[劇情] CSI: NY 715 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/02/20 04:02), 編輯推噓11(1104)
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蒙大拿拍拍 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 其實執法人員也是很為難的吧?... 片頭, 一群女子在舞蹈教室裡跳著鋼管舞, 一名男子在外頭鬼鬼祟祟的觀察著, 然後, 一名練習拳擊的女子結束了今日活動, 走出了教室, 男子迅速尾隨... 警局接到報案電話... 警方: How can I help you? 男子: I want to report a murder. 警方: Where is the location? 男子: You'll find the body behind the alley of OOO. He is beaten to death, and... 警方: When did this happen? 男子: It's about to. 弗帥和包子大到達現場, 弗帥告知包子大那通"報案電話" 弗帥: ...No sign of the caller 包子大: I don't think it's coincidence. 弗帥: Seriously beaten, duct tape... All made to our rapist signature. 包子大: Only this time, the victim is a man. 包子大拍照蒐證中, 霍克葛格出現~~ 霍克葛格: I ran the fingerprints, this is definitely the Prospect Park Rapist. We tried so hard to catch this guy but we even cannot get a description. 包子大: ... Well, someone knows who he is. They use his signature to against him. This is a dump job. 霍克葛格開始針對屍體的綑綁或嘴裡塞的東西等等進行蒐證. 回到警局 席德大叔: Whatever the man's sin of life. He paid them through the death. ... The tough is fascinating. It's not caused by any kind of toxin or disease. 包子大: (趨前看死者奇怪的舌頭紋路粗皮, 席德大叔說有送檢了) 席德大叔: On skin, it looks just the beaten. Under NLAS, we got a different story. 包子大: It's kind of some UV reagents. 席德大叔: Pepper spray. 包子大: So our killer sprayed him, give him the same signatures he used on his victioms... NYPD spend months trying to catch this guy... Whoever it was, he wants to take it by his own business. We got a vigilante here. 於是當然這位強暴犯的首害者首當其衝被懷疑... 弗帥: (出示照片) Is he your rapist? 受害者A: Yes. (哭) I'm sorry. I have nightmares for months. Jo: Do you have brother? Or boyfriend? 受害者B: No one I know fall that deep to do this for me. 蒙大拿: Is this him? Kate: The other girls identified him, don't they? I don't know. 蒙大拿: We talked before, remember? At the Victim Association support group. Kate: Yeah, Detective Messer. 蒙大拿: You called me Linsey. Just take another look, okay? Kate: I really don't know. I never saw his face. 蒙大拿: I got a pepper spray for you. You still have that? Kate: Got rid of it. 蒙大拿: Any Male friends, relatives? Kate: No. Why are you asking those guestions? 蒙大拿: Somebody killed this man in the same manner he used to his victims. Kate: Good. 蒙大拿: Kate, people have all different ways to deal with. Some of them are angry. Some are scared. You're the only one to ask me for a gun. Kate: ...I don't have a boyfriend. My father died five years ago. No relatives or close male friends around, not anymore. I'm sure you understand why. I was at home last night. Alone. Anything else? 蒙大拿: No. 丹尼跟亞當在聽報案電話的錄音... 丹尼: ... he definitely wanted us to be clear about details. He didn't hung up later. Can you trace that? 亞當: It's a disposable phone. 丹尼: So between he ended the talk to when our men arrived there, it's only about 15 minutes. That's a pretty small window... Let's try to analyze the background scene: noises, ambulance, all those things... 亞當: You realize how small the chance it has to be correlated with a particular scene? 丹尼: Which means it's still a chance. Go for it and concurse. Jo告知包子大舌頭的化驗結果, 造成綠色蛇皮舌頭的原因是pyrethroid, 殺蟲劑的一種成分, 這不是中毒, 而是長期暴露在低劑量之下的結果, 包子大: That means our victim was either working in a pesticide factory or a extreminator. Jo: I ran though the data base, and got this company called Hudlin Extreminators. 包子大: And do they have any missing employees? Jo: Yes. (遞出資料) And it is surely our rapist. (強暴犯名為Garland Clarke.) 蒙大拿跟包子大報告說, 被用來綑綁Garland的電布膠帶, 跟Garland用來對付被害人的完全就是同一捲... 蒙大拿: ...They're from exact the same roll. 包子大: Very smart. This guy must stalk Garland Clarke, wait till the chance riped, and inform us about it before excuting his plan. 蒙大拿: And disappearing. 霍克葛格: (走過來) Or, it's a she. 蒙大拿: But the caller is a man? 霍克葛格: Well, the hair we found from the duct tape turns out to be a female. 包子大: You got a CODIS? 霍克葛格: No. But I ran it with Garland's victim...(出示結果) 蒙大拿: That's Kate Price! That's his first victim! 蒙大拿再次跟Kate面對面~~ Kate: I've never seen him. 蒙大拿: Is there someone who can prove where you are last night? Kate: Like I said, I was at home, alone. Watching TV. 蒙大拿: What's the program you watch? Kate: OOO. Would you like me to list the guests? 蒙大拿: No. Here're the pictures that this guy you claimed you never seen before walking across the street, laughing, and having a beer!? So let's start again. Kate: ...You searched my apartment. 蒙大拿: This is the man who raped you, Kate. The man who found beaten to death last night. Do you understand how serious it is? Kate: I think I need a lawyer. 蒙大拿: No, what you need is to listen to me. If there is anything you know, you have to tell me. You have to tell me the truth. 律師Annie: (走進來) My client is done talking. 蒙大拿: You called a lawyer? Annie: My partner notified me that my client being taken away without proper reasons. 