[劇情] CSI: NY 709 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/11/21 02:16), 編輯推噓18(1801)
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這麼老套的劇情我還是給騙到眼淚了 之 防雷頁~~ 片頭, 回顧上個禮拜Chief Cover的案子. 紐約市下著大雨, 那位偷了Chief Cover姐姐的證件的女子Veronica Parker驚醒, 發現旅館門外有人徘徊, 然後忽然間門就被打開闖入了! Veronica: Please, I'm so sorry, you don't have to do this. I'm so sorry! 但是闖進來的兇手完全不管她的哀求, 把她活生生打死...... 屍體在河中被發現, 警方來到現場, 包子大: (比對著照片) It's definitely her. Jo: Oh my Goddness, that beating is definitely a rage. 包子大: (注意到死者兇手的彈孔) That's not what kill her. 霍克葛格到現場檢視屍體, 弗帥說他已經開始查在死者之後check-in旅館的人們, 然後Chief Cover也到了... Jo: (看著陷入沉默的Chief) Are you all right? Cheif Cover. Cover: Yeah. It's just... this is not what I expected to see for my sister's killer. Jo: Well, that's a question we hope the evidence lead us to. Cover: With all the water, evidence might be washed away already? 包子大: Killer left some behind him. 席德大叔驗屍, 取出死者胸口的子彈. 蒙大拿開始檢查子彈, 找到吻合的紀錄. 包子大去找Chief Cover. Cover: So urgent you can't even tell me on the phone? 包子大: (遞出子彈分析報告) I think you're smarter not using your own gun. Cover: Watch yourself, man! You can't really believe that I killed her. 包子大: What I know is that Veronica is killed by a gun that registered under you. Cover: I lost the gun one year ago. 包子大: And you never bother to report that? You're sure that you didn't loose the other registered weapon? Cover: I don't expect you to believe me. But I only lost that gun. 包子大: Help me out here, Ted. Tell me why I should believe that you didn't kill the only suspect of your sister's murder. Cover: ... Can we go for a ride? I want to show you something. 兩人來到一個街口 包子大: All right, so what are we looking at? Cover: My sister lived with her three kids here. Drug dealer. Prostitute. My sister was one of them. Worst of all? She was a horrible mother. Back then if you ask me if I have a sister? I'll tell you she was dead. 包子大: When was the last time you saw her? Cover: (嘆氣) One night she appeared in front of my office. She was hungry. She wants money. I let her in. And I think that's the opportunity for her to get the gun. 包子大: It was 15 years ago. Why didn't you report it? Cover: It's until a couple of months later I found it is lost. I didn't do that for the kids. They are good kids. They were frightened. I don't want them come back! 包子大: If you report it, someone will look for it. Cover: I thought one day, she and the gun will show up. But it never happen. Mac, I promise. I have nothing to do with the woman's death. 席得大叔繼續驗屍, 照下了死者臉上的鞋印. 並從死者耳朵中取出不明物質. 丹尼檢驗該物質. Jo去找包子大, 告訴包子大說死者Veronica是利用這個假名在逃離家庭暴力. 她是個移民新娘, 本名是Marcel, 紀錄顯示她的丈夫有高度暴力前科. Jo: She was just a desperate woman who want a better life. 包子大: In the end she found that she became a punching bag for someone to hit with. 弗帥跟丹尼去找這位Miche Bowell. 弗帥: Miche Bowell, NYPD! Miche: Who? 弗帥: NYPD! We need to talk to Miche Bowell. Miche: (到窗邊發現外頭已被警車包圍, 看了一眼桌上的槍) Do you have a warrant? 弗帥: If I have a warrant, you'll be faced down on the floor and got hand-cuffs around your wrist now. And we won't have this coversation. Open the door. Miche: I don't think so. 丹尼: You don't think so what? (裡頭一片沉默) 弗帥: (對丹尼一攤手) Look, Miche. It could be nothing. We just want to ask a few questions about the girl you might not even know a lot. 結果Miche直接對著門口開了數槍, 弗帥丹尼閃身, 底下的員警們一聽到槍聲也馬上反應向局內尋求支援. 弗帥: Danny, you okay? 丹尼: Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. 弗帥: (手放到門把上向丹尼示意) Okay, count three. 兩人舉槍打開門, Miche兩手舉起, 把自己的槍踢向兩人. 弗帥: Down on the floor! Now! 丹尼: Do it! Miche: Or what? You'll shut an unarmed man? 弗帥: Get down on the floor and face down now! Miche: You want to put those cuffs on me? You need come and get me! (弗帥丹尼對看一眼) Come'on! (學金剛搥胸) 弗帥丹尼對看一眼, 收了槍往前衝, 丹尼先挨了一拳, 弗帥還擊一拳, 但是Miche笑了... Miche感覺不痛不癢的把弗帥抓起來壓到書櫃上, 弗帥倒地, 丹尼見狀跳上Miche的背, 兩人僵持數秒後丹尼被摔落, 此時重新站好的弗帥又賞了Miche一拳, 依然沒什麼作用(囧"), 弗帥再次被賞了一計, 此時其餘警力衝進公寓裡, 把Miche團團圍住, 丹尼把弗帥扶起~~ 左眼瘀青的弗帥+右眼角紅腫的丹尼詢問最後被打重豬頭的Miche. Miche: How did you know I killed Marcel? 丹尼: Your footprint fit the trace on her face when you stepped her to death. 弗帥: Moreover, the white trace we found in her ear is the white paints you used on the road line you worked a few days ago. So why did you kill her? Miche: For a promise. 丹尼: Whose promise? Miche: I told her. If she ever try to run away from me, I will kill her. 丹尼: (跟微笑的弗帥對看一眼) I can't image why she got cold feet. Miche: When I met her, she had nothing. I give her a place to stay. I put clothes on her. And this is what she paid me back!? 