[劇情] CSI: NY 613 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/01/21 12:53), 編輯推噓11(1109)
留言20則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(媽啊阿邊又再放長線了嗎?) 本集重點: 1) 火辣辣的美式足球~~ 2) 難怪大家都說當美容醫生是最賺的......(嘆) 片頭,一場內衣女性美式足球賽, NEW YORK對抗Boston,Merideth是紐約隊的四分衛, 紐約隊需要得分,時間所剩不多,Merideth球丟出,成功逆轉勝! 贏了的紐約隊在休息室裡狂歡,揮霍著香檳, 其中一名黑人女隊員走進浴室要換洗, 卻在遇缸裡發現一具女屍! 弗帥告知抵達現場的包子大,死者為Kristine Melvoy, 他比賽中因傷退場,之後再被發現時就是一具屍體了。 包子大: (看著處理屍體的席德大叔) What are you doing here, Sid? Short-staffed tonight? 弗帥: (偷笑) Admit it, Sid - You're fan. 屍體有脫水現象,顯示浴室為第二現場, 兇手棄屍在whirlpool bath好毀壞指紋之類的證據。 席德大叔: In some level, it implies our killer has some knowledge. 包子大: Then we'll just have to be smarter than he is. 星姐來到現場採證,丹尼在跟領隊談話, 領隊: People thought Kristine is a little bit fluff. She took the game seriously. 星姐: She came in this morning and never left. She was killed in one of those rooms. 包子大找席德大叔, 席德大叔說驗屍後發現anaphylaxus,死者可能是對某物產生了嚴重的過敏反應, 至於屍體上的瘀青,則應該是跟死者的athelatic proclivities相關。 然後席德大叔告訴包子大說, 有一名叫做Leane Baldwin的女子找過他, 她的女兒Natalie是紐約隊的隊員之一,在返回密西根家裡時驟逝了, 密西根的醫生認為是心肌梗塞之類的毛病,但是Leane不相信... Leane: A mother knows her child, and mine is a totally health 22 years old. 席德大叔: I'm sorry, Mrs. Baldwin. But since your daughter died in Michigan, there is little we can do here... 包子大:Now I understand why you're in the scene. It's personal. It is not your fault that Natalie dies, then why you care, Sid? 席德大叔: ... I dismissed her mother's suspection, but now I start thinking that I might miss something... 夫妻檔檢查證物中,蒙大拿檢查奇怪的metallic paint中, 丹尼則嘗試在Kristine置物櫃裡揉成一團的海報上找出指紋。 蒙大拿: Any luck find your bagde? 丹尼: No. 蒙大拿: Danny, if you don't report in, it's been a week. 丹尼: I know how long it's been. Trust me. 霍克葛格檢查了現場發現的注射器, 發現上面的DNA是屬於Kristine的沒錯, 而注射器殘餘的兩種物質之一是lidocaine,用來處裡軟組織用的。 席德大叔跟霍克葛格開始在屍體塗藍漆來找注射孔, 最後在左胸上部找到,Kristine的醫藥史顯示她對lidocaine有過敏反應, 霍克葛格推測也許是知情者利用這項認知在locker room襲擊了Kristine? 霍克葛格: Everything we discovered leads to more mysteries... 席德大叔: I have an idea where we might get some answers. 席德大叔找上了Leane,跟她說明了現在的狀況, 媽媽說Natalie並沒有什麼這類的過敏紀錄...... Leane說她聽過Natalie提過Kristine,她們似乎是很好的朋友... Leane: Is that what killed her? Did Natalie get injected like Kristine? 席德大叔: (很艱難的開手) I know it is hard... I'd like to ask your permission to examine your daughter's body. Leane: ... (快哭了) 席德大叔: Mrs. Boldwinand, it is possible that someone in their team killed Kristine and maybe Natalie as well. If it is the case, we need to find out. 星姐在比對了海報上的指紋後,發現只有角落的一枚指紋不是Kristine的, 而是Merideth的,而指紋所在位置顯示Merideth是把海報揉成一團的原兇。 包子大詢問Merideth, Merideth說Kristine是個phony, stub-up bitch, 她們確實處不好,兩人的腳色也是競爭關係, (starting quater back V.S. backup quater back) 但是她否認有討厭到需要下手殺人的地步。 包子大: How would you desacribe your relationship with Natalie? Merideth: Not so good. ... She was sleeping with my boyfriend. 包子大跟星姐在檢視手邊所有的證據, 霍克葛格走進來,說注射器上又指紋,但是跑過CODIS後沒發現, 然後說注射器上第二種物質的鑑識結果出來了,是somatropin, 這是一種運動員會用來促進體能的藥物,但風險是congestive heart failure。 星姐: Now maybe it is the trainer took the game too seriously? 弗帥跟丹尼到練習場找黑人訓練員, 他有使用運動藥物的前科沒錯, 弗帥: Where're you last night? 訓練員: With my daughter. Maybe you want to grill her, too? What is my past doing with the murder? 丹尼: Kristine is died because of the allergic reaction to lidocaine. Old habits die hard. Maybe you give her the shot, she didn't respond well, and you panicked. 訓練員: No. In this team, no needles, no drugs, no playing around. 蒙大拿告訴包子大說她檢驗出那個奇怪的metallic paint是什麼了, 是nanopaint,一般常用於醫院、圖書館和學校, 她已經從廠商那拿到了顧客清單可以比對了。 弗帥則告訴包子大說,訓練員的女兒證實了他的說詞, 問題是那小女孩只有四歲,可能會說任何她老爸吩咐她說的話... 包子大說,總之locker room需要有密碼和鑰匙才能進去, 所以兇手一定是和球隊有關的人。 丹尼在調查紐約隊辣妹們的網站,一張比一張火辣的照片, 霍克葛格: (走進來看了一眼) So how come I scanned the locker room and      you got this? 丹尼: Because I'm married. 丹尼發現一張Kristine的照片,她掛著著Shelly Davis的獎章。 於是丹尼跟弗帥去問這種二手名人獎牌店, 老闆不記得買走Shelly Davis獎章的人, 但是記得Kristine,她才剛典當掉一只十克拉的鑽戒。 兩人問完話要離開時,丹尼眼尖發現了自己的狗牌... 丹尼: Hold on, do me a favor, can I see that dog tag there?    (經確認確實是他祖父留下的那個軍籍牌、上禮拜失蹤的那個。)    