[劇情] CSI: NY 716 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/02/27 12:05), 編輯推噓11(1103)
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得罪了Mac Taylor還想跑~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 太歲頭上動土真是不知死活啊...... 片頭, 一台及持的車內, 後座一名男子頭上被照著頭套押著. 前座女子: I told you not put that across the neck! 前座男子: He's still breathing. 前座女子: He better be! 兩人將男子押到一橋下, 將男子扯下車, 前座男子: On your knees. On your knees. You son of bitch, now! This is the last warning, I swear. Only next time the trigger will be pulled! 兩人開車離開, 丟下男子一人在那裡, 男子奮力掙扎解開手上繩結, 最後, 那人的頭套一拿下來, 竟然是包子大!!! 包子大拿回了自己掉落在地面的槍, 走到緊急報案電話旁, 警方: 911. What is your emergency? 包子大: This is Detective Mac Tylor. I need to contact New York crime lab Jo Danville. 48小時前, 一名女子手邊還有著針筒死在巷內, Jo, 丹尼跟蒙大拿在現場蒐證中... 蒙大拿: I didn't get any finger prints. She's not wearing gloves, and therefore it didn't make sence. Jo: Are you saying she wiped it up? 蒙大拿: I'm thinking there must be some one else in the alley. 丹尼: (看看雜亂的小巷) There is a whole collection... (看到走來的包子大跟弗帥) Mac, our Jane Doe is addicted. 包子大: (看到死者的臉, 愣住) She's no Jane Doe. Her name is Tessa James. 回到局裡. Jo: I know this may sound crap. But are you okay? 包子大: I'm fine. I just don't expect to find her like that. Jo: You're looking for her? 包子大: We're waiting for her... I met Tessa almost a year ago. 回想畫面, 包子大在慢跑. Tessa: Detective Taylor? 包子大: Yeah. Tessa: ...They're following me. Can I trust you? I can trust you. I saw you on the paper. You told the truth. I...I saw a crime. I saw her in a room. And... an angel. Someone is keep crying... It's... it's so cold. 包子大: All right, I really want to help you. Can you tell me where she is? Tessa: (忽然加速離去, 準備上一台計程車) 包子大: At least give me your name! Tessa: Tessa James... She's not there. She's dead. 回想結束. 包子大: I tried to find her. But she has no driving license or others. She's in the system for a while, but was fired a yeat before. Jo: That sounds like extrem SED. If she do use drugs, that can involve fantasy. 包子大: I know. I believe her. Jo: Based on? 包子大: My gut. Jo: Mac, you always say using your brains, not your hearts. 包子大: I didn't say my heart. I said my gut. 驗屍間. 席得大叔: Toxin report came back with XXX. 包子大: It's hairoin. 席德大叔: That's what killed her. 包子大: Any difference? Tessa definitely know the suspect... 席德大叔: That explains why there are no other drugs in her system. 包子大: What about histology? 席德大叔: Nope. 包子大: Then how to explain this? She woke up today, and decide "hey, I would love to try some hairoins."? 席德大叔: I have fair reason to believe she's left-handed. 包子大: Then she should inject to the right hand, not the left one. So somebody injected her, dumped her to the alley and waited her to die there... what, is a murder. 丹尼和蒙大拿夫妻檔在檢查死者的衣物. 蒙大拿: This is possibly a greece... 丹尼: Yeah, think about all those stuffs in the environment. 蒙大拿: You're gross. 丹尼: Yeah. And you want the coat. 霍克葛格跟包子大報告他檢查死者身上的跡證的進展. 霍克葛格: The paint samples I found is XXX. 包子大: That paint was banded on 1976. 霍克葛格告知包子大說他調查過紐約市區的大樓, 有使用該種漆料的建築有在1983的時候重新漆過. 然後蒙大拿說她在死者外套上發現的痕跡是sulfur dioxide, 年代鑑定在1953左右. 蒙大拿: The stain on victim's coat indicated she somehow managed to get those trace in a building like that. 然後丹尼走進來說死者衣服尚未拿掉的標籤是大約在70年代製造的. 蒙大拿: So maybe we're looking an old coating warehouse? 包子大: (隱約想起初見面時死者手上提的東西) Or all of the above. 包子大, 弗帥跟Jo循線找到那間大樓, 是已經廢棄的成衣展售商店... 弗帥: I wonder how she get the coat out of here. 包子大: ...No one have been here for year.(手電筒的光掃到其他東西) Looks like Tessa was living in here. 弗帥: (看著滿滿一面牆的簡報+照片) Oh... Jo: It's amazing. 包子大: Somewhere there is the answer that Tessa was trying to tell me. Jo: Must take her a long time to pile all these. 包子大: Who're all those guys. 牆上有許多男人的照片, 新聞簡報, 嘉年華會面具, 一個26的號碼紙, 還有一個奇怪的草寫符號, 包子大掃描了影像送回局裡. 蒙大拿和丹尼來到現場幫忙蒐證. 蒙大拿: ...Was there any evidence to prove a murder? 包子大: No. But there is nothing to disprove it as well. ... Tessa was on to something, and she was murdered for. 霍克葛格: (視訊連線) It's a L, L for Royality, and T is trust. I did the icon database search. It's for the Vonner Club. 包子大: Vonner Club? Jo: Where those rich men gathering to have fun. We'll have a lot of paper works to do to get the search permission. 包子大: Are you Southerns having problem with gentleman club? Jo: What we have problem with is if gentlemen were involved in a murder. 包子大: (想起Tessa的敘述中提到天氣很冷...)Linsey, any particular time of the yerar of those cuts? 蒙大拿確認後發現Tessa蒐集的所有新聞日期都在2月17. Jo: (看著那些五顏六色的羽毛與面具) Mardi Gras! 包子大: We need to find out how Mardi Gras celebrated that Wedesday. 包子大和弗帥到了那間俱樂部, 經理相當配合. 包子大: This might sound strange... You have a room with bright lights and angels in there? 經理: As a matter of fact, we do. (帶著他們到達一間房間) This is our VIP room. 包子大開始進行搜查, 在UV光下很多有的沒的閃閃發亮. 弗帥: A lot sex going on this room. Apparantly VIP room have a different meaning. 包子大: In order to put it as our crime scene, we need to find blood. (最後在一面牆邊找到大片血跡) 弗帥: Bingo. 