[劇情] CSI: NY 614 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/02/04 13:06), 編輯推噓17(1707)
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(吸血鬼出沒注意...) 本集重點: 紐約吸血鬼傳奇? 片頭,白茫茫的雪景, 中央公園裡馬車搭搭的走著, 一名女性攝影師四處照著相, 當她在拍攝結霜的樹枝時,一隻烏鴉飛過驚嚇到她, 之後她被人從背後襲擊,相機落地,最後女仔死在鏡頭之前。 霍克葛格、弗帥跟包子大來到現場。 霍克葛格指出屍體慘白的顏色,顯示死者大量失血, 弗帥問說那怎麼沒有血泊? 包子大靜靜的掃開屍體下面的一層積雪, 其下就是一片血淋淋的畫面... 霍克葛格: (指出死者被截去的耳垂跟頸部的刺傷)Punctuated wound. Looks like we just found the C.O.D.s. 弗帥: (注意到那台相機,拿起來) Say "cheese." It's still taking pictures. 包子大: Looks like we just found our only witness. 席德大叔檢查屍體,在死者的左手腕發現奇怪的傷疤, 至於頸部的刺傷,席德大叔在傷口處有取出一不明物質。 丹尼在暗房裡沖印死者的底片, 星姐來確認進度,丹尼在說在這種digital generation,底片機很少見啦! 星姐發現有看來跟男朋友合照的照片, 但是丹尼說那是底片裡的最開頭兩張, 然後丹尼建議星姐利用照片順序去追蹤死者來的方向。 星姐於是跟弗帥去中央公園裡趴趴走, 最後跟著照片找到了一棟紐約那種出租大樓, 門房先生馬上辨識出了死者Estelle, 門房先生說Estelle大概是英國人,常常在中央公園拍照, 通常都是日落時分她男朋友Keith陪著她去的, 弗帥: Does her boyfriend is the only visitor? 門房: Pretty much. (弗帥跟星姐盯著他) All right, there's another guy... But I swear, I don't know his name. 包子大詢問Keith。 包子大: When was this taken? (Keith的照片) Keith: Few days ago. 包子大: And this? (Estelle吻Keith的臉頰) Keith: A day before yesterday. The last time I saw her... 包子大: I understand you walked with her every day at sunset. Why not yesterday? Keith: ... We have an argument two days ago. 包子大: About what? Keith: I don't know. Nothing. She just looked different, and I want to know why... 包子大: Did she tell you? Keith: (哭+搖頭)I'm sorry... I could protect her. I should be with her... 霍克葛格跟包子大報告說,現場血泊的DNA有男有女, 也許男性DNA來自兇手? 總之該DNA追蹤到一位Billy James刺青師。 於是霍克葛格跟弗帥去找人,Billy正在幫一位女性在頸部刺名字... 弗帥上前,Billy讓顧客先離開休息一下, 霍克葛格: (看著女子頸部的刺青) Must be a special guy, Jackson. 兩人告知Billy關於Estelle死亡的事, 並要求拿走Billy的刺青工具刀去檢驗。 Estelle的爸爸媽媽來認屍。 媽媽: She was quiet... and polite... 包子大: How long has she lived here? 媽媽: Not even a year. 包子大: When was the last time you talk to your daughter? 爸爸: Two days ago. 媽媽: We brought her here when Estelle was... 5... 爸爸: My mother, she used to live here. I don't think there will be anything worse than my mother's death, but now, I am in New York again and... 媽媽: She loved this place, didn't she? She said this is a place with tall buildings, and she said she know she'll live here one day. ... (看著包子大) You will find the person who did this. 包子大: We will. 倒楣的豬仔又被用來做穿刺實驗啦~~ 霍克葛格嘗試找出製造傷口的凶器,但怎麼比對都不一樣。 星姐: (走進來查看) That pig giving you a bad time? 霍克葛格: Yeah, it's not very cooperative... 星姐: You know, it's strange. The punctuated wound is small, but the blood amount is huge. How can something so small be so fatal? 席德大叔找包子大。 包子大: Sid? 席德大叔: About the wound on our victim's wrist... That cutting pattern shared by a certain cult. 包子大: Cult? 席德大叔: Look, I just said it straight. I think our victim might be killed by... a vampire. 席德大叔解釋說,不是那種Goth式的vampire, 有些隱密性質的地下社團,自稱為sanguine vampires或者real vampires, 是真的會進行手腕切割取血交換儀式的, 那基本上就像宗教一樣了,社團成員有自己的信念(Faith)與價值觀; 他們的切割方式往往遵循特別的形式,而Estelle手腕上的傷就符合那種形式。 包子大: And... you know this, how? 席德大叔: Don't look at me like that! It's all on the website! There's a few medical cases about those blood exchange problems, I recalled it and check it out. (拿照片給包子大看) 包子大: Billy James and our victim's father has the same scares... 席德大叔: Perhaps the family has Romanian roots. I'm interested in those things. For science, of course. The idea to exchange blood with others sounds really crazy today. Looks like the girl has her own dark side... 包子大: Which I intend to shed some light on. 丹尼跟弗帥去Estelle的公寓調查。 弗帥: Well, that's a relief. 丹尼: What? 弗帥: She had a bed. 丹尼: You expect a coffin? 弗帥: I don't know. 丹尼: So when's the moment you suddenly decide to live a life getting blood from someone others? One morning you just wake up and find yourself with pale skin, long hair, skinny, and sharpened teeth? 丹尼打開冰箱,在裡面發現好幾捲曝光的底片... 丹尼回到實驗室檢視照片,星姐出現, 丹尼: Billy appeared. Keith appeard. Here's another roll. (放出其他影像) Same group, different days. 星姐: Everyone's there, except the boyfriend. Who's the guy? (指出許多影像裡都出現的一位光頭西裝男,顯然是個重要角色) 丹尼: I don't know, looks like a puppet master of the group... 