[劇情] CSI: NY 711 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/01/10 06:34), 編輯推噓28(2805)
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小丑妝真是一種難以辨識的方便偽裝~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 1) Jo大姐的前夫 2) 弗帥拍拍~~ 片頭, 某個小丑靜靜的著裝中, 然後拿起一把槍藏在腰際...... 他在紐約的大街上走著, 先進了一家Party Shop買了幾個氣球, 然後進入Cressida's Backery. 老闆: (背對著小丑) Not bad, not bad... (轉身) You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here? We won't start with another half hour! 小丑: (微笑, 遞出手上的氣球) 老闆: (接過氣球, 莫名其妙的看看氣球再看看小丑) 小丑: (拿出槍) 老闆: No, no! 小丑: (開槍) 一名拿著宴會準備器材的員工手上的箱子散落了... 員工: Brit, call the cops! 小丑靜靜的加速走出店門外, 警方到達現場, 員警: Where is the clown suspect? 員工: There, right on the alley. 幾名員警衝去找人. 員警: Where is the victim? 員工: Here, at the back. On the floor. 員警追上一名小丑... 員警A: NYPD! Freeze! 小丑: I didn't do anything! 員警A: On the floor! Put your hands on your head! (員警A上手銬) 員警B: (看到對街一名小丑) Fred... (傻眼的看著更多小丑出現,不知所措) Fred, Fred... Fred!!! Fred: What! (終於起身) 員警B: Fred, what the hell is going on!? Fred: ... (看看周圍眾多出沒的小丑, 也傻眼了) 弗帥: (在現場作筆錄) All right, buddy, you take a seat. Thank you. (看著抵達的包子大) Don't say anything. It's just better if you don't say anything. 包子大: (笑) The victim is inside? 弗帥: The owner. Cressida. It's his son's sixth birthday. ... Some of the custome were just too way off, but we have half fit the description. ... They said he just walked across the street and disappeared in the alley. 包子大: So one of these clowns might actually be our killer. 一整條街滿滿的小丑們, 包子大跟霍克葛格開始進行蒐證, 霍克葛格在死者身上發現不明的晶狀物體, 然後兩人把丟棄在現場的兇槍收起. 弗帥: (面對某個玩弄著黃色塑膠嘎嘎毛球的小丑) Look, if you played that thing again I'm gonna shoot you in front of everybody. 小丑: All right. Look, it is posted on the web. It said that any clown showe up at the corner of that street at 11 clock could get 500 bucks! 弗帥: Wow. 500 hundred bucks? Just show up at a corner? 小丑: Yeah. That's what says on the flyer. 弗帥: Then why your dress fits excatly the same as the description. 小丑: There's a photo attached with that, says it's extra 15 if you look excatly like that. 弗帥: Don't go anywhere. I'm not done with you. 小丑: Looks, is there some stuffs for cooperation because this starts being some kind of disadvantage for me. 弗帥: (瞪他一眼) Sit down. Jo: (抵達現場) Hi, Flack. 弗帥: Hi. Jo: Shut the owner in his bakery, really? I mean, at his kid's birthday party? 霍克葛格: One gun shut. Chest wound. He fired the gun right in front, and then he just dropped it here. Jo: Sounds like a fit. Do we have the name of the clown he hired? 包子大: ... we're still looking for his phone records. 弗帥: (提著兩大包小丑用具出現) One of my guys found those in the dumpster right around the alley. He's probably the one asked all the clowns to show up. Pretty damn smart of this guy. What's his next move? Jo: ... leave the canoe and take the gun. 蒙大拿告訴包子大說子彈在死者體內碎掉了, 她需要等席德大叔把所有碎片取出來後重建子彈才有辦法比對. 包子大: Might not get much thing due to the damage of the bullet. ... You download the CT images? 蒙大拿: Yeah? 包子大: Then there is a faster way. 包子大跟蒙大拿將現場疑落的兇槍子彈射入巨大的果凍方塊中, 然後將子彈前進的路徑切片, 把子彈碎掉的過程與死者體內電腦斷層圖片顯示的樣子交互比對. 包子大: Bullet traces don't match up. 蒙大拿: Then this is not our murder weapon! I don't get it. 包子大: It is possible that our killer used another gun then dropped this one to make us out of the track. 蒙大拿: That means I'll still need to get the bullet fragments and reconstruct that. That's a lot of fragments. 包子大: It is. 蒙大拿: (苦笑) So what you say about skiping the lunch and helping me out? 