Re: [新聞]Chien-Ming Wang throws eight shutout …

看板CMWang作者 (excellence)時間18年前 (2006/08/03 12:27), 編輯推噓21(2103)
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※ 引述《ccpz (OoOoOo)》之銘言: : Chien-Ming Wang throws eight shutout innings as Yankees beat Jays 7-2 : : NEW YORK (AP) - Whether it's Toronto's big bats or punchless Tampa Bay, : Chien-Ming Wang is overpowering everybody lately. : That's a momentous development for the surging New York Yankees, who need as : much consistent pitching as they can get. Wang tossed eight more shutout : innings to win his fifth straight start, and Alex Rodriguez got two key hits : in a six-run sixth that broke open New York's 7-2 victory over the Toronto : Blue Jays on Wednesday night. 王建民以八局無失分帶領洋基以7-2擊敗藍鳥 無論是多倫多藍鳥隊的強棒或是打擊沒力的坦帕灣魔鬼魚隊,最近王建民的表現都能壓倒 任何他所面對的對手 這樣的表現對於最近火熱的洋基隊而言是非常重要的,因為這種穩定的投球表現絕對不嫌多 小王再次投出了八局完封的內容為他自己贏得了連五場先發的五連勝,同時A-Rod也第六局 擊出兩支關鍵安打,帶領洋基隊打出一波六分攻勢,這也開啟了最終禮拜三晚上7-2的勝利 : "That sinkerball, it's a lot like a knuckleball pitcher. You can tell them : what's coming and there's not a lot anybody can do about it," Yankees manager : Joe Torre said. "I feel so good when we write his name in the lineup." : Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada homered for the AL East-leading Yankees, who won : for the seventh time in eight games and improved to 10-1-1 in their last 12 : series. "那樣子的伸卡球,真的很像是投蝴蝶球的投手,你可以告訴打者我要投深卡球了, 但任何人卻對這顆球一籌莫展"洋基的總教練說"當我把他的名字寫在先發名單上時, 我感覺很好" Derek Jeter以及Posada分別為目前在美聯東區領先的洋基隊擊出全壘打 同時也幫助洋基在最近的八場比賽裏贏的第七勝,同時也在最近的十二次系列賽取得了 10勝-1敗-1和的戰積(系列賽故有和 ex:四連戰二勝二敗) : Bobby Abreu singled and doubled for his first two hits with New York, and : fellow newcomer Craig Wilson added a pair of singles in his Yankees debut. : Coming off a two-hitter against the Devil Rays last Friday for his first : career shutout, Wang (13-4) buzzed through the best-hitting team in the major : leagues and ran his scoreless streak to 18 innings. : "Before, sometimes my arm dropped down. Now, I stay on top," Wang said, : adding that he's having "a lot of fun." 新同學Bobby Abreu在他在洋基隊的第一及第二支安打分別為一壘以及二壘安打 同樣是新來的隊友Craig Wilson在洋基的初登板也貢獻兩支一壘安打 在上次禮拜五先發面對魔鬼魚以兩支安打達成生涯首次完封的王建民(13-4),在面對這個 全大聯盟打擊最佳的球隊有驚無險的讓自己的無失分局數延伸到十八局 "以前,我的手臂有時候會過低,但現在我一直維持在高點"小王說, 並且補充,他現在已經很能享受比賽的樂趣 : Pitching on a sweltering 36 C night before a sellout crowd of 54,414, he : allowed four hits and got 16 outs on grounders to beat the Blue Jays for the : second time in 12 days. The right-hander walked three, all in the second : inning, and struck out three. : "He's got that power sinker. He's a groundball machine," Toronto manager John : Gibbons said. 在全場爆滿五萬多名觀眾的觀賽之下,即使是在攝氏36度令人汗流浹背的高溫下投球 他仍然只讓對手擊出四支安打,並且取得了16個滾地出局數,在十二天內兩度擊敗藍鳥 這位右投手保送了三位打者,全部都是在第二局投初,同時整場比賽也送出三次三振 "他擁有了強力的深卡球,他是製造滾地球的機器"多倫多藍鳥總教練John Gibbons說 : Wang has a 1.64 ERA in his past five starts. With that string of stingy : performances, he has surpassed an inconsistent Randy Johnson and become New : York's No. 2 starter - right behind Mike Mussina. : "It's really tough to say who's been the best for us," Johnny Damon said. : "He's been as good as Moose has all season long." 