[劇情] CSI: LV 1113 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/02/04 13:26), 編輯推噓18(1807)
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企鵝你這算隔山觀虎鬥嗎? XDD 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 1) 婆媳問題走到哪個國家都會有的樣子喔? 2) 老葛我們很想你啊~~ 好像瘦了喲? (還是說一切都是視訊錯覺?XD) 片頭, 一場聚會上, 所有的人士都用手語交談著, 我們打扮的美美的莎拉走入會場, 四處尋人中, 手機響了... 莎拉: Gill? Where are you? 老葛: I'm still in Peru. 莎拉: Wait a minute, I can't hear you. (往外移動,經過一扇門,門後有一對男女擁吻的影子) 老葛: Sounds like takai drums on the background. You know they can still hear the vibration? 莎拉: Why are you still in Peru? Is there something wrong? 老葛: Found another mass grave. They convinsed me to stay... 莎拉: (訊號消失) Gill? Gill! (嘆氣, 轉頭看到剛剛在門後的粉紅衣女子走了出來) 莎拉: (回到會場找人) Hey! Mrs. Grissom! 老葛媽: (揮手, 開始手語, 莎拉旁邊有翻譯) I want you to meet with someone! This is Julia Holan. She's the head of Deaf Association. 莎拉: Hey, Professor Holan. (就是那個粉紅衣女子) Julia: (手語) Julia, please. Even my student don't call me professor. 老葛媽: (手語) Sara is Gill's wife. Julia: (微笑, 手語) Oh, there is Mrs. Grissom! 老葛媽: (手語) It's Sara Sidle. She didn't take his name. ... Julia is like a daughther to me. I'm so proud of her. Eric: (接近, 手語加語音) Ladies! You're so beautiful tonight! (對莎拉自我介紹) I'm Eric Lambert. The program manager of Gilbert Deaf Foundation. 莎拉: (微笑) You must be busy to decide the grant reciever. Eric: (手語 )Actually, Julia shared some of the job. She's very passionate about some of our candidates. Julia: (手語) Sorry. I have a deck of papers on my desk. I had better to leave. (離開) Eric: So, where is your son? 老葛媽: (聳肩比了比莎拉) 莎拉: Oh, Gill is still in Peru. They... He's-he's not coming. 老葛媽: (手語) Seems like my son is away from home a lot. 精疲力盡的莎拉走出會場, 忽然一團火光竄出, 還穿著小禮服的莎拉狂奔過去. 一台車著火了, Eric Lambert倒在駕駛座上, Julia在一邊嘗試著想要把車門打開... 莎拉: Julia! Hey! Get away It's gonna blow! Julia! He's dead. Lambert is dead. He's gone. You have to stay back! (抱住Julia往後退) 警方到達到現場, 囧尼和烤魚看著走向他們的莎拉. 囧尼: Wait a minute, you look kind of different! 烤魚: Seriously, I almost cannot recognize it is you! 莎拉: (笑) You jerks. 烤魚: (遞上工作服) Yes, we have your work coat for you. So, who's the victim? 莎拉: Eric Lambert. I met him in the party. He's the program manager of Gilbert Deaf Foundation. 囧尼: You're the first one who noticed the fire? 莎拉: No, actually she was. (指指坐在救護車邊的Julia) I'll go ask her. My signs are actually terrible...... (囧尼烤魚離開去查案) (莎拉走近Julia) I need to ask you some questions. Is it all right? (Julia點頭) Did you see what happened? (Julia開始比手語) Wait, wait, it is too fast. (轉頭尋找人群中可以幫忙的人) Can you translate for me. Julia: (手語, 男子幫忙翻譯) I was in my office, and I felt this explosion. 莎拉: You felt it? Julia: The vibration. I went out as soon as I can. It's when I saw Dr. Lambert. I wish I could save him. 莎拉跟烤魚在坡底調查爆炸的車體, 屍體被大衛帶走了. 莎拉: But if the explosion first happenes here, the shock wave would been absorbed by the hill, right? 於是烤魚爬上坡跟囧尼一起蒐尋蹟證. 囧尼: ...That's gasoline. 烤魚: (沿著痕跡走) ...Gasoline over here. 囧尼: (撿起地上一個碎片) This looks like a detonetor, Ray. 烤魚: I got one explosion here. 囧尼: Okay. So, the first explosion happenes here, probably killed Dr. Lambert. And then second explosion on scorch, the car goes on, and runs off the hill. 烤魚: This was not an accidient. Somebody placed a bomb in his car. 羅賓爺爺跟凱姐說驗屍報告吻合烤魚她們的推測, 凱姐追上走過的莎拉. 凱姐: Sarah. Any findings about our victim? 莎拉: No better-ex-wives. No kids. I'm still trying to see if he has any enemies. 凱姐: And how's your progress with Gill's mother? 莎拉: (嘆氣) Communication is not easy. 凱姐: I thought you're learning signs? 莎拉: I am. I'm slowly improved. But...it's not really the problem of the language. It's just not easy, you know? She's very hard to get close to. She questioned everything. Basically, she's most unavailable. 凱姐: (笑出來) Sorry. 莎拉: What? 凱姐: You just described Grissom. Like mother, like son. 兩人走近小葛辦公室, 小葛出示電腦模擬的波動範圍. 小葛: ... Though our witness here said she felt the vibration. It's impossible. 凱姐: Who's our witness? (看紀錄) Julia Holan. 莎拉: She lied to me. 囧尼跟莎拉去搜查Julia辦公室. 