包子大: Nope. I have to be the boss and stay in the office. (離開) 蒙大拿: (嘆氣) I'm on it. 丹尼趕上包子大 丹尼: Hey, Mac, our clown's shoes are covered with ash. I ran the tests it came out as bones, female human bones. 包子大: ... so there is a body burned and buried? Run the DNA to the CODIS to see if it fits with missing person. (繼續往前走) 丹尼: Wait! One more thing, Mac. Do you.. huh... wear sneakers inside clown shoes? 包子大: You really expect me being able to answer that? I'm a brilliant man, Danny, but I really cannot help you with that. 丹尼: It's just... I know nothing about the clowns. Jo: (走過來) Hey. 丹尼: Jo, do you wear sneakers inside clown shoes? Jo: I don't know, Danny, I don't know! Sneakers? 丹尼: Ground shoes? Jo: Stickers? 包子大: Get out here, Danny. 丹尼笑笑的走掉, 換霍克葛格走了過來~~ 霍克葛格: This case just gets stranger by the second. The trace found on the victim's shirt? It's cyanide. Jo: Huh, our killer clown tried to poison the victim before shot him! Nothing adds up so far. 霍克葛格: Clown, bakery owner, mysteric crime scene, and now cyanide. 包子大: And Danny just found a female DNA. Jo: Hawks, do you wear sneakers inside clown shoes? 霍克葛格: ??? 包子大: Don't you start. (走掉) Jo: (衝著霍克葛格笑然後走掉) 霍克葛格: (完全搞不清楚狀況) 亞當正在講電話, 口氣越來越差. 亞當: ... all right, you got me. Don't you understand how serious this is? It could damage the whole clown industry! ... Hello? You hung up on me!!!? 亞當氣憤的掛掉電話, 轉身看到包子大. 亞當: ... he hung the phone. 包子大: I heared that. Who's that? 亞當: The New York Clown Registration. 包子大: Okay, start from the beggining. 亞當: I cannot figure out who the clown our victim hired. So I downloaded the photo on the web poster. The New York Clown Registration could identify the clowns by the face... it's some paint print thing. 包子大: Great. Then we just need to show them the picture and get the information. 亞當: (咬牙切齒的笑) Right. But this guy, this guy he just refused me unless we can provide them some extra paper thing or what. And, and he hung up on me! He... 包子大: (打斷) Relax, Adam. Okay? Relax. 亞當: Okay... I'm relaxing... 包子大: Don't take too much coffine. (拿著那個網路傳單走掉) Jo跟包子大等在一個蛋殼小丑娃娃的櫥窗前, Jo質疑了一下這些鬼東西的意義. 包子大: You're not appreciated with the deeply associated details of arts of those things. Jo: Yape. There is a hole, and you just suck all the rest things inside. 包子大: ... (注意到一個小丑蛋) This is our guy. (伸手, 被拍掌聲打斷) Jo跟包子大回頭, 看到小丑協會的某人出現. 某人: I won't do that if I were you. Jo: I'm sorry, he's just trying... 某人: Those particular eggs are hand-drawed to fit the living of our each individual member. A very time-consuming process. I don't think you'll use the tip of paint on your finger to paint like Picasso. 包子大: ... I believe you're the one who talked to my employee. (出示警徽) Detective Taylor, NYPD crime lab. 某人: Oh... great. You guys must have the needs now to visit? 包子大: And I see you have...(口氣不善, 被Jo打斷) Jo: Okay. Sorry for the beggining. I'm Detective Denville, and... 某人: Save all that, Kentucky. (Jo傻眼) It must be hard to work under someone who lacks necessary social communication ability. Jo: It's not too nice for some who works in Clown Registration. 某人: (笑) Not all clowns are happy. The man you're looking for is documented here. That's all. Have a nice day. 弗帥跟丹尼前往該地址... 弗帥: Why did you stand on the side way? 丹尼: ... I'm a little bit scared. 弗帥: (笑, 動手敲門) Open up, NYPD! (結果發現門沒鎖...) 丹尼: 3... 2... (兩人持槍警戒的走進去) 結果在化妝境的後面看到一個化妝化到一半的小丑被綁著, 嘴還被膠布貼著, 一眼有著一個大烏青. 丹尼: You okay? 