[劇情] CSI: LV 914 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間15年前 (2009/02/20 13:02), 編輯推噓7(704)
留言11則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
照例的防雷頁~~ 本集重點: You're surely in the family now! Ray! ^_^ 片頭,今天是烤魚第一次的出庭作證喔~~ 案件是一名脫衣舞孃Amber Jones的謀殺案, 被起訴的是一名Congressman Griffin。 烤魚在庭上敘述案情時(發現Amber失車->後車廂滿是血跡...), 鏡頭照到外面一名男子停好車,藏著手槍走向法庭; 接近烤魚所在那一廳時,男子拿出手槍, 庭警: Hey! LVPD! Drop the Gun down! 烤魚在描述凶器,說明那應是一把Bretta 92, 但是他們並沒有找到凶槍,而Congressman說自己的槍遺失了... 此時,一聲槍響,法庭裡面的人都嚇了一跳。 凱姐: (帥氣的掏槍) Everybody stay down! 烤魚: (跳下證人台) Catherine! 凱姐: There was just one shot. It comes from the front of the door. (兩人接近門口,透過窗戶看到該名男子死在血泊中) 凱姐: Whay happened? 庭警: I asked him to drop the gun down. He just looked at me... and... he just blowed hid head out! 凱姐: He is Dominic Humphrey, the Chief of Staff for Congressman. 烤魚: (低頭看著槍) And, that is a Betta 92. 囧尼和大衛來到現場,起下子彈, 大衛則在Dominic的口袋裡找到一張浸在血裡的紙條。 這位Dominic先生在之前案件偵訊中, 說Congressman打電話給他,說Amber死了,需要他幫忙處理, 但是Congressman說人不是他殺的,他去找Amber道歉,卻看到一具屍體, Dominic那時說他相信Congressman,因為現場沒有看到槍。 庭內,兩造律師跟法官在研究何時才能再次開庭, 凱姐說他們需要時間確認Dominic自殺跟這件謀殺案的關係, 法官說她可以給CSI小組一天的時間。 回到局裡,小哈發現槍隻bottom of the slide處有喀什米爾羊毛纖維, 顯示裝子彈的人穿著喀什米爾羊毛的衣物, 但是Dominic的穿著是卡其布的,所以如果這把槍就是謀殺案的兇槍, 那擁有喀什米爾羊毛衣物的人就很有可能是兇手。 小葛和Riley在查Dominic的車子, 小葛看到車上放著一張Dominic和他妻子的合照; 小葛: This must be what he looked at last. Riley: That just proves he is selfish. If he really loves her, he won't kill himself. 布拔則在和Dominic的遺孀問話, Mrs. Humphrey: He idolized Edward. He would do everthing he asked! I blame this to him! It is all Edward's fault. 布拔: Do you know your husband had a gun? Mrs. Humphrey: No. If he put that at home, I would know. 大家繼續分頭調查, 囧尼跟小葛的槍枝與子彈確認,證實那把槍就是殺害Amber的凶器, Riley將Dominic口袋裡滿是血跡的信紙還原後,發現那是一張自白信, Dominic聲稱是自己殺了Amber...... 烤魚進入凱姐辦公室,凱姐告知他案情最新發展, 烤魚質疑說那他才剛在法庭上作證說Congressman是兇手的話該怎麼辦? 凱姐: Ray, it is the truth. It was signed by me, your supervisor. You testified that Congressman was the suspect based on the evidence. 烤魚: But we have new ones now. 凱姐: Yes. 烤魚: All right, so what is our theory now? 凱姐: I don't know yet. 凱姐要求小葛和Riley分別去找Congressman和Dominic家調查衣物, 小葛去Congressman家,Riley去Dominic家, 凱姐: (對Riley說) No lawyer, just the widow. Riley: (嘆氣) I'd rather face a lawyer. 小葛在Congressman家翻衣櫃, 他們家的管家站在那邊"監督", 小葛: So, how much did they pay you to stand by the closet. (一片沉默) 小葛: I got it. They didn't pay you to talk. 此時Mrs. Griffin出現,很不爽的要小葛離開, 小葛說他有warrant,Mrs. Griffin只有更加的火大。 另一邊的Riley在一片沉默中完成工作,要離開時Mrs. Humphrey開了口。 