蒙大拿: You can't do that. Annie: I can. I'm clear with what I can. I used to be a public defender. 弗帥, 丹尼跟霍克葛格去搜查Garland Clarke的工作車, 結果那裡基本上就是第一現場... 霍克葛格: This is more than Clarke's van. 丹尼: (點頭, 臉色沉重的看著UV燈下顯現的) This is his lair. 弗帥: They're all here. Duct tapes... Scissors. 霍克葛格: What is the scissor he using for? 弗帥: Souvenires. (拿出一個裝滿小撮頭髮的盒子) 丹尼: No one of the rape victims mentioned that as part of their MO. 弗帥: They probably didn't notice when things got to that point.    How many victims we have on record and brought in? 丹尼: Five. Why? 弗帥: (嘆口氣把盒子拿高) That's a lot more than five. 回到局裡, 霍克葛格開始嘗試比對頭髮的DNA. 蒙大拿: So I guessing one of them belongs to Kate? 霍克葛格: Yeah. I identified all the five victims here. But there are other five who never ever come to the police...      Anyway, it might also explain why we found her hair on the tape. It probably attach to the tape when Clarke took it. 蒙大拿: And then stayed there one year didn't come off untill it is used on Clarke himself? 霍克葛格: (聳肩) It's possible. We spend so much efforts hunting a killer who should actually get a medal for doing community service. (轉頭看到蒙大拿不可思議的表情)      What? This guy raped at least 10 women! I can't believe you're defending for him! 蒙大拿: Why, because I am a woman and I should want him death? I'm a cop first! Despite how much I disgust by what he did. I don't advocate violent justice! Do you? 霍克葛格: He didn't. He is dead. 蒙大拿: That's not a good reason. 霍克葛格: My girlfriend had been raped, Linsey. And after that, our relationship changed. It ended eventually. And I won't lie, the thought of killing the guy who did that to her definitely come across my mind. 第二通報案電話... 警方: When is this happen? Sir? Sir? 男子: It's about to. 弗帥, 包子大和丹尼出動了 弗帥: The signature of the phone brought us here. 包子大: (跟丹尼在停車場中搜尋, 與弗帥包夾一名跪在地上的男子) NYPD! (確認back-up後上前) He's dead. 丹尼: The cell phone signal is still coming from here. 包子大: (查看死者) No phone. 丹尼跟弗帥沿著卡車搜索, 最後查看車底. 丹尼: Oh. (車底地面躺著一具手機) Boom! It's right here. 包子大: We're too late. 包子大跟丹尼開始進行蒐證. 弗帥: Our victim's name is Craig Tomlin. He is a rapist as well. Just got out of the jail a few weeks ago. 丹尼: ... It was like he's being chocked. But he's shut actually. 包子大: And there is a void. Someone was underneath him when he was shut. We're looking for at least two suspects. 亞當在還原現場查到的一些碎片, Jo還有丹尼跟包子大檢視驗屍報告... 包子大: Two male vicitms, both sexual predators, and one identical call. Jo告訴包子大說Craig Tomlin也有被噴灑到pepper spray, 丹尼: But look at his face, no irritation, no inflamination. Jo說這是一種基因突變的結果, 包子大於是推測因為這樣兇手下手時被干擾了, 最後必須以開槍的方式終結Tomlin, 而無法像Clarke那樣使用強暴犯自己的"signature"完成程序. 此時, 包子大的電話響了起來... 男子: Detective Taylor? I got news for you about the vigilante. 包子大: Who's it? 男子: It's Lindsey, look up. (對面辦公室的蒙大拿和亞當對包子大揮手) 包子大走過去~~ 蒙大拿: It's a voice disorder. 亞當: 25 bucks on-line, cool, huh? 包子大: It will be cool if you can trace the phone. 亞當: I-I am. I tried. I use the voice disorder and erased its function on the voice record. (撥放聲音被變換前的樣子) 蒙大拿: It's a woman. 包子大: Compare it to other records. 亞當: But we don't have voice records from all our rapist victims! 包子大: We don't, but 911 does. 亞當: There are tens to thousands calls from Brooklyn merely a day, and... 包子大: You just need to check calls about sexual violence reports from the past one year! Do it! 丹尼去找Jo Jo: A pop quiz, what the mixture of OOO, XXX, and *** can do? 丹尼: Uh... a content of pesticide? or perhaps a new prescription of skin cream? Jo: (笑) That's what we found on Tomlin's skin. 丹尼: Is it some kind of a sex thing? Jo: Nope. It preserves wet, which means, we can get the DNA! It is a female. 丹尼: You got a hit? Jo: Not yet, but with the reports recording comparison... 丹尼: Whoever these women are, I reapect their determination. Jo: What? You think what they did is right? 丹尼: No. But that I can't said that I wouldn't do the same thing in their position. Kate要求見蒙大拿... 蒙大拿: Where is your lawyer. Kate: I want to talk to you. 蒙大拿: I don't think that's a good idea. Kate: Can I just ask you a question? What if I condessed? 蒙大拿: The suvillience photos, and the 911 calls. That's not a self-defence. Look, Kate, a second rapist got killed while you're here. I don't think you killed any of them, but you are covering for someone. Out there, someone is hunting. Kate: ... if you spend half of much time as this to catch those rapists, maybe they don't have to. 蒙大拿: That's what you think? You think I don't care of you? I don't care about all the other victims? Kate: You know why I remember you? When you come to talk to our support group, you kept checking your watch. You just couldn't wait to get out there. And I don't blame you. It wasn't like we want to be there either. 大受打擊的蒙大拿回到辦公室... Jo: Linsey? 蒙大拿: I think Kate is blaming me don't catch the rapist. That's not even my case... Jo: Oh, we all need someone to blame. Don't let it take you. 