[劇情] CSI: NY 607 三家三部曲之part 2

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2009/11/12 13:14), 編輯推噓27(27016)
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防雷頁 本集重點: 1) 烤魚來到大蘋果~~ 2) 霍克葛格燃燒醫生魂真是太帥了!!!!! 片頭先回顧了星期一霹靂火店的劇情, 老何: It's not going to end in Miami, is it? 烤魚: No, it's not. 卡車司機駕著車,在吵雜的音樂中前進, 後箱裡似乎有東西在掙扎,可以看到門上的鎖一直被碰撞; 此時鏡頭轉到另一名邊酒駕邊講電話的男子, 這位Dean似乎在跟一名女人爭吵,吵著要見女兒, 然後男子在女人的威脅下扔了手機,後來彎身去撿, 就這樣迎面撞上了大卡車......。 包子大跟星姐來到現場, 弗帥先跟他們報告了小客車駕駛的年齡身分(Dean,35歲), 然後帶著包子大跟星姐來到了一個汽油桶旁邊, 汽油桶是從卡車上拿下來的,裡面,藏了一具妙齡女子的屍體! 弗帥: Without the car accident, we won't find her. 星姐: Looks like this is the end for her. 包子大: And the beggining for us. 霍克葛格來到現場協助星姐拍照, 推測女子死亡時間約在36到48小時之間, 屍體皮膚狀況顯示為大量失血而死, 但是女子身上有沒有明顯創口。 於是,屍體運回警局,由席德大叔驗屍, 大叔為女子身上的十字型切割痕照了相, 然後也採集了指甲下了跡証,並按了指紋。 丹尼夫妻檔到車禍現場檢查卡車, 丹尼注意到車前駕Hula Girl上的紅色液體痕跡。 蒙大拿: What're you thinking? 丹尼: I think... it might be the blood. 蒙大拿: Let's figure it out. (用棉花棒擦,滴檢定液) Looks like out trucker got bleeded at the accident. 丹尼: (指指天花板上的拋物痕跡) Or his passenger? 於是兩人開了後車廂。 蒙大拿: Oh my God. 丹尼: Yeah. 丹尼把在跟弗帥說話的包子大叫了來, 卡車後車廂根本就是一個活動綁架空間, 麻繩、尿壺、破爛髒亂的床鋪...... 蒙大拿: I got an hair. 包子大: So our victim were hidden here before she died? 蒙大拿: Unless we got second female donor. 包子大: (對丹尼說) You find biologicals? 丹尼: No, I used the light. No evidence of sex assault. But I think we have at least two passengers. Check out the strugglind scars on the lock and the door. 蒙大拿: There is no evidence that she survived through the accident. 丹尼: I'll call it lucky. 包子大: Not if she's still with the driver. 包子大跟星姐去聽席德大叔的驗屍簡報。 汽油桶死者的死因是手術後失血過多兼感染,她的肝臟被活生生的拿走了。 星姐: Possibly to sell it for blackmarket. 席德大叔: I got her blood type: AB positive. 星姐: It's not a common one, we can trace from the receiver part. 蒙大拿告訴星姐說, 她從方向盤上採到的指紋鑑識出駕駛者了: Cassey Steele. 星姐: Great. Flack told me that we just got a eyewitness. 弗帥到醫院去探問那位目擊者Joseph。 Joseph剛好駕車路過車禍現場,看到Cassey爬出貨車以為他受傷了, 好心停車下去想幫忙,結果被Cassey持槍威脅... Joseph: He got this girl from the truck, and put her on my backseat. He made me drive, then he asked me to stop... Cassey在人煙稀少的區域把Joseph趕下車後,對著他開了一槍,揚長而去。 弗帥: Could you describe her? Joseph: Dark hair, mid-20. She's scared... He's an animal. God help the woman with him. 蒙大拿利用卡車車廂的跡証追蹤到女子身分, 就是星期一霹靂火店最後一幕的那個女孩,她叫Madeline Bris。 包子大: She fight hard. 蒙大拿: (一臉不忍) That is because she's fighting for two. 包子大: (臉綠了) She's pregenant? 蒙大拿說,Madeline在車廂的生物樣本裡, 不只有那些人為了控制她所注射的藥物跡証,還有人類胎毛絨素...... 然後此時亞當臉色也很難看的走進來, 亞當: ...I got evidence that there is more than one woman on the truck. 包子大: (臉更綠) How many? 亞當: A lot. 亞當用電腦顯示了所有他比對DNA樣本後找到的檔案, 清一色都是失蹤的年輕女孩們。 蒙大拿: (注意到一張照片) That's our Jane Doe. 包子大: (看看檔案) Debbie...... 星姐進來,說烤魚跟他們連絡。 烤魚在霹靂火店的跡証組帥哥陪同下跟包子大他們視訊對話。 烤魚: I understand you have our victims in your city? 包子大: If we can find her. 烤魚: Medeline Bris came across our radar as a suspect, but later we targeted her as a victim due to a message note she left in the toilet at a bus station. The guy who companied her, Tyler, was found dead. (跡証組帥哥出示神經病男朋友先生頭上一個洞的照片~~) The kill is clean. It's a pro. 