[劇情] CSI: LV 1115 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/02/18 13:38), 編輯推噓27(27010)
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煩不煩啊!一直有辦法作亂! 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 1) Justin Biber 2) Nate Huskell 片頭, 囧尼跟烤魚在置物間. 囧尼: Heard you have a big court today? 烤魚: Yeah, Nate Huskell. We have a game face on. 囧尼: Good luck. 烤魚: Thanks. 法庭上的Nate Huskell一開始就採用哀兵政策. Nate: The media said I am a monster, which is not true. ... But here I sit caged in front of you. 檢察官: Your honor! Nate: The jury needs to see the real me, the vulnerable boy who was abused by his alcholic father. I'm looking for people who can relate to my tournment. Apparantly my PA cannot. 檢察官: Your honor! (Nate往隔離玻璃窗靠近, 辯方檢察官嚇到) Nate: See how he hides away from me? How can I trust someone like that? 法官: Are you asking to represent yourself? Mr. Huskell? Nate: That would be lovely, your honor. 法官: I can follow that pro per. But let me warn you, there will be no delays on this trail. Nate: Fine. Let's get it on, hum? 這廂, 下了班的囧尼正要進家們, 卻接到小賈斯汀, 喔, 是Jason的電話. 囧尼: Stokes. Jason: You said you'll do everything for your friends? 囧尼: Yeah. You are? Jason: You said you woldn't let cops get my brother. 囧尼: Jason McCann? Jason: Wait, they're coming. Whatever you do, don't go home. 囧尼: (莫名所以的掛了電話, 往前要進家門, 卻踢到一條wire...) (撥電話) Control, this is Charlie-O-Five Stokes. I'm at 922 East Avenue. I need a bomb team here. Code three. 炸彈專家Kilp全副武裝來幫囧尼拆炸彈... Kilp: ...M67 frag in a can. All right, Stokes. Back up slowly. 囧尼全身而退, 其他員警上前關心, 但是囧尼脾氣超差... 囧尼: Get off! I'm all right. (對凱姐抱怨) They came to my house! That kid has my prive number! 凱姐: I know, Nick! Just dial it down! Come'on! Vartan: Did you see anything? 囧尼: Just a van at the corner that disappeared later. Vartan: That's what the neighbors said as well. 囧尼: You think they were sitting in the van and waiting to see me blow off? Damn! ...that kid saved my life. 凱姐: Yeah, he calls you just on time. That's not a coincidance. (對Vartan說) Hall his ass to the PD. 法庭內, 烤魚坐上證人台... Nate: Shall we go back to the moment I stabbed you, Dr. Ray? How you feel when I punched my knife to your kidney? 烤魚: Painful. Nate: More... poetic. You're a writer, aren't you? How it feels when my shank pierced your skin? 檢察官: Your honor! 烤魚: Sharp. Nate: After that, what do you feel? 烤魚: Light-headed, pretty light-headed. Disbelief. Nate: Just stop. I want emotions. 檢察官: Your honor! 烤魚: Fear. Nate: What? 烤魚: Fear. Nate: Huh? What? 烤魚: I was afraid I was going to die. Nate: ... When I looked at you. When I see the anguish I caused to you... Look at you! Steady, calm, and emotionless! It's not normal! 檢察官: Your honor!!! 法官: ... the jury is encouraged to discard it. 莎拉跟小葛嘗試要從炸彈內容物調查可疑人物, 但是沒有太大進展, 於是決定要囧尼去跟Jason"談談". 囧尼: (看著Jason臉上的瘀青) That's pretty nasty bruise, isn't it? Jason: I fall. 囧尼: Uh... I want to thank you for calling me. That takes a lot of guts. And maybe a bruise on your face. You give me a name and I can help you. Jason: I can't. They will kill me Jaon的哥哥死後收養他的Dr. Huxbee來帶他走, 被布拔招呼了~~ 布拔: Dr. Huxbee. Huxbee: Any reason you guys keeping Jason here? 布拔: Nope. Huxbee: Then he is coming with me. 布拔: Sure. You'll need to sign things first, come with me.    (抵達辦公室, 看著Huxbee簽文件) Pretty nasty shanner on a    kid. Isn't it? Huxbee: Jason fall. Skateboard. 布拔: Yeah, sure. So you had xxx training before, is that where you learned to build bombs? Huxbee: I told you before, I'm opposite to violence. 