包子大: Tessa was right. Woman carried to this room could be murdered. 包子大在街上開著車, 忽然有一個女人衝到他車前, 包子大緊急煞車, 然後下車準備確認倒地的對方是否無恙, 結果一名男子從背後用電擊棒將包子大擊昏! 兩人將包子大扔進了後車廂. 之後場面回到片頭... 警局裡, 弗帥幫包子大做筆錄, Jo蒐證中. 包子大: It's a black SUV. I remembered passing several streets... 弗帥: What about the woman who jump in front of your car? Did you see her face? 包子大: ...When I reached for her, she turned her head away. Jo: Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? 包子大: No. (Jo跟弗帥很無奈的交換了眼神) (包子大伸出手) I pulled some fibers from the carpent. Jo: Of course you do. (採證) 弗帥: I'm really curious who dare to target NYPD agent. Jo: I bet someone really stupid or someone really power. 包子大: I remember lying on some hard things... Jo: Which shoulder? That might transport some traces. 包子大: Left. Jo: (拿了膠布貼上, 噴灑液體, 拓印下留在包子大外套上的痕跡) License plate! See, it's all those detail that criminals never pay attention to. Just one little something they forget, and then we nail them. I love this job. 丹尼夫妻檔一張一張的掃描Tessa牆上的照片送回給亞當進行顏面比對... 丹尼: (看著出現的包子大) Hey, how're you feeling? 包子大: I'm fine. (跟蒙大拿摟摟肩) Do we get anything? 丹尼: We checked all the faces. Adam got some names. None of them are in the guest list. 包子大: The VIP room... So the guy upstairs never join the Mardi Gras party. 包子大: (努力回想Tessa跟他說的話) ...Three men. One man with white hair... a muscle guy with a tiger... Jo: (注意到羽毛面具牆上的糖果包裝) Danny, the candy wrap in the alley are all like this? 丹尼: Just some of them. Jo: Then those might be brought to the scene by our victim... (翻過糖果紙, 背面有字) Comiskey. 丹尼: It's a baseball stadium. Chicago Black Sox. You know. 蒙大拿: (笑) You're so successed on baseball. 包子大: Tessa mentioned names like George Wiffer. 丹尼: George "the Buck" Wiffer. The third base player. Chicage Black Sox? They were bad guys. Jo: And what did this Comiskey do? 丹尼: He owned it. 包子大繼續努力回想Tessa說的話. 蒙大拿: Wait. Wait. All the news cuts are about death of missing people. Exept this one. 丹尼: (看一眼新聞裡的人物) Derek Parry. ... He was suspension from the Black Sox because OOO... 包子大: Tessa mentioned someone named Billy... 丹尼: Billy "the kid" Gllison. Jo: The manager of the club. That explains all the links. 包子大回想起離開俱樂部前經理先生明示暗示說, 他交出客人名單被發現會死很慘的事... 包子大: Bring him in. (丹尼跟蒙大拿去處理, 包子大電話響了) 弗帥: Mac, we found a place with the car of that plate. 包子大: I'll meet you there. (掛電話, 對Jo說) Let's go. 包子大跟弗帥來到 Armstrong Longue Bar Suite, 負責男子: Can I help you guys? 包子大一聽就知道是綁他的人之一, 男子也是一看清包子大的臉就跑. 雙方一陣追逐躲藏後, 包子大終於逮到了人. 包子大: On your knees, son of a bitch. 包子大跟弗帥審問男子, 當誘餌的女子也找到了, 是男子的同事. 包子大: Tell us who hire you. 男子: If I tell you, I'm a dead man. Start from what you have. Jo跟蒙大拿詢問經理先生Billy. 蒙大拿: Do you think money can get you out of murder? Jo: You don't want to get more trouble than you have now. You saw her before? (將Tessa照片出示) Billy: Please. That remains me my kids. I think I'm going to throw out. Jo: Oh don't bother me that. I have two kids. And I faced this everyday in my life. 蒙大拿: The pill is right there. Billy: ...They're the host of martigral party. Let's all I can tell you. 席德大叔從資料堆中找到了可能是Tessa口中的受害者的無名女屍, 與霍克葛格一起檢視著當時的資料. 霍克葛格: What's that right there? 席德大叔: She had a tatoo. (是一朵蓮花) 霍克葛格: ... The Jane Doe's case is closed a year right? 席德大叔: Yeah. 霍克葛格: I need to see those clothings. 霍克葛格跟亞當檢查著那位死者的衣物, 包子大來關切進度. 亞當: I got a full print. Just one. 包子大: You get anything in CODIS? 亞當: No. Boss, it's another dead end. 包子大: (看著那具屍體上的外套) No, not really. 包子大: ...Compassion. That's what reveal you. We found your print in that Jane Doe's coat. Billy: I don't remember letting you guys take my prints. 包子大: You provided it. When you hand me the name card. Billy: ... I was hosting that. 包子大: Yes, you are. And I guess that's when you let Tessa in. But upstairs, all was panic. In the VIP room, they killed the girl, and then ask you to deal with that. The royal and trustful club manager. You three moved the body to the alley. On your way down the hall. Tessa saw you. Only you cannot stand left her there, cold and all alone. You left your coat for the girl. Compassion. I almost feel sorry for you. Billy: I didn't kill her. 包子大: No, not that girl, not Tessa either. But you describe her. And you made it possible for them to find her. You must hope the needle is shut to yourself. 於是, 案件相關的三人都被收押了. 最後, 包子大來到停屍間. 包子大: Anyone come forward to claim her? 席德大叔: No, unfortunately. 包子大: She's not a Jane Doe, is she? 席德大叔: (嘆氣) If we cannot find any friends or close family members to make the official identification, I have to make this decision. 包子大回想起他回到Tessa藏匿的地點, 看著滿牆蒐集的證物時, 發現的那張關於他自己的剪報, 還有他們坐在咖啡館裡, Tessa顛三倒四的敘述著案件時, 重複說的: "I found you. I found you." 包子大: (對席德大叔說) I'm her friend. Her name is Tessa James. 本集心得: 1) 說真的我想到某版友的簽名檔"得罪了Mac Taylor還想跑~~"戰隊 啊不過星姐得換成Jo姐了...(淡淡的哀傷) 2) 總覺得本季蘋果店有默默再更改路線的嫌疑, 我個人還滿喜歡這種調調的就是了~~ 下週不確定會不會守著電視, 因為我要去Miami找老何(大誤)了~~ (灑花) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/27 12:48, , 1F
02/27 12:48, 1F

