[劇情] CSI: LV 1011 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/01/15 12:40), 編輯推噓9(9014)
留言23則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(防雷頁) 本集重點: 1) 好心的密醫還是密醫......Orz 2) 孩子啊,引火自焚的事還是不要做吧~~ 片頭,Las Vegas城外一台直升機在巡邏, 發現了一台作賊心虛的車跟車主, 直升機駕駛通報中心後追著落荒而逃的車飛, 之後警車也趕到了,慌張的駕駛翻了車, 直升機駕駛看著人犯Juan被逮捕。 烤魚跟囧尼來到現場, 警方帶著他們前往人犯被抓到時再翻的垃圾車, 烤魚: Surgical waste? (看囧尼一眼) 囧尼: ....... 烤魚: (繼續檢查那個垃圾袋) And human organs... Spleen, gallbladder and these fingers. And the cut says it is professionally precise. 囧尼轉身要大家往外搜查。 烤魚: Nick! (發現一具掩蓋在垃圾袋下的屍體) It's just a kid... 囧尼問說怎麼會有人在垃圾場切割屍體。 烤魚: No, this is Dr. Jeckyll... I never expect him to be someone like Juan. 囧尼: (轉頭看看坐在警車裡的人)No. It's not him.    Hey, Dr. Frankestein had Igot. Maybe Dr. Jeckyll has Juan. 小葛跟凱姊在另一個現場,是年輕女子的命案,大衛辨識為窒息而死。 凱姊從皮包裡找到死者身分: Karen Jones. 布拔: (打電話詢問該旅館櫃檯) She's not registered. 凱姊: (從皮包裡找出一把槍) This might be. 烤魚和囧尼繼續在沙漠裡搜索, 囧尼發現了幾個空藥罐,像是Fluoxetine...之類的, 烤魚則確認了貨車上的血跡是人血,有新有舊。 囧尼: This wasn't Igot's first trash run. 凱姊小葛在詢問旅館裡的其他住客。 凱姊先是被一對互相叫嚷的日本男女搞的很無奈 (最後落了一句日文的謝謝。), 然後又遇上那種吵著要趕會議的生意人; 小葛則被他負責詢問的人的口臭薰的頭昏。 (小葛: ...but first, you need to brush your teeth.) 布拔在樓下詢問旅館酒保,酒保說Karen是跟個女性朋友一起來的。 小葛跟凱姊在驗屍間,小葛在Karen鼻腔部找到白色纖維。 凱姊: (測體溫) She's chilled. 小葛: (在屍體上畫出一小方格) All right, that's our test window. Let's go camping. 兩人用塑膠罩住屍體。開始煙燻。 警探先生(不是布拔不是Vartann的那個)用西班牙文詢問Juan。 (講太快了,我的初初初初初初級西語完全動用不了。XD) Juan: Some guy paid me to dump the trash there. 警探: Where? Juan: I was sitting in the parking lot in Turkson... trying to find a job. They paid 500 for that! 警探: Who kill that little boy? You? You like young boys? You know what happen to guys like you in la prisona? Huh? Juan: ... El doctor. 羅賓爺爺抵達停屍間,看到烤魚傾身在屍體旁邊。 羅賓爺爺: You're talking to him, aren't you? 烤魚: ...Yes. Sometimes I wish they tell me more. 羅賓爺爺: And sometimes I just wish them shut up. 羅賓爺爺告訴烤魚說,小男孩的手術目的是要切除一顆supersized cyst, 但是因為小男孩本身不一凝血的免疫體質導致手術失敗: cyst移開了,人也失血過多死亡了。 烤魚: Four months ago, Dr. Jeckyll made a bow tie to xxx. One month ago, he implanted the message to ooo. ... He's not limiting himself. He's both surgering both inside and outside now. 羅賓爺爺: A true Jeckyll and Hade. 小葛跟凱姊在檢視賭場的錄影帶。 小葛: Lots of approachings, no landings. (注意到Karen接近某人) 凱姊: She's working him. He's not interested. 小葛: ... So what we need to do is finding that girl in the blue dress. 凱姊: My body is done. Smurf's up. 凱姊回到停屍間,開始上粉找指紋。在腳踝附近找到一枚。 溫蒂、亨利、烤魚跟囧尼討論案情, 小男生死者的身份確認為Eduardo Gormaz, 烤魚疑惑問說不知這是否代表Dr. Jeckyll有某種程度的Mexico connection, 囧尼說有可能,從車追蹤後他們發現在西語裔聚集區的一間小診所, 烤魚要求要跟囧尼和他們一起前往。 於是大家到了那家小診所,裡頭外頭都很多人等著看診... 警探: Jeffery Huges? You're El doctor? Jeffery: I'm not a doctor. I'm a herbalist. Mayan culrue seeks the balance of body and spirit, man and God. ... I do what I can. 烤魚: Are those what you can do include procedusor surgeons? Jeffery: I'm not capable to do that. 囧尼: (掃了Jeffery的指紋開始檢視) Mr. Hughes, your finger prints appear    on a crime scene. You're under arrested. 烤魚和囧尼進到後面的房間搜查。 烤魚: The groud in this two areas... is in different shapes. (挫了些碎屑來檢查) Yeah, the tiles are regrouted. 囧尼: The reason we can think about this... 烤魚: ... We have blood. If it belongs to Eduardo, he's died here. 布拔找到了Karen入住的旅館,跟著小葛去那房間檢查... 布拔: Do you smell that? 小葛: Hasen't ripe in the decomp yet. 兩人把床掀開,在床墊下方的box spring裡,赫然就是藍衣女子的屍體。 小葛: The girl in blue... 布拔: She's definitely not sleeping it off. 小葛檢查現場,從行李上的名牌發現藍衣女子是Jillian Rose, 小葛通知了正在驗屍間跟羅賓爺爺一起的凱姊。 羅賓爺爺說屍體上有不少defensive wounds,死因同為窒息, 死亡時間約在午夜到凌晨四點之間。 凱姊: Two bodies at two different locations? 羅賓爺爺: Are we looking for two killers? 凱姊: My guts say it is not. 羅賓爺爺: Well, then, one of them must die first. 溫蒂告訴烤魚說診所內的血跡DNA跟Eduardo吻合, 另外有名unknown male的DNA, 烤魚說可能是他的,因為他在檢查那些磁磚時,有不小心劃破手套手指。 溫蒂說那她必須請烤魚提供他的DNA來比對。 烤魚: That... will leave it to AFIS... 溫蒂: Yeah? (疑惑的看烤魚) 烤魚: ... You're gonna have to put in your report that I said no. 烤魚詢問Jeffery Hughes。 烤魚: ... Eduardo Gormaz died in your operating room. So tell me where did you train, Dr. Hughes? Jeffery回答是在Monterey。 