[劇情] LV: NY 706 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/10/31 12:03), 編輯推噓20(2006)
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媽媽是很難當的 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: Jo大姐的女兒好可愛~~ >///< 片頭, 紐約某間大樓內, 一男一女在空蕩蕩的樓層間坐著... Charles: Please. What are we doing here? Let's go home. Elizabeth: I need to do this. Now, we have to go to the upstairs. 兩人上樓, Charles默默的跟著Elizabeth走著. Elizabeth: Charles, what are you doing? We're supposed to hold the handrisers! Charles: Come'on... Elizabeth: What if it's real this time? You never know for sure! 於是Charle乖乖照做, 兩人上到了頂樓, 開了門, 一台藍色跑車映入眼中... Charles: Oh my God! I don't believe this! Elizabeth: (喜極而泣) I found him! Jeremy, it's Mommy! 她衝向車子駕駛座, Charles攔阻不及, 駕駛座上...是一具已經發爛長蛆的屍體! Elizabeth: No, no!!! Jeremy!!! 席德大叔, 霍克葛格, Jo跟包子大到現場處理. 席德大叔說屍體的腐爛程度非常嚴重, 死亡時間從幾天到幾星期都有可能. Jo: A unique spot for body dump. 包子大: Also a convinient place for murder. 霍克葛格: (看著發爛的屍體...) Let's do this! 蒙大拿到現場拍照蒐證, 丹尼隨後出現. 丹尼: You got something? 蒙大拿: Prints on the door handle. You? 丹尼: Nothing special. 蒙大拿: (點頭, 若有所思) Can you image found your kid like this? 丹尼: No. I don't even want to think about it. 弗帥跟包子大報告說, 那對夫妻為 Charles and Elizabeth Harris. 他們的孩子Jeremy失蹤了, 他們一直在找他, 然後這天接到了一通電話留言, 指引他們一路走到這棟大樓頂端來..... 包子大跟Elizabeth談話, Jo跟Charles談話. 包子大: How long is Jeremy being missing? Elizabeth: It's 7 - 7 days. I - I'm sorry... 包子大: It's fine. How can you be sure Jeremy is missing? Kid this age can just simply go out with friends and forget to notify you. Elizabeth: No, Jeremy is not that kind of kids. Charles: Boston police... They told us to go home. To wait Jeremy to contact us. Jo: But you didn't, did you? Charles: No. We start looking for him. Elizabeth: We put posters on-line, on every corner we can think about... And the calls start rolling in. People want to help. I got 2000 voice mails. All of them are similar. Except one. It was a man. 包子大: He told you guys to come to the roof of this building? Elizabeth: No... I mean, that's not exactly he said. He just said we'll find what we're looking for, but we have to follow all he guided. Chalres: I thought it is just a prank. But my wife... she knew it was real. Jo: (點頭) Elizabeth: I just know this one is different... 包子大: Can we have that voice mail as evidence? Elizabeth: Of course. It is inside my cell phone. Jo: (看著盯著車看的Charles) Come'on, let's get out of here. We will finish the recording downstairs. Charles: It's just not fair. He was such a good kid! 席德大叔跟霍克葛格非常艱辛的把屍體移出車外(因為爛肉已經都跟椅墊黏住了), 然後回到局裡想辦法處理屍體找出勉強還能辨識的部分... 包子大在辦公室講電話, 抬頭看到一個小女生從外頭走過 包子大: (對電話一端說) One second, I'll call you back. (跟出去, 對其他看到小女生的幹員問) You know who that is? 路人甲: No. 包子大: (攔住小女生) Slow down there, young lady. I'm Mac Tayler. And you are? 小女生: Ali. 包子大: Do you have a last name? Ali: (看向包子大的身後) Mom! Jo: What're you doing here? Ali: This whole month try of big apple thing is not going to work! I'm done with it! 包子大用口型跟Jo說"Take as much time as you need." Jo一邊把女兒帶開一邊回頭用口型說"Thanks!" Jo把Ali帶出去散步~~ Ali: Everybody hates me in the school! Jo: No one really hates you. Ali: Yes, they do! Like Derek, he said I have a gigantic head! I want to go back to Virginia. I missed my friends. Jo: I missed my friends as well. But, hey, here we're! There are so many people dreaming to be in this big city. Like your brother Tyler, he'll be totally excited here. Ali: It's not fair. I didn't ask for it. And you always say don't compare to other people Jo: Yes, but since we're here alreadt? One thing I know for sure is you'll get through this. Ali: All right, I'll give that stupid school another shot. Jo: Thank you. I owe you one. (母女相視而笑, Jo抱住Ali) Ali: (掙扎) Mom, Mom!!! 包子大去找在查電話留言的亞當... 包子大: Adam! Where are we? 亞當: The call is from pre-pay cell. So no way to trace. 包子大: Can I hear it? 亞當撥放留言中~~ 留言: ... Do exactly as I said... the service door will be unlocked... 包子大: Pause there! 包子大利用電腦模擬出Horris夫婦按指示前往並進入大樓的路線 留言: Take the central elevator. To floor 24. There's a couch on the North side. Take a moment to enjoy the view... 亞當: Why? 包子大: To remind them who's in control. 留言: Remember, the engine of the car can be different, but the driver will always been saw. Happy hunting. 席德大叔開心的跑去找Jo獻寶, 經過步驟重重的吹吹整整之後, 席德大叔從屍體上找到了一個刺青圖樣, 並用之進行了失蹤人口的比對... 