[劇情] CSI: NY 616 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/03/04 13:24), 編輯推噓14(1408)
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(Life sucks...) 本集重點: 1) 包子大開示 2) 三名男性受害者除了衰還是只能說衰... Orz 片頭,紐約混亂的交通, 一把斧頭砍上一台車, 滿身是寫赤裸著上身的男子發狂般的揮舞著斧頭, 警方趕到,持槍的警員大喊著"Drop the axe." 男子恍若未聞的準備攻擊警員, 警員射出電擊槍,男子倒地。 弗帥帶著包子大前往男子出發的旅館, 男子手上的斧頭明顯是從牆邊的消防裡強行取出的, 兩人隨著地上的血跡走進一間房間... 地上倒了五六名躺在血泊之中的死者... 包子大: What the hell happened in here? 丹尼和霍克葛格來到現場拍照, 霍克葛格發現一把槍在地板上; 星姐則在局裡對男子拍照並進行取樣, 男子的身上有著齒痕。 弗帥詢問清醒了的男子James, James依然在不清醒的狀態之中, 他只記得有兩名小丑闖入他的房間, 拿槍指著他要他開口; James: I remember... I remember I was underwater... swimming with seahorses and starfish... Mark, ask Mark... 弗帥: Mark is died! All of them are died! Now tell me why. James: (繼續糊塗) I'm cold. It's really cold in here... Can I go home now? (無法進行詢問的弗帥離開,看了房間外的星姐跟包子大一眼。) 星姐: He's clearly on something. 包子大: He was hullucinating. According to the dose, it should last 6-12 hours. 從James的證件,星姐跟包子大確認他是一個物理系學生. 星姐: Kid is dumb. 包子大: Strange. Kids like that, with no record, clean as a whistle. 包子大跟星姐檢視James的手機, 有個Sarah的女孩打來的數通未接電話, 然後還有James的父母的手機留言。 James's dad: Go out and have fun! It's your birthday! Go have ten drinks! James's mom: Don't tell him things like that! Don't have ten drinks but definitely have fun! We'll be home on Friday! Love you! James's dad: Happy Birthday, son. 包子大: ...Happy Birthday, James. 丹尼跟霍克葛格繼續採證,嘗試決定死者死亡的順序, 然後發現血跡跡證顯示其中一名女子遭到攻擊時, 是有人站在牆邊的,因為飛濺的血跡痕跡被中斷了。 Sarah來到警局, 證實兩名男性死者Mark跟Daniel是James最要好的朋友, 但她沒見過那兩名女孩。 她說昨天是James的21歲生日, Mark跟Daniel決意要給他一個驚喜跟難忘的生日... Sarah: James doesn't take birthday seriously. Last year, he spent it in library. He said... celebrating with Eienstein. But Mark and Daniel... They weren't taking "no" for answer. James is not a party guy. He just sits back and watches people have fun. I like him... for he's not that farternity-kind of guy.     (隔離室裡的James在藥物作用下狂暴起來)     What exactly happened to him? (哭) 包子大: I wish I could have a good answer 丹尼告知弗帥他們的最新進展, 弗帥: So he did tell the truth. There are clowns. 丹尼: The clowns were his buddies. James記憶裡的槍是水槍,Mark跟Daniel把人綁到旅館後, 開玩笑的扣下了水槍,將水射進James嘴裡, 然後揭示了他們計畫的生日驚喜。 弗帥: So what happened after his jaw dropped? 丹尼: I don't know the answer, bro. 丹尼去找霍克葛格, 丹尼: You have any theories on who create the void on the wall? 霍克葛格說他只確定不是James, 他們在現場找到的James上衣,其上的血跡沒有吻合那道痕跡的。 星姐跟丹尼去找亞當。 星姐: Adam, how far you got? 亞當出示了他的電腦模擬, 依據受攻擊的順序為Jackie-> Mark -> Daniel -> Lacey。 丹尼問說怎麼確定Lacey是最後受攻擊的? (因為他們在現場無法判斷是兩個男生先還是Lacey先) 亞當回答說因為DNA檢驗結果出來,Lacey身上有所有其他人的血跡... 星姐仔細的看了亞當的電腦模擬, 指出電腦模擬顯示浴室門的側邊應該也要有血跡, 但是依據丹尼跟霍克葛格帶回來的照片,只有門面上有血跡, 這表示,浴室門在兇案發生時是關著的! 於是星姐跟丹尼再次回到兇案現場, 兩人看到了浴帘,藍色的海馬與海星圖案... 星姐: James is not our killer. He was tripping in the bathroom! James獨自一人在房間裡,要笑雖然減退了,但還是有影響, 他瞪著一隻在他的知覺裡正在"變型"的蒼蠅,包子大走了進去。 James: ...I didn't kill my friends. 包子大: We know you didn't now. James: What happened to me? 包子大: You took LSD. James: No. No. I wouldn't have done it. 包子大: It was your 21 birthday. You probably did a lot of things you wouldn't have done. ...I'm going to take your handcuffs off, okay? Just relax. You trust me? (拿下手銬)     I understand you're a man of science. You study physics? James: Quantom physics. 包子大: ... unifite theory? James: (甩甩頭) How long am I going to feel like this? 包子大: I need your help. I need you trying to remember what happened... James: There're just pieces... 