[劇情] CSI: NY 618 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/04/08 12:34), 編輯推噓31(31012)
留言43則, 26人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(其實每個人的人生都有很多未完成吧......) 本集重點: 星姐抱抱,席德拍拍~~ 片頭,星姐抵達警車燈閃閃閃的現場, 案發現場在一處大樓裡, 星姐在台階上張望了一下,轉頭進入大樓。 一個黃色的氣球在星姐眼前飄起, 拿著手電筒的星姐走進黃色封條封著的房間, 電燈壞了,地板上有著散落的食物與血跡... 星姐聽到一個聲響,反應很快的進入防備狀況, 然後星姐打開了衣櫃們,看到一個小孩抱膝躲在裡面。 星姐: Hey, are you OK? Hungry, I bet, huh? 接著,星姐聽到有人跑過的聲音, 星姐: Freeze, NYPD! 星姐追了出去,對方已開著白色休旅車逃了, 星姐在雨中開車追著嫌犯,一邊向局裡申請支援, 沒想到下一秒被一台過街的車攔腰撞上, 整個車子翻了過去!!! @@" 星姐喘息著,一名路過的女子像著卡在車裡的星姐跑來... 女子: Come on, give me your hand! We have to do this together! 星姐伸手,女子的手卻化成煙霧...... 下一幕,星姐在局裡驚醒。 星姐看著夕陽下的自由女神像。 包子大: Whatever it is, it must be serious. 星姐: I'm just waiting the autopsy from Sid. 包子大: We got a case and I don't know that? (接過星姐手上的檔案) Marina Garito. 星姐: How many times you got a call from someone that you really wish you can help them? 包子大: Endless. 星姐: She called me every Monday at 8:00 sharp. Her brother, Luke, was missing 15 years ago. He was presumed dead. Every Monday, she is calling with potential leads, evidece... Last Monday she left me a message, saying she is close. ... I was too busy to get back to her. And today she's here. Gunshot wound, dead on a riffle. 包子大陪著星姐下去找席德大叔。 席德: I compelet my autopsy of Marina Garito. She commited suicide. 星姐: What? Sid, it is impossible. 席德大叔解釋說,Marina的右手有火藥殘留,槍枝上的指紋是她的。 星姐: Things get overlooked. She would have never done this! 席德: I'm sorry, Stella. But evidence said so... And for all the cases I ever saw, suicide is the answer. 星姐: Maybe you were wrong. If there is one thing I'm ever sure, is that Marina Garito did not kill herself. (怒氣沖沖的跑了) 包子大: Don't take it personally, Sid. 席德: ... We're both disappointed. Ever since Stella put Luke Garito's DNA in the bank three years ago, we're waiting the end. ... but time afer time, we didn't get a hit. And now we got Marina... Luke and Marina are twins, you know. I wish I could have done more, for us, for them. 包子大拍拍席德大叔後離去, 席德大叔嘆氣,然後再檢查起Marina的屍體。 Marina獨白畫面之一: It's been almost 15 year... But I wake up everyday and have the feeling that he never left. For me, it's another day closer for him coming home. It makes it easier. Because it helped me to make the image that Luke sitting somewhere along, waiting, and wondering where we are and why we haven't found him... I hope he is OK. 星姐抓了霍克葛格、丹尼跟蒙大拿來幫忙檢視Luke案件的資料 (因為Marina被辨識為自殺,所以無法進入她的住處搜查); 兩個男生都很冷靜也很狠心的直接指出他們認為是自殺, 霍克葛格出示了Marina寫在電腦裡的字句,認為那是Suicide note。 (It's time for me to end it. Live for myself.) 星姐: She was eight years old when he is missing. And when we met, she was 21. I remember the first time we met. I remember her face. I remember the look in her eye. And every Monday after that day, she would call me. Every time I could hear determination and hope in her voice. 蒙大拿: (有些不忍心+小心翼翼的對星姐說) Maybe she lost her hope. She surrendered. 星姐: No, Matina won't do this. 包子大的新戀情發展對象Miss No.40(靠,忘了名字了,到底有沒有提過啊?)來到, 亞當同學傻呼呼的上前打招呼示好攀談(原來No.40是個醫生!), 然後在包子大出現在他身後,No.40出聲"Mac"後小僵了一下。XDD 包子大把人帶到辦公室, No.40: I have to admit I have selfish reasons. I really want to see the crime lab. 包子大: (微笑) So what's that? No.40: The clothes of one emergency I got last night, Marina Garito. I figured you might need them for investigation. 包子大: Her death was determined suicide. No further investigation. No.40: Really? 包子大: Sounds like you have another opinion, doctor? (微笑) No.40: Huh, no... well... You ever heard cadaveric spasm? 