[劇情] CSI: NY 619 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/04/15 12:14), 編輯推噓26(26024)
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(No one can really escape from the past......) 本集重點: 霍克葛格抱抱......(嘆氣) 片頭,大雨中一台巴士駛進監獄裡, 牧師在做最後的祈禱, 霍克葛格到來,原來是一名犯人向典獄長要求要見霍克葛格一面。 典獄長: Reggie, he's here. Reggie: (看著霍克葛格) You got her eyes. 霍克葛格: (疑惑) Do I know you? Reggie: I spent 10 yeats to think about this... I'd want you to be here. 霍克葛格: To witness your execuition? why? Reggie: I want you to know some...... 守衛: Reggie, I'm sorry, it's time. (霍克葛格看著Reggie被銬上手銬,帶出牢房,赴向死亡之路。) 霍克葛格: Reggie, what do you want me to know? Reggie: ...I'm the man who killed your sister. 霍克葛格: Maya? Reggie: Sorry, man. I want you to know that. 死刑準備執行中。 藥物準備注射,但其中一名警衛Donnie卻出現身體不適的樣子。 Reggie: There is something wrong with him. Donnie倒下,另一名警衛上前扶住他"We need a doctor here!"。 霍克葛格跑進去死刑執行室,但是來不及了,Donnie身亡。 典獄長: (嘆氣) Get him back to his cell. 霍克葛格看了一眼錯愕的Reggie。 霍克葛格利用照相手機蒐證中, 打電話回辦公室報告包子大。 包子大: (看著回傳的照片) Your victim is a prison guy? 霍克葛格: Yap, Pennsylvania Polica Station and CSI are on the wat. 包子大: (繼續看照片) It's consistent with cyanide pioison. 霍克葛格: The warren said that the victim's shift is six hours ago. 包子大: Huh... 霍克葛格: It menas it's not from some guy outside. 外頭,警衛們換班中,一名員警看來怪怪的, 他趁人不注意闖監控室要監控室中的員警打開17號牢房, 兩人扭打,槍枝射擊,打中監獄的的監控系統,最後值班警衛亦被擊中。 包子大: That sounds like gun shut? 霍克葛格跑出去,跟凶手正面對上, 還沒搞清楚狀況看見倒在地上的警衛時,對方已經一把推開他跑了... 典獄長: (跟著跑過來) Oh my... this is really bad! 霍克葛格: I'll call you back, Mac. 典獄長: (電話求救中) This is not a drill. I need a lockdown now! 霍克葛格想要衝出去,結果發現所有的犯人都跑出來了, 犯人們相互毆打並攻擊警衛中,霍克葛格默默藏起他的警徽, 一抬頭正眼對上Shane Casey,而且原來他就是那個兇手警衛要放的人!!! 霍克葛格看著兩人一起離開...... 紐約CSI小組進入緊急動員中。 包子大跟星姐說明了霍克葛格的狀況,弗帥走了過來, 弗帥: What about Shane Casey? 星姐: What? 弗帥: Did Hawks get out? 包子大: He's still in there. 弗帥: If they find out who he is. He's good as dead! 監獄裡,霍克葛格被揍了幾拳,Reggie出現保住了霍克葛格。 Reggie: (對霍克葛格說) I swear I have nothing to do with the guard! You come with me, now, now! 包子大打電話跟賓州警方聯絡中。 包子大: I have a man in there and if you didn't get him out, he might die there! 丹尼、蒙大拿跟亞當都來了,星姐跟他們說明現在的狀況, 蒙大拿: So we're assuming they're hostage. 星姐: Right, including Hawks. 亞當: Is it where Shane Casey transferred to? 星姐注意到丹尼跟蒙大拿交換了一個眼神,於是問說是怎麼回事, 丹尼乖乖的說出警徽遺失,而他們追蹤指紋追蹤到Shane Casey的事。 亞當: How could that be possible!? It's impossible for him to be at two places at the same time! 星姐: Did you find your badge? 丹尼: No, just my dog tag. I know, it is not good... 包子大走進來說賓州警方目前首要任務是穩定監獄裡的狀況。 星姐: What about getting Hawks out? 