弗帥: Settle down, Mother Terressa. 丹尼: How did you that she's in - uh - not so great park hotel? Miche: The same way as you know thing. A bird whispering to my ears. 弗帥: The same bird give you the gun? Miche: Oh, she had the gun. 弗帥: She had the gun? Miche: That's the truth. I don't even need a gun to put the color on your face. The gun is just the ice on the cake. 丹尼: (看弗帥一眼) Wow... 蒙大拿檢查槍枝, 取得指紋. Jo: When Flack arrived the hotel, the bag is faced down. And everything inside is scattering around. 包子大: Which means she's finding something inside the bag. 蒙大拿: (走進來) Well, probably the gun. I found two sets of prints on the gun. Bowell's overlapped on Marcel's. Jo: Well, how did she get the gun? 蒙大拿: Probably the way she got Ranny's other identities. 包子大: No, this is not simply a identity thief case. She has to know that Rani is dead or she won't take the risk to use those things so long. 蒙大拿: So Mercel killed Chief Cover's sister? Jo: No. Marcel is just someone who tried to run away the abusive relationship. She may be a thief. But she doesn't feel like a killer. 蒙大拿: Well, if it is the truth, then who kill Roni? 包子大: Chief Cover is lying. Jo: About which part? 包子大: The murder. (按下電梯鍵) Jo: You seriously think Chief Cover killed his sister? 包子大: He is associated to that at least. I have a feeling that he knows more than he told us. Jo: (攔住要進電梯的包子大) Please don't running out there without hearing me. You know this will lead to a serious consequence. 包子大: I don't case the consequence. I want the truth. Jo: I think your emotion clouded your judgement. 包子大: My judgement is never ever better. There are so many things didn't make sence. A cop won't loose his gun and not report it. There is no way he can sleep every night with knowing somebody with his gun outside there. Jo: At a moment you seem to buy it. 包子大: I want to buy it. I want to believe that Ted Cover is a good man, the he won't ever look into my eyes and lie to me. Jo: What if you're possitively wrong? 包子大: Cover took the kids. And he never report his sister's missing. How Mercel know so sure that the identity she use is safe? And the most strange part is why she's not in her apartment when we knock the door? She knows we're coming! Jo: Those are all questions need to be answered. 包子大: Yes it is. Jo: But this is a Chief of New York city we're talking about! 包子大: It makes no difference. Jo: Yes! It is. We need solid evidence to make any conclusion. You know that! (包子大軟化了) Just give me more time, Mac. 包子大: (嘆氣) I saw the way he looks at Mercel's body. He knows who she is. And he knows who's responsible for Rani Parker's death. (離開) Jo: All right, I need to know where we are and what we have. 蒙大拿: If there is a thing linked Roni and Mercel other than the gun, I can't find it. 丹尼: Right. And there is no motive for Mercel to kill Roni. Jo: Anything between Mercel and Chief Cover? 丹尼: Mercel lived in Cover's sheltering apartment, that's all. 蒙大拿: She has no records. Never be arrested. No. Jo: About Roni's body? 亞當: ... I analyzed the chewing gun sample we found in the soil burrowing Roni's body. Bad news is there is no hit on the CODIS. 蒙大拿: This jacket is found covering Roni's body. Jo: Which suggests the killer has some special relationship with Ronu. 蒙大拿: It has a name on it. It's hand-made by XXX. We showed him the jacket and he pulled out a file a long time ago for the jacket. Hawkes and I talked to the guy yesterday. 回想畫面~~ 男子: Is she my missing daughter or what? 蒙大拿: Very funny. You don't recognize her? 男子: No. 霍克葛格: What about this jacket? (出示屍體跟夾克的照片) 男子: Oh God. Do I need a lawyer. 蒙大拿: Depends on what you can tell us. 男子: This can't go to my wife. It will ruin my family. I could even loose my job... 蒙大拿: (打斷) How did you know her? 男子: It was almost 15 years ago. It- it was tough. We have a little kid, my wife and I... 蒙大拿: (再打斷) Oh, yeah. You can save that for Dr. Phill. 男子: I- I slept with her. 霍克葛格: So how much you paid her? You guys went to have a meal? A couple of drinks? A happy ending? This looks not a good ending to me. 男子: Look, I have nothing to do with this. 蒙大拿: What happened last time you saw her. 男子: We're walking across the park. It's cold. I gave her my jacket. I- I forgot my credit card in the bar. I told Roni to wait me there. When I came back, she was talking to a cop. 霍克葛格: How he looks like? 男子: I never saw his face. 回到現在... 蒙大拿: I think he's telling the truth. 