[UD]Stickling Mall左上角凌晨攻防戰報導及26. …
* 26.80 MHz: "Leave wqwq alone. He just wants to live in peace."
* 26.80 MHz: "Sincerely, the UBCS"
* 26.80 MHz: "NW Sticking Mall under constant attack from Feral Undead."
* 26.80 MHz: "Zed spy Chewy Chewy Chomp also PK people. If you see anyone"
* 26.80 MHz: "with Feral Undead tag, kill on sight. Also keep an eye on"
* 26.80 MHz: "radio frequency. Zed spies change it. Keep at 26.80 MHz."
NW Sticking Mall持續的被Feral Undead攻擊中(就是上次P掉我的PKer所署團體)
殭屍間諜 Chewy Chewy Chomp 他同時也是PKer.
如果你發現任何一個隸屬於Feral Undead公會的人,只看見就殺了他.
請不時地注意廣播頻道的數字,殭屍間諜把它調開了.請讓它保持在26.80 MHZ
* Kittithaj broadcast "NW Sticking Mall's barricades are falling again.
Send help!" from here, on 26.80 MHz.
Kittithaj廣播說 : NW Sticking Mall的防又被拆掉了,請快去支援!
(約 12/22 0:00 )
* A zombie brought down the last of the barricades.
一隻殭屍拆掉(Stickling Mall左上)最後一層防 ( 約 12/22 0:30 )
* A zombie brought down the last of the barricades.
一隻殭屍拆掉(Stickling Mall左上)最後一層防 ( 約 12/22 0:45 )
* A zombie brought down the last of the barricades.
一隻殭屍拆掉(Stickling Mall左上)最後一層防 ( 約 12/22 0:50 )
* A zombie destroyed the generator.
一隻殭屍破壞了(Stickling Mall左上)的發電機 ( 約 12/22 0:50 )
* 26.80 MHz: "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRock Flag and Eagle!!!"
* 26.80 MHz: "ROCK FLAG AND EAGLE!!!"
* 26.80 MHz: "Columbine Kid trifle195 polluting Allder Row"
* 26.80 MHz: "id=974351 waste the sucka!"
* 26.80 MHz: "and leave a coal loaded RPR xmas stocking up his anus!"
Columbine Kid trifle195 弄髒了 Allder Row
id=974351 殺了 sucka
而且他還....(後面的 不太想翻 )
* A zombie brought down the last of the barricades.
一隻殭屍拆掉(Stickling Mall左上)最後一層防 ( 約 12/22 3:00 )
* 26.80 MHz: "breaker breaker beaker" (7 hours and 2 minutes ago)
* 26.80 MHz: "attn chuck ramsey has joined this PK contest. and is now"
* 26.80 MHz: "PKing players. watch out for him! Chuck Ramsey WILL PK YOU"
breaker breaker beaker
請注意chuck ramsey已經加入了PK比賽中,現在他是PKer了.
請小心他!! Chuck Ramsey他將會PK你.
* 26.80 MHz: "1Z inside the Bridle Museum. Couple FAKs needed."
1Z在Bridle Museum裡.需要數個FAK. ( 約 12/22 3:40 )
* The lights came on inside the Bridle Museum.
Bridle Museum亮燈. ( 約 12/22 3:45 )
* Rasputin Smith said "28 outside the door"
Rasputin Smith說 : 外面有28隻殭屍. ( 約 12/22 4:20 )
* 26.80 MHz: "Umbrella Corp. Best thing since sliced bread."
* 26.80 MHz: "experts and arguing over the current situation and morality."
* 26.80 MHz: "since killing a zombie is not considered murder. Is taking"
* 26.80 MHz: "things from them considered theft? Also some men have been"
* 26.80 MHz: "known to have sex with female zombies. Should this be"
* 26.80 MHz: "considered rape? But this latest development is truly"
* 26.80 MHz: "disturbing. Molesting any child..even a zombie ...it just"
* 26.80 MHz: "should make evryone sick. Wha( are our new values? That is"
* 26.80 MHz: "the question of the day."
我們的新價值觀何在呢? 這就是今天的議題. ( 約 12/22 4:10 )
(覺得好玩 所以翻的... 很微妙的廣播內容)
* 26.80 MHz: "6 zeds in Lazarus GH, and 4 survivors."
* 26.80 MHz: "The building is lightly barricaded - Help reclaim it!"
有6隻殭屍和4個活人在Lazarus GH
Lazarus GH的防已經降到LiB - 請求修復 ( 約 12/22 5:10 )
* 26.80 MHz: "1 zed with Brainrot in Alder RP."
有一個腦殘殭屍在Alder的復活點 ( 約 12/22 6:10 )
* 26.80 MHz: "Put madwench (#794923) in your contacts and do not revive"
將madwench (#794923)放在記錄名單中,且不要復活他. ( 約 12/22 6:40 )
* 26.80 MHz: "Lazarus Hosp has been retaken. cades at HB needs fuel/radio"
* 26.80 MHz: "she's a pker who killed 3 ppl and took me down to 8 hp"
Lazarus Hosp已經重新築防OK了. 防禦等級為HeB 現在需要燃油和廣播器
( 約 12/22 6:50 )
(下一則廣播沒加名字.... 誰知道是那位PK了3人還把他殺到剩 8 HP呀~~)
* A zombie brought down the last of the barricades.
* A zombie brought down the last of the barricades.
一隻殭屍拆掉(Stickling Mall左上)最後一層防 ( 約 12/22 7:50 )
* Ted Staika broadcast "5 Zeds, stickling NW" from here, on 26.80 MHz.
有五隻殭屍在NW. ( 約 12/22 8:00 )
* Ted Staika broadcast "Cades VS+2" from here, on 26.80 MHz.
* loco chavez broadcast "Cades at NW Corner up to EHB but 4 zeds inside"
NW Corner 防已築到EHB,但是裡面有4隻殭屍 ( 約 12/22 8:05 )
好幾次都離我很近呀~ 太可怕了
還好我還活著...抖抖 >"<
因為你馴服了我 所以麥田之於我有了意義
當我看見金黃色的麥田時 我就想起了你那金黃的頭髮
by 小王子的狐狸
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