烤魚: Are you licensed to do surgeries in the United States? Are you!? Jeffery: I was trying to save his life! He's everything to his mother and his sister! 烤魚: Did she know you dump his body as a trash!? Jeffery: She was there! She came up with the idea! They were here without documents and insurance. And he's suffered too much to go back to Mexico for a surgery! I delivered her bady. Her perfect, healthy girl! 烤魚: ... Then how about Joey Biglow and Joesoph? (丟出照片) Jeffery: I don't know these men.... I don't run this for rich. ... My patients are those who always gonna be left out! 凱姊跟小葛找到了跟Juillian離開的人。 凱姊: The one that Karen couldn't! 小葛: Why two hookers go after the same John? 凱姊: Maybe they're not real hookers. And I don't think this is about sex... 凱姊找出證物裡的手機,看到Karen送了一則簡訊"Got it. 5123"給Juillian。 於是原來Karen跟Juillian兩人是合作夥伴, 一個人偷用pin card,一個人下手偷目標的信用卡。 凱姊小葛找到那間5123房,案發時是登記在Donald Fiore名下, 他人已經回到Salt Lake City, 布拔: They'll arrest him until we provide more evidence。 很不幸的,人客退房後房間已經被清過了。 凱姊: (嘆一口氣) What part of the room remains from guest to guest? 兩人開始搜查房間,小葛注意到通風孔,打開,看到一雙銀色的stilletos鞋。 凱姊: (看著鞋子的嚴重扭曲變形) This didn't happen during the struggle. (看向廁所裡的馬桶) He was trying to get rid of this. 果不其然,凱姊在馬桶壁上發現了Karen衣服的亮片。 凱姊: He flushed the dress, but he couldn't get the shoes went down. 小葛: Then the toilet would be tighted up. 凱姊: You know the rules, don't you? 小葛負責送鏡頭下馬桶,凱姊監控螢幕,最後果然看到堵在水管中的衣服。 凱姊: How long does it go? 小葛: 20 feets. 凱姊: ... It's about 2 floors below. 1721. 兩人下樓,鋸開管線,取出銀色亮片衣。 凱姊: I think it's enough to compele a warrant. Fiore被逮到賭城來。 Fiore: I didn't realize it was a set-up until I was in shower... I should know that. She was too beautiful for a hooker. 凱姊: Why don't you just call the police? Fiore: Yeah, right, and then they would say it's me let a stranger girl entering my room. And I can't afford letting my wife know this. She's a heiress. Has a lot of money. If she knows I'm philandering, I'm done. 凱姊: You figured out that she'll accept murder better? Fiore: I didn't kill that girl. 凱姊: Then how about Karen? Fiore: That girl? She came looking for me, with a gun. Regardlessly, I took self-defense. And the judge will take less sympathy for a beautiful hooker than a overworked attuary. 小葛在衣服上找到一些灰色纖維,跑去找小哈, 小哈跟他說那是polyester fiber,常見於box spring, 小葛相當疑惑,這代表是Karen殺了Juillian嗎? 於是小葛跟凱姊舊地重遊。 凱姊: I'd hate to say that Fiore talked the truth. 小葛留意到垃圾桶,然後說他沒有檢查因為垃圾筒內是空的... 凱姊: You had no reason to. 小葛: (取出墊著垃圾桶的垃圾袋,上有唇印) Who would kiss a trash bag? 凱姊: Maybe a girl who fight for her life. 兩人檢查垃圾袋,找到了carpal prints, 兇手利用垃圾袋罩住Juillian口鼻使之窒息的。 凱姊: It's no way that Karen killed Juillian. The print is too big for a female...    Right, so she hide the body in the bix spring for a few more time. And then went back to cash Fiore? 小葛: Live by the con, die by the con. 凱姊小葛回到局裡比對了Fiore的掌印,果然吻合! Fiore: I wanted my wallet back. It was a mathmatically prediction that the girl is that kind of person will blackmailed me and never let things go later! 小葛: And you applied that logic to Karen Jones? Fiore: That girl is stupid. She came and asked for 5000 dollar for her friend's funneral. I saw a chance, and I took the chance. 凱姊: The 5000 money you saved is going to cost you 20 more years of your lide. Fiore: Wait! It's not fair! I'm a good guy! I love my wife! I contribute to sociaty! They were the worthless criminals! 凱姊: No, they are human. You, were the worthless criminal. 最後,烤魚去找囧尼, Jeffery Hughes明顯不是Dr. Jeckyll, 但是他仍然會因為無照執業與醫療疏失服刑。 烤魚: Could you do me a favor? I think your Spanish is a little better than me. 囧尼: (看著烤魚遞來的傳單,是關於免費醫療服務的,用西語寫成的傳單。用西文唸著。) 烤魚: I still do not agree what Jeffery Hughes did, but he has the right idea... It's clean. It's legal. I just want to spread the words. 囧尼: Well, claro (西文的...嗯...我想在這翻成Of course可能比較順。). 烤魚: (微笑) Great. Claro. Thanks. 囧尼: De nada (西文的"不客氣"). 本集心得: 1) 阿編關於烤魚家世的梗鋪好久了喔,啥時要爆? 2) 其實Jeffery Hughes比對向Zetas買器官的那個醫生,實在是好人哪... 3) 布拔也被訓練成好鼻師囉? XDDDD 4) 我個人很討厭Fiore這種自我感覺良好的偽君子 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/15 13:15, , 1F
辛苦了 有點納悶 手術失敗死亡小孩的家人大概付不起喪葬
01/15 13:15, 1F