包子大: You remember where are you going? James: No. 包子大: A bar? A club? James: No... I remember... walking out the bathroom, seeing them... (想起滿地血跡,頭痛了起來,猛地推開椅子跳到牆邊) No! I don't know what happened! Why are you asking me those questions? ... I want to go home. Why can't I just go home? 包子大: (趨前安撫) James, I know it's hard.     But we're going to walk through this.     The two of us, you and me, ok?     Try to think this out together. 星姐、弗帥、霍克葛格跟丹尼在一起研究案情。 旅館記錄顯示Mark跟Daniel在6:00 Check-in, 7:00帶著James回來,7:30叫了room service,然後三人在8:00離開旅館。 之後,他們在一間老人院留下了身影。 丹尼: What are thry doing there? Organizing the Golden Girls reunion? 丹尼跟弗帥帶著那張照片,找到了照片中的老太太, 老太太: (笑的很開心) They came in to play bingo.     (指著Mark) This guy... said they're doing some documentary of nursing house. 丹尼: (翻白眼) Right. 老太太: I'm not that stupid, young man. We don't have much youngsters visiting here. So why not have some fun? 弗帥: How much they won? 老太太: $25000. 丹尼: 25 bucks!? 老太太: This ain't your grandmother's bingo game. We play it high. They played it fair, so of course they should get the money. I insist. 一旁的老先生: Are you guys done here? Because I can think better things to do than sitting with you two the whole day. 老太太: (微笑) I'll prefer that. 丹尼跟弗帥互相看了一眼。 星姐從齒印上取的唾液DNA結果出來了,屬於一位Calvin Moore。 有案底,身高紀錄為3.9'(霍克葛格傻了), 星姐: We got the address where he's working. Danny and Flack are heading over there now. Calvin正在跟摔角表演對手套招。 Calvin: ... The crowd goes wild. 走進來的丹尼跟弗帥很配合的鼓掌。 三人雞同鴨講了一陣子, 弗帥: You remeber these guys? Calvin: Yeah... They ask for it. 丹尼: Who was with you. Calvin: I only work solo. 弗帥: How much you get? Calvin: A grand. 丹尼: A grand? You made it with that price!? Calvin: Yeah, it was the easiest money I met. 弗帥: What are you talking about? Calvin: Then what are you talking about!? 丹尼: We're talking about the murder! Calvin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Those guys are dead? I didn't kill them. They came in, and ask me to put their friend into the range. To play it as a show... (回憶畫面: James在摔角台上被玩的很慘,Calvin咬了他一口。)      They had fun. I had fun.     And they left, alive. 丹尼: Do they look high? Calvin: On drugs? No, I don't think so. 丹尼: (對弗帥說) That's a piece. And when the girls coming in? 弗帥: And when they get drugs? 包子大帶著James在街上行走。 包子大: I learned that you're not that kind of guy who take the moment to let the world happen to you. James: ... It definitely happened to me now... 包子大: why don't you tell me about the paper you're writing. James: "An open letter to Eienstein." The title of it... 包子大: What's the theory? Phantoms, electrons... all move in random. James: Yeah (笑), Eiestein didn't buy it. He said... 包子大: "I can't believe God plays dice in the universe."     (James有點驚訝的看著包子大) That sentence arise to me everyday.     I learned that the world is far more infinite than your thought. (James忽然僵住,然後跑了起來。) 包子大: James? James! 包子大追著James,James跑到了一個書報攤, 一把扯下了書報攤的海報,海報上是一隻牛, 書報攤攤主吆喝了起來,包子大制止了他... 包子大: James? (把James壓到牆邊) Relax! It's me, Mac! James: ... (冷靜了下來) I rode a bull. 包子大: what? James: A bull. I rode a bull in a bar. I remembered! 包子大: Okay, a bull. 經過調查,全紐約只有兩家酒吧有騎牛機,另一家在布魯克林區, 弗帥來到了那家在Lublow Road附近的酒吧, 酒吧小姐記得James等三人,說James騎了他們店裡那台Pedro. 弗帥: Pedro? (轉頭看到機器牛) 酒吧小姐: Rode him to the level four. Pretty good for a city boy. 