蒙大拿: Still, she thinks I don't care. And you know what? She's kind of right. When she approached me to ask for a gun, what I did is just handing her a pepper spray and a pamphlet about how to do with trauma. And then I left. It's not to say I don't care, but I don't know what I supposed to do... Jo: You know the case I worked previously for a big man's daughther? 蒙大拿: Senator Matthow's daughther? Jo: Yeah. We got the guy, we checked evidences, and we though it is enough... The look on that girl's face when she was told the man who raped her will walk away free? I don't think I'll ever looked like that. Utter betrayl. 蒙大拿: How do you follow the law and still be a human being? Jo: Oh, gush, I don't know. Look back, if ther were my daughthers, I will need to put it to a box in order to not putting a gun on myself. And it's hard. It's hard. 蒙大拿: How do I explain that to Kate. Jo: I don't really think you can. And all we can really do is listening. Let them rage on us for being us. 蒙大拿: That's it? Jo: Yes. We disbrief. 亞當很慘烈的在聽著一通又一通的報案電話, 每一通電話都帶著巨大的恐慌與傷痛... 然後, 亞當注意到有一通電話的音紋是吻合的... 蒙大拿跟弗帥依照線索前往找人 蒙大拿: (走進那家健身房) Pole-dancing? 弗帥: It's good cordiac. (蒙大拿回眸) I've heard. 蒙大拿: Um-huh. (指指角落在練拳的女子) 弗帥: Heather? NYPD, you have to come with us. Heather作勢要收東西, 但先揍了弗帥一拳, 然後踢了蒙大拿一腳, 挨揍的兩人回過神後往門口追過去, 蒙大拿在Heather與弗帥對峙時從背後制伏了她. 弗帥: Got her? 蒙大拿: I got her. 弗帥: She hits hard, you know? 蒙大拿: What? You mean for a girl? 弗帥: No, I mean for anyone. Jo詢問Heather. Jo: You called in two year ago to report Alex Robert attacking you. He now served in jail. Heather: So? You want a "thank you"? It took the police 20 minutes to get there. And by that time, he already broke my jaw, two of my ribs and raped me. Jo: Look, we matched your voice with those attempting calls before two rapists' death, and I want to know who is helping you. Heather: Screw you. 蒙大拿帶著Kate的後方房間觀看. 蒙大拿: You recognize her? She is your support group. Annie: (闖進來) There're over 500 members on that supporting group.     If you guys try to use that to charge my client. That's not happening. 蒙大拿: I'm trying to give Kate an oppurtunity to save herself. 亞當拿了塊跟voice disorder裝置碎片混在一起的東西給包子大看, 亞當: It's crystal shard. It didn't match any part of the equip. Anyhow, it has some kind of a serial number on it. 包子大: (查看) That's not a serial number. 包子大與Kate面對面. 包子大: This is what we found in Tomlin's murder scene. Annie: Kate was in your custody when the guy was killed. 包子大: This crystal was part of a gold earings. It is implanted to prevent loosing or stealing. Kate: I don't have such a earings. 包子大: Not you, Kate. Your lawyer. 於是所有相關人員都被分別帶開偵訊啦... 包子大: Craig Tomlin. You were his public defender. Annie: No D.A. could win the trail. My boss just ask me to "go-to gal for perv." And then I quit next day. 包子大: You started working with the Victim's Society. Annie: I want to feel good for what I did. Kate: I really think I passed it. I really think I am. And then there he was. He was the extreminator of my own building. I was scared. I wasn't sure first. I thought it might be my brain playing some kind of trick on me... 蒙大拿: So you followed him. Kate: I need to know. 蒙大拿: A lot of people would say that as well. What's important is what you did after that. Heather: Kate showed us the picture, and said she was sure that he is the Prospect Park Rapist. Annie and I... we used to fantacinazed what we could do when we facing those guys. Jo: Did she ask you to kill him? Heather: No. We told her to do nothing. We'll handle that. Kate: I don't know what they mean at first, until the news came out. And then I thought, oh my God, what have I done. And you know what I felt? Relieved. Heather: I never felt better in my life. Annie: Craig Tomlin rapped that girl. And he whispered on her ear that how he would come back when everything is done. He ruined her life. And because of me, he only served five years. 包子大: He should die in prison. Annie: But he didn't. And he was going to do that again. 包子大: So you set him up, like what you did to Garland Clarke. Only the plan didn't work well this time. Annie: ... rape is an under-prescued crime. Laws made them pay for what they did, but not for the damage on the victims. I got what the system couldn't - justice. 包子大: What you got is reputation. Annie: (微笑) Aren't they the same thing? 包子大: Not even close. 最後, Kate看著Annie跟Heather被押走. Kate: Annie and Heather are just trying to protect me. 蒙大拿: I know it looks not like it now. But one day, Kate, you'll know that what they did won't help you. Kate: I felt like living in a daze. I pulled away all my friends. I was consumed by Garlard and what he did. And now, finally, it all ended with his death. I owe it to those women. 蒙大拿: You know what? If you need anything, or even just someone to talk. (停頓) I'm available. (遞出名片) Kate遲疑了一下, 最後還是接受了名片離去. 本集心得: 1) 蒙大拿拍拍, 辛苦了~~ 2) 話說我其實是某種程度贊成以牙還牙以眼還眼的人,   所以看完這集覺得: 還好我不是當警察的料...         (謎之音: 不, 換家店的話, 也是有何公那種可以尋仇大快人心的警察的XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/20 13:25, , 1F
02/20 13:25, 1F

