[轉錄][心得][lastknight]第二章︰戰鬥的流程[ …

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※ [本文轉錄自 warrenchen 信箱] 作者: warrenchen.bbs@bbs.gamer.com.tw 標題: [心得][lastknight]第二章︰戰鬥的流程[Ver 0.2] 時間: Thu Apr 20 14:14:57 2006 作者: kyyung (路修華特) 看板: CGIGame 標題: [心得][lastknight]第二章︰戰鬥的流程 時間: Wed Apr 19 13:59:08 2006 How do battles work? 戰鬥的流程 Battles are fought in 3 stages: 戰鬥分成三個階段 ranged attack: This phase consists of 1 round of ranged attacks. All units of both sides which have a nonzero Rdmg (ranged damage) simultaniously fire 3 times at a random enemy unit, with a chance to hit equal to their Racc. Each time they hit, they do 1/3rd of their Ranged damage, adjusted by a random factor of 80% to 120%. 遠程攻擊︰這階段只有一回合的攻擊,雙方所有遠程攻擊能力非0 的部隊對一個隨機的敵方角色射擊三次,依據命中率[racc]決定命 中與否,當命中時敵方會受到攻擊方遠程攻擊能力的1/3加減20% 的傷害 Cavalry charge: After the ranged, the cavalry charges in and does 2*R*[Str] damage to a random enemy soldier. 騎士衝鋒︰在這階段,騎士會發起衝鋒,會攻擊敵方隨機的一個角色 ,並做成2*str*R的傷害,R=80%-120%中的一個隨機值。 Melee fight: In this stage, every round every soldier of the largest army attacks a random enemy soldier and does R*[Str] damage. The enemy soldier then counterattacks and also does R*[Str] damage to the attacker. Where R is a random factor between 80% and 120% 肉搏︰在這階段,每回合 最大的軍團 的每一個角色 會攻擊敵方 隨機的一個角色,並做成R*攻擊力的傷害,被攻擊的角色會反擊並同 樣做成R*攻擊力的傷害。 注︰軍團的大小計算︰除了特別職業drummer,別的職業每一部隊會令軍團的 大小加一,而Drummer是5*lv,配置適量的drummer是戰勝的重點,drummer不 足會失去主攻的優勢,而drummer過多會影響戰鬥力。 After each round, soldiers with less than 50% of their HP become injured and are taken out of the battle. Soldiers who reach 0 HP die. Soldiers who are about to get injured get a chance to be cured by a Medic or Priest (if there are any in the army), the higher level soldiers first. A Druid can heal a most one soldier per round. The officer (player) fights with his soldiers and thus has equal chances to get injured or even die (in which case your account is reset). So be careful who you attack. 每回合完結時 HP低於50%的角色會受傷[injure]並且脫離戰場,HP降到0的 會死亡,如果隊伍中有醫療兵或牧師,受傷的士兵會有機會被醫療兵或 牧師治療,以等級高的優先。一個德魯依[沒發現有這職業,可能是誤植或是某 職業的高級稱號]每回合差不多可以治癒一個士兵。指揮官[也就是玩家]會跟士 兵一起戰鬥,並且有相同的機會受傷或死亡。 (指揮官死亡玩家的資料會reset……)請小心你的戰鬥。 This goes on until one side has only half of his initial number of soldiers left. If both sides lose half of their soldiers, the side with most soldiers left wins. The remaining soldiers of the losing army try to flee but have 1/6th chance to be captured. Captured soldiers can be freed by paying ransom to the capturer. This way you can earn money from battles. If you capture an officer you get 50% of all his gold (this means you lose 50% if you get captured). If you kill an officer you get all his gold: he won't need it anymore anyway. 戰鬥直到一方只剩開始時一半的兵力時完結,如果雙方兵力都不到一半, 人數多的一方勝,失敗方剩下的士兵有1/6的機率被抓,被抓的士兵可以付 贖金贖回。你可以用這方法在戰鬥中賺錢,如果你抓到指揮官你可以得到 他一半的現金(也就是如果你被抓了會失去一半的現金),如果你擊殺敵方指 揮官,你會拿到他所有的現金,他不再需要錢了。 考慮性價比後,個人推薦Fighter跟Howitzer作為主力。 剛發現可怕的兵種missionary,App. Missionary 88-2-0, 問題是這是有heal能力的。可以反擊的healer @@.... 可惜一出來便被人買光了...... (沒錢也沒薪金的我雖然一出現便發現了,無奈只有買一隻的錢 QQ) http://pro.lastknights.com/index.php?action=register&ref_id=31019 -- ※ Origin: 巴哈姆特<www.gamer.com.tw> ◆ From: ※ 修改: 2006/04/19 23:58:55 [] ※ 修改: 2006/04/20 01:33:07 [] ※ 修改: 2006/04/20 10:28:13 [] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #14HoSh9E (CGI-Game)