烤魚跟包子大講解他跟老何了解到的Zetas事蹟, 很顯然眼下從人口販賣、逼良為娼,進展到器官收割了... 囧" 烤魚: Detective Taylor. I have chased one victim to Miami from Vegas, but only found she is dead. Madeline's mother reported her misshing and asked my help. I'm not going home unless I find the girl. 包子大: What should we expect? 烤魚: I'm on the first thing smoking. 飛飛飛,直升機又從邁阿密飛到紐約了,包子大去接烤魚, 包子大說他們利用利益交換找到了一個曾跟Zetas接洽過的女囚犯來提供點資料, 烤魚說這種情況下對方可能不會太誠實。 包子大: True, but we're standing here with nothing, and I have a feeling you're not here for some tourist scene. 於是烤魚跟包子大和這位Carolyn在二戰紀念碑林中見面了, 烤魚: What did they do to the girls? Carolyn: Anything. Sex slaves, surrogates, and organ donors. 她說Zetas旗下有無限的卡車司機可以運用, 同時也用來防止任何一個卡車司機太深入了解他們的組織狀況, 這樣萬一卡車司機被逮了,也威脅不到Zetas去。 烤魚: (對包子大說) Then maybe Madeline is still alive. (因為對Zetas來說活人比較有價值) Carolyn: Unless she's a trouble. That's how she becomes a body. 烤魚: (臉色很難看) Excuse me. 包子大讓獄方的人把Carolyn押走了, 然後發現烤魚在看一做刻滿名字的紀念碑,手裡捏著一只手機。 烤魚: (發現包子大) A lot World War 2 hero put their names here. 包子大: Too many. 烤魚: ... My father fought in Korean. As I learned, you wore stripes yourself. 包子大: (微笑) I just want to be like my father. 烤魚: ... Mac, I've seen how those guys treat the girls. The body is dealt with like livestocks... You said you guys thought Madeline fight hard, right? 包子大: It doesn't mean she's died already. The child she's carring worth a lot to those guys. (看著烤魚捏在手心的電話) Are you going to use that phone? 烤魚: I'll have to make a very difficult phone to Madeline's mother.    She might lied down now bit still keep checking message mechines. I suppoosed we both spared ourselves to the nightmares. 包子大: You looked not that stressed, Dr. Ray. 烤魚: It never get easier, does it? 包子大: No. I remembered that a woman once whispered "thank you" to me with tears. Then I know they just need to know someone is working hard to help her and her daughter. That's worth of the phone call. 烤魚: ... Let's go get this guy, Mac. 蒙大拿他們追蹤到可疑的接受器官移植手術的對象,弗帥直闖手術房。 弗帥: Dr. Fuller, we have something to ask you. Fuller: Detective, if you're here for a liver, it's on the cooler, just right there. So you can arrest me now and he'll die. Or, you can wait me to save his life. 弗帥: (冷笑) I'll be waiting for you. 手術後,Fuller醫生被帶回局裡,弗帥跟霍克葛格問話, 醫生撇的一乾二淨,說他只打電話,不管內臟哪來的,有就付錢拿來用。 弗帥: Then how did you decide who can get the organ? How emergency the situation your patience are? Or how desperate they are? How much they'll pay? Fuller: I don't set the price. 霍克葛格: (大爆炸) No. Only for yourself. Right? Now, look at me! I said look at me! (把一張又一張失蹤女孩的照片往桌上放) The liver you used today belong to healthy, young women! Their organs are harvested at hotels and their body are dumped like trashed on the road! "I will keep them from harm and justice." You remember saying those words? You stupid, greedy, son of a bitch! (走出訊問室) Fuller: (明顯心虛理虧了) I swear, I never see him. I just call... 