Re: [公告] 歡迎板友們踴躍地分享2008年終榜!

看板Brit-pop作者 (眉頭一皺ㄉ米鹿組長)時間15年前 (2009/01/03 04:44), 編輯推噓9(9030)
留言39則, 6人參與, 最新討論串21/25 (看更多)
1.Have A Nice Life - Deathconsciousness 我於半夢半醒之際注意到了HANL的鼓聲。 如果說有本命tone這東西,那Deathconsciousness的鼓聲要得我的青睞。撇開什麼對 Nu-gazer浪潮的回應,實驗性的調和與低傳真,我之所以獨衷Deathconsciousness乃是因 為它有著我聽音樂時最期待的要素-吸引我聆聽的「動能」。順帶一提, Deathconsciousness將在09年中期由tUMULt records 重發,Enemieslist老闆兼HANL主唱 Dan Barrett的debut solo也錄製完成,而HANL亦在進行新專輯的錄製,期待09年 Enemieslist的發行物能讓樂迷們有更多的驚喜! 2.The Raveonettes - Lust Lust Lust JAMC嫡系傳人the Raveonettes成軍以來最招搖的作品,加厚Darklands模式外掛female vocalist較前三張的姿態更為搶眼。今年狠發的4張ep之一的Sometimes They Drop By玩 了飄飄然的電氣,聖誕專輯亦多有吃重的鍵盤鋪陳,坦白說我對他們的慣用的synth音色 不具好感,今年就屬Beauty Dies最得我心阿。 3.Pocahaunted - Island Diamonds 異教派正妹呻吟組合Pocahaunted今年最重要的發行物,不消說只要掛上Pocahaunted必不 會少了那不倫不類的世界音樂基調,這張僅次於跟robedoor合作出輯外最「搖滾」的作品 ,藥味不變且依然形上,多了幾絲電氣,給我的感覺更緊實且生動。我知道類比是很酷炫 沒錯,但別再出限量錄音帶跟LP啦,真心的希望他們多壓幾張CD來賣。 4.Boris - Smile Boris無須贅言,又一張迎頭痛擊的力作。再度找來Ghost的栗原道夫彈了三首吉他,Sun O)))的Stephen O'Malley弄了一首無名曲助陣。非常強韌而且耐聽的唱片,說實在我不覺 得請Stephen O'Malley尬一腳有其必要,頂多加上一個增味橋段罷了,但整體風采依然不 減。 5.Bongripper - Hate Asbury Atmospheric Metal作風的專輯,愛氣氛的,Drone Doom卻又覺得純Ambient很虎爛的朋友 可以試試,個人覺得比Southern lord旗下那掛以Sun O)))為首的變種金屬的樂團更加粗 糙而悖德。 6.Trinacria - Travel now Journey Infinitely Postcore韻味的Metal專輯,有Doom metal的靜亦有Black metal的動,當然配置兩位來自 Fe-mail專司噪音儀器的搞手亦不遜色,層遞而出的噪音令人聽的過癮,卻不和黑金原有 的Lo-Fi感覺相互牴觸,原來是精密的編曲將Black Metal既有的特色做了適當切割, vocal明亮而編曲馴化,顯然成功仿效了如Cult of Luna一票後金樂隊的「Post」,雖然 我聽不出本碟有任何樂隊自行標榜的實驗橋段,但Travel Now Journey Infinitely對我 而言毫無疑問的是一張令我聽的開心的到位作品。 7.John & Jehn - John & Jehn 來自倫敦的法籍組合John & Jehn,班弄民謠的底蘊佐以車庫搖滾的粗獷吉他,鍵盤點綴 亦時時保持在興頭,好像酒館收音的Lo-Fi派對場面,有Jehn的高聲鼓譟和John的低沉附 和,讓你想要擺擺頭那麼老套但不乏味,又是一波古樸的騷勁。關鍵字:倫敦,巴黎,法 文,復古,歌德,cutie-pop,正妹,Serge Gainsbourg ? 8.Krallice - Krallice 9.UFOmammut - Idolum 10.Grouper - Dragging Up a Dead Deer Up a Hill 11.Twig - Life After Ridge 12.Son Lux - At war with walls & Mazes 13.Lake - Oh, The Places We'll Go 14.Amanenscraft - Psychedelic Winter 15.Someone Still Loves You,Boris Yeltstin - Pershing 16.Eden Express - Que Amors Que 17.Portishead - Third 18.Clouds - We are above you 19.Lakes of Russia - Stars Decorate the Fire 20.Sunnyday Sets Fire - Summer Place 21.Balmohea - River Arms 22.Gregor Samsa - Rest 23.Grails - Doomsdayer's Holiday 24.The Black Angels - Directions To See A Ghost 25.Doveman - Footloose 26.GHQ - everywhere at once 27.Oasis - Dig out Your Soul 28.Sgt. - Stylus Fantasticus 29.This Will Destroy You - This Will Distroy You 30.Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles 31.Pygmy Lush - Mount Hope 32.Human Bell - Human Bell 33.Je Suis Animal - Self-taught magic from a book 34.UpcDownCLeftCRightCABC+Start - Embers 34.Darkspace - Dark Space III 35.A. Armada - Anam Cara 36.Audrey - the Fierce and the Longing 37.Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band - 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons 38.Tearwave - Different Shade of Beauty 39.Black Elk - Always A Six Never A Nine 40.La Ira De Dios - Cosmos Kaos Destruccion 2008聽的還滿開心的!本來想說四十張都要寫點敘述開出來很震撼,但是寫了7張就覺得 好累喔幹嘛這樣阿所以就作罷了!榜單很不英搖,爽! -- 就像直筒褲取代了喇叭褲,但是喇叭褲終究有捲土重來的一天。                          by DJ Spoony -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/03 05:19, , 1F
01/03 05:19, 1F