Remember who brought this in? (老闆搖頭) 兩人走向店門,弗帥詢問,丹尼說了實話。 弗帥: Did you report your sheriff stolen? 丹尼: ... I don't want to make a big deal about that. 弗帥: That's a big deal! 丹尼: I know. 弗帥: What would people do with your badge? Damn it! Kristine當掉的鑽戒來自她前未婚夫Scott Coleman,星姐與蒙大拿去找這位先生。 Scott: Dead? She's dead? 蒙大拿: Come'on, cut the act, Scott. Scott: No, you don't understand... Kristine is the love of my life. Our relationship went quite bad before we broke up. We both said and did a lot things we didn't mean to. 星姐: Where're you last night? Scott: Chelsea University. Look, we've known each other since the school. We're supposed to get married and have a couple of kids... 蒙大拿: Then what's going on? Scott: She changed. After we moved here... She joined the team. She thought that was her tiket to fame and fortune. (拿了一張照片給兩人看,照片上的Kristine是棕髮帶黑框眼鏡,判若兩人。) 星姐: Was there somebody else? Scott: No. She met a girl in the team, Natalie. And she start doing those creepy, weird things. 星姐: Weird? Scott: ... things like injecting these craps in their lips. 蒙大拿: Any idea where they got those injections? Scott: No idea. (兩人離開) 星姐:... but who supplied the recreation? 蒙大拿: Looks like now the connection between Natalie and Kristine wasn't football, but cosmatic surgery. 包子大去找席德大叔,他正在處理Natalie的屍體。 包子大: How is Mrs. Boldwin holding? 席德大叔: I don't know, she's strong... but she's like passing through days... I really don't now. 包子大: ... She will keep moving. 席德大叔說,Natalie的死因是心肌梗塞沒錯,但不是自然的, 事實上,Natalie被注射了矽膠,而且還是直接注射到體內的那種! 這種隆乳方法是不合法的,因為很危險,矽膠可能分解後在體內移動, 當飄運到心臟時,就有可能造成心血管梗塞而死亡。 星姐告知了包子大這樣發現, 霍克葛格馬上說lidocaine可能是用來軟化組織,讓之後矽膠注射順利的前奏。 於是星姐跟席德大叔很艱難的向Leane詢問她是否知曉女兒任何這類的行動, 媽媽看來非常迷惑,不明白這些事情怎麼可能相關、怎麼會造成女兒死亡, 星姐:We just want to find who did this to Natalie. If it is possible for us to search her computer, then we might find some connections... Leane: (力持鎮定) I don't have her computer, but I still have her cell     phone. Maybe that will be helpful? 霍克葛格檢查了Natalie的手機, 發現了這位Dr. Alphonse Portero, 而蒙大拿說她檢查了nanopaint的顧客名單, 扣除了學校跟圖書館後,有50加侖是一間在Brooklyn的診所訂購的。 弗帥跟包子大去診所找人,櫃檯小姐說她們並沒有這位醫生, 但是說有可能有關聯的是她們的jenitor: Allen Greenway。 包子大: Where can we find him? 包子跟弗帥依據指示下樓,找到了在倒垃圾途中的Allen, 他一見兩人就開始跑,最後兩人包夾抓到了人。 弗帥: It's over, Doc. 包子大詢問Allen,Allen一開始當然矢口否認。 包子大: You performanced dangerous medicines on unconcious woman. You injected medicines that can cause respiratory failure, carodiac dysfunction, and serious alleric reaction... Medications like lidocaine. You think dumping Kristine's body into the hot tub can destroy the evidence, but you ignored one thing... (丟出注射器)     You were recycling used syringes. Your prints were on the syringe means that you didn't wear the gloves. You didn't think that there might be anything wrong... Allen: Yeah, you're right. It was an accident though. I was just trying to make some extra money. They asked me to do that! I mean, it's not like I murdered her. 包子大: No, what you did is worse than murder. Leane去找席德大叔。 Leane: Dr. Hammerback? 席德大叔: Mrs. Baldwin! Hi. Leane: I just wanted to say... thank you. I didn't know how to handle the death of Natalie, but at least now I have some closure... (遞給席德大叔一顆橄欖球) This was Natalie's, I want you to have it.     See, that is her signature right there. 席德大叔: Wow... thank you. People think my job is difficult... but, being a parent is the mose difficult one at all. 丹尼在燻狗牌取指紋,蒙大拿過來詢問, 然後叫丹尼處理好回家時記得買尿布, 此時CODIS系統鑑識出來軍籍牌上的指紋了:Shane Casey! 丹尼完全不敢相信...... 包子大走出大樓,看到席德大叔,還有席德大叔手上的球。 包子大: You really are a fan, huh? 席德大叔告訴包子大這是Natalie媽媽給的,然後問包子大接下來有事嗎? 包子大: What? 席德大叔: Go long, Mac. 包子大: (一臉你一定是在開玩笑的微笑) 席德大叔: Come on, now. (包子大於是往前跑)      Warm those hands, here we go! (席德大叔丟出球,包子大接住球。) 本集心得: 1) 為什麼Casey先生又出現了... 於是說這次的倒楣鬼會換丹尼? (挑眉) 2) 原來已婚CSI的福利比未婚CSI好? XDDDD 3) 席德大叔這集戲很多,鋪陳的也不錯,我喜歡。 4) 同為女性我實在沒有辦法理解在身體裡住社非自然性物質的意義啊... 而且看到最後都要為Natalie媽媽覺得情何以堪了... Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/21 13:13, , 1F
Casey越獄了? Danny一直以來都是衰鬼XDD
01/21 13:13, 1F

