[劇情] CSI: LV 1023 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/05/21 11:32), 編輯推噓5(506)
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(阿編我討厭你!!!) 本集重點: Dr. Jeckyll結案。然後,我恨這個結局!!! >"< 片頭,大批警力在路上奔馳著, 護衛著裡頭載著Nate Haskell的廂型車。 局裡,布拔很不爽的向凱姐烤魚抱怨說他們怎麼可以未知會他, 就把一個罪行重大的連續殺人犯送到他的地盤。 烤魚: ...The man called me. 布拔: Yeah, and then why don't you just call him back! The last time we gave him a stage one man got killed! 凱姐: My team is dealing with a serial killer, and so far we got zipple leads and the body is coming up. We should hear what he said. If he screwed it, we just sent him back in the wired case shut! Haskell此時被押著走入局裡... Haskell: Oh, I hear crime was down there three quart on the road! 凱姐: Well, Ray. He's all yours. 布拔: What? Wait a minute. Nobody was going in there without me. 布拔跟烤魚與Haskell面對面。 Haskell: I don't want to start with compalining, but see, there is no food and drink... And after all, they're all quite ugly... 烤魚: I thought you want to talk. And then you hang up on me. Haskell: Oh, did I hurt your feelings? I guess the low-profit job works better for you than a doctor allowed 27 people died. 布拔: Shut up. Why don't you just answering the question? Haskell: You know what? I don't like you. 烤魚: Nate, you said you have the information about Dr. Jeckyll. Haskell: Oh, yeah. A few years ago, I got a gift from an old friend. ... A tailsman from like-hearted... I kept it... CSI小組在凱姐一聲令下拿出了Haskell案件的證物, 依據他的描述找到了他說的那個"禮物"。 莎拉: I think I got it. (打開盒子) Pasta? 小葛: Weird. 帥尼: Bow-tie pasta. 莎拉: Tie with spagetti bow. (看看第一名Jeckyll受害者的內臟蝴蝶結) They are identical. Haskell is telling the truth. 帥尼: He knows who Dr. Jekyll is. Vartan: (經過Haskell的訊問室,跟凱姐帥尼打招呼) ...He looked like normal person. (對凱姐說) You guys have guts to bring him in. (笑) That's what I like about you. I guess that's why you're not there this morning? 凱姐: Well, I would love to stay on bed longer... (笑) 帥尼: (拿出文件檔案交給凱姐,偷笑) Why am I always the last to know? 凱姐: (笑) Call Hudges, see what he can find out. 布拔烤魚的審問繼續中。 烤魚: How do you know Jeckyll? Haskell: Well, since you asked... I met him in a restaurent. All his victims were there. It's... about 11 years ago. I was there, free to be myself. Than I got the pasta... I knew there was genius behind it. (回憶畫面出現一大盤蝴蝶結義大利麵...) 布拔: Come'on, pasta? Haskell: I spoke to him. I liked him, Dr. Langston. Dr. Langstan. Choosing a partner is... intuitive. It comes from a place deep inside you. 布拔: Okay, that's enough. Get him back! 烤魚: Jim... please, may I take a few more minutes. 布拔: Take all the time you want. (攤手離開) 凱姐: (隔著窗的訊問室外看著布拔走過來) Nice back up routine. 布拔: Yeah, not a bad performance, I guess? 烤魚: If you want to get something, you need to guve me something. Haskell: It's quite clear, huh? You need me and I need you. Let's take it easy... If you don't like it, send me back to Ely and let the good doctor do his work. CSI小組聚集嘗試找出那家餐廳(Haskell沒有給他們名字)。 烤魚: He likes to mix the truth with lies. 莎拉: According to Haskell, Joey Biglow was playing piano there. 烤魚: Joey had a partner named Marty Filmuck. Maybe he knows it. 