丹尼: About the knife we found beside Roni's body. The blade fits the stab wound on Roni's ribcage. 亞當: We ran the DNA on it. It comes back to this kid: Jimmy Valdose. He's just 15 years old at that time. This is how he looks like now. Jo: Back then he was really just a kid. Any other's traces? 亞當: No. But the blood on the knife is definitely his. 丹尼: ... Flack is getting to him about an hour ago. They're probably down here now. Jo: Down here? 丹尼在詢問Jimmy. Jimmy: (看著刀) Where did you get this? 丹尼: (出示Roni的屍體照片) Jimmy: What is that!? 丹尼: Her name is Roni Parker. She was stabbed to death in the Central Park back to 1985. Jimmy: You mean the knife did it? 丹尼: That's what I mean. Jimmy: You think I killef her. It is impossible! 丹尼: It was impossible? Jimmy: I never forget the knife. It was located at the XXX street corner. I was long for it. My brother gave me that. He told me to keep it on my pocket to protect myself. But I can't keep my eyes out of it. I have to show my friends. Big mistake. (回憶畫面, 一名警察 沒收了那把刀) You have to find the cop. He's the one who have the knife. 丹尼: If you see him again, can you identify him? Jimmy: I don't know, maybe. 於是丹尼跟弗帥開始出示當年的警察的照片給Jimmy看. Jo跟包子大在一邊關切進展~~ Jo: ... I think he's telling the truth. 包子大: His story makes sence. Back then, almost every cop has a shoe box of knife in their locker. Jo: Did you have a shoe box of knife, too? Come'on, I promise not tell. You're not gonna tell me, are you? 包子大: Back then crime rate is way much higher than now. It makes sence to take off the knifes you saw on street. 丹尼跟弗帥靠近兩人, 告訴他們說員警辨識沒有進展. 包子大問說有出示Cover的照片嗎? Jo說Cover那時候不是在那一區工作的, 問包子大怎麼如此確定就是他. 包子大說他也不確定, 但是Jimmy那一區是Cover工作時往返必經之處... 弗帥於是轉身去調照片~~ 弗帥: All right, we have one more photo to show you. Then you can leave, Jimmy. Jimmy: Okay. Let's hit it. (看著弗帥叫出的照片) That's him! That's the guy took the knife from me. (正確無誤的指出Chief Cover) Chief Cover正在觀賞足球賽. Cover: Here you go, Kyle! (看到接近的包子大) Wanna sit down and watch my son's soccer game? It might be good. 包子大: I don't know if that's a good idea. Cover: Then what I can do for you? 包子大: You can tell me why you kill your own sister. He possitively recognize you with no problem. Cover: (轉著包子大拿給他看的證物刀) So you think I use the knife I got from this guy to kill my sister? Fine. Cuff me off. Took me to the car. What? You don't have enough? 包子大: You know what happened to your sister, Ted. This is your oppurtunity to tell your side's story! Cover: So what? You are working on confession now? 包子大: You can just tell the truth! Cover: Yeah, well. I guess you just have to keep working on that then. 包子大拂袖而去 Cover皺著眉頭看著他兒子(教練)對小朋友們講話... 教練: You guys are fantastic today. I want you know that. 小朋友: But we lost... 教練: Yes. But that's okay. You work as hard as you can. Look, we respect ourselves, and people will respect us. Cover對著教練擠出一個笑臉. 亞當忙著做事, 發現包子大在外頭一臉嚴肅的盯著他身後, 那是展示著Roni跟Mercel的資訊的液晶螢幕. 亞當: Yoy. Hello? Boss? (看著包子大超嚴肅的走進來) You okay? 包子大: Adam, I want you to run the DNA on the chewing gun to our profile 亞當: But I already did that. It comes from an unknown male donor that is definitely not hers. 包子大: I know. Just do that again. (離開, 亞當傻了) Jo去找席德大叔, 想知道Roni身上的傷是否吻合Cover的生理結構 席德大叔說他不覺得Cover是他們的嫌疑犯, 依據Cover的身高跟Roni身上的傷口的高度, 下手的人應該遠遠比Cover矮小才對... Jo: Sid believed that we're looking at someone who is shorter, less powerful than Cover. It fits with Mercel. 包子大: We've talked about this. We need motives that Mercel will want to kill Roni. 亞當: (跑過來) You need to see this, boss. We got a match. 包子大: (看一眼報告後將報告交給Jo, 自己往外走) Jo: (看了報告, 挑眉) Chief Cover正在陪著孩子們進行婚禮的rehersal. 牧師: All right, guys. This is what going to happen. The father of the bride walked her down the aisel. Handing her to the groom. And go back to sit down. (Chief Cover微笑的陪著女兒走完儀式預演) 然後教堂的門被推開了, Chief Cover一回頭看到是包子大, 他臉色大變, 正準備上前時被教練先生攔住了... James: Ted, I believe it's my time. Cover: But James... James: (打斷) Please. Let me. (走到包子大之前) I did it, Detective. I killed my mother.(與包子大離去) Jo: Where did you get the knife? James: Uh, my uncle Ted comes by a couple times a year. He sometimes brings some gifts. He knows I like to craft things out of woods. So... he gave that to me. He told me never to bring it out of the house. I didn't. until that night... 