Mrs. Humphrey: So you think Dom kill her? Please. Riley: I can't talk this to you, Mrs. Humphrey. Mrs. Humphrey: Yeah, nobody talks to me. Police don't. Friends don't... Riley: (嘆氣轉身) My advice, get out of this house and stay with your family. Mrs. Humphrey: Dom is my family. They...they said there is a note. What does it say? Riley: (隱瞞掉自白殺害Amber的部份) He said he loves you. Mrs. Humphrey: Is it all? Did he say why? You don't understand... Riley: Actually, I do. Your husband's note, no matter what it says, it can't erase or answer your doubts. Sometimes people just can't be saved. 烤魚再次上場,辯方律師磨刀霍霍, 辯方律師質問烤魚他們不過是發現欄杆上的指紋, 怎麼能夠證明Congressman有殺人? 烤魚說: No, it proved he lied. Until I found the finger print, Congressman denied he was there. 律師拿出最新證據: Dominic的自白信, 律師: (講完自白信內容) Can you still state my client as the murder now? 烤魚: In the light of the new evidence... 律師: (打斷) Just YES or No. 烤魚: (嘆氣) No, I can't. 庭訊中斷中休息的烤魚在法院外買熱狗,看到Amber的女兒Matty。 烤魚: (走向Matty) Hello, I'm Dr. Lengesten. Matty: (一笑) I know, I've seen you on the stand. 烤魚: You are a very brave girl. I think your mother will be proud of you. Matty: I don't even know what kind of person my mom is now. She always said that she's a professional dancer. But suddenly, she died... and she's just a stripper... 烤魚: Look, what ever your mother's life is, she doesn't deserve to die. Here, take this. (遞上熱狗,Matty婉拒) Really, I can get another one. You must be hungry! Matty: Thanks. It's just... my stomach is depressed. (抓抓自己的手背) 烤魚: (眼尖的發現袖子底下露出的紅疹) How long you have that rash? Matty: A couple days, I guess. Why? 烤魚: May I check if you have a fever? You might be very sick. (伸手探額頭) Look, I know my question might sound awkward. But do you urinate normally. Matty: (微怒) What? I don't have the same life problem as my mother! 烤魚: I really think you're seriously sick. We need to go to the hospital now! 布拔在警局裡詢問Amber的"經紀人", Tammy先生說案發當天下午四點還有看到Amber收取了一個包裹; 布拔告知凱姐這個發現, 凱姐說,Congressman打給Dominic的時間的五點, 這證明Amber的死亡時間是在四點到五點之間, 而Dominic唯一沒有alini的時段是12點半到兩點, 這證明Amber不是Dominic殺的,兇手另有其人!!! 在醫院,醫生證實了烤魚的疑慮, Matty被下毒了,毒藥是Boric acid...... Henry檢驗Amber的組織,發現Amber也同樣被下毒了。 凱姐: How's Matty? 烤魚: She'll live, but they're examing if there's any permanent influence still 凱姐: It turns out that Amber is poisoned, too. 烤魚: I think Amber is the target. Let's assume I'm the one who poison Amber. I expected her to die. But she doesn't, and I got panic. I shot her. 凱姐: She died 8 week ago, but her daghter still keep being poisoned. This means the source is still in the house! 小葛、囧尼和Riley於是到Matty家搜查。 囧尼: It must be wired to live in the place where you mother died. What a resilience. Riley: (火氣很大) No one could be have that kind resilience. She is probably blaming herself. I'll check the bathroom. (離開) 囧尼: Is Riley O.K.? 小葛: I don't know. It seems this case touches some buttons... 