包子大: Right now, it's on the lowest rank. 監獄裡,Reggie帶著霍克葛格躲進了一間小房間, 霍克葛格的反應卻是馬上打人掐到牆壁上。 Reggie: What are you doing, man? What's the mattter? 霍克葛格: ... You killed her. You killed Maya. 但是當然他最後還是放手了,Reggie跑出了那間房間。 霍克葛格待著,打電話給包子大, 包子大: Shane Casey is there. 霍克葛格: I already saw him. Now they're standing down... 包子大: Is there anybody in there you can trust? 霍克葛格: (抬頭看到走進來的Reggie) No. (掛電話) Reggie: (丟給霍克葛格一套囚衣) Put those on. They will think you're one of us. 包子大: (對大家說) We're gonna need blueprint of the prison. 星姐: You really think it is possible? 蒙大拿: Why? What you have in ming? 包子大: We're gonna break Hawks out of the prison. 外頭警察們已經到了,包圍了監獄, 霍克葛格依言換上上衣服。 霍克葛格: I don't know why you did this. But no redemption here. Reggie: Don't you want to know what happened? 霍克葛格: (苦笑) My sister never had easy. Alchol, drug... I'm not surprised she ended up like this. Reggie: You're wrong, man! Maya is a good woman. Maya is all clean when I met her. 霍克葛格: She got clean? Reggie: Yes! I... I was high at that time. I had no idea what happened. I told the police that some drug dealer did that, but... Maya said she has a smart younger brother and she's pround of him. This... Not for you, and not for me. But for her. 包子大聯絡上霍克葛格, 包子大: Where are you? 霍克葛格: (問Reggie) Where are we? Reggie: Cell block B. 包子大: Who's that? 霍克葛格: Some guy trying help me out... 包子大: In the mean time, if you can let us know the situation, it will help. (霍克葛格於是偷偷摸摸的從窗口照了張相傳回去) 星姐: I'll get it to tactical. 丹尼: It looks not good! Just lie low and wait for us figuring ways out to get you out! 包子大: You see Shane Casey? 霍克葛格: No. But I got who helped him. 包子大: Who? 霍克葛格: Some Pennysylvinia guy. 此時一群其他犯人帶著被揍成豬頭的典獄長進來, 帶頭的指著霍克葛格問說怎麼沒看過他, Reggie說霍克葛格是他的小弟Frosty,最近才進來的, 半信半疑的犯人拿了警棍要霍克葛格給典獄長最後一擊...... 犯人: Let's go, Frosty. Get him. 霍克葛格作勢要下手,Reggie從後面攔住了他。 Reggie: Wait, wait! Boss ain't good for us as dead. 霍克葛格: Right. Let's use him to get what we need. (裝作凶惡的對典獄長大吼) You gonna give us what we want. Right? Right!!!? 犯人: Hey, that's enough, man. (於是一群人離開了) Reggie: That was good. 霍克葛格: We got to get out. Reggie: Why? 霍克葛格: Well, I think Casey killed that guard tonight. I want to look at by myself. 霍克葛格跟Reggie出了那間小房間, 在Reggie掩護下去跟一個被揍的很慘、靠在樓梯邊的的警衛談話, 警衛看到霍克葛格的警徽後將他們的tracer交給霍克葛格, 讓霍克葛格可以利用那個去找到Casey。 霍克葛格與Reggie試圖往Casey的牢房移動, 不過被犯人縱放的火焰阻斷去路,霍克葛格打電話找包子大幫忙。 包子大: Why? What's there? 霍克葛格: Shane Cassy's cell. 兩人於是在包子大指示下來到洗衣房。 霍克葛格: I think we can do that. He said it should be behind this wall. Hope he's right about the air duct. Found it! 