[轉錄][外電] 爛番茄影評:天際浩劫

看板CHSH-319作者 (Kent)時間13年前 (2010/11/14 12:45), 編輯推噓2(201)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Nikezoomair 信箱] 作者: sampsonlu919 (別讓想選總統的當選市長) 看板: movie 標題: [外電] 爛番茄:天際浩劫 時間: Sun Nov 14 10:27:49 2010 這是我在版上第三次嘗試翻譯爛番茄的影評整理 原因?當然就是天片在版上的討論熱度實在太夯了 這也讓我好奇老美們會怎麼評論這部拍攝成本 比其他同性質電影便宜許多的科幻災難片 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/skyline_2010/ Skyline (2010) Tomatometer:11 Average Rating: 3.4/10 Reviews Counted: 37 Fresh: 4 | Rotten: 33 A middling sci-fi entry, Skyline offers proof that solid special effects alone cannot overcome a flat storyline filled with uninspired dialogue. 總結:以科幻片入門的角度而言,本片證明了光是穩健的視覺特效,並不能克服 劇情與對白都平凡無奇的問題 第一句話就這麼不賞臉! 不過既然是總結,用語多少會緩和點 讓我們看看其他媒體更精采的言論吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nick Schager Slant Magazine Rotten,1/4 The film plays like Cloverfield redux, except with less personality and tension. 天際浩劫想複製科洛佛檔案的成功,可惜卻少了人性與劇情張力 Joe Neumaier New York Daily News Rotten It's finally here: The most boring alien-invasion movie ever. 結論就是:天際浩劫是影史上最無趣的外星人入侵電影 Megan Lehmann Hollywood Reporter Rotten A laughably bad sci-fi mash-up with some above-average special effects. 儘管特效還算在水準之上,本片仍然是一部可笑的劣質科幻片 Roger Moore Orlando Sentinel Rotten,1/4 "Skyline" plays like an effects guru's resume reel, not a movie. 1.天際浩劫看起來不像一部電影,反而比較像是特效專家的一份影像履歷 an "epic fail of a monster movie" 2.怪獸電影的經典失敗作 There’s no urgency, no close-contact immediacy to it 3.片中完全看不到任何的緊急狀況,也看不到任何立即的親密接觸 Michael Phillips Chicago Tribune Rotten,1.5/4 It's like a trip to a Kmart staffed by the ugliest beings imaginable. 1.這就跟你去賣場,卻看到最醜的員工一樣讓人沮喪 effects are pretty good, on a fairly limited budget. And that's about all you can say for Skyline 2.在有限的拍片經費之下,天際浩劫的特效的確很棒,但這恐怕也是他唯一的優點 James Fletcher FILMINK (Australia) Rotten Compared with the recent spate of sci-fi films such as District 9, Star Trek and most of Roland Emmerich's disaster films, Skyline struggles to live up to its own expectations, bereft as it is of any humour or soul. 跟第九禁區、星際爭霸戰,甚至是跟羅蘭艾瑪瑞奇的災難片比較起來,天際浩劫 卻連自己的期望都無法達到,既沒有幽默感也沒有靈魂 Frank Swietek One Guy's Opinion Rotten,D- Simply awful...like a SyFy Network Saturday night special that's inexplicably escaped to the big screen. 簡單來說,就是糟透了!感覺就像科幻頻道的週末特別節目,意外地流到戲院去播映 Jen Yamato Movies.com Rotten,1.5/5 A mess of a movie that reaches a completely ridiculous and unexpected (but not in a good way) conclusion. 本片既荒謬又意外(但不是好的那種)的收尾,帶來的就是一團混亂 Luke Y. Thompson E! Online Rotten,C For a movie on a $10 million budget, it delivers more and better bangs for the buck than many blockbusters ten times the price. It's just a shame they couldn't find actors who deliver equal efficiency. Or script doctors, for that matter. 對於一部製作成本只有1千萬美金的電影來說,本片在某方面的確比一些比他 貴十倍的票房大片還有觀影樂趣,可惜的是劇組並沒有找到更適當的演員, 也沒有找劇本大夫(通常指名編劇)修劇本 Beth Accomando KPBS.org Rotten Let me say upfront and with absolute clarity that Skyline is a bad film. So why don't I feel any animosity toward it? I guess because despite everything that was wrong with this film I still had fun and laughed more than I did at Due Date. 我要先說:天際浩劫對我來說仍然是部爛片,但我並不會很恨他,因為儘管片中 發生的事的確都不合理,但我在片中發笑的次數卻比「臨門湊一腳」還要多 這個夠狠,一次損兩片 XD Devin Faraci CHUD Rotten Yes, this is a genuinely so-bad-it's-good movie. This film is crushingly awful, tedious and moronic, but I was often howling with laughter. 本片可說是爛片的里程碑,雖然壟長又低能,但我還是邊罵邊笑地將他看完了 Anders Wotzke Cut Print Review Rotten,2/5 A good example of what can visually be achieved on a tight budget, but an even better example of why filmmaking should be left to filmmakers. 天際浩劫固然是在緊縮的預算中做出優質特效的最佳範例,卻也更加證明了 為何只有真正的導演才能去拍電影 Adam Markovitz Entertainment Weekly Rotten,C The Strauses used their tech savvy to make a marvel of logistics that looks every bit as slick as a studio tentpole. It's just a shame they haven't figured out a way to CG a decent story. Yet. 1.