弗帥: And they high? 酒吧小姐: On brugs? No. 弗帥: And those girls? 酒吧小姐: Yeah... they buy drinks for everyone. They might put something strange in there. They don't meet the girlds here. They walked in together. 弗帥打電話回局裡, 告訴星姐說男孩們大約是在12:00-12:15之間跟女孩們遇上的, 星姐跟弗帥說她和丹尼正準備前往一家Cab depot, 說James衣服上的跡證是汽車的抗冷劑,若車體沒受損是不會隨便跑出來的。 星姐: We're looking for a really bander-cab. 星姐跟丹尼找到了車場的所有人Mr. Gordon, Mr. Gordon坦承撞上消防栓, 然後說男孩們是在路邊看到女孩們,然後要他把女生們接上車的, 車子出事後,男孩們塞了600元給他修車,兩個女生完全看在眼裡。 丹尼: It's good you got security camera in the cab. 回到局裡,星姐跟霍克葛格檢視著影像。 霍克葛格: Man, that's bad luck for random cabs. 星姐: (看著兩個女孩) Most likely they plan to put their hands to    the money...    (注意到女孩上車前站在路邊的影像) Wait a minute, Jackie puts something in her purse... 霍克葛格: Looks like a gun. 星姐: Some things happened in this building... 弗帥跟丹尼來到了Jackie跟Lacey上車的那棟大樓, 一名保鑣模樣的男人開了門。 Rufus: Let them in. 丹尼: (注意到男子臉上的傷) You're all right there? Chef? Rufus: I'm fine. So what can I do for you? 弗帥: You know about the girls? Rufus: Probably as much as you... Some crazy guys went Paul Bayuan to the girls. 丹尼: ...Yeah, you're quite the role model. Rufus: Come'on. I buy them clothes, and put foods in their mouth... When I heard you arrest someone, I was a happy man. Now, it seems things are different... That boy a witness? (丹尼跟弗帥交換了一個眼神)    I'm done with you two.    Now get your assess out of this house. 丹尼回到局裡讓星姐知道進展, 然後霍克葛格跑來說,他們在斧頭上比對出了Rufus Knox的指紋! 星姐: All right, let's move! 警方衝回那棟樓,只剩一名女孩在裡面。 女子: It's only me here! I swear! 丹尼: We're all clear. 星姐: (問女子) Where is he? Where is he!? Rufus 跟他的保鏢正準備去殺害James, James跟包子大在一間飲食店前談話,兩人拿著飲料邊喝邊走者, 包子大眼角瞥見看到準備舉槍的保鑣,搶先射擊,保鑣中彈倒地; Rufus射擊James,包子大壓著James蹲了下來, Rufus的子彈射擊完了,James看到保鏢掉下的槍, 於是拿了起來,對著Rufus... 包子大: James! James! Don't do it, James. Don't do it, son! James想起了他躲在浴室裡看到的畫面...Rufus咆哮著、殺害了那些人... James: You were there. You killed my friends... 包子大: You don't want to do this. Trust me, son. Lower the gun. Just lower the gun...     (James垂下了手)     (對著Rufus) On your knees. Turn around. (將人逮捕) 回到局裡。 星姐告知包子大那女孩說的事情, 原來Lacey跟Jackie想要脫離Rufus的控制, Rufus大怒,攻擊Lacey,於是Jackie抓了槍打過他的臉頰, 兩人慌張的跑出大樓,就那樣好巧不巧的遇見了戴著三名男孩而過的計程車... 星姐: One of Rufus's girls saw them into the hotel with the boys. Rufus went there himself and dealt with all the things. 包子大: If James is not in the bathroom... 星姐: He would be killed, too. Rufus wasn't leaving any witness. The timing is just unbelievable... 包子大: Worlds colliding. 包子大跟James談話。 包子大: How are you feeling? James: Quilty. 包子大: Why? James: This is all my fault. My friends died because of me.     How am I going to live with that? 包子大: This is life. It throws things to you. Some are good, some are bad.     No one can predict it. Not even your Albert Eienstein.     So don't pretend to have all the answers.     You went through serious truamas. You talked to people. You have feelings, you reach out. Depened on the people who loved you. You'll be right. 警局的門推了開來,Sarah跟著James的爸爸媽媽走了進來, 包子大微笑著看著James迎向他們... 本集心得: 1) 包子大最後的一段話滿受用的啊...對現在的我來說啦...(蹲去角落種香菇) 2) 中間出現喜歡看年輕小夥子的老奶奶好可愛! XDDD 蒙大拿你老公被調戲了啦~~科科~~(話說這集蒙大拿都沒出現耶!) 3) Mark跟Daniel死的真的就是只能說衰。 阿編這是要告訴大家生日還是平平淡淡的過就好? (偏頭) 於是說明天的本店跟派翠克珍先生看起來都挺不錯的樣子,冬奧結束了真好~~(拭淚) 但是下禮拜Spring Break的露營做實驗時間又到了,所以下週筆記暫停囉! XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/04 13:30, , 1F
Life Sucks +1 .__./
03/04 13:30, 1F