囧尼: No sign of nitragon. 莎拉: Yes. But she might do that at another place. Oops. Incoming. (對著攔阻Julia和老葛媽的警衛說) It's okay. Julia: (手語) What are you doing here? 莎拉: Well, we're conducting a murder investigation. 老葛媽: (手語) What happened? (停頓) Nick? 囧尼: (微微愣住, 看莎拉一眼) Huh, Mrs. Grissom, someone put a bomb at Dr. Lambert's car. Julia: (手語) A bomnb? 莎拉: (手語) Julia, you, were not being honest about where you were when the explosion happened. Julia: (手語) I didn't do anything! 莎拉: Okay. We have to check your office. And we're gonna need both of you to wait outside. (Julia跟老葛媽不怎麼開心的離開) 囧尼: You don't seem to win a point from your mother-in-law. But she does seem to like me. (遭受莎拉的白眼) 莎拉跟囧尼發現在Julia的垃圾筒內, 一張案發當晚Eric給來的紙條... 布拔, 莎拉, 翻譯跟Julia在偵訊室內. 莎拉: (唸出紙條內容) ... But we can't continue. 布拔: ... so he wants to end up your affairs? And then you got angry? Julia: (手語) I wasn't sleeping with Dr. Lambert! 莎拉: So he was not the man you having sex in the party? Julia, you lied to me. It's impossible to feel the vibration at your office.You must be there. Maybe you're there to explode the car? And you told me that you're trying to save him. Julia: (手語) I told you I didn't kill him! (看著莎拉) Obviously, there's a conflict of interesrs here. 布拔: What are you talking about? Julia: (手語) My history with your husband. 莎拉: (瞇眼) What history? Julia: (手語) We were involved, intimately. 莎拉: ....... 布拔: Well, this is awkward. Julia: (手語, 抬眼看莎拉) He didn't tell you? I assumed married people tell each other everything. 莎拉: My marriage has nothing to do with this case. Julia: (手語) It does now. 莎拉坐在辦公室裡, 凱姐走進來. 莎拉: So, Julia Holan is a liar. She knew exactly who I was. And thanks to Grissom not telling me anything about Julia. 凱姐: Well, they only went out a couple of times. 莎拉: Well, she made it quite clearly that they slept together. She also made it clear that she won't continue cooperating with the interview untill I left the room! So what does Brass said? 凱姐: What else? He wants you off the case. I said that you're professional and capable of being objective of this case. 莎拉: Thanks! 凱姐: Well, you're professional and objective of this case, right? 莎拉: Of course! 烤魚跟囧尼檢查拖回來的車. 兩人確認的引爆的機制必須是兇手要在當場看著Eric上車後才有可能遙控爆炸的. 小葛檢查了他們找出的遙控器件, 上面有編號 MA-018023, 小哈走進來, 認出那是聾啞者使用的火警警報器. 小哈: I have one! 小葛: Why would you need a deaf fire alarm? 小哈: My mother slept like a bear. If something happenes, it shakes my bed, wakes me up, and save my life 小葛使用編號查詢的結果發現該警報器登記在Gilbert College之下. 囧尼跟莎拉於是到了那裡的學生宿舍開始檢查每間寢室的警報器. 莎拉: Sorry. (把她剛剛翻開枕頭檢查警報器時翻出來的色情雜誌還給學生) 囧尼: Hey, Sara. This fire alarm is different from others. Others are black, and this one is white. 莎拉: (轉頭看舍監) Who's here? 舍監: Michael Hortan. He's Julia's TA. 兩人詢問Michael. Michael說他一無所知, 他當晚並未出席宴會等待獎學金得主的揭曉 Michael: (手語) I should get that. I worked so hard for the past two years for Julia, even helps her picking up from dry cleaning. But she said she recomended Sean Wyatt! He's Julia's pet! 囧尼: So you got angry with Eric Lambert because he's going to give the money to Sean? Michael: (手語) No, I didn't hurt anyone. I saw Sean and Dr. Lambert arguing, though. 莎拉: What are they arguing for? Michael: (手語) I didn't see all of that. I only remember that Dr. Lambert said :" If you don't fix this, I will." 囧尼跟莎拉於是到Sean Wyatt的房間搜查. 囧尼: ... Positive of nitrates. 莎拉: Maybe Lambert decided not to give him hald of the millions. 兩人往外走, 莎拉還是有點懷疑Julia. 莎拉: I am not making this personal. (囧尼挑眉) All right, maybe a little. It would be nice if Grissom told me about her before. She is pretty. 囧尼: Yeah. Yeah, she's pretty. Actually, she's very pretty. Oh, hi! Mrs. G! 老葛媽要莎拉跟她走... 老葛媽: (手語) I heared you called Julia for more questions. 莎拉: Julia, is our suspect of the murder. 老葛媽: (手語) Julia won't hurt anyone. I know her very well. 莎拉: Oh, yeah? Obviously she's intimately involved with your son. 老葛媽: (手語) How do you know? (停頓) Maybe if you and Gill saw each other more often, you'll know each other better. 莎拉: ... Betty, if there were something went on between Julia and Dr. Lambert, you have to let us know. 