[情報] Britney's Twitter Q&A

看板Britney作者時間13年前 (2011/02/11 17:30), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
關於專輯的問題  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 1. 你下一次巡演的時候會來南美嗎?說白了就是會來巴西嗎? B: 我現在正尋思著巡演的事兒呢,我其實想去我上次巡演沒去過的 地方,特別是巴西。 2. 你在Femme Fatale這張專輯裡有自己的作品麼?給我們描述一下 這張專輯吧。 B: 這張專輯的音樂很無常,很先鋒,很激情,我有幫著創作幾首歌 曲,我覺得這些歌是我唱過最棒的音樂作品。 3. 我們能在新專輯裡聽到幾首情歌嗎? B: 有幾首中板慢歌可以算作是情歌喲。 4. 給我們澄清一下葛萊美傳聞吧。 B: 我不會去,也從未打算要去。 5. Femme Fatale時期你會與歌迷面對面接觸嗎? B: 能與我每日的精神來源見面自然是件榮幸萬分的事情。 6. 新專輯裡你會與其他藝人合唱嗎? B: 你們大家拭目以待。 7. 我們什麼時候可以看到"Hold It Against Me"的表演和宣傳? B: 我會做很多宣傳,接下來幾天會有公告發佈的。 8. Femme Fatale還有1個多月就要發行啦,有什麼感想? B: 我很興奮,我很想讓大家早點聽到專輯,我覺得它是我出道以 來最讚的專輯。 9. 同Dr. Luke合作的感覺如何? B: Dr. Luke和 Max Mmartin是我長期以來的合作夥伴,與他們合 作是件很有樂趣的事情,他們的音樂也很了不得。 其他生活問題  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 10. 你現在哪跟我們聊天呢? B: 我在家。 11. 如果你的兒子們以後真的想進入演藝圈,你會支持他們嗎? B: 我會支持一切他們感興趣的東西。 12. 對於全球暖化,你的觀點是什麼?哈哈,開玩笑啦,說真的, 你覺得Lady GaGa怎麼樣? B: 真的有人覺得全球暖化是件好事嗎?我喜歡Lady GaGa,她挺有 意思。 13. 你最喜歡的電影是什麼? B: 1986年的電影《Ferris Bueller's Day Off》 14. 情人節有什麼計劃? B: 目前沒有。 15. 你最愛的星巴克飲料是什麼? B: 草莓星冰樂。 16. 你與Glee中的Brittany尬舞的話,誰會贏? B: 她是位很棒的舞者,結果如何值得探討。 17. 有沒有什麼東西是你很想做到的? B: 我一直想去馬戲團雜耍,吊高空鞦韆什麼的,哈哈,還有跟獅子 跑步之類的。 18. 用5個單詞來形容一下布迷們? B: 忠誠,狂熱,驚人,可愛,無與倫比。 19. 說說你對大話王Perez Hilton的看法吧。 B: 他真的很愛惹是生非!他的網站讓人又愛又恨。 20. 我知道你喜歡蠟燭,但是你能告訴我你最喜歡什麼味道的嗎? B: 香草味。 21. 你覺得Chris Colfer怎麼樣? B: 我挺喜歡他的戲,他人很好笑,服裝也拉風。 22. 人們對於你最大的誤解是什麼? B: 我真的只是一個無趣的家庭主婦,我喜歡待在家裡與兒子們在一 起,那也是我最幸福的時刻。 23. 你的處女電影“Corssroads“已經十歲了,你有想再演一部電 影嗎? B: 嗯,我想演Todd Philips 或 Judd Apatow執導的作品。 24. 你是如何看待外界將你與Madonna做比較。 B: 實在很榮幸!我真的很愛Madonna,她是我靈感的巨大來源。 (翻譯:BritneyChina) Album/Era Related  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Are you finally going to come to South America on your next tour? (from @GabrielOnyx) I'm thinking about tour right now and I would to visit a lot of places I didn't get to go to on my last tour....Especially BRAZIL!!! Did you write any tracks on Femme Fatale? How would you describe the album? (from @Allan_Guchards) I would describe it as moody, edgy pop with A LOT of energy. I co-wrote a couple of songs. I think its some of the best work I have ever done. Can we expect any ballads on Femme Fatale? (from @Britney_Brasil) There are a few mid tempos that could be considered ballads. Will you personally give us an answer about the Grammys rumor? (from @themrspears) I won't be there and was never planning on going. Will you do meet & greets with fans this era? I would be honored to meet my inspiration! (from @OutrageousNessa) Yes, I will. It'd be a pleasure to meet you! Are there any duets on Femme Fatale? (from @RudeBoyFenty) You'll just have to wait and see. When can fans expect performances and promotion of "Hold It Against Me" to begin? (from @kingsleyyy) I'm doing a lot of promo. There will be some major announcements in the next few days. We have 2 months until the album release. What's the feeling right now? (from @TodoFanDaBrit) I'm so excited and I can't wait for you guys to hear it. I think its some of the best work I have ever done! How do you like working with producer @thedoctorluke? (from @IfUSeekPerryy) I have a lot of history with #MaxMartin and @TheDoctorLuke so its always fun to collaborate with them. They make such incredible music. General Questions  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Quote:From where are you doing the Q&A? (from @NoelKanhai) I'm at my house in Calabassas If your boys really wanted to be in the entertainment industry, would you support them? (from @Phoenix800) Yes. I would support anything they had a love for. What is your opinion on Global Warming? (LOL jk) But seriously, Lady Gaga? (from @PrinceAli89) Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think she's a really interesting artist. What is your favorite movie of all time? (from @britney24_7xoxo) I LOVE Ferris Bueller's "Day Off" Have any plans for Valentine's day? (from @GregLewis_) No Valentine's day plans yet. What's your favorite Starbucks' drink? (from @XVIIXXXVII) I love their Strawberry Frapuchino! Britney Spears vs. Brittany S. Pearce - who would win in a dance-off? (from @RafayAgha) She's a great dancer, it'd be fun to find out. What is one thing you have yet to achieve? (from @sweett20tora) I've always wanted to do trapeze. LOL. And run with the lions... How would you describe us Britney fans in 5 words? (from @BSlovers) Loyal, Passionate, Amazing, Loving, Beyond! What do you think about Perez Hilton? (from @emiliojocano) Perez Hilton is a real firecracker! His site is a guilty pleasure We know you love candles! What is your absolute favorite scent? I need to know this brand new information! (from @PoorBritney) I LOVE vanilla candles. What do you think about Chris Colfer? (from @Letthehaeus) I love the show and I think he is hilarious. Love his outfits. I would love to know what you think the biggest misconception about you is? Sending love from Australia! (from @richardisfamous) I'm really just a boring homebody who loves staying home with my kids and thats where i'm the happiest. Would you like to do another movie? Crossroads completes 10 years! (from @isabellaps) Yes. I love to act and would love to be in a Todd Philips or Judd Apatow movie. What do you think the comparison they make between you and Madonna? (from @MozyBS) It's so flattering! I really LOVE Madonna and she has been a huge inspiration for me. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cosmmo 來自: (02/11 17:32)

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02/11 18:43, , 3F
想演 Judd Apatow執導的作品, 果然是三八喜劇咖 XD
02/11 18:43, 3F

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02/12 01:31, , 6F
台灣來不來 你都沒來過欸
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