凱姐: Marty? I know him when I was a girl. 小葛: A small girl? 凱姐: (笑) No, when I was a big girl. If he's still alive, I'll get him. 莎拉: I'll check Bernard's connection. 凱姐找到了那位老先生。 凱姐: Marty Filmuck? I'm Catherine Willows from LVPD. Marty: I was wondering when you guys will show up. This is about Joey-Joey, right? 凱姐: Yes. Marty: He's a talented man. He drank, though...... 凱姐: Do you recall any restaurant Joey playing piano there about 10 to 11 years ago? Marty: You're a very attractive woman, did anyone tell you? 凱姐: (笑) Thank you. Marty: Yeah, Joe-Joe once took me to a restaurant... He stiffed me for dinner. Though I don't remember the name. 凱姐: Do you remember where it is? Marty: It was west of 15 of south when you drive the 95. 凱姐: Could you try to point it out on the map? Marty: Oh, you had a map! It's near here (指). You know, you look familiat, do I know you? 凱姐: (笑) I bet you said that to all the cops. CSI小組交叉比對找到一家Venetti's餐廳, 其中一名受害者Bernard從前常常一個禮拜去一次那裡, 帥尼、莎拉、烤魚、凱姐跟小葛於是到了那家廢棄的餐廳, 餐廳牆上還有當年風光時期的客人們的照片。 凱姐: Joe-Joe Biglow, he's on the wall. 烤魚: Bernard Higins is here. 帥尼: Yeah, Herston is here, too. 烤魚: Looks like Haskell is telling the truth. 亨利告知凱姐說Venetti's的三名老闆都已作古了(其中還有凱姐認識的故人), 他們必須從廚師/經理的名單去重新搜索。 Haskell正在跟素描師"合作"還畫出他記憶中的Dr. Jeckyll。 Haskell: Where did you learn to draw, my dear. Do you know what it means? Patricion. Yeah, that's perfect... (結果畫出來的根本就是烤魚) (烤魚走了過還) Do you like it? Dr. Langstan. I made it for you. 烤魚: (拿出Venetti's的照片) You recognize it? Haskell: Yeah... Things are so tough there, everybody is working... 烤魚: It must be hard for you When you think Dr. Jeckyll is out there free to practice his work while you're staying with your JDK fame. Haskell: ... Nice try. You give me a good steak, I give you something. 烤魚: If you see the young man's name on the list? Haskell: Ray... you know how this work. You give me steaks, I speak. Now, I need something else. 烤魚: You know we're running down the list, which means your information will soon be invaluable. Haskell: Maybe long enough for someone to die. Be careful, doctor. You might be the next victim. 於是一名脫衣舞女郎被帶進了警局"表演", 音樂響著,女子的衣服一層一層脫著,Haskell在鐵條後看著... 烤魚: Okay, that's enough. Haskell: You're interupting her perormance, that is rude! 烤魚: Now, do you see the young man's name on the list? (Haskell指了一個名字) Carlo Parini? You sure? Okay, enjoy yourself. 布拔告訴烤魚說那個名字不對... 烤魚: Haskell won't lie to us about this. If he gives us nothing, the game is over. He knows it. He's making us to work for it. 烤魚走過走廊,亨利叫住他,說有他的包裹。 亨利: It's from James Langstan. A relative? 烤魚: My dad. 亨利: That's nice. 烤魚: He's been dead for ten years. 亨利: Maybe some kind of a bad joke. 烤魚: Or worse. 於是帥尼、凱姐跟羅賓爺爺陪烤魚一起檢查包裹。 烤魚: Well, let's take a look. (弄出一個小洞,放入針孔攝影機) See what we can see...... Hmm, it's my old ID badge. Jeckyll is come out play. Whoa. (發現肉乾一塊) 帥尼: Looks like homemade jerky. 凱姐: Or homemade human jerky. 烤魚: There's a number... I don't know what it means. 凱姐: That's a text speak "in a while." 烤魚: (看著盒子裡另一樣內容物,有某個圖樣) I have no idea what it was. 凱姐: An angell. 羅賓爺爺: I think I saw it before... Maybe it's one of our Jan Doe! David? 