回想畫面, 當晚Cover與妹妹爭吵完離開, 埋伏在暗處的James從Roni背後衝出來刺了母親的後腦杓一刀. Roni: James? What the hell you're doing! (一巴掌下去) Roni扯住James的頭髮要打他, James手上拿著刀對著母親的胸腹部刺了下去... Jo: Did your uncle help you diposite the body? James: No. I did that all by my self. Jo: Why did you decide to dig your mother's body now? James: I was reading an article about the decision that the park decided to expand a bike path at that area of the park. I was - I was just afraid that they will discover the body. So I went there to move it. Jo: Is this the first time you went back there after you killed your mother? James: I won't lie to you, Detective. Yes, I did. I planned it. This is something I think for a long time. I went there, and I killed her. 包子大拿了一杯咖啡給等在局裡的Cover Cover: Thanks. How did you figure out it was him? 包子大: The chewing gun we found with the body? The DNA comes back as a family match. To be honest, I originally think it will match with you. When did you know this? Cover: He called me. He's crying. He told me what he did that night. I took his side. I adopted them immediately. Jo: But why, James? Why would a 14-year old boy want to kill his mother? James: Why? I'll show you why. (他脫下衣服, 背上滿是傷痕) Jo: Oh, dear Lord. 在外面看著的包子大看著身邊的Chief Cover落下淚來... 回憶畫面, 當晚Cover幫助James換上乾淨的衣服, 一樣被James滿身的傷嚇到... Cover: My God. James. (抱住姪子) James, that's all right. Jo: I'm so sorry that happened to you. James: That's all right. I know it sounds crazy, but I kind of get used to it. Jo: Did she do the same thing to your brother and sister? James: For a long time, it was just me. But then they get older. And I would come home seeing those burns, and bruises on their bodies. I thought that I'm the only one who can stop this. Because there is no one there to protect us. I was really scared. I was afraid that one day she would really kill us. We had no body. Cover: I have no idea what she did to those kids until that night, but I should know better about my sister. 包子大: Looking back, you cannot change anything. Cover: I gave that knife to James. I put that to his hand! 包子大: That knife didn't kill your sister. James did. If it is not that knife, there will always be another. Cover: I could done better. I could stop that. 包子大: You did. Taking those kids in and apodting them. You turn their life around. Cover離開到走廊上的一條長椅坐下, 包子大跟過去 Cover: I just hope it won't be so hard to get here. 包子大: One thing I can't figure our, is the relationship of you and Mercel. Cover: I met her in the hallway. She was sitting there, crying. She told me she was going to kill herself to get away from Bowell. 包子大: Okay. I understand why you gave her Roni's identity to hide now. But why the gun? Cover: Back then I had the chance to talk with Bowell. He was... that type of guy scared you. I know once he found her, he will kill her. 包子大: You were right. Cover: I will live in my rest life with knowing he used the gun to do that. James: I keep waiting. Jo: What? James: For the sadness to come. For the guilty to arrive. But... I'm not sorry for that. The world is a better place without my... (停住) without her. Jo: Quite a case. And it is sad that Chief Cover's family needs to go through all there. 包子大: Yeah. He's a good cop. Jo: Or it could be worse. He could be arrested and charges criminally. 包子大: Looks like his previous life is worse than being charged criminally. Anyway, I believe that the DA office will make the right decision. Jo: You will be a great pocker player. 包子大: Pocker? What are you talking about? Jo: Come'on, Mac. I dropped by DA office. Thanks to my Southern charming, they opend up and told things. Things like you went there to persuade them to make the right decision, to not charge Chief Cover criminally. 包子大: All I said is that Ted Cover is not a perfect man. He made some mistakes, but that can not erase all the good things he has done. Jo: What about James? 包子大: (嘆氣) I understand why he want to kill his mother. But he planned it. I - I just don't know how to justify a premoted murder. Jo: After I speaking to DA about all the interviews I once had with abused children, they have no interests to put him into a trail. They agreed to plead a manslaughter, but no jail time. What you think about that? 包子大: It is not important what I think. It is important, though, how Ted Cover took those circumstance and turn it into something... special. 最後是婚禮, Chief Cover驕傲的看著甥女出嫁了, James在一旁站著給妹妹最大的支持... 最後開心的新人在大家的祝福中離場, James與Cover緊緊相擁. 本集心得: 1) 我還以為這條線要跟本店的蜘蛛人一樣放長線哩~~ 結果如此迅速(加老套)的結束了~~ 2) 從開車兜風散步那邊就大概猜的出來是怎麼回事了, 但是我承認最後還是被拐到眼淚了... 3) 每次看到相關劇情/社會案件的感想都是: "X! 不能負責任就不要生啊!" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/21 02:41, , 1F
這集步調慢到所有關鍵劇情都猜得出來 而且感動度大減
11/21 02:41, 1F