老葛媽: ... Lately Julia was distracted. Missing classes. 莎拉: Do you know why? 老葛媽: I asked her. She said everything was fine. 莎拉回到辦公室, 凱姐跟她一起檢視案情發展, 小哈走進來. 小哈: You guys find any special living trace in Sean Wyatt's dorm? 莎拉: ? A dead fern and a cactus. 小哈: Typically single male dorm thing. I did however find some body fluid traces. Both are from Julia Holan. 凱姐: She's having sex with her student. Quite the libertine. 小哈: Obviously Grissom has a yern with sexual women who own special sex appetite. I mean, Lady Heather, and now... (發現莎拉在瞪他) I mean, at least untill the time he found that having great sex it doesn't hold a candle to embrace the intellectual stimulation of two people. (莎拉瞇眼) To say that doesn't mean you two have problems... I mean if it happenes when you're in the same city... 凱姐: Hodges, isn't it your office phone ringing? 小哈: Yes! I thought so! Thank you! (逃走) 莎拉: (轉頭看向凱姐) Grissom and I have great sex. 凱姐: I'm sure you do. (微笑) 莎拉: Okay, hum, when Eric Lambert said "fix it," maybe he's talking about the affair? 凱姐: Maybe he killed him not for money, but for love? 布拔詢問Sean. Sean: (手語) He told me that my affair with Julia could be dangerous for us. 布拔: So you kill him? Then you can keep the money, and your relationship with Julia. Everyone is happy, then. Huh? Sean: I love Julia. Yes, I want the grant, but I didn't kill anyone. 布拔: Where are you that night after the party? Sean: I'm back to my dorm room. Julia came just before 10:00pm and then left before 11:00 pm. 布拔: Just before the explosion. Julia在她的辦公室, Michael拿了個包裹進來後離開. Julia: (抬頭看到接近的莎拉與烤魚, 手語) What you want now? 莎拉: We have more questions for you. 烤魚: You have to go with us. Julia: (手語) Fine, I'll call my lawyer. 莎拉: Fine. 結果當Julia才往回走沒幾步, 她的辦公室忽然爆炸了! 囧尼來到現場支援. 囧尼: You guys are all right? 烤魚: Yes. Julia Holan is in hospital now. 莎拉: Just before the explosion, we saw Michael, Julia's T.A., put a package on the table. 烤魚: Even with the explosion, we shall still be able to find something. 囧尼: Yeah, yeah, maybe enough to pin this on Michael. 莎拉詢問Michael Michael: (手語) I won't never kill anone. 莎拉: Really? Your laptop suggested differently. (出示電腦桌面, Eric斬首, Julia吊死) Michael: (手語) I was angry. I should have the chance to get the grant! But I didn't put the bomb on Dr. Lambert's car or Julia's office. You've got the wrong person. My alarm is stolen. I reported to the campus police. Go check that! Somebody is setting me up! 莎拉去醫院看Julia, 看到Sean正在跟她說話... 老葛媽在用餐, 莎拉跟翻譯先生出現. 莎拉: Mind if I have a seat? 老葛媽: (手語) I hope you were not accusing Julia explose her own office? 莎拉: No. Actually we have a new suspect, Michael Hortan, Julia's T.A. 老葛媽: (手語) It's hard to believe someone in this college, in our community, is capable of such violence. 莎拉: Uh, Betty, when I went to the hospital, I happened to see Sean is talking to Julia. He used some signs that I cannot recognize, nor did he. (指翻譯) Did you know what this means? (作出動作) 老葛媽: (手語) Oh, yeah, it is "sweat pea" in LSQ. 莎拉: LSQ? 老葛媽: (手語) Just like all other languages, signs varied by regions and has its dialogs. It's Quebec French. 莎拉: Quebec? But Sean is American. 老葛媽: (手語) He could visit there for a while. 莎拉: It's possible. When I first got back from Europe, I can get rid of some dialogs there as well. 老葛媽: (手語) Europe? Being with your husband. What kind of marriage you have, you guys are not even live in the same city! 莎拉: We call each other a lot, and we tried to meet with each other at least once a montn... 老葛媽: I lost my husband too soon. But We never spent one night away from each other in our marriage! 莎拉: We love each other, we're a family, and...(停住) You know what? If you don't want to be part of it? That's your call. 囧尼告知凱姐與莎拉兩個炸彈的分析結果 第二顆炸彈設定的反應時間是十分鐘, 所以兇手必須也在辦公室外才行, 而且, 這一次的炸彈使用的設定信號是一連串的逼逼聲...... 凱姐: So, whoever did this is not deaf. Somebody outside the deaf community. 莎拉: Yes and no. 凱姐與莎拉又找了Sean來, 翻譯在後面比手語. 