02/20 16:17, , 2F
以暴制暴不見得是好事 但我認為性侵害犯應該直接被丟
02/20 16:17, 2F

02/20 16:17, , 3F
02/20 16:17, 3F

02/20 21:45, , 4F
何公在912最後的大爆發才叫大快人心 XD
02/20 21:45, 4F

02/21 00:09, , 5F
02/21 00:09, 5F

02/21 22:58, , 6F
02/21 22:58, 6F

02/22 00:22, , 7F
02/22 00:22, 7F

02/26 14:39, , 8F
02/26 14:39, 8F

03/18 03:19, , 9F
可是其實也是警察辦案不力 破不了案 受害人只好自立救助
03/18 03:19, 9F

03/18 03:31, , 10F
第一季的愛登不也是用自己犧牲才抓到連續強暴犯 有時候
03/18 03:31, 10F

03/18 03:32, , 11F
警察很無能 只能靠自己
03/18 03:32, 11F

03/18 03:35, , 12F
我覺得她們雖然犯法 但是做了正確的事情 NY有時候會有這
03/18 03:35, 12F

03/18 03:35, , 13F
種矛盾的主題 讓人思考司法體系是否真的足夠 像之前也有
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03/18 03:36, , 14F
演過宗教之類的 這是其他分店比較沒有的
03/18 03:36, 14F

04/11 01:55, , 15F
看完只覺得很氣憤討厭警察們的自認公正口吻 根本就很廢!
04/11 01:55, 15F
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