囧尼: ...I can protect you. Jason: Like you can protect my brother? 囧尼: Hey! Your brother didn't give me any choices! Jason: You think that's making it hurt less? Huxbee: Jason? Let's go. 囧尼: (看著Jason起身) Hey, you still have my number. 囧尼送著Jason到走廊上, 跟布拔碰到面. 囧尼: I don't know, Brass. The kid is scared, but I cannot read him, either. 布拔: Come'on, you shut his brother. Why would him want to save your life? 小哈, 莎拉跟小葛的調查結果指向炸彈主要成分為acetone, 莎拉說那跟之前放在pipe bomb裡的TATP成分有相重複, 小葛說某間銀行似乎提供了超低費率的信用卡服務, 連反社會的Dr. Huxbee都無法拒絕, 而他們追查到的其中一筆消費紀錄, 就是一筒acetone. 囧尼, 凱姐, Kilp跟Vartan前往拜訪Dr. Huxbee. 凱姐: (對Kilp說) Thank you for coming. Kilp: You kidding. I live for this. 囧尼: We got an R.O. of this car? Vartan: Yeah, Huxbee. (往工寮裡面走) Huxbee? We need to talk! 結果四人走進去沒幾步就看到一具在地上的屍體... 凱姐: It's Huxbee. 囧尼: (上前查脈搏) He's dead. Vartan: He just got Jason out and now he's dead? Where is Jason? 凱姐: ... This scene is too familiar. A body in the middle of an empty house. Kilp: (注意到屍體下的一個小盒子) The body is wired. 囧尼: You're kidding me!? 凱姐: (抬頭, 看到不遠處一個倒數的小盒子) Oh, crap. 囧尼: That can't be good. 凱姐: You think? Kilp: All right, let's get out! The whole place might be ragged. 凱姐: (看到另一個藏著的盒子) Hold on. What is that? Looks like    some kind of senser. Kilp: You're not gonna like this.    (拿起一把白粉吹氣, 一堆綠色的感應光線浮現在剛剛進來的地方)    One door in. One door out. We're not going anywhere. Kilp: ... KA-13. Radio is dead. Vartan: So is the phone. Jamming of radios is highly possible. 囧尼: (看著Kilp) You're the expert here. Time to start play. Kilp: We got to difuses this bad boy. 囧尼: We? 凱姐: Yeah. Vartan: That clock said 14 minutes? 法庭攻防戰持續中~~ Nate: Dr. Corey. You visited me several weeks ago to conduct a test on me. Please describe it. Corey: I read your brain wave when I showing you several pictures. Extremly violent pictures. (拿出CT-Scan照片)     This is orbital cortex image. It controls emotions like scary, fear, angry... those things. Nate: It's lit up like a Christmas tree. ... Now, tell me, doctor, how is my image different from other people? Corey: There is no activity... it is profoundly unpair. Nate: You know anything can cause that dysfunction? Corey: Genetic mutation. ... MAO-A gene, also known as the warrior gene. Nate: And how that gene expressed? Corey: ... It is said that if you suffered severe childhood abuse, it will be stimulated to express. The patient will not be able to connect to violence, and it is four times chance of committing violent crime for them. Nate: ... So, yes, I am a monster! But a monster made by the biology beyond my control! Who's the real victim here? Who's the real victim... 被困在倉庫的四人持續尋找逃生方法中, 囧尼找到了用來監看他們的攝影機, 凱姐使用雷射將該裝置破壞. 接下來, Kilp要大家幫忙找木箱什麼的堆起來, 讓他可以避開偵測光束翻進去記數器圓心解除炸彈... 囧尼: There're plenty of them. Enough to build a stair to    heaven. Vartan警探在找木材的過程中誤觸陷阱, 腿部動脈被劃破... 凱姐: Lou! (被囧尼抱住) Kilp: No! That goes for you, too. Stokes. (小心上前查看) ...Very smart. (確定安全無虞後讓凱姐上前) 凱姐: All right, you're going to be fine. Vartan: It's bad. Isn't it. 凱姐: I'll put some pressure on you. It's gonna hurt.    (壓下去, Vartan慘叫) God, I hate when you're right.    ...All right, you guys go for it. I'll stay with Lou. 法庭中場休息, 烤魚在外面喝水, 一名金髮女子上前. 女子: Dr. Ray? 烤魚: Yes? Vivian: I'm Vivian. Nate's fiacee. His true love. 烤魚: I see your Identical Star. Vivian: Aren't you feel sorry for Nate? 