[遊戲] Tiberium alliance最新封測更新

看板CGI-Game作者 (嘴砲男)時間12年前 (2012/05/09 22:21), 編輯推噓9(904)
留言13則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
以下的中譯直接轉載大陸貼吧 新版本特徵: -NOD在封閉測試伺服器裡已經可以被玩家使用,不過無法從原本的GDI陣營直接轉換,如果 你想玩的話,只能從1級開始重新 玩.-POI點現在可以提供他們所有的功能(增加產能,增加 部隊攻擊能力以及防禦能力等).要注意的是更新後所有的產能以及部隊戰鬥力都會有所降 低,但更 新後如果有佔領POI的話,你的產能和戰鬥力最多能達到降低後的2倍. 一般調整: 防禦區域內的所有障礙物現在的減速效果調整至50%(之前的版本為25%) 被遺忘者的基地的攻破將變得十分具有挑戰性---他們的基地維修速度將變得令人蛋疼的 快---他們可以在幾乎死血的情況下在1個小時內又變得活蹦亂跳. 加入每次PVP進攻時對基地所有資源的掠奪量限制,這個限制取決於進攻者的部隊等級,加 入這個原因是為了防止過渡剝削或是肉雞神馬的. 改動了進攻單位的攻擊目標選擇條件,處於進攻單位正前方的防禦單位將有更高的攻擊優 先次序(但這不影響進攻單位的最優攻擊目標--克制的單位),比如一輛GD被推土機擋住前 方,但旁邊有步兵, 它還是優先打步兵. 所有的進攻單位的維修時間將稍微上調, 這是為了鼓勵多基地多部隊輪番使用.. 被遺忘者屬性平衡: 薩姆飛彈平臺--降低對空攻擊力推土機--降低生命和攻擊力,並且取消對空能力,但從 camp11開始將會出現(目測成為被遺忘者的輕坦克)收割者反步兵平臺--降低對載具和飛機 的攻擊力粉碎者反載具平臺--降低對步兵的攻擊力 所有部隊的移動速度降低 新單位: 被遺忘者狙擊手--中等距離的步兵, 對步兵十分有效.在17+級的基地,19+級的op以及22+ 的camp開始出現. 被遺忘者的猛獁坦克--強力載具, 對載具十分有效, 在18+級的基地,20+級的op以及23+級 的camp開始出現. GDI攻擊部隊屬性平衡: 區域攻擊兵--血量提高, 對載具,城牆的攻擊力提高.火鳥轟炸機--降低彈藥儲量 防禦部隊屬性平衡: 區域攻擊兵--增加血量,增加對載具以及空軍的攻擊力 MG--降低對載具的攻擊力,新增對載具的交叉火力狙擊手--降低攻擊力,提高攻擊距離==由 原來的2.5提高到3.5 防空炮--提高對空攻擊力瞭望塔(反步兵)--提高對步兵攻擊力,降低對載具和空軍的攻擊 力 泰坦炮臺(反載具)--降低對步兵的攻擊力 薩姆導彈平臺(防空)--降低對空攻擊力 原文 Patchnotes 05-09-2012 New features: - Nod is available as a player faction on the reopened Closed Beta Servers Please note, that is not possible to switch from GDI to Nod. You have to make a fresh game on a CB-server, starting by Lvl 1. - Point of Interests now provide their boosts Note that the unboosted resource production and combat strength is reduced compared to before the patch, but the boost can be about twice as strong as the reduction. General balancing adjustments: ‧ Obstacles in the defense area (wood, oil slicks, etc.) now slow down units by 50% (used to be 25%) ‧ Forgotten bases are more challenging to take out: They repair themselves significantly faster: Now it takes only 1 hour for an almost completely destroyed Forgotten base to repair all its damage. ‧ Introduced a limit on how much plunder one can get when attacking another player. The limit depends on the army level of the attacker. This is to stop the exploit, where players sell everything in their base and “give” the resources to a friendly player. ‧ Change in target prioritization for offense units: Attacking the defense units in front of an offense unit have now a higher priority than defense units left/right or behind the offense unit. (Doesn’t overwrite the preference for primary targets. E.g. a Guardian still attacks an infantry unit to its left when blocked by a vehicle.) ‧ All offense units need slightly more repair time, encouraging the use of armies from multiple bases slightly earlier. Forgotten Balancing: ‧ SAM Site Decreased damage VS air ‧ Scooper Decreased life and damage No damage VS air Spawns more often and at camp lvl 11 and higher ‧ Reaper Artillery Decreased damage VS vehicles and air ‧ Demolisher Artillery Decreased damage VS infantry ‧ Movement of all units decreased New units: ‧ Forgotten Sniper Medium ranged infantry, good against infantry Spawns in bases 17+, Outposts 19+ and Camps 22+ ‧ Forgotten Mammoth Strong vehicle, good against vehicles Spawns in bases 18+, Outposts 20+ and Camps 23+ GDI Balancing Offense: ‧ Zone Trooper Increased life Increased damage VS vehicles and walls ‧ Firehawk Decreased ammo Balancing Defense: ‧ Zone Trooper Increased life Increased damage VS vehicles and air ‧ MG Nest Decreased damage VS vehicles Deals Crossover-damage to vehicles ‧ Sniper Decreased damage Increased range from 2.5 to 3.5 ‧ Flak Increased damage VS air ‧ Watchtower Increased damage VS infantry Decreased damage VS vehicles and air ‧ Titan Artillery Decreased damage VS infantry ‧ SAM Site Decreased damage VS airCnC:TA-ForumRules -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 22:41, , 1F
05/09 22:41, 1F

05/09 22:57, , 2F
05/09 22:57, 2F

05/09 23:00, , 3F
05/09 23:00, 3F

05/09 23:46, , 4F
可以雙頭進行 反正維修時間改高CP應該用不完了=口=
05/09 23:46, 4F

05/10 00:14, , 5F
05/10 00:14, 5F

05/10 01:06, , 6F
NOD是? 小弟只聽過S..(被拖走)
05/10 01:06, 6F

05/10 01:52, , 7F
05/10 01:52, 7F

05/10 01:54, , 8F
05/10 01:54, 8F

05/10 01:55, , 9F
05/10 01:55, 9F

05/10 02:42, , 10F
POI系統感覺很陽春,我在介面上根本找不到我有哪些POI buff
05/10 02:42, 10F

05/10 02:42, , 11F
也沒看到POI rank,感覺根本就是拖慢你發展速度用的
05/10 02:42, 11F

05/10 02:46, , 12F
05/10 02:46, 12F

05/10 04:11, , 13F
05/10 04:11, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1FgdreGl (CGI-Game)