
看板CM作者 (wawawa)時間21年前 (2003/08/01 21:52), 編輯推噓0(000)
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這是我之前在某討論區看到的東西,比較直接說明各訓練會加強哪些能力 我想對一些訓練苦手的人應該會有幫助,順便附上一張訓練表 ps1:英文版...會玩cm我想一定看的懂吧..XD ps2:訓練表我沒試過,人家說很有效,沒用不要怪我...:P Note: - Regressive: too many causes decline. Capped: too many causes no further improvement. Cumulative: more improvement the more you use it. Some listed as "very cumulative" may require several training slots to give real benefits. Shadow Play: The best programme for Decisions, Influence, Off the Ball, Positioning. Also very good for Marking and Tackling. Regressive. Tactical: One of the best for Decisions, Influence, Off the Ball, Positioning. Does nothing else. Capped. Technique: The best for Dribbling, Passing, Technique, Agility, Balance. Cumulative, only modest results unless used heavily. 5-Large: Not best at anything, modest improvements in most attributes. One of the best for fitness attributes. Cumulative. 5-Small: Similar to 5-Large, except useless for fitness, slightly better for mental. Mostly cumulative. Training Match: Useless. PIM: Good for Technique, Agility, Balance. Reasonably good for Dribbling, Passing. Very cumulative. CloseDown: In terms of attributes, only Stamina is better than with PIM. May have tactical/match benefits though. Cumulative. OLA: Very good Decisions, Influence, Off the Ball, Positioning. Small increases in most technical areas, but NOT Dribbling,Technique or Finishing (contradicts description in game). Very cumulative. OLD: Very good Decisions, Influence, Off the Ball, Positioning. Very good for Marking & Tackling, reasonable for Dribbling, Technique. Mixture of capped/cumulative. SPA: Very good Decisions, Influence, Off the Ball, Positioning. The best for Crossing, Heading, Set Pieces. Good Penalty Taking. Mixture of capped, regressive and cumulative. SPD: Very good Decisions, Influence, Off the Ball, Positioning. Very good Crossing, Heading, Penalty Taking, Set Pieces. Also modest improvements to several other technical skills, and to Agility and Balance. Mixture of capped, cumulative, regressive. Crosses: Very good/almost best for Crossing, Heading, Penalty Taking, Set Pieces. Does nothing else. Capped/regressive. Penalty Taking: Reasonably good for Crossing (?), Heading (ah yes, the famous headed penalty technique), Penalty Taking, Set Pieces, though other programmes are better. Cumulative. Heading: Utterly useless. More likely to improve passing, technique very slightly than heading. Shooting: Easily the best in - surprise surprise - Finishing and Long Shots. Capped. Outfield Agility: Small improvements to Agility & Balance. Not worthwhile. Cumulative. Sprints: The best of the fitness programmes (Acceleration, Jumping, Stamina, Strength - NOT Pace, which nothing increases). Only marginally better than 5-Large though. Regressive. Cross Country: Less effective than Sprints or Weights, impossible to say whether game description of it 'boosting' other training is true. Cumulative. Weights: Better than CC, not as good as Sprints. Not clear whether game description (prevents injuries) is true or not. Sunday Rest, Rest, Rest Monday Pig, Technique, Closing Down Tuesday Sprints, Overloading(A), Crosses Wednesday Technique, Shadow Play, 5_a_side_large Thursday Pig, Set Pieces(A), Weights Friday Pig, Set Pieces(D), 5_a_side_small Saturday Pig, Shooting, Overloading(D) Training on match day: NO Training the day after a match: NO 上面兩個no意思是不要讓他們在'比賽當天'與'比賽過後一天'訓練 所以兩個選項要打v -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
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