[外電] Mr. Wang-derful

看板CMWang作者 (耿秋)時間15年前 (2009/05/28 17:06), 編輯推噓14(14010)
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貼一篇最適合王版的文章 http://njmg.typepad.com/yankeesblog/2009/05/mr-wang-derful.html#comments May 28, 2009 Mr. Wang-derful After four Yankee homers - two by Matsui - and A.J.'s first win since Tax Day eve, Joe Girardi took Chien-Ming Wang's two scoreless innings as his MVM (Most Valuable Moment) tonight. Based on his velocity (91-92 mph) and the action on his sinker, "We were somewhat excited about what he did in tihs game,'' Girardi said after Wang retired all six hitters to close out the 9-2 win here at Texas. Wang's control stood out for Girardi. "That's a huge building block.'' When can he build on it? Who knows. Unless Phil Hughes is on a start-by-start proposition, which he might be, Wang is a reluctant reliever. But he was encouraged tonight in Texas. "Very important for (my) mind,'' he said, pointing to his forehead. Though he had to warm up somewhat quickly (something he's not sure he can do effectively), those six outs did a lot for his confidence. "(My) sinker was running, moving a lot,'' Wang said. He believes he can get his velocity up to 93-94 mph, but he threw harder than his last outing on Friday - and it was good enough to get outs. What's next? Good question. Posted on May 28, 2009 at 12:45 AM | Permalink 重點是下面的comment, 心聲已經傳到國外去了.... when will Yankee trade Wang? Wang is useless for yankee now,but Wang is everything of Taiwan. Posted by: g-girl | May 28, 2009 at 02:43 AM -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/28 17:07, , 1F
Wang is everything of Taiwan!!!!
05/28 17:07, 1F

05/28 17:08, , 2F
既然都這麼講了 賺到他們的錢也是剛好而已
05/28 17:08, 2F

05/28 17:13, , 3F
印象中只要王投得好 標題常會出現 Wan-derful
05/28 17:13, 3F

05/28 17:13, , 4F
Wang is everything of Taiwan!
05/28 17:13, 4F

05/28 17:18, , 5F
05/28 17:18, 5F

05/28 17:22, , 6F
05/28 17:22, 6F

05/28 17:26, , 7F
快哭了Q___Q 讓王發光吧!!
05/28 17:26, 7F

05/28 17:47, , 8F
Q___Q 感動!
05/28 17:47, 8F

05/28 17:52, , 9F
最後一句道出所有台灣王迷心聲 如果對洋基沒用的話 快交易王
05/28 17:52, 9F

05/28 17:52, , 10F
讓王到有先發機會的隊伍去 台灣球迷不希望看到冰凍的王
05/28 17:52, 10F

05/28 18:10, , 11F
05/28 18:10, 11F

05/28 18:10, , 12F
房子買在那...再那邊敖了那麼久..一天到晚喊交易 有尊重過
05/28 18:10, 12F

05/28 18:11, , 13F
球員的意願嗎? 還是說球迷心中球員只是耍猴戲表演的
05/28 18:11, 13F

05/28 18:12, , 14F
洋基給的薪水高 打線又幫忙 曝光度又夠 多的是人想留在那
05/28 18:12, 14F

05/28 18:13, , 15F
05/28 18:13, 15F

05/28 18:19, , 16F
我的意思是鄉民不要一天到晚亂叫要交易 小王最想的是回到
05/28 18:19, 16F

05/28 18:21, , 17F
先發 可沒說過想要離開洋基先發 球迷尊重一下小王吧
05/28 18:21, 17F

05/28 18:42, , 18F
05/28 18:42, 18F

05/28 21:29, , 19F
wang isnt everything of taiwan..but every player is..
05/28 21:29, 19F

05/28 21:46, , 20F
05/28 21:46, 20F

05/28 21:55, , 21F
05/28 21:55, 21F

05/28 22:42, , 22F
另一個紐約的隊伍? 王的打擊還是待美聯好了. 連跑都拐到....
05/28 22:42, 22F

05/28 23:04, , 23F
05/28 23:04, 23F

05/28 23:05, , 24F
05/28 23:05, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1A7bGkSs (CMWang)