小丑: ... yeah. 弗帥: Do you remember the guy? 小丑: Sort of.. oh...(呻吟) drak hair, dark eye... and a gun pointed right between my eyes. 丹尼: Your place looks quite solid. How did he get in? 小丑: Look, I opened the door, okay? He said he had a delivery needs signature. Son of a bitch, he asked me how much money I'm gonna make today. (回想畫面, 槍手把小丑說的兩百多放在桌上, 用槍托打昏小丑) I came back to concious and he was already gone. He took all my stuffs! My nose, my shoes, my costume... they're expensice. They are all specially made!!! 弗帥: All right, I'll see what we can do. (對丹尼說) In the meantime, go get your mice. 實驗室的人到現場採證, 丹尼利用凝膠取得了留在小丑白粉盒裡的指紋. Jo正在跟她老媽講電話, 亞當拿著剛比對到的指紋追上Jo. Jo: Mama, not interested. Because last time you set me a blind date, I didn't hit up with the guy along all the 20 minutes... (看到亞當) I have to work, I'll call you back, Mom. (掛電話) 亞當: ... I think I just found our killer! Jo: I told Mac he should raise you, he just doesn't listen to me! (看檔案, 卻發現留有案底的Bobby先生不像他們的冷血殺手) No bulgery, no rubbery... you sure it's a fit? This is definitely a pre-motive case, he cannot wake up and suddenly decides to kill somebody. 亞當: ... he hasen't had a licence in the past five years. It looks like all his records suddenly disappearing in all the same day. Jo: (停下來細想)... all in the same day is a possibility!!!(離開) Thank you, Adam. Jo: (進入包子大辦公室) Did they call you yet? 包子大: They? Jo: The FBI. They usually response so quickly when you get inside their business. 包子大: And? Jo: Well, Adam found a fit with the finger print Danny recovered from the crime scene. This guy, Bobby, seems disappeared five years ago all of a sudden, and there's no report on his missing... 包子大: So you think Bobby is part of FBI's vitness protection system? Jo: Yap, because I know FBI... (注意到某個從電梯裡走出來的人) and I also know this over-confident agent who just exist the elevator... 包子大: Over-confident. You worked together? Jo: Slept together. My ex-husband. (移動) 包子大: You leaving? Jo: Oh yeah. Jo前夫: ... he left out New York city for a long time ago. He's in a safe place under our protection. Could you tell me why you're interested in Bobby Wrent? 包子大: Agent, we believed he is back to New York City. And he is our prime suspect of a murder investigation. Jo前夫: You seem quite confident. 包子大: We got his print in our crime scene. Jo前夫: Then I will run the print again to make sure. Double check. 包子大: You think we got this wrong? Jo前夫: Murder is definitly not something Bobby Wrent could do now. So yeah, I think you got the wrong guy. 包子大: I can imagine that must be quite emberrassing that someone escaped from the protection and got involved to a crime case that NYPD knows more than FBI. Jo前夫: Trust me. It's nothing to do with FBI. In fact, NYPD is involved in the protection system, it says here, under Detective Don Flack. 包子大去找弗帥. 弗帥: Bobby Wrent? You sure about that? 包子大: Danny found his print in the apartment. 弗帥: A print in the apartment doesn't make him a killer. 包子大: He took all the costume away with him, Flack. 弗帥: All right, we can took him in. He'll explain that. 包子大: I'm lost. You and the FBI do not believe he is the killer, but all the evidences point to him. 弗帥: Bobby is a good guy. He doesn't cooperate with the government just because to get away from a ticker...... He is a disent man. He testified against XXX; he did the right thing. Now you tell me he is back? And he is the killer? 