霍克葛格跟Reggie打破牆板,找到通風管,爬了進去。 通風管果然帶著他們到了那排牢房。 霍克葛格: Here it is. Casey's cell. (開始搜查) Reggie: This guy, Shane Casey, is bad, huh? 霍克葛格: He cut down the head of one of his victim, and hang the body out of an apartment. Reggie: That makes him a Hall of Fame here. 霍克葛格: I found it! Reggie: He poisoned the guard... with peaches? 霍克葛格: With the pits. 原來桃核內含有氰化物,適當手法萃取,足以得到可以毒死人的濃度... 丹尼: (來電) We found an exit. Can you get to the prison kitchen? 霍克葛格回頭正要問Reggie廚房在哪兒時, 牢房外忽然冒出來的Shane Casey開開心心鎖上了門... Shane: Good to see you again, Dr. Hawks. Shane: Well, at long last, we finally met again at opposite side of the door. 霍克葛格: You killed the guard. What do you want? Shane: Well, as all other Americans: life, liberty and whatelse...?     The guard is a bad guy. He took people's life. Isn't it right, Mr. Tiddord? 霍克葛格: Come on! It was his job! And you're the one who don't have the right to kill! Shane: Ouch, you hurt my feelings. 霍克葛格: You let me out and I'll give you more. Shane: Well, I do have an appointment soon. So, gentleman, enjoy. 霍克葛格抓狂的在牢房裡搜尋逃出的方法。 Reggie: ... These cells is escape-proof. 霍克葛格: There is gonna be a way! 紐約警局裡... 蒙大拿: Where is Mac and Stella? 丹尼: They're trying to contact with Pennysylavia Police. I'm getting worried... 蒙大拿: Hawks is tough. He'll be fine. So, who's this guy? (指著霍克葛格傳回的照片上Reggie在玻璃窗上的倒影) 丹尼: I'm assuming he's the one helps Hawks. 蒙大拿: Well, let's check it 查了案底,了解到Reggie的死刑是因為他殺了Todd與Jackie Smith夫妻。 蒙大拿: You thinks that's what he wants to talk with Hawks? 丹尼: I don't know. 兩人於是打電話去給霍克葛格。 蒙大拿: Hawks, the guy with you, is Reggie Tiddord, right? 霍克葛格: Yeah. 丹尼: So what is he want talking with you? 霍克葛格: ... My sister. 蒙大拿: What? 丹尼: Hawks, you got a sister? Why don't you ever told us? 霍克葛格: ... She moved to Pennysylavia, and we lost contact... 蒙大拿: (動作迅速的查了Maya的案子) They never got her killer, right? 霍克葛格: ... We were just so different. I was just emberrased with her.... Look, I really couldn't talk about it now.      I was locked in Casey's cell now. 丹尼: You what? 霍克葛格迅速交代了他跟那名警衛的對話、他們之後的行動,以及Casey的出現, 丹尼跟霍克葛格說,tracer使用的那種電池, 裡頭的電解液有腐蝕性,也許可以幫助他們出逃。 霍克葛格掛上電話。 Reggie: You look like a man with a plan. 霍克葛格跟Reggie簡單解釋,然後說要找鎚頭破壞電池, Reggie說牢房沒這種東西,但是可以利用鐵床的床腳來壓; 兩人合作,最後電池壓爛了電解液滲了出來, 霍克葛格準備小心的把電解液抹到牢房鋼條的連接點上...... Reggie: Let me. Let me. You have to get out. And this is the only chance. 霍克葛格: Be careful. Don't touch it, it might kill you. Reggie: Should have went to medical school. 