[打屁] [Imperion]好長好長的信阿 XD

看板CGI-Game作者 (妄想引擎)時間14年前 (2009/11/12 21:45), 編輯推噓1(105)
留言6則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
哇 沒想到這些老外玩起遊戲還是有夠認真!! 一封邀請信可以寫個近千字 XD 還超級正氣凜然得樣子 XDDDDDD 反正我也不是很愛管盟的事情 打算問一問盟友就加入算了 XDDDDD 不過這個32名的盟在跟第二名的盟打架呢 XDDDDDDDDDD 這遊戲越來越有趣了XDDDDDDDDDDDDD -------------------- Mortaryan wrote: My name is Mortaryan VaShiva. I am a diplomatic attaché of the TFP (Trade Federation Prime). We in the TFP, and our associates, are looking to reach out to those leagues of like mind and spirit, to initiate and foster respectful, productive and positive relationships, recognizing and defending each other’s spirit of independence and self determinations. Gathered together are many players and leagues, of all ranks and levels of development, desiring to work together in a harmonious spirit of fun and friendship, respect and honor, to negotiate disputes in a fair, just and peaceful manner, and if need be to provide for a collective defense against unprovoked aggressions and hostilities. Individually there are few leagues of G3 that can resist the aggressions and hostilities of several specific bloated leagues whose choice of game play is nothing less than cowardly and dishonorable bullying, praying on the lesser developed, the smaller, the defenseless and or the peacefully inclined, players and leagues, just to inch their way up the rank list. Sadly, while many leagues have temporarily flown under the radar of these aggressive and hostile bullies and their mindless goose-stepping lemmings, several notable leagues have not and have fallen from their former glory, if not ceased to exist altogether. But…If the honorable leagues of G3 band together…not only can we resist their tyranny, but defeat such despicable and dishonorable game play tactics and strategies. Banding together in a mutual defense pact…that expressly emphasizes respect for the integrity, self determination, and independence of all its member leagues…we will not merely resists the cowardly bullying of these two bit tin can despots and dictators…we will throw off the chains of their looming threat over the whole of G3…and their assumption that all the players of G3, let alone all of Imperion, are their personal farms to do with as they wish. Together…we can create a haven of peace, prosperity, freedom, self determination and independence for all its members, big and small, collective and individual. It is a weak will and a weak mind that afflicts and oppresses the newer, the lesser developed, the smaller and the peaceful players/leagues, and their choice of game-play reveals their true impotence and lacking of any real intelligence in tactics, strategy and game play skill, of those leagues that choose to suck the life from the players and leagues of G3. The tide is rising…and most in G3 are fed up with the relentless unprovoked aggressions and hostilities of theses bullies too cowardly to challenge leagues within their own ranking ranges, and look as ravenous wolves toward leagues 20 ranking levels and more below them to victimize and pillage. We take contention with their premise that Imperion is an online war-game, and that “that is just the way it is”…instead we understand Imperion to be an online game, with war. The differences are subtle but this is our truth… and soon they will no longer be able shrug off their dishonorable and cowardly game play tactics as just a matter of fact. We hope you will take my greetings and salutations as an offer of true friendship, mutual respect, and common defense against unprovoked aggression, as an affable opportunity… to expand the influence and reach of your league in a peaceful and mutually beneficial way…to good to ignore, and recognize its necessity…if not needed now, then needed now for a later time. Either way…we in the TFP hope to have peaceful and cooperative relations with you and your league, as we have with all leagues of our general association, let alone as one of the leagues now in our specific G3 Treaty Organization. The TFP has always been a league of peaceful traders and business people, stubbornly dedicated to our Liberty, Freedom, independence and self determination...if the members of your league feel the same dedication to your league’s freedom, independence and self determination, as we do to ours …then I know this Galaxy-wide alliance is for your league too. If you have any question at all, please feel free to contact myself, Mortaryan, or Akhilkn, Hamhanded, or this months elected CEO of the TFP, Blackeagle. The TFP is an Athenian type Democracy, and the membership of the TFP elects a new leader once a month, but all ex-CEOs always continue to serve in an advisory capacity to the presiding CEO. Peace, Prosperity and Long life, Mortaryan VaShiva -- ◤◤ ◤-` ー◤ 哩豪洨!! \● ● /// , // ˊ ●◤ ▂▆ ▅▆ ▂▄▆ ◥█ˋ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/12 21:47, , 1F
Athenian type Democracy 雅典式民主 XDDDD
11/12 21:47, 1F

11/12 21:47, , 2F
好認真阿 這些老外
11/12 21:47, 2F

11/12 21:51, , 3F
11/12 21:51, 3F

11/12 21:52, , 4F
11/12 21:52, 4F

11/12 21:53, , 5F
不過這盟的外交官真的好認真 XD
11/12 21:53, 5F

11/13 02:24, , 6F
11/13 02:24, 6F
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