包子大: That what it looks like now. 弗帥回想他在警車上說服Bobby出庭作證時的事. 弗帥: ... He killed your friend and he laughes at that. Don't let him get away from that. Bobby: I just don't know if it is the right thing to do. 弗帥: Yes you do. Bobby: I have to go. 弗帥: Bobby! Bobby! (看著他下車離去) Jo前夫大喇喇的走進Jo的辦公室. Jo前夫: I saw you ran out. Jo: I had work to do. Jo前夫: You've been avoid my phone calls. Jo: I'm busy. We've exchanged five text message every week last month. I think that interaction in plenty. Jo前夫: Jo, do you realize this is the first time I see you after you moved to New York city? Jo: That's not true. I saw you at Taylor's. (Jo起身放東西, 一回頭他就站在後面) What? Jo前夫: You look great. Even better since we seperated. Jo: Divorced. Because you want me to be a housewife, and I want a career that is not complectable! You know what? My first clue should be that time when you insist me to take your last name! Jo前夫: Just a reminder of a man you married. Jo: Another problem, ownership issues. Jo前夫: If I said you're right and I'm sorry will you have dinner with me. Jo: No! (嘆氣) You do not have to come all the way to deliever that message to Mac, you can just call. Jo前夫: But then I won't get to see you. (想牽手被打掉) 蒙大拿: (走進來) Jo, the fragments get a match... I'm sorry, I'll come back. Jo: No, no, no. We're all good. He's the FBI agent. Linsey, ex-husband. Ex-husband, Linsey. (兩人握手) 蒙大拿: Nice to meet you. We heard... nothing about you.(Jo前夫看Jo一眼) Jo: So what about the fragment? 蒙大拿: ... it fits with the bullet that killed one guy two days ago in Memphis Jo: So the same gun killed two people. Jo前夫: (插嘴) Probably the same shooter. Bobby Wrent was protected in Memphis. 包子大, 弗帥, 霍克葛格, Jo跟前夫先生一起檢視Memphis的案子. 推測Memphis的死者是名殺手, Bobby不只自我防衛, 還問了是誰送殺手來的, 殺手提供的名字就是Cressida, 於是Bobby來到紐約把事情了結. 霍克葛格: But Cressida's background is all clean. He has nothing to do with the brothers. Jo: And if he's the only one Bobby needs to deal with, why he is still here? 包子大: Maybe he have left business to do? 弗帥回想畫面... Bobby: So what's now? They'll give me new names? ... And I'll stop being me? 弗帥: ... You can't go home. But you can still let her know. (看到Bobby望著他) What? She's your girl, man. You have to tell her. Bobby: And then left her here in danger? No. ... I chose to do this, not her. 弗帥: ... Sure you don't want to say goodbye? Bobby: It is easier this way. 弗帥: I know this is hard. But believe me, you did the right thing. Bobby: Can you do me a favor? Tell Leslie I love her... Let's get out of here. 霍克葛格告訴包子大說在Cressida身上發現的毒品跡證是源自Cressida自己. 包子大: That's the connection. Cressida was the provider of the brothers. Jo前夫: I was hoping you'll walk me out. Jo: Leaving so soon? Jo前夫: It is done after making sure the guy under FBI protection is truly involved in a murder. Jo: Leaving the hard part to NYPD? Jo前夫: And I thought the seperation is done? Jo: Divorce. Jo前夫: (微笑) Hey, Mac seems a nice guy. Jo: He is. Jo前夫: Any reason I should feel jealous? Jo: (翻白眼) Oh! 弗帥去到Leslie工作的餐廳... Leslie: What can I get for you? 弗帥: Does Bobby get in touch with you? Leslie: We have apple pie, and I highly recommanded fish and chips. 弗帥: Come'on, Leslie. Don't help Bobby get away from me. He is in trouble. Leslie: What kind of trouble? 弗帥: Have you seen him? Leslie: No. 弗帥: If you see him, you have to tell me. Leslie: I said no. (轉頭) Manny, I need a break. Manny: No problem. Leslie: (坐下) So Bobby is back in New York? 