席德大叔: And... got a hit. Jo: Wow! 蒙大拿正在跟包子大和亞當討論案情, Jo走了進去... Jo: We have a second vic. Jeremy is not Jeremy! Craig Aanderson. He lived in Boston as well. 25 years old. And Jeremy Horris is 19. 包子大: So the guy leading them to find the body... And Jeremy could be kidnapped by a controholic phyche out there. 霍克葛格: Craig is poisoned by xxx (一種蛇毒). 包子大: Poisoned and left to die. This is personal. Jo: I'm sorry. That is not Jeremy. Charles: I don't understand. There must be some mistakes! Jo: The man on the roof is Craig Anderson. Have you ever heared this guy? He could be Jeremy's classmate or friend... Elizabeth: No... You see what happened to him. My son is next! Please, please, I just want to find my son! Jo: I wish I can take you to him right now. Really. We need access to Jeremy's computer and cellphone to trace evidences. Elizabeth: Yes, of course. 弗帥正在忙, 一名女子出現了. Mrs. Anderson: Excuse me, detective Flack? 弗帥: Mrs. Anderson? Mrs. Anderson: I'm sorry to be this early... I just can't stay in the hotel anymore. 弗帥: ... Walk with me. Mrs. Anderson: I still can't believe that Craig is dead... I'm not a good mother, but I tried my best. 弗帥: Well, your best must be damn good. I heard that Craig is on top of the class. Mrs. Anderson: Yes, that's Craig. (笑) 弗帥: (兩人沉默) We're going to find the guy who did this to your son. Mrs. Anderson: But that can't bring him back, right? ... I'm sorry. 弗帥: It takes time. Children aren't supposed to die. Mrs. Anderson: Can I see him? 弗帥: I'm sorry... It's not a good idea, really... 弗帥走回局裡, 結果看到Mr. Horris在吵著要見他. 弗帥: Mr. Horris. Mr. Horris: He called again. My wife got the phone, and she followed what he said again! 弗帥: Where is she right now? Mr. Horris: (慌亂中) I lost my son. If something happened to my wife, I... 弗帥: I need you to remember as much as you can! Okay? Mr. Horris: Okay... Elizabeth is the one got the phone... Somewhere in Brucklin.... 弗帥: (撥電話) Give me Mac Taylor now! 弗帥, 包子大跟Jo循線找到布魯克林區的一間倉庫... Jo: What place this is? 包子大: Trasportation warehouse... I smell smoke... Jo: (發現地板上冒煙的縫隙) Hey, guys, it's over here. Right place, wrong floor! 包子大跟Jo趕緊下樓尋找Elizabeth的蹤影... 包子大: Elizabeth!!!? Jo: Mrs. Horris!!!? 最後是Jo發現了Elizabeth, 並呼喊了包子大來幫忙攙扶, 弗帥: (提著滅火器跑下來) Mac, let's go. Come'on, let's get out here!!! 火熄滅後, 蒙大拿跟霍克葛格來抱現場蒐證, Jo跟包子大撥放著第二則留言聽著... 留言: Now you realize this is not a game. Do what I said, you'll get one step more to what you're looking for... Use every drop, nothing can be left behind. Absolutely nothing... Do what you're told. And my next message will be last message you need. Jo告訴包子大說該倉庫的租金都是用現金付的, 所以沒有租借人的資料. 包子大: They are led to cover everything the killer left behind. Just like the building, the couch, the handriser... He's making them destroying evidences. Jo: But why bother when you can easily destroy all evidences by yourself? 大家回到局裡~~ 包子大: Jo. How's your negotiation go yesterday? Jo: Negotiation? 包子大: Ali. It seems she's not used to New York yet? Jo: Oh, that. We're fine. It's just sometimes she could be as stubburn as her Mama. 包子大: Well, then I bet she can make it. Jo: Yeah. She was a tough girl. 包子大: I was not talking about Ali. Jo: (笑) Thank you. 蒙大拿跑過來說, 雖然倉庫裡蒐回來的跡證沒有辦法找到確切的名字, 卻肯定跟之前一個未解決的謀殺案有關聯... 亞當則說兩次留言用的電話卡都是有時限的, 所以留言者為了完整轉達完第二次留言, 勢必還有買/使用第三張預付卡... 蒙大拿: So to leave it, he needs the third phone, which might be still active! 於是亞當追蹤了那張預付卡的信號, 發現坐落在一間酒吧中, 而且該酒吧就是那樁未解決的槍擊案件的發生地點~~ Flack跟Jo去該酒館找人, 但是人人都有手機在講電話. Jo: We do have his telephone number. (拿出自己的手機撥號後遞給弗帥) It's for you. 結果看到酒保的手機響起..... Jo: Got you! 酒保拔腿就跑, 弗帥緊跟在後, 兩人滑過了一台貨車車底, 然後酒保在繞過一台紅色卡車時被Jo推出來的垃圾子母車撞個正著. Jo: You really should be more careful. 弗帥: Well done. 酒保名叫Rubbin Lewis. Rubbin: The phone call is not a crime. 包子大: Not unless it leads to a body. Who is the killer? Rubbin: How should I know? 包子大: The same way you know where Craig Anderson's body is. Rubbin: A friend asked me to make the call. I didn't ask why. Because I- don't- care. 包子大: What's your friend's name. Rubin: I want a lawyer. I can't wait to tell them how I got the cut on my head. 觀察室裡的Jo跟弗帥~~ Jo: Smug little punky...I let him get out too easy. 弗帥: I agree. Jo: Unfortunately, I believe him. 弗帥: You do? Jo: Body language is too comfortable. And he really focused on his words. 