02/27 18:26, , 2F
老何:pisacat歡迎光臨 (炸)
02/27 18:26, 2F

02/27 19:59, , 3F
PS. Then don't go far....(飄走)
02/27 19:59, 3F

02/27 21:20, , 4F
我倒是快受不了本季的調子 一下就知道犯人 然後老梗 結束..
02/27 21:20, 4F

02/28 23:04, , 5F
02/28 23:04, 5F

03/01 13:46, , 6F
我比較喜歡雙線進行的劇情 哪有那麼人力同時在現場做研究 ~_~
03/01 13:46, 6F

03/01 15:21, , 7F
03/01 15:21, 7F

03/02 00:31, , 8F
我這集看到最後 居然哭了T.T
03/02 00:31, 8F

03/02 15:30, , 9F
YA!!!! p大萬歲~~(膜拜) 我想要被雷S9啦(扭XD)<<毆
03/02 15:30, 9F

03/03 16:44, , 10F
有人覺得JO姐這集變得超年輕嗎@@ 害我以為是螢幕的關係
03/03 16:44, 10F

03/03 23:27, , 11F
03/03 23:27, 11F

03/07 22:35, , 12F
03/07 22:35, 12F

03/07 22:37, , 13F
03/07 22:37, 13F

03/07 22:38, , 14F
03/07 22:38, 14F
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