弗帥: Seems so. Leslie: Is he okay? 弗帥: No. He is not hurt. It's just he did something stupid. Really stupid. Look, he may come to see you. If he does, call me. Leslie: You're a nerd, you know! You're the one convinced Bobby to testify. You're the one made him left. He trust you. We both trust you! Now listen to you! You know what? If Bobby calls, you will be the last person I am going to tell! 弗帥: ... He left to protect you. Leslie: Yeah. And you got what you want. That's what important, huh? 弗帥: I'm sorry. Leslie: (氣憤的離席, 對兒子說) Baby, I'll be right behind the counter. 弗帥回去開車, 發現其中一個後照鏡被扳動過, 但是沒看到人... 霍克葛格告訴Jo說他查到說Cressida還跟Philips Brothers的教父有關聯, 被送到Memphis的殺手可能就是這樣來的. 包子大: (走進來) Anyone sees Flack? I didn't get a message from him after the meeting. Jo: This case is personal for him. 包子大: That is what I am afraid of. 丹尼: (站在萬能資料庫前) Yes, yes, yes. And I love you! 蒙大拿: (從背後出現) Is there another woman in your life? 丹尼很驕傲的告訴蒙大拿他把female bone+ash+concernment加在一起搜查後, 發現線索指向Brooklyn的一間歷史小屋. 推測那裡就是Bobby的藏身地點, 所以才會把這些跡證轉移到犯罪現場去. 同一時間, 弗帥已經來到那間屋子了... 弗帥: Bobby? It's Flack! I'm here. Bobby, come'on! I got your signal. You brought me all the way here! Bobby? Bobby? Bobby: (從後面出現) I'm glad you can make it, Don. (槍指著弗帥) 弗帥: Put the gun down, Bobby. Bobby: Hey, back off man, back off. 弗帥: You don't want to do this, Bobby. Bobby: I don't want to testify either, remember? But what you told me? "Be your hero. Do the right thing." And what I got? A promise you cannot keep, Flack? Take another step forward and I'll shoot you. You know what's the worst part? 弗帥: What? Bobby: I lived in that neighbor all 21 years, and one coversation with you, I got shipped to Memphis. 弗帥: You saved lifes. You know that, Bobby. Bobby: But lost mine. It wasn't worth, man. I can't get a pizza I'm familiar with. I looked over my shoulder everyday and wonder when would they come. And they did come. So I have to end all this. I want to go back to Leslie and live with my son. This is what happenes what you did the right thing? 弗帥: (沉默) Yeah. Theifs get rich, and saints get shut. But God knows who is the right prayers here. So think about who is the old you. Think about who you are as a boy. You can still have a life. You can still get out of jail and be the father of your son. Even after you killed the one who was sent to Memphis to kill you. But if you put the trigger, that is not going to happen. Don't do this. (警車靠近的聲音) Bobby: (動搖了, 弗帥趁他放下槍的瞬間上前想要制服他, 卻被他掙脫跑開) 弗帥: Bobby! Bobby, stop! Bobby! (弗帥一躍而下制服Bobby) It's over, Bobby. 包子大來到現場... 包子大: You were MIA for a while, huh? 弗帥: Yeah, when I convinced him to testify against Philps Brothers, it feels like the best thing I've done... Does not feels very good right now. Get the bad guy out of the street and everything will be fine. It's easy to forget the sacrifice someone needs to spend if it's not paid by you...... 包子大: The bravity he had when he go testify is still somewhere in him. And deep down, he knew what he has to do. 弗帥: Yeah...... I want to take him in by myself, okay? 包子大點頭. Bobby: (看著領他到車邊的弗帥) What I do now? 弗帥沒有說話, 只是開著車帶他到了一個地方. 弗帥: Go ahead. (解開手銬, Bobby看著窗邊工作著的Leslie) Ten minutes. Bobby進入餐廳, 跟Leslie和孩子緊緊相擁, 弗帥在窗外看著等著. 本集心得: 1) Over-confident先生滿帥的但是真的很欠揍. 蒙大拿的we heard nothing about you誠實的很好笑~~ XDD 2) 弗帥好心酸又好無奈啊! (拍拍) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/10 09:03, , 1F
希望帥前夫繼續來Lab玩 XDDDDD 感覺會很有梗啊
01/10 09:03, 1F