11/21 13:36, , 2F
11/21 13:36, 2F

11/21 14:35, , 3F
11/21 14:35, 3F

11/21 16:09, , 4F
11/21 16:09, 4F

11/21 19:36, , 5F
11/21 19:36, 5F

11/21 21:45, , 6F
They agreed to plead a manslaughter.
11/21 21:45, 6F

11/21 22:38, , 7F
11/21 22:38, 7F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (11/21 23:35)

11/22 01:19, , 8F
這集比上集好看很多 漸漸對JO有好感了
11/22 01:19, 8F

11/22 12:55, , 9F
11/22 12:55, 9F

11/22 14:02, , 10F
看來包子大還是有一點點先入為主的態度~ 還好有 JO ~
11/22 14:02, 10F

11/22 15:01, , 11F
11/22 15:01, 11F

11/22 18:16, , 12F
11/22 18:16, 12F

11/23 00:02, , 13F
11/23 00:02, 13F

11/23 05:03, , 14F
應該是mail bride
11/23 05:03, 14F

11/23 17:57, , 15F
11/23 17:57, 15F

11/23 20:14, , 16F
被騙到眼淚+1 哭哭
11/23 20:14, 16F

11/24 18:21, , 17F
11/24 18:21, 17F

12/01 01:56, , 18F
12/01 01:56, 18F

12/01 16:52, , 19F
逮捕那光頭家暴男應該請全美婦孺之友 何公出馬的 =_=+
12/01 16:52, 19F
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