01/03 09:14, , 2F
01/03 09:14, 2F

01/03 10:22, , 3F
01/03 10:22, 3F

01/03 14:04, , 4F
老實說我覺得the raveonettes這張比起上一張有段距離..
01/03 14:04, 4F

01/03 14:45, , 5F
01/03 14:45, 5F

01/03 15:22, , 6F
I think Pretty In Black is better than Lust x 3, after
01/03 15:22, 6F

01/03 15:23, , 7F
all...just different style I guess. Too many people
01/03 15:23, 7F

01/03 15:24, , 8F
did Lust x 3 styles, but not many did both. That's why
01/03 15:24, 8F

01/03 15:24, , 9F
PIB is great :)
01/03 15:24, 9F

01/03 15:27, , 10F
01/03 15:27, 10F

01/03 15:27, , 11F
01/03 15:27, 11F

01/03 15:28, , 12F
01/03 15:28, 12F

01/03 15:30, , 13F
01/03 15:30, 13F

01/03 15:31, , 14F
01/03 15:31, 14F

01/03 16:33, , 15F
01/03 16:33, 15F

01/03 16:34, , 16F
01/03 16:34, 16F

01/03 16:38, , 17F
For me its about those 50's & 60’s style pop tunes
01/03 16:38, 17F

01/03 16:38, , 18F
but in “sprits” (which means more “real” than
01/03 16:38, 18F

01/03 16:38, , 19F
most of the bands that signed majors at that time),
01/03 16:38, 19F

01/03 16:39, , 20F
mostly to do with Scott Cohen was very supportive
01/03 16:39, 20F

01/03 16:39, , 21F
for the band at that time. However they got dropped
01/03 16:39, 21F

01/03 16:39, , 22F
after that album. An album before that for me could
01/03 16:39, 22F

01/03 16:39, , 23F
consider a bit more “indie rock” cycles. However
01/03 16:39, 23F

01/03 16:40, , 24F
for that album I still think its more purely a pop
01/03 16:40, 24F

01/03 16:40, , 25F
record but with rock n roll sprits (5678’s ran
01/03 16:40, 25F

01/03 16:40, , 26F
crushed into Suicide bus, but ironically did a
01/03 16:40, 26F

01/03 16:40, , 27F
50’s & 60’s singles album - because their great
01/03 16:40, 27F

01/03 16:40, , 28F
great drummer). I like Lust x 3, however was a bit
01/03 16:40, 28F

01/03 16:41, , 29F
more predictable I guess. Also that PIB tour was
01/03 16:41, 29F

01/03 16:41, , 30F
kick ass, all songs from the album sounds amazing
01/03 16:41, 30F

01/03 16:41, , 31F
live. I love that Angles cover, which was cute.
01/03 16:41, 31F

01/03 16:41, , 32F
Maybe its because the styles that you like I guess
01/03 16:41, 32F

01/03 16:41, , 33F
(I mean for L x 3). ;) I still think they were a
01/03 16:41, 33F

01/03 16:42, , 34F
bit different than those indie rock bands no matter
01/03 16:42, 34F

01/03 16:42, , 35F
signed major or those bigger indie labels due to
01/03 16:42, 35F

01/03 16:42, , 36F
that album. I think first 2 were a bit green, but
01/03 16:42, 36F

01/03 16:42, , 37F
that 3rd one pretty much set it all. Mostly to do
01/03 16:42, 37F

01/03 16:43, , 38F
with they were foreigners that living in not their
01/03 16:43, 38F

01/03 16:43, , 39F
native country I guess.
01/03 16:43, 39F
※ 編輯: MostAlone 來自: (01/03 17:02)
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