01/10 09:04, , 2F
01/10 09:04, 2F

01/10 09:05, , 3F
01/10 09:05, 3F

01/10 09:05, , 4F
這集只能多拍拍弗帥了 Q___Q (阿當變肥了耶)
01/10 09:05, 4F

01/10 10:25, , 5F
對了,Danny新造型,他是去拍「新兵日記」嗎 XDDDDDDD
01/10 10:25, 5F

01/10 10:26, , 6F
帥前夫問Jo姨「我應該要吃醋嗎」 XDDD 我狂笑
01/10 10:26, 6F

01/10 10:32, , 7F
01/10 10:32, 7F

01/10 10:33, , 8F
帥前夫flirt的好兇啊... XDD
01/10 10:33, 8F

01/10 12:59, , 9F
01/10 12:59, 9F

01/10 13:21, , 10F
01/10 13:21, 10F

01/10 15:19, , 11F
01/10 15:19, 11F

01/10 15:20, , 12F
01/10 15:20, 12F

01/10 15:20, , 13F
比較好) xD (喂喂喂喂)
01/10 15:20, 13F

01/10 15:21, , 14F
01/10 15:21, 14F

01/10 20:33, , 15F
弗帥的嗜好就是滑壘跟飛撲阿~ 這集有笑點+結局感人
01/10 20:33, 15F

01/10 20:53, , 16F
01/10 20:53, 16F

01/11 00:31, , 17F
帥前夫是David James Elliott >///< 歡迎再回來flirt XDDD
01/11 00:31, 17F

01/11 12:05, , 18F
01/11 12:05, 18F

01/11 17:38, , 19F
對啊,我兄弟剪頭髮了 帥吧
01/11 17:38, 19F

01/11 20:40, , 20F
01/11 20:40, 20F

01/11 21:32, , 21F
01/11 21:32, 21F

01/11 23:28, , 22F
01/11 23:28, 22F

01/12 02:12, , 23F
帥前夫是JAG男主角嗎? 覺得好面熟...
01/12 02:12, 23F

01/12 08:25, , 24F
樓上你答對了 xD
01/12 08:25, 24F

01/13 15:31, , 25F
紐約這季我追到有點痛苦 囧
01/13 15:31, 25F

01/14 03:03, , 26F
第七季都是走感人路線嗎?? 我又哭了
01/14 03:03, 26F

01/14 20:33, , 27F
帥前夫是JAG主角沒錯 <---不知不覺透露年齡...
01/14 20:33, 27F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (01/15 04:49)

01/15 04:50, , 28F
jason大感恩~~snepwcl大你這樣烤魚會哭啊... XDD
01/15 04:50, 28F

01/27 01:40, , 29F
01/27 01:40, 29F

02/01 00:42, , 30F
這及flack有點討厭 害了人家一生還講大道理
02/01 00:42, 30F

02/05 23:37, , 31F
我一直覺得這集以前撥過, 剛查了一下後
02/05 23:37, 31F

02/05 23:38, , 32F
原來是 The Mentalist S02E21 有著一樣的開頭...
02/05 23:38, 32F

02/24 19:05, , 33F
3doors down_ here without you....後面那首歌
02/24 19:05, 33F
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