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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: Adelman (大長莖) 看板: NBA 標題: [翻譯]公鹿非易不娶 時間: Mon Jul 9 15:10:53 2007 Bucks even more convinced Yi the man 公鹿非易不娶 By CHARLES F. GARDNER cgardner@journalsentinel.com Posted: July 8, 2007 Las Vegas - Chinese national team officials have refused to let forward Yi Jianlian speak with reporters during the first three days of the NBA Summer League. NBA夏季聯賽前三天﹐中國國家對拒絕讓大前易建聯接受采訪。 The Bucks hope to see Yi Jianlian, their first-round draft pick, taking shots for them during the upcoming season. 公鹿希望見到易﹐並希望這位被他們在首輪選中的球員在下球季為他們打球。 So it's hard to tell if the 7-foot power forward is warming to the prospect of playing for the Milwaukee Bucks. 因此這位7英尺高的大前是否願意為公鹿打球還很難說。 But the first halting steps have been taken in sweltering Las Vegas, beginning with Yi's one-hour meeting with Bucks general manager Larry Harris and coach Larry Krystkowiak last week. 雖然事件進展緩慢﹐但易已經和公鹿的GM Larry Harris 教練Larry Krystkowiak在上周進行了一個小時會晤。 The Bucks grabbed Yi with the sixth overall pick in the June 28 draft, but he was stunned to be chosen by Milwaukee, after his representatives had refused to let Yi work out with the team. 公鹿在六月28日選秀大會上選中了易﹐但是易對此感到十分驚訝﹐易團隊拒絕讓易為雄鹿打球。 An icy, awkward period followed, but the Bucks thought time was on their side and resolved to patiently pursue Yi. 雙方的冷戰開始﹐但公鹿堅信﹐時間站在他們那邊﹐並堅持不懈地最求易。 Harris clearly saw Yi's potential Sunday, when the Chinese star scored 17 of his 20 points in the fourth quarter and calmly made a short turnaround jumper in the final second of play, lifting Team China to an emotional 85-84 victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers. 禮拜天的一場比賽中﹐易得到20分﹐其中第四節得到17分。在最後一秒內﹐他的中距離轉身跳投使中國隊以85-84險勝克利夫蘭騎士。這一切無疑讓Harris看到了易的潛力。 "I'm convinced he has no problem going down there and banging," Harris said of Yi's low-post game. "The shot he made, they could have called a foul on that. "我堅信他的單打 灌籃能力"當Harris觀看了易的low post表演後說道。"他進攻的時候﹐對方隻能用犯規來阻止他。" "There was a lot of contact, and he was able to finish it off and win the game for them. I'm proud of the young man and really happy to see China get a win in the summer league." "比賽中身體接觸很多﹐他能夠完成進攻並贏得比賽。我為這個年輕人感到驕傲﹐很高興看到中國隊在夏季聯賽首勝。" Adding to the intrigue during the weekend was a report from Marty Burns, a writer for Sports Illustrated magazine's Web site, that said NBA Commissioner David Stern might become involved in finding an agreement between Yi's representatives, the Chinese Basketball Association and the Bucks. Sports Illustrated magazine 的網路寫手Marty Burns 在周末透露了一條小道消息﹐此消息稱﹐NBA的老大David Stern 將卷入有關易的這場風波﹐並力促易之隊 中國籃協 公鹿達成協議。 "I don't answer speculation, but from a Bucks standpoint we're doing everything we can to move the process along and have Yi as a Milwaukee Buck next season," Harris said. "我們不會聽天由命﹐但是從公鹿的立場來看﹐我們推動事情訓練發展﹐並且讓易在下個球季為公鹿打球。" Harris說道。 The Bucks have reached out to Yi, inviting him to Milwaukee in a letter from team owner Herb Kohl. Bucks officials hope that meeting can take place later this month, after the Chinese national team completes its five-game summer league schedule. 