01/15 13:16, , 2F
費用 但被當垃圾埋了似乎有點不合情理
01/15 13:16, 2F

01/15 13:16, , 3F
不太喜歡另一案 兇手殺人的動機真是鬼扯
01/15 13:16, 3F

01/15 16:36, , 4F
10.11 ?
01/15 16:36, 4F

01/15 16:36, , 5F
01/15 16:36, 5F

01/17 00:51, , 6F
01/17 00:51, 6F

01/17 14:13, , 7F
希望Jekyll&Hyde別虎頭蛇尾 目前氣氛還鋪陳地不錯
01/17 14:13, 7F

01/18 05:15, , 8F
凱姊是不是有去微整形呀 感覺比前幾集年輕好多
01/18 05:15, 8F

01/18 06:00, , 9F
這集看的好難過喔 Fiore的演技我無法接受...
01/18 06:00, 9F

01/18 12:10, , 10F
凱姐最後嗆精算師"省5萬換來20年以上監禁"的時候 嘴巴的皺
01/18 12:10, 10F

01/18 12:10, , 11F
紋有浮現出來 但是被口紅蓋掉 如果不是光影差也看不太出來
01/18 12:10, 11F

01/18 12:11, , 12F
這集精算師的手法實在有趣 蠻不錯的
01/18 12:11, 12F

01/18 16:09, , 13F
01/18 16:09, 13F

01/18 16:09, , 14F
01/18 16:09, 14F

01/22 02:27, , 15F
驗屍是test print不是test window~
01/22 02:27, 15F

01/22 02:29, , 16F
01/22 02:29, 16F

01/23 01:50, , 17F
01/23 01:50, 17F

01/23 01:51, , 18F
01/23 01:51, 18F

01/23 03:31, , 19F
01/23 03:31, 19F

02/07 15:10, , 20F
02/07 15:10, 20F

02/07 15:12, , 21F
02/07 15:12, 21F

02/07 15:12, , 22F
02/07 15:12, 22F

02/27 17:10, , 23F
02/27 17:10, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1BJ_7E6_ (CSI)