friend Alan. Amy: Oh, sure. Huh, we're partners. The project is to study the color change mechanism of dessert mob lizard from Chile. 包子大: We found a trace of those lizards on the blade of Olivia's coat. It's from your projuct, isn't it? Amy: I told you. I didn't even know Olivia. Jo: You know, when I at your age, I have a big month that everyone is laughing at me. I also have the big bone like you that people never let go of that. Yet I never let it get me. Amy: Good for you. Jo: But matters of heart, that's different. It must be really hard to see him spend all the time with Olivia. Amy: Him? Jo: Alan. This is the note you wrote to Olivia. And there is you on the background looking the two of them. I can see in your eyes, it says jealousy. Alan's obsession to Olivia must be hurt to watch. 包子大: What happened when Olivia came into the restroom? Amy: When I was in third grade, the student who remembered most numbers in Phi won the sandae of the rest of the week. Alan and I tied. We've been best friend ever since. He's the sweetest guy in the planet. The one who won't judge you by the hair you wear or your clothes. He noticed me for me. Not like the rest of my class. I think we have each other until Olivia called Alan out to be her study partner. She knew exactly what she wants and she exploited Alan for what she wants. 包子大: The cheating. That makes her on top, owning everything she had. 回想畫面, 啦啦隊走了以後, Olivia跟Alan進來. Olivia: You got that? Alan: Yeah. Olivia: (接過水瓶)You're a genious! Alan: Multiple choice, key words, everything. Just don't tell anyone, okay. Olivia: Dah. (吻Alan臉頰) Now you had better leave. Alan笑著離開. Amy: (衝出來) You ask him help you cheating? Olivia: Are you just spying us? You're really sick! Amy: If you want to keep your top academic records, that's fine. But leave Alan out of this! Olivia: We're just studying. Amy: In the bathroom? No. Olivia: What are you gonna to do? Turn us in? That will get your boyfriend in trouble as well. Amy: He's not my boyfriend. Olivia: But I saw the way you look at him. It's the same way he looks at me everyday. Small freaks. Amy一怒之下抓住Olivia的衣領撞向水槽. Amy: For years I have people making fun of me, but it is okay. At least I am awared of that. It made me sick to see Olivia begging Alan and using his hard work. He was everything for her. And she? She didn't deserve it. 包子大: She didn't. But she didn't deserve to die as well. Amy: I regret killing Olivia. I really did. But I didn't regret to stand our for my best friend. Amy被押上警車, Alan趕到看到她... Jo: You think Alan will be capble to understand? 包子大: His best friend is a murder? Jo: His best friend is in love with him. It would be helpful if those kid seeing what they choose not to see. 包子大: It would be helpful if parents open their eyes as well. People had to realize what kind of the world those kids living in. Even at a school like this. There are things not so great. Jo: You mean we should let them know even if they failed in high school, it is not the end of the world? 包子大: That's a lesson they should learn in the school. 本集重點: 1) 看完心情有差到, 我自己的青春期也不算好過的那種, 於是說真的完全可以理解Amy, 只是跟包子大說的一樣, 孩子啊, 稱過了未來就是你的啊, 這不過是人生的一小段而已. 2) 我想到台灣的霸凌新聞, 還有Judi Picoult的The 19 minutes. 我覺得整個最ooxx的是學校怎麼什麼都沒做? 那個生物老師顯然很清楚狀況的不是嗎? 因為"唉喲小孩子就是這樣"嗎? 可是同理心什麼的其實是可以教的啊? 師者傳道授業解惑也, 你只有授業算什麼好老師? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/14 06:20, , 1F
03/14 06:20, 1F

03/14 09:08, , 2F
除了故事線之外,角色間的互動好窩心 xD
03/14 09:08, 2F

03/14 09:08, , 3F
阿Jo姨學生時代超辣(筆記) 麻煩妳繼續「欺負」阿當喔XD
03/14 09:08, 3F

03/14 11:00, , 4F
喔對齁劇情太沉重害我都忘了吐槽那對搞笑夫妻檔... ^_^"
03/14 11:00, 4F

03/14 11:03, , 5F
推~每次看完心得都很期待~ 標題多打個1喔
03/14 11:03, 5F

03/14 23:08, , 6F
看完這集讓我想到柯南 動機都莫名其妙阿 然後就再後悔...
03/14 23:08, 6F

03/15 00:28, , 7F
衝動誤事啊 唉
03/15 00:28, 7F

03/16 22:38, , 8F
03/16 22:38, 8F

03/16 22:38, , 9F
03/16 22:38, 9F

03/16 22:40, , 10F
然後 Jo 姊換了新的直髮造型後變更正~~^^
03/16 22:40, 10F

03/20 20:49, , 11F
03/20 20:49, 11F

03/20 20:50, , 12F
It's funny the things ....not to see 中間聽不懂
03/20 20:50, 12F

03/20 20:50, , 13F
感謝 > <
03/20 20:50, 13F

03/21 00:22, , 14F
"It's funny the things we choose not to see."
03/21 00:22, 14F

03/21 00:22, , 15F
03/21 00:22, 15F
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