包子大: ... usually associated with violent deaths happening under extremely physical circumstances with intense emotion No.40: Yes, I once saw several cases before. I worked as doctor for Air Force a few years ago... (注意到包子大牆上的照片)Looks like you know something Last night, I noticed victim's left hand is showing cadaveric spasm. 包子大: (皺眉) You sure it's her left hand? 包子大告知星姐這項最新發展。 包子大: Still, it doesn't mean it's not suicide. 星姐: But it gives us the chance to investigate! 包子大: Yes. 星姐到了Marina家裡,牆上滿滿的、關於他兄弟的剪報...... 弗帥: (走進來) Nothing. Most neighbors are sleeping while it happened... 星姐: (指著滿地凌亂) Possible evidence of struggle. 弗帥: Or, maybe she shot herself, and then fell down... 星姐: Or maybe she's fight with her killer, and after being shot, she's still alive, trying to grab the phone. ... I mean, burger and fries? That's not a last meal! 弗帥: They are from XXX (大概是家有名的店吧?) 星姐: (嘆氣) OK, I got it. More evidence supports suicide than murder. You think I tried too hard. 弗帥: We all have our Marina Gorito. John Berronne called last night, talking about his wife... And that broke your heart because there is nothing you can help him. But you'll still keep going on. Because other bad things happen outside. And it is your job to stop them. And for those...... they'll pass, they'll fade. You can't do much! 星姐: I just can't stop thinking I could do more for her and her brother. 弗帥: You took the phone every Monday already. 星姐: Humor me. Let's search the place before we hand out. 弗帥: O.K. 於是弗帥爬到窗外陽台鐵梯查看, 星姐準備到其他房間檢查時,一名男子跑出衝撞開星姐... 弗帥: Stella! 星姐: Flack! (爬起準備追人) 弗帥: I'm going down through.(三人追逐中) 星姐: Hey, Flack, I'm on him! 最後星姐追到一處大樓底下的泳池邊, 被從暗處竄出男子壓入水裡,星姐的槍掉了,沉到池底,兩人在水中掙扎。 第一次,星姐好不容易浮上水面換口氣, 又被男子拖入水裡,一個黃色物體浮起; 第二次,星姐嘗試從泳池的梯子爬上水面,又再次被拖回, 男子在水中撿了槍射中星姐,星姐浮上水面,血隨著水波漣漪散開... 男子爬出泳池,弗帥趕到,開槍沒射中,男子跑走了。 弗帥: Stella! 星姐麻醉處理傷勢中... Marina的獨白畫面之二: My mother is crying... My stepfather is talking to the police. He remembered the sound of ice cream car... I was constantly reminded what happened that day and what I lost when I looked into a mirror. And I hated my face. (哭) 星姐是小傷。 No.40: All right, I'll write you prescription for the pain. (轉身遇上走進來的包子大) She'll be fine. 星姐: (看著包子大) All right, before you ever think about it, I'm not taking a sick leave. 包子大: I wouldn't dare to think about it. 弗帥來報告進展,說男子顯然有Marina的鑰匙。 星姐: Absolutely, it's Marina's stepfather. She was murdered because she was close. She found the murder of Luke, and the murder got her. 大家出動去查證據,亞當從泳池撈出了那個飄起的黃色方塊物體。 在局裡,席德大叔找了霍克葛格。 霍克葛格: Yes, I believe it's an allergic reaction. You asked me down just for confirming this? 席德大叔: I'm a little inconfident now... I need a second opinion. 霍克葛格: ... Look, I won't make a different conclusion as you. 席德大叔: Yes, but... when you're in this career for a long time... At the first sign of answer, you take it... And then you never ask a second possibility... 霍克葛格: You won't take poison when there is a gunshot. You taught me that! 席德大叔: I know. I just felt bad. 霍克葛格: We're not always right. But it is not because we're wrong. 席德大叔: ... I know. How's Stella? 霍克葛格: Tough as ever. 席德大叔: Good. 蒙大拿在Marina公寓蒐證。 蒙大拿: This French fries is not a French fries... 蒙大拿回到局裡檢視,霍克葛格走進來。 蒙大拿: It's foam. 霍克葛格: ? 蒙大拿: The French fry is foam. Foam and GSR. 霍克葛格: How about other fries? 蒙大拿: They are just fries... I got an idea. Notify Mac and Stella for me, ok? (往外走) 霍克葛格: Where are you going? 蒙大拿: Reconstruction. 霍克葛格: What are you thinking? 蒙大拿: You'll find out! 於是霍克葛格、包子大、星姐跟亞當聚集一起看蒙大拿製作"薯條"。 蒙大拿拿著槍射過枕頭泡棉,泡棉愈熱融化又重組後掉落地面...... 蒙大拿: And there you go. 