導演史特勞斯兄弟的確用他們的技術將特效發揮到極致,可惜的是他們還找不到 用CG技術說好故事的方法,至少現在還沒 Basically a nifty VFX reel in search of a plot 2.結論就是:視覺很巧妙,但卻在劇情中迷失了 Rob Vaux Mania.com Rotten,D- One of the worst movies of 2010: an appalling distinction in a year so bereft of quality filmmaking. 天片是今年最糟的電影之一,看起來很吸引人,成果卻很沒有質感 Mike Hale New York Times Rotten,1/5 it turns out that all the running and hiding and chopping (there’s an ax) was beside the point, which is the sort of thing that can make you angry if you care about the characters, but in this case is kind of a relief 1.片中所有的逃亡、躲藏與殺戮場面都切不到重點,假如你在乎片中角色死活 的話,你可能會為此生氣,但對本片而言,這反而是種情緒上的緩和 Some obvious comparables for Skyline are "Independence Day" and Steven Spielberg's "War of the Worlds," but there is nothing here that even approaches the comic-book verve of the first or the churning dread of the second. 2.有些人可能會把天片與ID4和世界大戰做比較,但天片的水準比漫畫書還不如 Joshua Rothkopf Time Out New York Rotten,1/5 So bland it's easy to forget the title only minutes after exiting, this Emmerich-by-numbers invasion movie exists only to offer you the cutting edge in unconvincing special effects. 天際浩劫平淡到看完離場幾分鐘之後連片名都忘記了,這部愛墨瑞奇式大場面入侵 的電影,唯一表現傑出的部份,只有那不真實的特效而已 Liam Lacey Globe and Mail Rotten,1/4 So intent are the Strausses on showing off their visual chops, they leave the film's story, dialogue and acting in shambles. 1.史特勞斯兄弟太想表現出視覺上的巧妙,結果卻反而把影片的故事、對白與演技 如廢墟般地擱置在一旁 The only fascinating thing about Skyline is that that such a mad muddle of a movie can even exists in an era of corporate homogeneity and purported quality-controlled. 2.本片唯一吸引人的地方,就是這種瘋狂又混亂的的電影在同質性高與片商號稱嚴密 品管的年代,還能被允許存在 Joe Leydon Variety Rotten An underwhelming and derivative sci-fi thriller that's only marginally more impressive than a run-of-the-mill SyFy Channel telepic. 這部無法讓觀眾感到熱血的科幻驚悚片,其讓人印象深刻的程度,恐怕只會比 科幻頻道一般殺時間用的電視電影高一點而已 Jason Anderson Toronto Star Rotten,1/4 There's a kind of magic that happens when a movie inspires complete strangers to ridicule it to each other on the way out of the theatre. 這部電影最神奇的地方,其實是:他可以讓兩個素昧平生的陌生人,在看完電影 離開影廳後互相嘲笑對方 Geoff Berkshire Metromix.com Rotten,1.5/5 Instead of making the most of its low-budget limitations, Skyline fights against them and goes down in defeat. 天際浩劫想要突破低成本的限制,可惜還是失敗了 Liz Braun Jam! Movies Rotten,2/5 A B-movie extravaganza, Skyline is a sort of sci-fi sampler of every alien invasion movie ever made. 天片號稱是B級電影中的狂想曲,但其實在某種程度上卻取樣了所有外星人入侵 的電影 Josh Larsen LarsenOnFilm Rotten,2/4 I suppose it's fitting that a movie about aliens extracting human brains would eventually lose its head. 我想一部關於外星人吸取人類腦部的電影,到最後還真的會失去他的頭 lose head除了字面上的意思,也比喻失去理智 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 看樣子天片還真的是不得人緣啊! 不過讓我好奇的是到底是哪四家媒體給了好評 以下是這四位少數給好評的影評 Liverpool Echo Taken in the spirit in which it's hopefully intended -- a brainless thrill ride -- Skyline is a slick genre piece that entertains for 92 minutes and is forgotten as soon as you walk out of the cinema. Alex Zane Sun Online The directors have worked on the SFX in everything from 2012 to Avatar, meaning that once we get outside, things finally get going. Kim Newman Empire Magazine Delivers all the Saturday night whizz-bang and Sunday morning brain-ripping you could want. Alan Jones Radio Times Once the ace special effects and full-on monster mania take prominence over the soap opera plot, it does become weirdly fascinating. 給好評的也是著重在特效的表現上(而且大部分都是英國媒體) 看來本片的劇本的確是大有問題 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 結論:一人一信支持天際浩劫進軍金酸莓! -- / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 玉龍 L  Cs LA PHX 曾文頂 曾蓋索  曾爾德 曾奈特 曾諾亞 曾卡曼 曾歐佛 曾奈奈 曾阿馬 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/14 10:30,
11/14 10:30