烤魚: Not at all. You know XXX and OOO? They both were the identical star of Huskell. But Huskell killed XXX, so he can rape and torture OOO slowly, painfully. Vivian: You heard what the doctor said. He cannot control for himself. A good woman can change any man. 幾步外的一群金髮女子: Vivian. Join the pray circle. 布拔: (跺近烤魚) I see you met the Brides of Heskell. They all wear the Identical Stars of Huskell. 烤魚嘆了一口氣, 跟布拔提到第一個使用MAO-A gene抗辯的case. 烤魚: ... He died a free man. 布拔: (沉重) Okay, my turn on hot seat. 倉庫四人組... 凱姐: (陪著Vartan) We're gonne get you out here. 囧尼協助Kilp避開炸彈記數器周圍的偵測光束, Kilp是翻進去的, 差一點點站不穩~~ 囧尼: You're good. You're good. Kilp: All right. 囧尼: Clock's ticking. Kilp: Just a come-on. You gonna want to find a shelter. 囧尼: Will that help for a M67? Kilp: That won't be hurt. 囧尼: All right, I'll be right back.    (幫凱姐把Vartan移到數個箱子後面, 在回到Kilp旁邊) Kilp: Damn... 囧尼: What? Kilp: Works on gravity... 囧尼: Translation? Kilp: I cut the power lead, it tricks the bomb. You should hide. 囧尼: Nope. I'm staying here with you. Kilp: You're tough. 囧尼: 45 seconds. Kilp: Plenty of time. First cut. (剪) Second cut. (再剪)    It stopped. Sorry, Stokes, but you're not dying today. 囧尼: (大笑) You're my hero. Good job. (回到凱姐身邊) Let's get him to hospital. Kilp: (聽到滴答聲重新被啟動) Get down! (自己俯身去爆炸彈) 警方消防人員到達現場... 消防A: Over here. CSI Willows. I got three people down! 消防B: It's okay. You guys are all right now... 在法庭的烤魚接到電話~~ 烤魚: So Nick and Catherine are all right? And how about Vartan. Good, Greg, keep me posted and I'll follow him up. Thanks for letting me know. 法警: The court is going to start. 烤魚又坐上了證人席, 檢察官詢問烤魚對於Dr. Corey的說詞看法. 烤魚: ... Dr. Corey's opinion is not neuroscience but pure podestrian saying. Alchol and gene are responsible for alcholism, we all know that. But we don't give the driver a pass behind the vehicle to kill people. ...The fact that he's trying to cover his crimes are evidences that he is intentional and guilt. 檢察官問完換Huskell上場... Nate: Dr. Ray, are you a neuronbiologist? 烤魚: No. My expert is research pathology. Nate: That how can you judge whether Dr. Corey is saying something true or not!? (得意) 烤魚: Personal experience. Like you. I was abused by my    alcholic father and yes, I also have MOA-O gene.     DNA isn't destiny. We're all responsible for what we did.    Nate, we actually share the same gene, but I'm not murdering anyone. I take satisfication from bring justice to the victims. Unlike you, murdering is the only way you can feel any connection to people. Nate: (臉垮了) Isn't it a little below the belt, Ray? 在醫院裡, Vartan清醒了, 凱姐就在旁邊. 凱姐: Welcome back. You're going to be fine. But Klip didn't make it. Vartan: ... Thanks for being here. 凱姐: Whereelse should I be? You rest. I'll be back. 凱姐來到醫院走廊上. 囧尼: How is he? 凱姐: Good, I think. 囧尼: And how are you? 凱姐: I'm still in one piece. 囧尼: Then I guess I should go check lines there. 凱姐: That's usually my line. 囧尼: How about I take care of you for a chance. 凱姐微笑點頭, 兩人安慰的抱抱~~ 於是說囧尼這次負責回到局裡繼續工作. 莎拉跟小葛查到了商店影像, 使用Huxbee的信用卡去買acetone的兩人, 其中之一明顯就是Jason McCann. 莎拉: ...Then Huxbee decided it's got to stop. 小葛: So Jason decided Huxbee is the one to stop. 法庭上, 陪審團做出決定了 法警: (宣告判決) ... In the case number 20433. As the count of attempt murderinf, jury decided the defendent guilty. 烤魚: (上前恭喜檢察官) Well done. 檢察官: Thanks to you. 莎拉告知囧尼他們的追查進度 莎拉: So Greg was able to id the guy in the shop with Jason. Timothy Johnason... He has a Chevy van. 