羅賓爺爺跟大衛找到了吻合的那具無名男屍, 在屍體的gorin有直徑約8mm的傷口,跟其他受害者不同... 羅賓爺爺: Why would he claim a failed previous case now? 帥尼: Jeckyll is getting cocky, boys. That's good for us. 莎拉跟小葛在Venetti's餐廳裡搜查。 莎拉: Doors have been open recently. If you have the key, you can get in easily. 小葛: (在食品桌面噴著化學物質) Got blood. But again, it is where they prepared food. I'll test it. 莎拉收到帥尼寄來的無名男屍的照片,於是前往那塊牆尋找。 莎拉: Hey, Nick. He's on the wall, too. It said... Yuri Gornitti... 小葛: (默默出現) Sara, blood on the table is human. 莎拉: (對著電話另一頭的帥尼說) And we just found Jeckyll's operation room. 烤魚、小葛跟凱姐嘗試解讀Jeckyll送來的訊息... 小葛指出Jeckyll寄來的圖片中有樣東西他在之前的證物裡有看過, 小葛: Like some sort of claw... (找出交給烤魚) 烤魚: That's an IVC filter... And what this means? NAYL... The Y is a little bit short... 小葛: (伸手把Y下面的尾巴遮掉) NAVEL? 烤魚: In medical school, they taught student it to identify gemoral artery. He's a wordsmith... The Y might imply where an IVC filter will be placed... Jeckyll is telling us in a while he'll plant an IVC filter in his next victim! Y代表下肢循環系統,所以烤魚推測是要把那個filter放入下肢股靜脈的血管中。 凱姐: How long can someone survive with that? 烤魚: It's hard to said... it will start accumulate pressure, and then it might explore out... Eventually, the victim will die. 凱姐去找小哈跟溫蒂,肉乾的檢驗結果是豬肉,但是特別的是那是義大利制法... 凱姐於是去找正在跟Venetti's前任廚師/經理名單奮戰的小葛和莎拉, 讓他們把搜尋範圍縮減到現在在義大利餐廳工作的人。 烤魚跟帥尼前往莎拉他們找到的DIMASA餐廳,推門走進去。 老闆: Sorry, fellas, the kitchen is closed. 帥尼: We're CSIs from LVPD. We have a few questions, Mr... 老闆: Giovanni. They call me Papa. 帥尼: Mr. Giovanni. We understand you once worked in Venetti's Restaurant? 老闆: Oh yeah. It's a great place. A lot of great man, important man, ate there. You guys want some drink? Charlie! (老闆的兒子Charlie走了出來,老闆吩咐他拿些食物來) I managed that place, and now I own this place. Dimasa, that is me! 帥尼: (注意到老闆臉色不大好) You okay? 老闆: Yeah. Being an owner, a lot of stress. 帥尼: Could we take a look at the list of your chefs who once worked in Venetti's before? 老闆: Sure. Charlie: I'll get it, Papa. 烤魚: Do you have some heart condition? 老闆: No... 帥尼: (接到凱姐電話) Excuse me... Catherine? 凱姐: Nicky, the DNA showed that the appendix shared some allele with Dr. Jeckyll. So that appendix either belonged to Jeckyll's son... 帥尼: Or his father. (掛電話示意陪同員警去後頭找Charlie) Ray, get out of here. 烤魚: Mr. Dimasa, we'll have to get you to the hospital... 來不及了,後頭傳出槍響,員警倒地, 烤魚掩護老闆躲在餐桌之後,帥尼上前舉槍射擊,卻被Charlie擊中了!!!!! >"< 陪同員警是確定掛了,帥尼倒在地上看似不醒人事。 烤魚: Control, two officers down. Charlie: Why did you have to spoil my fun? I just want to see my father died. 烤魚: Don't make me shot you, Charlie. I don't want to. 老闆: What are you talking about, Charlie? Ouch... (因激動開始劇烈疼痛) Charlie: It hurts, huh? That's what I want to hear. I hope it is tearing you like thousand knifes cutting inside! 烤魚: Calm down, Mr. Dimasa. It won't help. Charlie: I wanted to be a doctor. ...Look what I ended up to be! 老闆: I did all for- for you, Charlie. Charlie: But I never wanted it! 烤魚: Do what a doctor will do, make him alive! 此時在局裡的Haskell挑釁看守他的員警, 先是說他可以讓他出名,告訴他Dr. Jeckyll的真名, 當受不了誘惑的員警上前時,故意說Dr. Jeckyll是員警他媽; 憤怒的員警電擊Haskell,Haskell假意倒地抽蓄, 員警利用無線電呼叫醫療人員...... 