包子大: That's try another way... Explain that to your lawyer. 那是Rubbin的工作服, 上面有Craig的血跡, Rubbin閒閒的說酒保的工作之一是勸架, 所以常常會濺到別人的血跡... Rubbin: I'm tired of this BS. If you got something of me, I should be in the jail now already. 包子大: (一把抓住Rubbin的手, 拿紫外光手電筒照手背, 出現通行出入大樓的章) You're a bartender, Robbin. You really should wash your hands more often. 丹尼告訴包子大說他找到Rubbin最近剛拜訪過的在監獄中的友人, 那是一名女子 Allison Scott, 跟槍擊案死者Ryan關係密切. 包子大: How close they are? 丹尼: I would say pretty close. They're engaged. 包子大: Look like we just found our motive of murder. 大家討論案情~~ 霍克葛格: Allison Scott is also a bartender. That's where she met her fiancee: Ryan Perisky. It looks like two college kids were grabbed out from the bar because they got too friendly with Allison that night before Ryan got shot. 包子大: Craig and Jeremy? 霍克葛格: (點頭) Apparantly they're not happy about that. 包子大: They look for the boys? 霍克葛格: Alibi is weak but no evidence to prove they did that. 包子大: Allison needs someone to blame. Jeremy and Craig are easy targets. And where is the snake coming from? 霍克葛格: My guess? China town black market. 蒙大拿: It made Craig paralyzed. Unable to move, unable to talk. 包子大: She wanted them to suffer. Jo到監獄去...... Allison: I just want something in return. Jo: So you lure Craig to the building? Allison: I don't have to lure anybody. I just need to smile and they'll become a dog then got heat. Jo: And you use the Horris to erase the evidence? Allison: Even if it wasn't, the chance of tracing back to me is weak. I have less than 24 hours to plan when Rubbin visited me. Pretty impressive. Don't you think? Jo: You use their grief. You prey on their sadness! Allison: Don't you tell me the grief! Because my fiancee died on my arms. Jo: You know what? I totally understand your anger. If someone hurt my family? I'll hunt them down. I'll want them suffer. I'll need them to feel the pain I felt. But what if I was wrong? What if I made a mistake? Allison: I'm right! You didn't see what I saw. They got out, and then they shut him on his back! Jo: No, they're not. Craig and Jeremy aren't match. The truth is, you don't know what happened that night. Allison: ... Neither do you. I want they suffer, and they do. It's over. Jo: At least give the Harris their son, the only thing they want is to say goodbye. Like the way you said goodbye to Ryan, Allison. Allison動搖了, 說出了她"處置"Jeremy的地點... 包子大, 霍克葛格跟弗帥找到了那台廢棄的船, 三人進入船艙中... 包子大: (率先看見倒在一個床墊上的Jeremy) Hawks! 弗帥: (看著全無反應的Jeremy) I'll call Sid. 霍克葛格: Wait! Flack, hold on! He's still breathing! 包子大馬上打電話叫救護車~~ 霍克葛格忙著處理急救事宜, 一台警車載著Horris夫婦來到現場... Elizabeth: Jeremy? Charles: Oh, son! Elizabeth: Jeremy! 兩人都跑到擔架旁邊, 弗帥跟包子大靜靜看著... 弗帥: How come Jeremy got survived? 包子大: If you asking a scientist, it is his body reaction somehow more resislence to the poison. But if you're asking personal opinion? I'd say science has nothing to do with this. 弗帥: Let's hope they can have a happy ending. 回到局裡, 包子大看到在狼籍的桌面裡翻找東西的Jo. 包子大: Look for something? Jo: A burgershop discount ticket... 包子大: I read your file, that you adopted Ali. Jo: (抬頭看包子大) 包子大: What? I read files, too. Jo: Her biological Mama is barely a kid, only 17. And I got evidence of her involved in double homicide. 包子大: The file said social office wants to take her in. Jo: I just can't leave her in a broken system. 包子大: Brining her into your family is a nobel thing to do. Jo: Ali is a gift. If my son Tyler totally mess up my life? Ali just changed everything. Ha! (找到折價卷了) Want join us? 包子大: Maybe next time. I already had a bun for lunch. 最後, Jo跟Ali在漢堡店裡用餐. Jo: So you feel better in school? Ali: Kind of. I got an A for xxx, and Derek only get a D. He's a looser. Jo: That's my girl! 此時Tyler打電話來, 說要取消跟媽媽妹妹用餐的約會~~ Jo: All right, I love you, too. (掛電話) Looks like we have a girl's night. Ali: It's unfair that Tyler can get all the things he wants in college. Jo: Come'on, college is not that good. Thick books, endless reports... Ali: Tons of hot guys. Jo: What exactly you know about hot guys. Do we need to have that conversation again? Ali: Mom~~ 本集心得: 1) 雖然Allison真的有狠, 但是還是忍不住同情了她啊... 好金田一的感覺~~ XD 2) 又是看完覺得該打電話回家的一集! Jo感覺也是個好媽媽~~ ^_^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/31 12:10, , 1F
說到女兒,我記得有新聞說Jo的前夫會由David James Elliot演
10/31 12:10, 1F