囧尼: She's not shy. If she wants to talk, she'll talk. 囧尼小葛在廚房檢驗後,發現被下毒的是一種能量飲料粉末Green Bolt, 該粉末標籤顯示是在Skadder Pharmacy買的。 小葛: (拎起一個塑膠袋) It seems they usually shop in Nathan's food. 囧尼: You don't usually buy foods in Pharmacy, unles...(跑進浴室) Hey, did you find any prescription? Riley: Yap, inside the cupboard. You found something? 囧尼: (打開櫃子檢視藥罐) Yes. The prescription is filled before the night Amber got murdered. 此時在局裡的烤魚正在和羅賓爺爺一起重新檢視Amber的屍體, 發現了死後一陣子才又再浮現的淤傷痕跡,看來是個鞋印... 另外就是Amber感染有Chlamydia。 法庭裡,陪審團決定Congressman的一級謀殺定罪。 囧尼和烤魚同時去找凱姐, 囧尼說藥是Dominic去拿的,收據顯示同時他還帶了能量粉末和蟑螂藥, 顯然Dominic是下藥的人, 烤魚則說,Amber身上的鞋印是女生的尺寸,矛頭指向Mrs. Griffin; 凱姐說Mrs. Griffin的供詞說他那晚因miscarriage在床上休息, 烤魚這時說恐怕Congressman從Amber那感染了Chlamydia,然後又感染給他太太, 因為Chlamydia會造成流產.......... 布拔和凱姐於是找了Mrs. Griffin來問話, 律師先生原來還想阻止Mrs. Griffin回答, 但是已經心力交瘁的Mrs. Griffin還是選擇坦白。 她說那天她從醫生那回到家,要跟Congressman說流產的事, 結果卻逮到他在偷吃她說她們有過協定"He could look, but not touch." 所以他狠狠踹打了Amber把她趕走... 結果第二天,醫生打電話來"He said I have Chlamydia. That's what kill my baby." 怒極的她於是從老公的通訊錄裡找到Amber的聯絡地址, 找上門去,謊稱要道歉,卻是偷了老公的槍要痛下殺手。 (回想畫面 -> Amber: Please, don't kill me. I have a daughter!) (Mrs. Griffin: I lost my daughter because of you!(碰碰~~)) 她最後把槍丟在現場,老公質疑時還說"You have STD. You should go to the doctor." 看來最後是Dominic誤以為人是Congressman殺的就代為把槍處理掉了...... 凱姐: Well, I would kill him, not her. 最後,CSI們聚在一間餐廳裡。 凱姐: (舉杯) Ray, you deserve this. 囧尼: Yeah, you did a good job. You insist and survive your first testify! Riley: So, here is the question. Does she drop the gun there to frame him, or she just drop it? 凱姐: I would put on framin him. 小葛: Maybe she just drop it~~ 烤魚: Or it could be both. She drop the gun unconciously, and then realize it could be used to frame him... Anyway, we'll never know. 凱姐: But one thing is for sure: Ray got it right! 烤魚: (笑著乾杯) Ray got a lot of helps! 凱姐: Team work~~ 囧尼: Make it a dream work! 本日心得: 1. 最後好溫馨~~我喜歡這個新團隊的新氣象~~ 2. 看來Rilay也有黑頁,什麼時候會爆出她的故事哩? (編劇真的都很愛埋梗,Sarah的、霍克葛格的...不勝枚舉啊~~ XDXD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/20 13:07, , 1F
現在每週都好期待Pisa的蘋果、賭城雷喔 >/////<
02/20 13:07, 1F

02/20 14:00, , 2F
有個問題 除了法警 法庭裡可以拿槍呀
02/20 14:00, 2F

02/20 21:59, , 3F
看樣Dominic走Authorized Personnel的門進去,避開安檢
02/20 21:59, 3F

02/20 22:34, , 4F
還有一點很妙的是法庭上沒有法警,竟然是凱姐掏槍 xDDD
02/20 22:34, 4F

02/20 22:35, , 5F
02/20 22:35, 5F

02/20 22:36, , 6F
過程實在蠻好看的。凱姐辦公室變好大呀!最後一幕超棒 ^O^
02/20 22:36, 6F

02/21 00:58, , 7F
推樓上 一開始就能猜到兇手 但過程很精彩
02/21 00:58, 7F

02/23 15:37, , 8F
02/23 15:37, 8F

02/23 15:49, , 9F
老葛走的時候很開心呀,他也希望大家都快樂 :)
02/23 15:49, 9F

02/23 18:07, , 10F
02/23 18:07, 10F

02/24 00:14, , 11F
02/24 00:14, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #19dZbxOg (CSI)