囧尼: So it's all targeting on me? Calling me, playing to save my life, just to lure more people to the place!? That ki is the one to pay. 莎拉: You killed his brother...My question is: is it Jason pull the string, or someone else? 囧尼: ... that dumb-ass called me. Think I deserved to call back , don't you? 囧尼在小葛準備好後打了電話. 囧尼: Bet you didn't expect to heat from me? Jason: Not really. 囧尼: ... Think we have lot to talk about, isn't it? Come'on. Talk to me, you little punk. Jason掛了電話, 小葛剛把訊號縮小到一定的範圍. 囧尼: I believe you. 小葛: Well, not too many people out there. 警力出動, 布拔帶頭, 囧尼小葛殿後. 囧尼: Got a visual? This is Charlie-O-Five. 布拔: We'll get them soon. Just try to keep up! 烤魚很學不乖的一定要再去看Huskell. 獄警: That last cage on the left. Nate: Hi, Ray. 烤魚: That MAO-A gene thing, when you learned that? Nate: Like what you heard in the court. Look at you. Beware the sin of pride, Ray. I have to say that play of your personal experience is surprising. But I was happy discovering we have more connections than a kidney. Do you have chills, Ray? 烤魚: (伸出手) No, it's quite steady. How lond have you learned that? Nate: ...Months, maybe. 烤魚: Come'on, I think it is longer that that... maybe your first kill? Nate: My first human kill, you mean. You talk about the excuses of murdering, do you? It's the mirror of you here... 烤魚: So, how long have you known? Nate: Blood donations, sperm donations, those little cure college students surely did their jobs... How did you know, Ray? 烤魚: You can't alter the DNA. Look at you, you're really pathetic. Nate: Don't you see those women? I'm a magnet of women! 烤魚: You're a magnet of walking wounds. Nate: I dream more than sex. Ray? 烤魚: What? Nate: Freedom. 烤魚: I bet you do. Nate: Power of positive thinking, Ray. And I'm very positive. 跟Timothy往加州邊境逃的Jason... Timothy: ... I said you took it too personal! Jason: It's all about personal. They killed my brother, now they are going to pay for that! Stop talking to me like I am a child! I brought you in! Timothy: You're just gonna get us killed, kid. Jason: I'm not afraid. 兩人被頭頂的直昇機追上, 前方警車已經包圍封鎖了道路. Jason: What are you doing? Run it. Timothy: Shut up, kid. I'm not dying today. Jason: (拿出槍) Don't quit on me. 布拔: Get out of the car! Jason: I will, I just want to Stokes! 小葛: (瞪囧尼) Don't even think about it. 囧尼: We can talk once you get out! Timothy: Live to fight another day, get it? Jason: Get out. Timothy: I'm coming out!! 布拔: Put your hands on the head. Knee on the floor. McCann, get out the car. Jason: (走下來) He's wired. He's got a bomb. Timothy: No, no, no! Don't fire! Jason趁亂對警方開槍, 囧尼毫不手軟的還擊... 布拔: Hold your fire. (上前) He's dead. 烤魚走向停車場, 心情很好, 卻注意到Brides of Huskell裡有些人不見了... 烤魚警覺性很高的往回跑, 烤魚: I need to see Nathan Haskell. I need to see him right now! (獄警帶著他過去, 裡面卻是不同人了!)    He switched them. So where is he! 跟人掉換了條碼手環的Huskell正在跟其他犯人被押解離開的路上, 計畫好並埋伏的"新娘們"發動了槍擊, 斃了開車的兩名警員, Huskell大大方方的下了車, 同車的兩名犯人趁亂逃跑~~ 新娘A: Nate, now we can finally be... (被Vivian一槍畢命) Vivian: Let's take my car. (拉起Huskell) Oh, your hands were     so cold. Nate: We'll fix it. (湊近警車去看死去的員警) Vivian: Come'on. (偵查直昇機的聲音, 兩人上車離去) 本集心得: 1) 恭喜Nate Huskell, 我想他將榮登CSI裡面最打不死的蟑螂... 比蘋果店那隻被蒙大拿斃掉的還煩!!! 是有必要這麼連續劇就是了? 原來想誇獎一下阿編說法庭攻防戰還不錯看的!一個爛梗尾讓人無言... 2) 爆破帥哥就這樣掛了, 好浪費啊啊啊啊啊啊! Justin Biber的演技, 勉勉強強啦! 話說串場過的明星們還是跑去蘋果店玩的John McEnroe最會演... (我個人覺得啦~~) 3) Vartan大叔跟女王因為炸彈受傷事件回溫了!可喜可賀可喜可賀! 人生很短啦! 你們職業風險又這麼高, 很多事不要太計較~~(煙) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/18 15:07, , 1F
02/18 15:07, 1F