此時,Shane Casey跟那名兇手警察在洗衣房裡。 Shane: So, did you get that? 警察: (脫衣服) Exactly what you said. Shane: All right. Whoa. A NYPD uniform! 牢房的鋼條鬆落了,Reggie徒手想拉開空間卻使不上力, 霍克葛格用力該開了牢房水槽水管,當作扳手來施力, 兩人最後終於弄出了一個可以勉強通行的空間, 霍克葛格率先擠了出去。 Reggie比霍克葛格壯,有點點卡住了, 霍克葛格: You need to exhale. Reggie: Excuse me? 霍克葛格: Trust me, just exhale. 於是Reggie終於擠了出來。 Reggie: I think I broke a rib. 霍克葛格: You probably did. Come'on, let's go. We need to find Casey. Reggie偷偷收起水管。 另一頭,Shane Casey換好了一身制服,配上丹尼的警徽...... Shane: So, how do I looked? All right. Gun. (接過警察先生給他的槍) 實驗室裡,大家都一臉不可置信。 亞當: I can't believe he never told us about his sister... 弗帥: Maybe he just too emberrased to talk about that. We all have something we don't want to say. 丹尼: Yeah, I had Louie. 蒙大拿: I know what it feels wanting to leave your past behind. 包子大: (跟星姐走進來) The Pennysylavia Police said that things are under control now... Reggie跟霍克葛格終於找倒了Shane Caser跟警察先生的行蹤, 兩人在從廚房出去的出口前對峙中, Shane: What is it? 警察先生: I did all you asked. Let my family go. Shane: As soon as I leave the wall, I 'll release them. I promise. 霍克葛格: (邊跑過去邊大叫) Casey! Shane Casey拔槍射擊員警,警察先生倒地... 霍克葛格身為一個醫生的直覺反應果然還是先確認傷患。 Reggie: I'll get Casey. 霍克葛格: (嘗試止血中)... Just hang on. 警察先生: ... I'm sorry... He has a helper... 霍克葛格: Who's helping him? 警察先生: His former cell mate... They got my wife, I...... (斷氣) Reggie追上了Casey,兩人互毆,一路打出了監獄外頭, 而一堆警車早就包圍了那個出口了, 因為Casey身上的制服,很自然的賓州警方認為Reggie是在攻擊警察, 於是,在Reggie拿起水管要攻擊Casey時, 賓州警方開槍了,Reggie被掃射死亡。 賓州的警察上前扶走Casey, Casey: It's okay. It's okay. Dectective Messer, NYPD... I'm fine. 此時霍克葛格跌跌撞撞跑了出來,被警方壓制在地上, 霍克葛格: You got the wrong guy! Stop him! Stop! He's Shane Casey! No... (轉頭看到Reggie的屍體) 下一幕,丹尼陪著霍克葛格回到辦公室, 大家都在那裡,星姐、蒙大拿、亞當跟弗帥給了霍克葛格安慰的抱抱...... 包子大走進來,告訴霍克葛格說Miller警官的家人已經都安全了, 典獄長先生在醫院裡,目前無大礙。 霍克葛格: And Shane Casey? 包子大: ... We sent out the broadcasting. But as right now. he's still in the wind 霍克葛格回到家,拿出了一個紙盒, 裡面是他跟Maya小時候的照片,霍克葛格看著看著,淺淺的笑了。 最後,霍克葛格到了墓園去,在Maya的墳上放了一束花, 霍克葛格: (在墓前坐下) Maya, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.      Okay, so, where should I begin? I-I've become a crime scene invesitifator. And I'm happy. Yeah. 本集心得: 1) NY真的是輪流比雖了,阿編你不要一直虐大家好不好啊!!! TAT      2) 不得不說Shane Casey真的很強...... 我知道桃核含氫化物,但是我不知道可以這樣萃取來殺人...嘖嘖...        而且從他跟Reggie互毆那邊,可以知道他體能也不錯。        (是說對方斷了一根肋骨就是了)      3) 默默的想起台灣最近很紅的死刑議題。Well...      4) 最後被騙出了眼淚啊... Orz 也許是因為是那樣在乎的人,才會越不忍心而越想要掩面不看吧? 可是也因為是那麼重要的人,為什麼要放棄的那麼容易呢...唉... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/15 15:02, , 1F
04/15 15:02, 1F

