[外電] Inbox: Will Yankees re-sign Damon?

看板CMWang作者 (come every now and then)時間14年前 (2009/09/18 11:51), 編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
球迷來信時間: 僅擷取與王相關,應該是上篇的原文 I may have missed news about Chien-Ming Wang. When will he be back on the mound? -- Jade J., Philippines 菲律賓的 Jade問: 王建民何時可以再回投手丘? Hoch答: Wang had arthroscopic surgery on his right shoulder capsule on July 29, and the estimates given by the Yankees are that he will be back to pitching on a Major League mound in approximately 12 months time from that date. 王建民7.29開刀,洋基預計他回到大聯盟投手丘的時間是手術後的12個月。 Whether that is with the Yankees, of course, remains to be seen. Wang is arbitration-eligible and was making $5 million this season, so it is unclear what the future holds for him. The Yankees could always decline to offer Wang arbitration and try to sign him as a free agent. 不管是在洋基與否,當然,這還要再看看。 (不太確定這句怎麼翻?) 王建民符合仲裁資格,今年年薪500萬美金,所以他的未來有點不確定。 洋基有可能拒絕給他薪資仲裁,然後嘗試以自由球員身份把他簽回來。 In the meantime, Wang has kept his locker at Yankee Stadium and has continued using the facilities to work out as he progresses with his rehab. 在此同時,王建民還保有他在洋基球場的locker,並且持續使用球場設施來進行 他的復健療程。 http://tinyurl.com/lacnrz 若有翻錯,請指正。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/18 11:52, , 1F
09/18 11:52, 1F
※ 編輯: yyhong68 來自: (09/18 11:53)

09/18 12:14, , 2F
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哪有什麼見不見 可以不必同意啊
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文章代碼(AID): #1AimEbYU (CMWang)