王再過去五次先發當中的自責分率只有1.64,在這一連串讓打者無法得分的表現中 他超越了最近很不穩定的Randy,實質上成為了紐約洋基的第二號先發,僅排在Moose之下 "現在要說誰是我們最好的投手真的很困難"Damon說道,"在整個球季裡,他就跟Moose 一樣的好" : Ron Villone gave up a two-run homer in the ninth to Troy Glaus, his 28th. : The Blue Jays, who have lost four straight and eight of 11, entered leading : the majors in batting average (.293) and slugging percentage (.480). But Wang : shut them down. Villone在第九局面對Glaus被打出兩分全壘打,也是Glaus的第28號全壘打, 最近的藍鳥隊在十一場比賽中輸掉了八場,同時最近也是面臨四連敗,在比賽前帶著 領先全大聯盟的0.293團隊打擊率,0.480團對長打率進入比賽,但王建民卻完封他們八局 : "The guy throws 95-plus with a sink like that, you've got to tip your cap to : him," Toronto's Aaron Hill said. "這傢伙投出了95英哩以上的球速並且還會下沉,你必須對這個傢伙致敬" 藍鳥隊打者Aaron Hill如此說道 : Jeter hit a solo homer in the third off ex-Yankee Ted Lilly (9-10). : Rodriguez hustled his way to a leadoff double in the sixth, evading a tag at : second base with a clever slide. Beaten badly by the throw, he pulled back : his left arm and reached around to touch the base with his right - drawing : laughs from Jeter and other teammates on the bench. Jeter在第三局面對前洋基隊友Ted Lilly(9-10)擊出了陽春全壘打,A-Rod也在擊出安打 之後一路狂奔,跑出了六局下半首名打者的二壘安打,這當中以一個聰明的滑壘逃掉 二壘手的觸殺,原本即將要被外野手的傳球給狼狽的觸殺,他縮回了他的左手臂, 繞了個小彎換成用右手來觸壘包,這個動作也讓坐在板凳的Jeter以及其他隊友 忍不住莞爾 : "I was pretty confident until I saw the ball beat me by 25 feet," Rodriguez : said. "It feels like you came in without your homework and the teacher calls : your name." : Posada followed with his 13th homer, and Melky Cabrera's one-out double : chased Lilly. "原本我是很有信心上到二壘的,直到我看到球已經傳到位我卻還離壘25英尺時,"A-Rod說 "那個感覺就像是你進到教室才發現你沒帶作業,這時老師已經在叫你的名字一樣" Posada接著就轟出了他第十三號的全壘打,接著Cabrera的一出局二壘安打終於趕下Lilly : Damon hit an RBI single off Dustin McGowan, and Jeter walked with the bases : loaded to make it 5-0. : After Abreu struck out against Scott Downs, Rodriguez hit a two-run single to : left off the glove of diving shortstop John McDonald. : Lilly gave up five runs and 10 hits in 5 1-3 innings. Damon在面對後援投手McGowan時擊出帶一分打點的一壘安打,接著Jeter保送擠回一分 讓比數擴大道5-0 , 在Abreu被Downs三振之後,A-Rod擊出帶兩分打點的一壘安打, 這支安打也幸運的彈過了游擊手McDonald飛撲的手套,最終Lilly失掉五分被擊出10支安打 只投了5又1/3局 : "Sometimes we want to win the game so bad it works against us," he said. : Notes: The Yankees are 9-2 in their last 11 home games. ... New York is 23-9 : against left-handed starters. ... The Yankees held a moment of silence before : the game and a video tribute before the seventh for former captain Thurman : Munson. The catcher was killed in a plane crash 27 years ago on this date. "有時候我們真的是太想要贏得比賽了以致於事與願違"Lilly說 賽後紀錄:洋基隊在最進的十一場主場比賽中取得了9勝2負的戰積,其中在面對左手先發 投手時,更保有23勝9負的戰績,在比賽之前洋基球場靜默了好一會兒,而在七局的 活動時間中球場也撥了一支紀念前隊長Thurman Munson的影片,這位捕手在二十七年前 的今天死於一場空難 : ... Lilly dropped to 2-7 against the Yankees. ... The Blue Jays are 3-9 in : their past 12 games at Yankee Stadium. ... Jeter extended his hitting streak : to 11 games. ... RHP Cory Lidle, acquired from Philadelphia on Sunday with : Abreu, is slated to start Thursday for his Yankees debut. Lillyg生涯面對洋基隊的戰績落後到2勝7負 藍鳥隊在最近洋基球場的十二場比賽裡戰績為 3勝9敗,同時Jeter也把他的連續安打場次延伸到十一場,從費城人和Abreu交易來的 右投手Cory Lidle將在禮拜四先發,這也是他在洋基的處女秀 -- My Dying Album -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/03 13:11, , 1F
08/03 13:11, 1F