然後星姐注意到桌上的某樣尖器,要丹尼想辦法放大後提升解析度辨識那是啥東西。 包子大去找Estelle爸爸。 包子大: (出示那些聚會的照片) Take a look. Anyone rang a bell? 爸爸: I don't see anyone I know. 包子大: Are you sure about it? Put your left arm one the table. 爸爸: What? 包子大: (直接把手拉上來壓著揭示出手腕上的疤)What's that? 爸爸: It's a scar! 包子大: Come'on, we both know what it means. I'm trying to solve the murder of your daughter! Or you weight your faith heavier than her? I think you're hiding something that might associated with her death! 爸爸: ... That guy, he is Joseph Vance. Joseph is the master of haven of this city. 包子大: Haven? 爸爸: A place for people like us... to go. We met actually here when we brought Estelle. He's an old friend. We asked him to provide some protections for Estelle... 包子大: How did you guys make the cut? 爸爸: The coven master use a small silver material... 那也就是星姐眼尖指出的銀色利器,經過丹尼影像處裡後終於辨識出來了! 丹尼: It's an ankh! It's a symbol for a Godness who controls life and death. 星姐: And it is also an Egyptian symbol for eternal life... 下一幕,紐約飄雪中,吸血鬼聚會中, Joseph Vance正在進行儀式, 他牽著一名白衣女子的手,說:Test everything. Believe nothing. 之後女子在圍成圈的椅子中坐下,其他成員觀看著, Joseph舉起了那支銀色的Ankh... Joseph: I'm the only god that is. 女子: I'm willing. 然後手腕就割下去了,血滲了出來,女子呻吟。 在然後警方忽然衝了進來, 弗帥: NYPD! Freeze! 丹尼: Hey, drop the knife. I said, put it down, right now! 警局裡,包子大質詢Joseph。 包子大: So, you have a private core blood bank, and what you do in your spare time is cutting peoples' wrists? Joseph: I don't think you'll understand. I feel sorry for you. Fear of what you don't know. 包子大: I think you instilled nothing but fear to a young girl. Joseph: I loved Estelle. I gave her nothing but love and supports. You wouldn't understand. 包子大: I understand that you're in the position with a weapon that might kill Estelle. I understand that you made midnight visit to the girl. And, you didn't show much emphaty to the so-called friend. Joseph: I am deeply disturbed by Estelle's death. 包子大: You're deeply sidturbed. I'll give you that much. 霍克葛格跟包子大報告說,Ankh上的DNA之一是Estelle的沒錯, 而Ankh上的指紋則只都屬於Joseph一人所有... 但是,丹尼卻在此時跑進來,說他們在Joseph的冰箱發現的耳垂殘肉, 證實是屬於Estelle的,但是上面包含的男性DNA不符合Joseph。 霍克葛格: How was it possible? 包子大: It's possible. If he didn't work alone. 包子大、星姐、霍克葛格跟丹尼齊聚一堂一起重新檢視資料, 星姐開玩笑的說要不要把卓古拉一起列入嫌疑犯算了? XD 霍克葛格要出示DNA的證據給包子大看, 包子大卻看著霍克葛格的手腕想起了什麼... 丹尼: Boss? 包子大: It's not like I can really think like those guys... But the blood exchange thing is something important for them... You guys said that the boyfriend is there, but only one night? And I don't remember seeing the scar on his wrist. 星姐: Which means this kids could spill more blood than anyone else. 於是Keith被抓來詢問了... 包子大: What she did make you jealous, I can understand. This isn't about the other man. This is about the haven. What you see disgust you, right? Keith: He took her from me. She's like another person. She wasn't even mine anymore. 包子大: In the heat of the the moment, you took this away from her. (出示血淋淋耳垂殘部的照片,唾液DNA檢驗吻合。)     When you realized what you did, you set up the persom you thought that take your girl from you. Keith: You don't understand! I'm trying to save her! 包子大: No, you're not. No matter how disgusting you think about what you saw.     Those people didn't kill anyone. Keith: ... I just didn't understand it. 包子大: There're a lot of things in the world we don't understand.     It's not a reason to take away a life. 包子大來到中央公園,一張長椅上坐著Estelle的爸爸。 爸爸: Thank you for coming. This park... used to be a special place... I don't expect you to understand our faith. But it got us through a lot, and it will hget us through this time. 包子大: It is not for me to judge. (遞出一張照片,就是爸爸坐著的那張長椅) Your daughter's work.     It's possible that she is looking at you through the heaven. 爸爸: She has an ability to look the beaty... from everthing she came across. (包子大轉身離開) 本集心得: 1) 阿當繼續不見蹤影中。 XD 2) 劇本還算不錯啦! 基本上體現了大蘋果就是各種光怪陸離的價值觀交錯的 城市,也是說真的沒有殺人放火的話請大家要尊重多元的好啊~~(煙) 3) 死者很正,黑白照片下的紐約雪景很漂亮。真的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/04 13:41, , 1F
02/04 13:41, 1F