餐廳裡的對峙繼續進行中。 烤魚: You want to kill your old man... But why Joe-Joe, Bernnie, and others? 老闆: You killed them? Charlie: Yeah.. I killed your friends, your heroes, Papa. I got through medical school, but then Mom died. And you used it to suck me! To serve your heroes. I should be your hero! 烤魚: (注意到裝死的帥尼向他眨眼) Listen, Charlie... When I was a medical student, one night, my dad got drunk. A neighbor brought him home, very drunk, as always. He got fight with someone, and he's bleeding... I was so tired. I just left him there. Next morning, when I came down, he was stone-cold already... Charlie: And then how did you feel? 烤魚: Not the way that you want to feel... Even he died, you're not going stop being his son. ... So come on, be a man. Charlie: Soon as he is dead. 烤魚: Well, I cannot let that happen... I'm standing up now, Charlie. I'll go back there, get some ice, and slow your father's heart rate... 烤魚起身,Charlie從藏身處出來準備攻擊烤魚,被做好準備的帥尼數槍斃命。 醫院裡,凱姐、莎拉跟烤魚陪著帥尼。 凱姐: You scared us to death, Nicky. 莎拉: Yeah, be careful next time. 帥尼: Next? (嘆氣) 凱姐: Unfortunately, there is always next one. See you later. 莎拉: And I'll be back to give you a ride? 帥尼: No way, you're a bad driver! (看著烤魚也跟著他們移動離開) Hey, Ray. The story you told about your father... You really just lefe him there? 烤魚: You know, I should let the son of bitch died. But no, I can't do that. I took a knife and cut the xxx. I saved his life. Watched he died because of lung cancer a few years later. Hey, you take care of yourself. 帥尼: I played dead good, you know. 烤魚: (笑) Yeah, you should be an actor! 局裡。 羅賓爺爺: (對大衛說) Thanks God. Nick is going to be fine. 小哈: (對溫蒂說) I supposed he is fine. He wants us to bring some pizza or he will kick our asses. 溫蒂: (對亨利說) Hey, Henry. We're going to see Nick. Wanna come with us? 亨利: No... thanks. Just tell him I'm glad he's okay. 烤魚跟布拔準備一起離開,不過烤魚想到要去看Haskell最後一眼。 Haskell: Dr. Ray. I heared you guys killed poor Charlie. All the urgency is gone from your eyes. And all the pressure is disappearing from your body... I knew you and Charlie will get alone. Papa issues. And the irony is, Charlie won't kill so many people if he got to be, you know, your average surgeon. 烤魚: Yeah, maybe. 烤魚準備離開,經過牢籠轉角時,被伸出手撈過他脖子的Haskell制住, Haskell利用手中的利器對準烤魚的腰部捅了數下,烤魚倒地。本季終。 本集心得: 1) 帥尼拍拍,先被凱姐閃到需要可魯又中彈,辛苦你了!!!(敬禮) 2) Haskell一出來,Charlie(Dr. Jeckyll)一下子遜掉了啦... 3) 亨利你的天線終於接對了嗎? 很識時務的沒選擇跟小哈溫蒂一道走。XD 4) 所以現在是怎樣? 烤魚要步上Riley的後塵了嗎(匆匆出場一季後走人)? = =" 話說這情勢讓我很擔心下週的霹靂火店跟蘋果店會玩多凶啊... Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/21 12:14, , 1F
上篇有提到說烤魚已經續約了 所以應該沒事@@
05/21 12:14, 1F

05/21 12:24, , 2F
女王萬歲.....閃到便當自動退讓 \(^▽^)/
05/21 12:24, 2F

05/21 18:12, , 3F
05/21 18:12, 3F

05/21 20:58, , 4F
05/21 20:58, 4F

05/21 22:59, , 5F
05/21 22:59, 5F

05/22 05:55, , 6F
辛苦了 完結篇很精彩 可惜Jeckyll的戲份太少了
05/22 05:55, 6F

05/23 14:39, , 7F
05/23 14:39, 7F

05/23 20:42, , 8F
05/23 20:42, 8F

05/24 00:56, , 9F
這季主線很弱,聽到Dr. Jeckyll的動機整個= =
05/24 00:56, 9F

05/26 17:26, , 10F
05/26 17:26, 10F

05/26 17:26, , 11F
05/26 17:26, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1BzVwpSQ (CSI)