04/15 15:02, , 2F
錯字可以修正一下嗎? @@
04/15 15:02, 2F

04/15 19:47, , 3F
樓上既然知道po這篇很辛苦 文章很長
04/15 19:47, 3F

04/15 19:47, , 4F
那麼如果想請別人修錯字 至少也要說出錯字在哪裡吧?
04/15 19:47, 4F

04/15 19:54, , 5F
這麼長一篇文 校個二遍都還不一定能挑出全部的錯字
04/15 19:54, 5F

04/15 19:55, , 6F
而且原po寫文很認真 寫很長 有一兩個錯字無可厚非吧?
04/15 19:55, 6F

04/15 19:56, , 7F
您若這樣也要挑剔 是想請本版的人發文前都校稿校三次?
04/15 19:56, 7F

04/15 19:57, , 8F
謝謝原Po認真寫文 每個禮拜都等著想看你寫的心得文!^^
04/15 19:57, 8F

04/15 20:29, , 9F
04/15 20:29, 9F

04/15 21:19, , 10F
04/15 21:19, 10F

04/15 22:08, , 11F
04/15 22:08, 11F

04/15 22:16, , 12F
04/15 22:16, 12F

04/15 22:17, , 13F
04/15 22:17, 13F

04/15 22:55, , 14F
這集很好看呢 雖然如預料 本集的目得就是讓Shane成功
04/15 22:55, 14F

04/15 22:56, , 15F
但還是很專心地從頭看到尾 倒是他的同夥那麼容易就被抓
04/15 22:56, 15F

04/15 22:57, , 16F
04/15 22:57, 16F

04/15 22:58, , 17F
Shane Casey現在變成純粹的壞人了 記得他當時是為了哥哥
04/15 22:58, 17F

04/15 22:59, , 18F
才做出那麼多恐怖的事 最後還因這些人都不該殺而崩潰
04/15 22:59, 18F

04/16 00:59, , 19F
問個蠢問題 平常不小心吃到桃核會怎樣嘛XD?
04/16 00:59, 19F

04/16 01:31, , 20F
推一下! 不過我覺得結局很爛 太刻意了
04/16 01:31, 20F

04/16 11:56, , 21F
04/16 11:56, 21F

04/16 12:08, , 22F
平常吃到毒不死的啦~~XD 是說演得要萃取純化很簡單的樣子
04/16 12:08, 22F

04/16 12:08, , 23F
然後結局喔...不讓Casey逃出來接下來沒戲唱嘛!!! XD
04/16 12:08, 23F

04/16 17:14, , 24F
04/16 17:14, 24F

04/16 18:23, , 25F
04/16 18:23, 25F

04/16 19:00, , 26F
04/16 19:00, 26F

04/17 06:43, , 27F
看來愛德華福隆會繼續客串蘋果店了 嘖嘖 ~~~~~
04/17 06:43, 27F

04/17 06:44, , 28F
葛格哭哭....Q___Q 我繼續買你的書安慰你(入戲太深)
04/17 06:44, 28F

04/17 06:46, , 29F
臭丹尼你看你的Badge惹了大麻煩了.....= =+
04/17 06:46, 29F

04/17 06:46, , 30F
蒙大拿姊姊請罰他跪算盤 = =
04/17 06:46, 30F

04/17 14:07, , 31F
請問Shane Casey那是哪一季第幾集呀 想說溫習一下 tks
04/17 14:07, 31F

04/17 14:53, , 32F
謝謝原PO辛苦發心得文!! XD
04/17 14:53, 32F

04/17 15:17, , 33F
Shane Casey 在 304 和 311 中出現
04/17 15:17, 33F

04/17 17:24, , 34F
thanks for the upstair ^_^
04/17 17:24, 34F

04/17 17:59, , 35F
這集好難看 編劇亂編阿
04/17 17:59, 35F

04/17 18:24, , 36F
04/17 18:24, 36F

04/17 18:25, , 37F
另外第三頁Reggie:I'm the man who killed your *sister.
04/17 18:25, 37F

04/17 20:54, , 38F
原來Casey是Edward Furlong! 魔鬼終結者二的小童星!!!
04/17 20:54, 38F

04/17 20:55, , 39F
真是不堪回首啊! 昔日帥哥小童星 現在是...(壞得很讚XD)
04/17 20:55, 39F

04/17 20:56, , 40F
謝謝原po認真寫文!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!看文章 學英文!XD
04/17 20:56, 40F

04/17 21:01, , 41F
演Reggie的那位黑人演員Harold Perrineau 也好面熟喔!
04/17 21:01, 41F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (04/17 23:25)

04/17 23:26, , 42F
04/17 23:26, 42F

04/18 14:43, , 43F
04/18 14:43, 43F

04/18 19:43, , 44F
這集真的超好看!不過現在才知道原來Casey是艾德華福隆 囧
04/18 19:43, 44F

04/18 19:43, , 45F
04/18 19:43, 45F

04/18 19:45, , 46F
04/18 19:45, 46F

04/18 20:37, , 47F
這集相當感人 hawks依然帥氣!!
04/18 20:37, 47F

04/19 01:32, , 48F
04/19 01:32, 48F

04/19 13:30, , 49F
我覺得他是羅密歐與茱麗葉裡面羅密歐的好友 我是老人
04/19 13:30, 49F

04/19 23:21, , 50F
謝謝原PO辛苦分享/// 老師說跪主機板比較痛:))
04/19 23:21, 50F
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