公鹿已經和易有了接觸﹐並轉達了老板Herb Kohl給易的邀請信。公鹿制服組希望在中國隊完成5場夏季聯賽後﹐即本月底能夠實現易對的Milwaukee訪問。 Harris headed back to Milwaukee on a red-eye flight Sunday night, and he was encouraged by the weekend's developments and the chance to watch Yi play on three straight days. Harris觀看了禮拜天的激烈比賽後回到Milwaukee﹐他被周末的會晤和易三場比賽的表現所鼓舞。 "It was a chance for our coaches to see him play in an NBA environment, with NBA rules, against NBA players," Harris said. "It's been a win-win on a lot of different fronts." "這是教練組觀看易在NBA的環境 規則下 面對NbA球員打球的好機會﹐"Harris說道﹐"從很多方面來看﹐這是雙贏的結果。" Team China coach Jonas Kazlauskas said he thought Yi would make a positive impact in the NBA as a rookie, a development that also should benefit the Chinese team when it takes the world stage as the host country in the Beijing Olympics next summer. 中國隊教練Jonas Kazlauskas認為﹐易作為一個新手﹐將能夠在NBA中立足。他的進步也會為中國隊在明年夏天的北京奧運會中增添取勝的砝碼。 "He can play easy in the NBA, there is no question," Kazlauskas said. "How high he can play we will know in the future. I don't have magic, so I can't explain it for you now." "毫無疑問﹐他能夠在NBA打球。" Kazlauskas說"他將來能打多好﹐以後才能知道。我不是預言家﹐我現在隻能說這麼多。" Yi clearly has experienced highs and lows in the summer league, competing well Friday night against Memphis' Rudy Gay and seemingly disappearing in the first half Saturday night against Sacramento. 易在夏季聯賽中的表現起伏不定。他在星期五對戰灰熊的Gay時﹐顯得很有競爭力。然而在星期六晚上對國王一役中﹐他很令人失望。 It's all part of the development of the Guangdong Tigers player, whose progress is being watched closely in China. 這位廣東華南虎球員的一舉一動﹐他的每次進步都牽掛了中國球迷的心。 Yi will not play in the same style as Houston Rockets center and former Shanghai Sharks player Yao Ming, but the 19-year-old also will try to become a star in the NBA. 易打球的風格和休士頓火箭中鋒﹐即上海大鯊魚前球員﹐姚明完全不同。但這位19歲的新星努力為成為NBA球星。 Yi, along with No. 1 overall pick Greg Oden of Portland and No. 2 selection Kevin Durant of Seattle, has been the focus of attention of the fans at the Cox Pavilion. 易和拓荒者的狀元Oden大神﹐西雅圖的榜眼Durant成為Cox Pavilion球館的焦點人物。 "I explained to him that everything is going around him about his future," Kazlauskas said, "but just to play how he can play. And he did those things well." "我對他說﹐人們關注的是他的未來﹐" Kazlauskas說"他現在隻需要打好球就OK。他很聽話﹐做的很好。 " The Bucks were giving strong hints they would select Yi in the weeks preceding the draft, even if not too many people were listening. 其實在選秀開始前幾周公鹿就暗示他們將選擇易﹐但沒人在聽。 And team officials have become even stronger in their conviction to keep him. 此後﹐公鹿制服組對易的渴求更為強烈。 "You don't want to act like you're a know-it-all," said Dave Babcock, the Bucks' director of player personnel. "But that's what we knew. That's why we took him at 6: He was the best player." "你不想承認事先已知道公鹿要選易。"公鹿的球員主管Dave Babcock說﹐"但我們知道這是事實﹐我們選易的原因是﹐他是第六順位的最好球員。" http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=629787 _________________________ 台灣翻譯 我沒有功勞 也有苦勞吧 希望大家不再噓 BTW 我連署新版YiJianLian 拜托各位豬吃 -- ▄︻╩╦═一 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ▄︻╩╦═一 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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