弗帥: Yeah, O.K. Write the phone number down, Mr. Fuller. 烤魚、丹尼、蒙大拿、星姐跟包子大在討論案情, 蒙大拿說根據Joseph的證詞,他沒有提到Madeline懷孕了, 所以Madeline很可能只在懷孕初期,而他們並不確定Zetas知不知道這點, 如果不知道,那隨便市場上出現一個什麼需要,Madeline都會有危險; 此時亞當衝進來, 說他追蹤Joseph的手機(他的車、皮夾、手機通通被Cassey搶走了), 發現到Cassey正在一家藥局出沒。 包子大: Danny, call Hawks and Flack, they're going to shop. 兩人抵達現場時Cassey正走出藥局,追逐大戰展開, 弗帥超帥的滑壘閃過擋住巷口的卡車, 但是馬上就被躲著往外砸東西出來的Cassey弄傷了額角, Cassey往建築物上面跑,霍克葛格跟著追, 追到了一扇門前,被Cassey把門鎖了... 弗帥指揮其他人包圍另一側,希望在人逃走前可以圍捕到。 星姐跟弗帥和霍克葛格會合,圍捕失敗,Cassey不知去向, 此時包子大通知說有人報案找到Joseph被搶的車輛了, 三人馬上轉去車輛棄置現場,後車箱是開的,Cassey不見蹤影, 霍克葛格: O.K. If Cassey went to the pharmacy alone, where is Madeline? 星姐: She's not here. Get the car back. Let's see if anything can point us to her! 亞當跟蒙大拿清查車輛,蒙大拿採了腳踏板上的土跡, 希望可以檢測出駕駛去過什麼地方,神奇機器手臂樣本庫又出現了。 丹尼、星姐跟亞當一個一個樣本試管比對中, 最後丹尼找到了一個match,指向Corona Scrap。 於是說大批武裝警力抵達現場, 弗帥: Doctor, can I offer you a party present? 穿好防彈背心的烤魚抬頭, 弗帥開心心的丟給他一柄大管衝鋒槍(應該是吧?) 烤魚: Uh... thanks... but... 包子大: It's a price admission, Ray. 烤魚: O.K. 包子大精神喊話,烤魚出示Madeline照片,弗帥提醒大家注意, 警方搜查火拼行動開始啦~~ 包子大跟烤魚進入一戶鐵皮倉庫屋搜查, 在浴室裡發現的跡証(膠布膠布膠布!)證明了Madeline曾在這裡; 屋外Cassey回來,發現警方出沒, 馬上從後方射傷了守在屋前的一名警員。 聽到槍響,包子大、弗帥跟烤魚從屋裡出來, 包子大衝去追人,弗帥趕忙處裡中彈的同袍, 烤魚則隨手抓過一台廢車廠裡勉強還能用摩托車飆起車來~~ 包子大跟Cassey在一台又一台的廢車上追逐, 烤魚的破爛摩托車衝到前方,剛好是Cassey跳下來的點, 烤魚當然早就已經架好槍啦~~ 烤魚: It's over. 包子大: (從後方舉槍) You move, I'll put a hole on you. Put the gun down! 然後Cassey就這樣被銬起來了。 烤魚: (揪著Cassey) Where is she? Where is Madeline? Where is she? Cassey: She's gone. 烤魚: What do you mean she's gone? Cassey: Poof! 烤魚和包子大看著Cassey要被押走。 包子大: There are two numbers in the phone. One is before the accident, another is after that. You keep trying to contact with some particular guy. We're gonna track down the people on the other side. Cassey: Good luck. 烤魚: Look, I know you're not afraid. It's still not too late to make a deal. I'll use all my power to make them believe that you're cooperative with us. Cassey: Ha! That's not promising. Now, Gentlemans, if you two have no more questions, I think I would love to go to the jail. 烤魚: (炸毛了,揪住Cassey,把女孩們的照片一張張丟出) Look at them, where are they!! Cassey: You aren't really expect that I'll remember them. 烤魚: Look! (用力晃著某張照片) Cassey: Oh, I think that one is in Salt Lake city, ... and Denver. (微笑) 包子大: Get him out of here. 烤魚打電話給Madeline媽媽... 烤魚: (電話中) I'm so sorry. I'll call you as soon as I know something. (掛電話,轉身,包子大看著他) ... She's convinced her dauther is dead. And nothing I can say to offer her... hope. 包子大: You're gonna find her, Ray. You're gonna find her. 最後一幕, 一台卡車載著Madeline搖搖晃晃的前往一個聲光燦爛的城市: Las Vegas。 本集心得: 1) 美國人到底是把卡車司機當什麼生物啊? 好多可怕的都市傳說都跟他們有關。 囧" 2) 霍克葛格飆沒醫德的Fuller醫生那裡簡直帥到犯規!!! >///< 其實弗帥滑壘那裡也很帥,只是後面漏氣漏太快... XDDD 3) 包子大跟烤魚在紀念碑那的對話滿有意思的~~ 4) 其實我滿想看席德大叔跟烤魚見面的說,怎麼偏偏漏了一個蘋果家的法醫哩? 5) 我開始真的很想看老何跟Zetas大戰了,這種龐大組織要這樣搞才過癮嘛~~(煙) 6) 給我重機跟皮衣啦!!!兩次看飄車都看不過癮說~~(被打飛) 以上,烤魚終於要回家了,明天完結, 揪~~竟~~Madeline能不能活生生的救回來哩~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/12 13:24, , 1F
這三家三部曲看的好緊張~~ 好期待明天的完結喔~~
11/12 13:24, 1F