03/04 15:44, , 2F
Life sucks啥意思阿?
03/04 15:44, 2F

03/04 16:54, , 3F
這就是人參? XD
03/04 16:54, 3F

03/04 16:57, , 4F
03/04 16:57, 4F

03/04 21:22, , 5F
03/04 21:22, 5F

03/04 23:29, , 6F
03/04 23:29, 6F

03/04 23:29, , 7F
No one can predict it. Not even your Albert Eienste
03/04 23:29, 7F

03/05 00:25, , 8F
其實我以為大家都知道life sucks是啥意思..
03/05 00:25, 8F

03/05 00:59, , 9F
life sucks +1
03/05 00:59, 9F

03/05 01:46, , 10F
James不僅功課好 大概也花了很多時間在健身房 XD
03/05 01:46, 10F

03/05 01:55, , 11F
試想如果那兩女孩不下藥的話 也許男生們還有機會防衛
03/05 01:55, 11F

03/05 11:13, , 12F
Life Sucks (淚)
03/05 11:13, 12F

03/05 13:11, , 13F
03/05 13:11, 13F

03/05 21:52, , 14F
03/05 21:52, 14F

03/06 00:05, , 15F
03/06 00:05, 15F

03/06 04:49, , 16F
是的,在那集裡還不停對凱女王散發男性荷爾蒙。 XDDD
03/06 04:49, 16F

03/06 11:47, , 17F
明天又有慶生趴...看了這一集更不想去了 XD
03/06 11:47, 17F

03/07 17:06, , 18F
我記得好像是 25 grand 喔
03/07 17:06, 18F

03/10 18:01, , 19F
唔 難得看見包子老大開槍~~
03/10 18:01, 19F

03/14 16:49, , 20F
James 21歲看起來像31歲
03/14 16:49, 20F

04/20 09:24, , 21F
04/20 09:24, 21F

07/29 20:56, , 22F
這集也沒有 Sid XDD
07/29 20:56, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1BZqFmWh (CSI)