[-OP-] Opera 資訊彙整 <7>

看板Browsers作者 (t7: 近 Opera 者赤)時間13年前 (2011/04/06 22:15), 編輯推噓12(12026)
留言38則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hail to the king, baby! By Espen André Øverdahl. Tuesday, 5. April, 13:35 via: http://my.opera.com/chooseopera/blog/2011/04/05/hail-to-the-king-baby t7: 就是肯定確定毫無疑問的比 Opera 好 XDDDDDD 孩子,向國王打聲招呼吧! 可能是因為之前和 Getjar* 的一些不愉快事件(或許是) 所以在上頭你會看到一些很有趣的現象 這個有趣的現象時誰發現的呢? Mysterion (a.k.a "haavard") Mysterion 果然有練過,好眼力。 *:Getjar 是一家行動應用程式商店 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Making Barracuda more stable By Ruarí Ødegaard. Tuesday, 5. April, 10:57 via: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2011/04/05/crash-fix-build Here are some crash fixes. Keep looking for more crashes. t7: 簡潔有力的一篇,不需要我多說了。 主要是穩定化更新,介面上不會出現太多變化。 而且一天內有兩個 S2 (以後都會這樣簡稱 Snapshot) 直接無視這個吧 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Stability improvements, Gmail IMAP, the return of SOCKS and some HTML5 File API work By Ruarí Ødegaard. Tuesday, 5. April, 21:00 via: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2011/04/05/stability-gmail-socks Here is our second snapshot of the day and we are still focussing quite heavily on improving stability. Though we also have a few other interesting improvements for you. 這是今天第二個build(t7:有人覺得Build這個單辭要如何翻譯比較好嗎?) 我們仍會持續著繁重的穩定化改進。儘管如此,我們仍為你準備了一些有趣 的改進。 This build introduces better support for using the Opera Mail client with your Gmail IMAP account. More specifically: 藉這個 build 向大家介紹對你的 Gmail IMAP 帳號有更支援的 Opera mail client,更多詳細的項目: -- Opera now recognizes the special IMAP folders 'Sent items', Spam', 'Trash', and treats them as equivalents of the native Sent, Spam and Trash views in Opera Mail. This also works for other IMAP servers that support the XLIST or SPECIAL-USE extensions for the IMAP specification, including the Fastmail IMAP service. Opera now recognizes the special way in which Gmail duplicates messages that appear in the 'All Mail' IMAP folder and the various folders created by Gmail's own 'labels' (including Inbox). To make the best use of this, it is recommended that you subscribe to the all the Gmail IMAP folders (this is a change from earlier advice to suggested users to unsubscribe from the [Gmail]\* folders). Opera Mail will then make sure that messages don't show up twice in its Unread and Recieved views. As for other views like Mailing lists, Contacts, Labels and Attachments, duplication can still occur there. You can improve on this for now by unchecking 'Show hidden' for such views (use the View button in the mail view, then Show > Show hidden). -- This new support is a first step, solving the remaining 'duplicates' issues, some edge cases, and optimizations are planned for the second step. But we are confident that the current level of support is already a big improvement for those who want to read their Gmail messages in Opera Mail. 新增的支援是我們的第一步,解決剩餘「重複」的問題,一些邊緣的案例, 最佳化則是我們要進行的第二步。但對於現階段想要使用 Opera mail 來 閱讀他們的 Gmail 郵件的使用者而言,我們對我們所提供的支援程度已經 滿懷信心。 Another big change is the return of SOCKS. However, please be aware that our SOCKS implementation is still work in progress and as such is not feature complete. 另一個值得關注的變更是我們把 SOCKS 加了回來。無論如何,請記得我們的 SOCKS 實作仍在進行中,而且仍有還沒完成的功能。 On the Core side of things we have also added partial support for the HTML5 在核心的部分,我們新增了部分 HTML5 的支援 File API, specifically: FileReader Files in HTMLInputElement FileReaderSync in WebWorkers Blob interface File interface FileException in WebWorkers FileError Blob.slice() Keep an eye on this, we'll add further support in the future. Ok, with the highlights out of the way you can get on with testing. Let us know if you see any new issues, that you have not yet reported. 你可測試我們所列出的更新項目。如果你發現任何還沒有回報的問題 請讓我們知道。 SOCKS support Known Issues It must be configured via opera:config The SOCKS server must be entered as an IP address It uses local DNS information WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes, and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all. 翻譯聲明: 本翻譯為個人業餘即興之翻譯,非屬官方正式中文翻譯,若有錯誤歡迎指正。因為時間和 專業程度關係,本譯文出現錯誤和省略原文在所難免,若讀者發現錯誤之處,請務必通知 ,以避免影響誤導其他讀者。最後提醒讀者,若發現譯文與原文產生衝突時,一切以原文 為準。 下載: Windows:http://goo.gl/Ptkao Mac:http://goo.gl/vVyzb Linux/FreeBSD:http://goo.gl/9CTUo t7: 簡單說(為什麼要簡單說呢,請看最底下)這兩版我都沒有更新 因為 Noscript (Noads) 不能用,而且那個方形的快速撥號真的是很爛的設計 當然我覺得DT很有可能會維持他們一貫的固執...喔,不...是堅持的美德 把這個對寬螢幕的來說簡直的災難的正方形設計的快速撥號變成未來標準 不要要懷疑,我已經用我很破的英文寫下我的意見了 但也請不要懷疑,我的留言(和其他兩個類似的留言)都沒得到DT的任何回應 寫得很心酸,但起碼我盡力了。 如果你跟我一樣不喜歡新的正方形設計,不管你的英文是不是跟我一樣破 我都很鼓勵你的去留言表達你的不滿...加油 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 為什麼要簡單說呢,因為經過「室友」近幾個星期的病毒轟炸 我終於感冒了....現在精神狀況不是很好 很想睡 再加上今天工作上的電子郵件轟炸,我確實有點累 所以為什麼我裝死到現在才發文(我以為有人會發)看來裝死這招沒用...失敗 雖然我想大家平時都是將就看,但今天的翻譯品質可能真的沒有很好... 我想在10大不幸的事中,遇到可怕的室友絕對名列其中....各位加油 -- ◆◆◆◆◆ [t7度空間] ◆◆◆◆◆ http://t7yang.blogspot.com 一個屬於我的創作空間 ◆◆ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/06 22:20, , 1F
04/06 22:20, 1F