11/12 13:39, , 2F
推 弗帥滑壘很帥,只是後面漏氣漏太快 XD
11/12 13:39, 2F

11/12 13:43, , 3F
第二部真的好看 我猜寫劇本的刻意讓Dr.Ray這集耍帥
11/12 13:43, 3F

11/12 13:43, , 4F
參觀實驗室的梗上集用過了 真的期待明天的結局
11/12 13:43, 4F

11/12 13:45, , 5F
想想陸運的貨品都能不到一週從東岸送到西岸 貨運司機的
11/12 13:45, 5F

11/12 13:46, , 6F
工作其實蠻辛苦的 (不過M被送到LV的速度也太快...)
11/12 13:46, 6F

11/12 14:28, , 7F
大推霍克葛格啦 帥到爆表
11/12 14:28, 7F

11/12 15:32, , 8F
11/12 15:32, 8F

11/12 15:33, , 9F
11/12 15:33, 9F

11/12 15:33, , 10F
推老何戰Los Zetas!!!
11/12 15:33, 10F

11/12 15:50, , 11F
弗帥要是知道烤魚來歷的話應該要丟武士刀 XDDDD(大誤)
11/12 15:50, 11F

11/12 15:54, , 12F
烤魚和包子大兩大咖在影集碰面 這畫面一定不能錯過!!!!
11/12 15:54, 12F

11/12 16:28, , 13F
弗帥是天使姐姐英靈附身才有美技演出嗎? 〒▽〒
11/12 16:28, 13F

11/12 16:29, , 14F
11/12 16:29, 14F

11/13 12:32, , 15F
考魚應該覺得很奇怪吧 實驗室人員還要去武力支援
11/13 12:32, 15F

11/13 12:42, , 16F
應該要墨鏡加武士刀 再來個何公應該能打100個吧lol
11/13 12:42, 16F

11/13 21:50, , 17F
這極好精采! 喜歡霍克發飆+烤魚包子對話+弗帥滑壘
11/13 21:50, 17F

11/13 22:47, , 18F
11/13 22:47, 18F

11/14 02:17, , 19F
我有疑問 為何在miami失蹤報案卻是烤魚在追?
11/14 02:17, 19F

11/14 11:51, , 20F
滑壘超帥+1 ; 烤魚甩尾下機車那一幕替身用很大 XD
11/14 11:51, 20F

11/15 13:28, , 21F
11/15 13:28, 21F

11/15 13:28, , 22F
11/15 13:28, 22F

11/15 13:59, , 23F
11/15 13:59, 23F

11/15 14:00, , 24F
11/15 14:00, 24F

11/15 16:10, , 25F
本以為是三家一起辦案 好失望 遠不及之前MIAxLV和NYxMIA好看
11/15 16:10, 25F

11/15 17:13, , 26F
可以問問樓上說的mix是哪幾集呢 想回味一下:)
11/15 17:13, 26F

11/15 17:54, , 27F
11/15 17:54, 27F

11/15 23:00, , 28F
回樓上上 LV/222 MIA/223 還有合作辦案MIA/407接續NY/207
11/15 23:00, 28F

11/16 12:35, , 29F
wow感謝樓上~ ^_______^
11/16 12:35, 29F

11/16 14:13, , 30F
11/16 14:13, 30F

11/16 14:13, , 31F
那個詭異的笑容讓人難忘 有點像是小丑的笑容啊
11/16 14:13, 31F

11/16 14:57, , 32F
可惜的是NY跟Miami視訊的過程中 沒看到何公ˊˋ
11/16 14:57, 32F

11/16 14:57, , 33F
11/16 14:57, 33F

11/17 16:37, , 34F
這集超好看的 但是看到好生氣 Q_Q~~
11/17 16:37, 34F

11/17 19:22, , 35F
11/17 19:22, 35F

11/17 19:23, , 36F
11/17 19:23, 36F

11/17 19:25, , 37F
11/17 19:25, 37F

11/17 19:25, , 38F
11/17 19:25, 38F

11/17 23:22, , 39F
11/17 23:22, 39F

11/17 23:23, , 40F
即時的Joseph影像 (宅也是可以帥的啊)
11/17 23:23, 40F

11/17 23:26, , 41F
喔 說錯 是那個卡車司機
11/17 23:26, 41F

11/20 00:06, , 42F
包子烤魚一起邁向夕陽的背影 ﹨(╯▽╰)∕
11/20 00:06, 42F

11/20 00:07, , 43F
話說我好宅 我竟然認出Fuller醫師有演過StarTrek的瓦肯人
11/20 00:07, 43F
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