01/21 13:39, , 2F
Shane Casey這個梗很棒 完全沒料到 不過他結局實在是囧
01/21 13:39, 2F

01/21 13:42, , 3F
01/21 13:42, 3F

01/21 13:43, , 4F
01/21 13:43, 4F

01/21 13:46, , 5F
01/21 13:46, 5F

01/21 13:47, , 6F
01/21 13:47, 6F

01/21 17:10, , 7F
Merideth ? <--- 跟那個實習醫生女主角同名? XDD
01/21 17:10, 7F

01/21 23:34, , 8F
哈哈 樓上 我聽到的時候狂笑 Derek你老婆跑去紐約打內衣
01/21 23:34, 8F

01/21 23:35, , 9F
橄欖球賽了 =]
01/21 23:35, 9F

01/22 00:32, , 10F
Casey怎麼又出現了=..= 最後不是證明他哥是有罪的 現在是
01/22 00:32, 10F

01/22 00:32, , 11F
01/22 00:32, 11F

01/22 01:51, , 12F
Shane Casey....編劇是沒梗了嗎?S5挖前法醫,現在挖到
01/22 01:51, 12F

01/22 01:53, , 13F
01/22 01:53, 13F

01/22 01:57, , 14F
01/22 01:57, 14F

01/22 19:24, , 15F
01/22 19:24, 15F

01/22 19:25, , 16F
01/22 19:25, 16F

01/25 14:31, , 17F
所以又可以看到長大變樣的 Edward Furlong 了...
01/25 14:31, 17F

01/28 14:21, , 18F
請問Shane Casey是S3的哪個Cace啊?
01/28 14:21, 18F

07/11 17:51, , 19F
07/11 17:51, 19F

07/11 17:52, , 20F
SORRY... = =是本店的 原PO你看到的話幫我刪掉QQ
07/11 17:52, 20F
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