莎拉: We're gonna show you a series of pictures and measure your response. Okay? (開始進行測試) 凱姐: He recollects Julia Holen. 莎拉: No recollection to the bomb. (兩人看著腦部反應區的變化) 凱姐: Sean, I got some bad news - you failed. Sean: (手語) What? 莎拉: We're not doing a polygraph test. Actually, we're trying to measure your brain response to sound. The results indicate that your hearing is just fine. 凱姐: You're not deaf. You're also a killer. 凱姐: Sean refused to cooperate once we figured out he's faked. 莎拉: And if Dr. Lambert knew he's a fraud, it's more a motivation to kill... 莎拉告訴Julia這件事情, 出示Sean真正的國籍紀錄... 莎拉: ... And he lied about everything. Including being deaf. It isn't be easy to fake in an environment all surronded by deaf people. Unless someone is helping him; one who is intimately involved. Julia: (手語) What? No! When I first met Sean, he was already a student. He asked for my advision. We start spending a lot of time together. One night, it's late, and he kissed me... When a young, good-looking guy tells you you're beautiful. It just feels so good. I fall in love with him. 莎拉: You never suspect he can hear when you're together? Julia: (手語) Sometimes there are some strange signs... He said it's Qubecsh. My career has been my life. I didn't realize how lonely I was. We all have this need to find this one person to connect with. But one we found the one, we started to look for imperfection adnd disappointed. He was using me. 莎拉: Is ther anything that you know about Sean that might help to us? Julia: (手語) ...one time, I saw Sean using a mail address that's not provided by the college. I thought it maybe another girl. But he said no. 莎拉: Do you remember who he's cotacting to? Julia: (手語) No. But I do remember the e-mail address he was using. 如此追查到在聾啞學校工作的某位非聾啞人士翻譯Dennis Palmer. 布拔: Dennis Palmer, as a non-deaf people in that world, you're like... Dennis: Invisible? Yes, that's part of the job. 布拔: As an invisible person, You left a lot of evidence behind. We found e-mails you exchanged with Sean Wyatt. He's your cousin. The plan is your cons. Dennis: ... did you know how great amount the money is? Meanwhile, I'm working my ass off for nothing. The half-million...... 囧尼訊問Sean. 囧尼: The grant. Is it why you seduce Julia? Sean: I need her endorsement. But I started to care about her. Dennis: Lambert figured out Sean was a fraud. 布拔: So you thought if you get out Lambert, you can keep the money. Then why Julia? Dennis: Sean got attached to her. That's not good for the plan. Sean: Dennis promissed me that Julia won't get hurt. He said she won't even be in the office. 囧尼: And you believed him. Sean被押出去的時候, 莎拉正在跟Julia說話, Julia看著走過眼前的Sean, Sean用嘴型說了"I'm sorry." 莎拉: (發現Julia的不對勁, 回頭看到Sean, 再轉回來) You all right? Julia: (苦笑點頭) 莎拉伸出手握住Julia的手, Julia回握, 微笑. 最後, 莎拉在辦公室跟老葛視訊~~ 老葛: The graves were littered with... it indicated there was not proper burries of the people. Don't mess with the Moche. (莎拉大笑) So how's your days? 莎拉: Well, I almost blowed up myself twice. I accused your ex with murder. And I told off your mother. 老葛: Good, you keep being busy, huh? (此時老葛媽出現敲門) Who is it? 莎拉: (回頭) Um, it's your mother.(老葛媽走近, 非常開心看到老葛) 老葛: Hey, Mom! You never came in when I was working there! I heard you and Sara has an exciting week. 老葛媽: (比手畫腳一串, 拿出一盆花給莎拉) 莎拉: African Violet! 老葛: (邊比手語邊說話) I told her you like vegetation. 莎哈: (對老葛媽說) Thank you! Huh, I'm sorry, too. 老葛: (微笑) When I get back, the three of us will go out for dinner. 老葛媽: (手語, 我猜是再問什麼時候) 老葛: (邊比邊說) Soon. 老葛媽: (又是一串手語) 莎拉: Huh... Your morher is asking about our sex life... 老葛: (邊比邊說) In Moche, elders share the sexual pleasure to younger generation.They recorded everything on pots, "Sex Pots." 莎拉: (挑眉) Sex pot. 老葛媽: (開心的繼續比一串) 老葛: (邊笑邊比邊說) Sometimes, too much. Love you both. (比出我愛你的手勢) 莎拉: (邊說邊比, 加上老葛媽用比的) Love you, too. 本集心得: 1) 小哈果然是最最最白目的, 雖然我覺得囧尼那邊也很白目. 2) 凱姐很挺自家人~~ 辛苦了~~ XDD 3) 於是說ex基本上只是有點over-defensive啦, 老葛媽大概也只是太用自己 年代的標準在關心年輕人吧~~總之都是好人~~最後有溫馨到~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/04 13:57, , 1F
02/04 13:57, 1F