10/31 12:43, , 2F
這集的女嫌犯雖然可憐 但沒什麼好同情的 她為了自己的
10/31 12:43, 2F

10/31 12:44, , 3F
仇恨找了錯的答案 然後用這個錯的答案去折磨無辜的人
10/31 12:44, 3F

10/31 12:45, , 4F
(和他們父母) 和這禮拜本店情形一樣 玩弄別人父母的心
10/31 12:45, 4F

10/31 12:45, , 5F
10/31 12:45, 5F

10/31 21:17, , 6F
10/31 21:17, 6F

10/31 21:40, , 7F
10/31 21:40, 7F

10/31 21:44, , 8F
這屍體爛的好噁~光看就覺得很臭.. 亞當每次出現都好搞笑XD
10/31 21:44, 8F

11/01 01:00, , 9F
11/01 01:00, 9F

11/01 11:26, , 10F
11/01 11:26, 10F

11/01 12:31, , 11F
11/01 12:31, 11F

11/01 12:45, , 12F
11/01 12:45, 12F

11/01 17:43, , 13F
11/01 17:43, 13F

11/02 03:39, , 14F
11/02 03:39, 14F

11/02 03:41, , 15F
11/02 03:41, 15F

11/02 18:15, , 16F
11/02 18:15, 16F

11/02 18:39, , 17F
樓上+1 本來打算配電視 結果完全吃不下去(吐= = )
11/02 18:39, 17F

11/02 20:22, , 18F
這集的屍體真是下猛藥 不錯不錯
11/02 20:22, 18F

11/02 21:55, , 19F
我覺得這集屍體還好也 對我...個人比較不愛的是本季本店
11/02 21:55, 19F

11/02 21:56, , 20F
被囧尼踩到的那個屍體 看的時候我的臉也囧了.....
11/02 21:56, 20F

11/03 06:44, , 21F
11/03 06:44, 21F

11/03 13:42, , 22F
本店跟蘋果店最近有幾集的屍體都蠻噁心的 不錯~不錯~
11/03 13:42, 22F

11/04 11:01, , 23F
11/04 11:01, 23F

11/06 16:49, , 24F
重看ny105 的屍體也很噁
11/06 16:49, 24F

11/07 23:42, , 25F
David James Elliot!!! JAG的Harmon!
11/07 23:42, 25F

11/08 20:03, , 26F
不太懂Mac帶紫外線手電筒去偵訊幹麻= = 這段有點勉強說XD
11/08 20:03, 26F
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