04/06 22:23, , 2F
HTML5 File API 新增部分HTML5 File API的支援
04/06 22:23, 2F

04/06 22:23, , 3F
之前是用 建置 但總覺得不是太好的翻譯 仍在想更好的
04/06 22:23, 3F

04/06 22:23, , 4F
國文不夠好...是時候補一補了 XD
04/06 22:23, 4F

04/06 22:24, , 5F
因為NoAds在這兩版本不支援 所以我索性直接砍了它 XD
04/06 22:24, 5F

04/06 22:25, , 6F
反正它應該也只是隱藏而已 沒有到攔截的效果
04/06 22:25, 6F

04/06 22:26, , 7F
其實我可以忍受沒有NOSCRIPT 但我不能忍受正方形的SD...
04/06 22:26, 7F

04/06 22:28, , 8F
占了我筆電那少到可憐的 高 空間,就為了放大縮圖 有屁用
04/06 22:28, 8F

04/06 22:28, , 9F
能問:假設我的gmail用了1.2gb,用op mail收下來會是
04/06 22:28, 9F

04/06 22:28, , 10F
04/06 22:28, 10F

04/06 22:28, , 11F
放到再大我還是不能直接讀縮圖的內容啊...DT 有時候真的很
04/06 22:28, 11F

04/06 22:29, , 12F
天兵 喔,不...是天才
04/06 22:29, 12F

04/06 22:30, , 13F
@版大: 直接抓下來測試最快
04/06 22:30, 13F

04/06 22:32, , 14F
04/06 22:32, 14F

04/06 22:37, , 15F
不過主要是技術上的,End User 看不太到
04/06 22:37, 15F

04/07 13:11, , 16F
04/07 13:11, 16F

04/07 13:45, , 17F
我們這邊是在講snapshot... 這還不是正式版
04/07 13:45, 17F

04/07 15:15, , 18F
RC都出了 我猜下禮拜一之前就會發布正式版
04/07 15:15, 18F

04/07 15:28, , 19F
04/07 15:28, 19F

04/07 16:08, , 20F
嗯 沒錯 昨天看完球賽睡前有看到RSS,但我感冒就裝死一下
04/07 16:08, 20F

04/07 16:09, , 21F
而且更新的東西還滿多的 我還得測一下 XD
04/07 16:09, 21F

04/07 16:22, , 22F
04/07 16:22, 22F

04/07 16:25, , 23F
看起來大部分都是bug修正... 就沒仔細看了
04/07 16:25, 23F

04/07 17:28, , 24F
04/07 17:28, 24F

04/07 18:01, , 25F
我是直接接Opera Mail 很少去開Gmail網頁...
04/07 18:01, 25F

04/07 18:02, , 26F
那再問:op mail有辦法完美對應gmail的標籤功能嗎?
04/07 18:02, 26F

04/07 18:02, , 27F
04/07 18:02, 27F

04/07 18:03, , 28F
04/07 18:03, 28F

04/07 18:07, , 29F
04/07 18:07, 29F

04/07 18:07, , 30F
04/07 18:07, 30F

04/07 18:27, , 31F
04/07 18:27, 31F

04/07 19:02, , 32F
04/07 19:02, 32F

04/07 19:10, , 33F
04/07 19:10, 33F

04/07 19:10, , 34F
我的意思是,真的是問號... 所以怎麼轉都沒用XD
04/07 19:10, 34F

04/07 19:17, , 35F
對 我試過不管轉成甚麼碼都沒有用 (馬賽克可能有用...)
04/07 19:17, 35F

04/07 20:30, , 36F
04/07 20:30, 36F

04/07 20:31, , 37F
04/07 20:31, 37F

04/07 20:33, , 38F
(extension Simple REST Client也是用ajax)
04/07 20:33, 38F
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