08/03 13:11, , 2F
08/03 13:11, 2F

08/03 13:11, , 3F
推, 感謝翻譯
08/03 13:11, 3F

08/03 13:13, , 4F
08/03 13:13, 4F

08/03 13:14, , 5F
A-rod的比喻真是貼切 XD
08/03 13:14, 5F

08/03 13:14, , 6F
08/03 13:14, 6F

08/03 13:14, , 7F
08/03 13:14, 7F

08/03 13:20, , 8F
08/03 13:20, 8F

08/03 13:21, , 9F
推一下~ 原po打錯字 無傷大雅啦 翻得不錯呀
08/03 13:21, 9F

08/03 13:26, , 10F
08/03 13:26, 10F
※ 編輯: ZzzBa 來自: (08/03 13:36)

08/03 13:36, , 11F
翻譯辛苦了~不要只會挑小毛病 有本事自己翻
08/03 13:36, 11F

08/03 13:41, , 12F
08/03 13:41, 12F

08/03 13:43, , 13F
08/03 13:43, 13F

08/03 13:43, , 14F
對廠那個錯字我實在是找不到耶 因為是用撥接的,請見諒
08/03 13:43, 14F

08/03 13:43, , 15F
挑小毛病ok 翻譯的辛苦我能體會 感謝各位無私的付出
08/03 13:43, 15F
※ 編輯: ZzzBa 來自: (08/03 13:45)

08/03 13:55, , 16F
大感謝 另外大推A-rod的比喻XD
08/03 13:55, 16F
※ 編輯: ZzzBa 來自: (08/03 14:00) ※ 編輯: ZzzBa 來自: (08/03 14:01)

08/03 14:01, , 17F
08/03 14:01, 17F
ZzzBa:轉錄至看板 NY-Yankees 08/03 14:12

08/03 14:19, , 18F
對廠是指那個二十七年前過世的那位 應該是隊長啦~~
08/03 14:19, 18F
※ 編輯: ZzzBa 來自: (08/03 14:24)

08/03 14:26, , 19F
08/03 14:26, 19F

08/03 14:38, , 20F
08/03 14:38, 20F

08/03 14:41, , 21F
08/03 14:41, 21F

08/03 14:59, , 22F
08/03 14:59, 22F

08/03 15:02, , 23F
推沒帶作業..A-rod的比喻真棒 XDXD
08/03 15:02, 23F

08/03 19:16, , 24F
本來就有登板阿...本壘板就是阿= ="
08/03 19:16, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #14qNik-L (CMWang)