亞當: That looks like a fry! 蒙大拿: Yap, when bullet perfectly pass a pollow. 包子大: ... That just proved Matina was not suicide. 亞當: Why? I don't get that. 星姐: The pillow is for reducing the sound of the shot. When you're suiciding, you won't care muffling the sound of a gun. 亞當: But we didn't find a hole on the pillow from the apartment. 星姐: He took the pillow with him. (泳池裡的黃色物體就是枕頭內的泡棉) 亞當: So we can say he's our killer now! 星姐: No. Now we can only prove that he took a pillow. We need evidence to put the gun in his hand. 丹尼公寓裡的證物。 丹尼: (看著一塊布料) What the hell just happen. 亞當在實驗室裡嘆氣,包子大走進來。 包子大: I don't like the body language. 亞當說他們沒辦法證明Marina的繼父碰過那把槍, 但是那把槍在一星期前與一樁搶案有關, 也許他們可以從搶匪口中套出他們是不是把槍賣給了繼父Tony... 包子大說,希望他們可以在人跑走以前證明這個關連。 丹尼: Lindsay Messer. I need a witness. What's this? 蒙大拿: (走過來) A fabric sampel? 丹尼: Does it feel normal? 蒙大拿: Yes. Why? 丹尼: And this? (示意蒙大拿拿好布料) Are we ready? 蒙大拿: What are you doing? 丹尼: (用吹風機吹著那塊布...) And boom. (布料變硬膠著) 蒙大拿: What the hell was that? 丹尼: The answer. 原來那塊"布"是種shape memory textile。 遇熱會塑型,是放出nickel,恰為Marina會過敏的物質, Marina左手cadaveric spasm的現象就是因為她死前拼著一口氣在抓這東西。 星姐: ... Because she knew it helps to identify her killer. Marina的獨白之三: He tried very hard. He took care of me. He and Luke... that is hard... I stayed there for a while... And would my mom love me ever? What if both of them leave me? No one ask me what happened, and I just forgot... 弗帥得到消息說Tony找人偽造passport跟ID, 丹尼告知星姐這個消息後出發去抓人。 星姐嘆氣,然後低頭發現桌上躺著封信, 寄件人是Marina,星姐展信閱讀... Detective Ponasara: Finally, I can put all this to the end. Repressed memory, that is what they called it. Two weeks ago, I went back there. Back to the house we leave. Then, I remembered it all... Tony焦躁不安的在中央車站酒吧裡等著, 一本passport被送到了他眼前,他翻開,裡面夾著一枚警徽, 丹尼跟弗帥左右夾攻制住了人。 回到局裡,星姐跟Tony對話的畫面與員警搜查Marina老家的畫面交錯著。 星姐: All by herself, she figures it out. She confinded you. Tony: I would never do anything to Marina (霍克葛格他們下到了地下室...) 星姐: You are panic, like the day you killed Luke, aren't you? Only you didn't know, we all did't know... Listen what she said in the letter: "Finally, it time for me to end it. Live for myself." "And this is the way I know what to do." (霍克葛格他們發現了一只木箱...) "Leaving is the only option." "Tony, we're both free." (木箱裡,是一具小小的骷髏,Luke的屍骨。) She is letting you go. 結案了。 星姐: Sid. 席德大叔: Hey! 星姐: I'm sorry. I'm too aggresive this morning... 席德大叔: No, you're right. I got defensive because I'm thinking "what if she's right" (兩人相視而笑) 星姐: You are wise, my friend. I got a letter in the mail from Marina this morning. 席德大叔: Yeah? 星姐: Said she was moving to Boston... 場景轉換,弗帥在打電話... 弗帥: Mr. Berronne? This is Detective Flack. Mr. Berronne: You got news about my wife? 弗帥: No, well, I was hoping us hanging out together. Then maybe we can figure something out for her... Mr. Berronne: Really, wow, it has been a long time... 弗帥: Yeah, it is a long time. 包子大走進星姐辦公室,發現星姐在沙發上睡著了,手邊是Marina的信, 包子大拿開信,幫星姐蓋好毯子,安靜的離開。 Marina的獨白之四: Three years after Luke's death, I was 11. One afternoon, when I coming home from school... I was thinking. He's here. He's back. He's here, Luke. I was thinking he was hiding in our secret place. But he didn't. I remeber he said that one day he'll hide a place I can never find him. But I did. I did find him. 本集重點: 1) 一回來就下這種猛藥啊? 看到水池的血花差點沒嚇死... Orz 2) 星姐抱抱。席德大叔也抱抱。其實我想真實世界裡的警察很難做到這樣的。 No body, no crime. 畢竟除了抱著希望在等待的那些人,世界是一直往前走的。 3) 阿當,包子大在你後面,他非常火;好吧,其實無奈比較多。 XDDDD 4) 為什麼我覺得那個"Lindsay Messer"很閃? ^_^" 還有丹尼你不是被禁止說Boom了嗎? XDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (04/08 12:37)