02/04 14:00, , 2F
02/04 14:00, 2F

02/04 17:00, , 3F
02/04 17:00, 3F

02/04 17:01, , 4F
02/04 17:01, 4F

02/04 23:38, , 5F
02/04 23:38, 5F

02/05 00:13, , 6F
阿當是被鬼抓走了吧 也沒看到他去打鬼= =
02/05 00:13, 6F

02/05 00:32, , 7F
這集反而是我NY少數不喜歡的 破案關鍵全憑Mac的記憶...
02/05 00:32, 7F

02/05 01:18, , 8F
剛看完 阿當只有出現名字 而且還頗好笑的XD 阿當快出現吧
02/05 01:18, 8F

02/05 01:18, , 9F
不然也出現在SPN啊 我期待你出現在在SPN 哈哈
02/05 01:18, 9F

02/05 20:44, , 10F
同M大 覺得這集吸血鬼的儀式有點做作捏 (別打我 XD~
02/05 20:44, 10F

02/05 23:07, , 11F
02/05 23:07, 11F

02/05 23:29, , 12F
02/05 23:29, 12F

02/05 23:53, , 13F
02/05 23:53, 13F

02/05 23:54, , 14F
02/05 23:54, 14F

02/05 23:55, , 15F
02/05 23:55, 15F

02/06 01:17, , 16F
02/06 01:17, 16F

02/06 01:17, , 17F
是說我要偷問~死者的英文是Jane doll嗎= =?聽起來有點像..
02/06 01:17, 17F

02/06 02:32, , 18F
jane doe是女的無名屍,我覺得那女的有幾個角度像徐若瑄
02/06 02:32, 18F

02/06 04:05, , 19F
02/06 04:05, 19F

02/06 10:23, , 20F
無名氏 女: jane doe 男: john doe
02/06 10:23, 20F

02/06 10:23, , 21F
02/06 10:23, 21F

02/07 00:16, , 22F
有人發現 受害者的爸是誰嗎?! Mr.Sheffield 耶
02/07 00:16, 22F

02/07 01:00, , 23F
是啊 歲月不饒人啊 受害者媽也是聖女魔咒裡三姐妹的媽
02/07 01:00, 23F

04/25 00:29, , 24F
04/25 00:29, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1BQbN0Z4 (CSI)