02/04 15:43, , 2F
CSI之 娘家人生(咦)
02/04 15:43, 2F

02/04 16:03, , 3F
02/04 16:03, 3F

02/04 16:04, , 4F
這集AXN播的事後大家一定要鎖定 ^__^
02/04 16:04, 4F

02/04 16:04, , 5F
其實婆媳問題還好啦XDDDD 但是看到老葛就整個大感動
02/04 16:04, 5F

02/04 16:05, , 6F
02/04 16:05, 6F

02/04 16:05, , 7F
臉有畫瘦的樣子 XDDDD
02/04 16:05, 7F

02/04 17:59, , 8F
02/04 17:59, 8F

02/05 03:12, , 9F
吼~~~一整個禮拜都看不到CSI 快憋死我了
02/05 03:12, 9F

02/05 09:53, , 10F
02/05 09:53, 10F

02/05 09:58, , 11F
收視出來了 沒有比上集好 加上AI帶動Bones的收視
02/05 09:58, 11F

02/05 09:58, , 12F
02/05 09:58, 12F

02/05 10:21, , 13F
02/05 10:21, 13F

02/06 11:28, , 14F
好久不見的老葛 害我又想要重第一季開始重看一遍了...
02/06 11:28, 14F

02/06 16:30, , 15F
我一直覺得這集的 Sara好可愛呀~~ XD
02/06 16:30, 15F

02/07 23:18, , 16F
這一集的Sara讓人很喜歡 開頭穿洋裝好漂亮喔>////<
02/07 23:18, 16F

02/09 17:52, , 17F
小哈那段超白癡的 整個就是越描越黑 XDD
02/09 17:52, 17F

02/09 18:07, , 18F
02/09 18:07, 18F

02/10 22:06, , 19F
02/10 22:06, 19F

02/14 18:52, , 20F
想念老葛+1 這集Sara真是特別漂亮
02/14 18:52, 20F

02/15 00:00, , 21F
02/15 00:00, 21F

03/08 18:43, , 22F
03/08 18:43, 22F

03/10 00:23, , 23F
03/10 00:23, 23F

03/10 00:23, , 24F
03/10 00:23, 24F

03/10 00:24, , 25F
03/10 00:24, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1DIuuExr (CSI)