04/08 13:39, , 1F
阿編還我阿當坎朵配 (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
04/08 13:39, 1F

04/08 14:24, , 2F
04/08 14:24, 2F

04/08 14:43, , 3F
我也覺得「Lindsay Messer」很閃 (大心)
04/08 14:43, 3F

04/08 14:49, , 4F
不過案件一開始,我覺得其實應該找FBI紐約分局的某組 XD
04/08 14:49, 4F

04/08 19:49, , 5F
是我漏掉什麼嗎? 所以死者右手的GSR是怎麼來的?
04/08 19:49, 5F

04/08 19:50, , 6F
這集很好看 故事和犯案過程再簡單不過但編得很讚
04/08 19:50, 6F

04/08 20:25, , 7F
04/08 20:25, 7F

04/08 23:48, , 8F
Lindsay Messer很閃+1 但是閃的很開心阿xDD
04/08 23:48, 8F

04/08 23:49, , 9F
星姊什麼時候桃花才會來咧? 人家Mac都有人還聽說....
04/08 23:49, 9F

04/08 23:51, , 10F
04/08 23:51, 10F

04/09 00:13, , 11F
04/09 00:13, 11F

04/09 00:14, , 12F
有點沉重,有點心酸的內容; 不過Adam找不出答案猛扒頭髮的
04/09 00:14, 12F

04/09 00:14, , 13F
畫面也讓我覺得很歡樂... XDD 還有包子真是"面泛桃花"啊~~
04/09 00:14, 13F

04/09 00:20, , 14F
對齁 停了太久的NY 我都忘記上一集包子有桃花XD
04/09 00:20, 14F

04/09 01:22, , 15F
04/09 01:22, 15F

04/09 14:39, , 16F
Lindsay Messer(大心)
04/09 14:39, 16F

04/09 14:58, , 17F
樓上正妹板主 >///////////////////////////<
04/09 14:58, 17F

04/09 16:16, , 18F
我也只是想幫忙當導覽員而已啊 Q___Q
04/09 16:16, 18F

04/09 17:14, , 19F
04/09 17:14, 19F

04/09 17:15, , 20F
04/09 17:15, 20F

04/09 21:21, , 21F
這集好看~ Lindsay Messer超閃!!!!!
04/09 21:21, 21F

04/10 02:52, , 22F
04/10 02:52, 22F

04/10 08:57, , 23F
No. 40好像叫做Aubrey
04/10 08:57, 23F

04/10 22:46, , 24F
04/10 22:46, 24F

04/10 23:31, , 25F
04/10 23:31, 25F

04/11 00:10, , 26F
【Lindsay Messer】超閃!太久沒閃了,希望以後再多閃一些^^
04/11 00:10, 26F

04/11 01:35, , 27F
04/11 01:35, 27F

04/11 02:08, , 28F
04/11 02:08, 28F

04/11 02:10, , 29F
04/11 02:10, 29F

04/11 13:20, , 30F
Lindsay Messer >///////<
04/11 13:20, 30F

04/11 15:15, , 31F
Lindsay Messer超閃 (撒花)~~~
04/11 15:15, 31F

04/11 16:14, , 32F
這一集手法拍的跟The forgotten很像 QQ
04/11 16:14, 32F

04/12 02:24, , 33F
amei大: 喔喔~~了解~~我一個閃神星姐就見紅嚇到我了so...
04/12 02:24, 33F

04/12 02:25, , 34F
04/12 02:25, 34F

04/12 13:24, , 35F
04/12 13:24, 35F

04/12 13:24, , 36F
04/12 13:24, 36F

04/12 18:40, , 37F
04/12 18:40, 37F

04/13 00:05, , 38F
包子大怎麼都愛醫生阿~ 星姐快去兼任醫生(誤~)
04/13 00:05, 38F

04/13 11:33, , 39F
這集我覺得有點不合理耶 自殺跟隔著泡棉開槍的屍檢結果會一
04/13 11:33, 39F

04/13 11:34, , 40F
樣嗎? Lindsay Messer很閃+1
04/13 11:34, 40F

04/13 15:59, , 41F
04/13 15:59, 41F

04/17 10:11, , 42F
包子這集是不是感冒? 聲音怪怪的 戲份也比較少 XD
04/17 10:11, 42F

04/21 05:12, , 43F
04/21 05:12, 43F
文章代碼(AID): #1BlLpX6b (CSI)