02/18 15:14, , 2F
02/18 15:14, 2F

02/18 15:15, , 3F
02/18 15:15, 3F

02/18 15:19, , 4F
對了對了 JB是 Justin Bieber~~~~(逼跛~~~~)
02/18 15:19, 4F

02/18 22:58, , 5F
唉啊...拼錯last name我會不會被迷妹追殺啊~~(自以為XD)
02/18 22:58, 5F

02/19 03:27, , 6F
Justin Bieber線收得不錯 Haskel線只想讓人翻桌...
02/19 03:27, 6F

02/19 12:49, , 7F
02/19 12:49, 7F

02/19 12:49, , 8F
02/19 12:49, 8F

02/19 15:09, , 9F
Huskell 線不應該繼續鋪下去,應該要鋪蜘蛛人線比較有看頭~~
02/19 15:09, 9F

02/19 16:19, , 10F
DJK這條線讓人不耐+1 爆炸那段看得我心好慌
02/19 16:19, 10F

02/20 11:14, , 11F
Justin Bieber在台灣應該沒有這麼多迷妹吧XD
02/20 11:14, 11F

02/20 11:16, , 12F
樓上,聽說Bieber粉絲其實也不少喔 XDDDD
02/20 11:16, 12F

02/20 11:19, , 13F
02/20 11:19, 13F

02/20 14:01, , 14F
02/20 14:01, 14F

02/20 14:46, , 15F
02/20 14:46, 15F

02/20 15:06, , 16F
02/20 15:06, 16F

02/20 21:49, , 17F
kip的輕鬆幽默 害我差點以為他是炸藥幕後魔王 XD
02/20 21:49, 17F

02/20 21:50, , 18F
DJK的線 還要玩多久 結尾看到翻桌 (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
02/20 21:50, 18F

02/20 21:51, , 19F
(不得不說 演DJK的那位演員 太會演了 好欠揍的變態 >"<)
02/20 21:51, 19F

02/20 21:53, , 20F
對了 這集 都沒有驗屍的羅賓爺爺鏡頭耶! 囧
02/20 21:53, 20F

02/21 00:16, , 21F
n大握握手, Kilp被炸掉我覺得很浪費啊... XDD
02/21 00:16, 21F

02/21 00:17, , 22F
Huskell真的很讓人無言, 但希望至少是這季會收掉, 在跨季
02/21 00:17, 22F

02/21 00:17, , 23F
02/21 00:17, 23F

02/21 00:18, , 24F
逼波被幹掉那幕的影片 點閱率好像衝到全美第四高XDD
02/21 00:18, 24F

02/21 00:18, , 25F
羅賓爺爺下集應該會出現, 下集看起來還不錯的樣子...
02/21 00:18, 25F

02/21 00:19, , 26F
02/21 00:19, 26F

02/21 05:02, , 27F
我男友一開始就一直說kilp話太多肯定活不了很久 果真
02/21 05:02, 27F

02/21 06:55, , 28F
兩個女的就能劫囚還殺掉4個警察...警察都是廢物嗎? 囧
02/21 06:55, 28F

02/21 12:09, , 29F
總有點擔心本店海灘化....= =
02/21 12:09, 29F

02/21 21:48, , 30F
羅賓爺爺有出來一下啊 炸過之後出來解說一下屍塊狀態
02/21 21:48, 30F

02/22 11:49, , 31F
02/22 11:49, 31F

02/22 12:59, , 32F
02/22 12:59, 32F

02/22 18:03, , 33F
為什麼蜘蛛人沒下文了 我想看蜘蛛人阿
02/22 18:03, 33F

02/23 13:46, , 34F
想看蜘蛛人+1 消失好久了~
02/23 13:46, 34F

03/08 18:42, , 35F
XD 只有我覺得DJK很好看嗎
03/08 18:42, 35F

03/09 18:27, , 36F
這集好難看 JB演技超差 拜託他專心唱歌就好(不聽就行了
03/09 18:27, 36F

03/09 18:27, , 37F
DJK那條線也是看到想翻桌 噁心又令人厭煩的一個人
03/09 18:27, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1DNWNijM (CSI)