11/14 10:32,
11/14 10:32

11/14 10:36,
今年天字輩的都很荒謬(EX.天下父母心 XD)
11/14 10:36

11/14 10:48,
11/14 10:48

11/14 10:55,
評語實在有夠狠 XDDDD
11/14 10:55

11/14 10:58,
11/14 10:58

11/14 11:04,
11/14 11:04

11/14 11:05,
11/14 11:05

11/14 11:06,
推樓上 神通有夠難看!!
11/14 11:06

11/14 11:07,
神通我是沒看過 不過我肯定那部片美國影評也很糟
11/14 11:07

11/14 11:08,
11/14 11:08

11/14 11:13,
11/14 11:13

11/14 11:14,
11/14 11:14

11/14 11:20,
影評好多笑點 XD 歪國影評真幽默
11/14 11:20

11/14 11:34,
11/14 11:34

11/14 11:37,
這就跟你去賣場,卻看到最醜的員工一樣讓人沮喪 XDDDDDD
11/14 11:37

11/14 11:48,
11/14 11:48

11/14 11:49,
剛剛稍微看了一下 目前板上連續30篇負雷 都是送給這部
11/14 11:49

11/14 11:49,
同推樓上 我看到這句話笑翻了....
11/14 11:49

11/14 11:56,
至少Skyline很便宜 降世神通可是花了一億多鎂.....
11/14 11:56

11/14 11:57,
11/14 11:57

11/14 12:25,
11/14 12:25

11/14 12:36,
11/14 12:36
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/14 15:15, , 1F
11/14 15:15, 1F

11/14 15:26, , 2F
是的 = =
11/14 15:26, 2F

11/15 06:24, , 3F
謝謝冠宇 那我就不還嘍XD
11/15 06:24, 3F
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