[翻譯] Pitching on agenda for Brewers' offs …

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Pitching on agenda for Brewers' offseason GM Melvin not looking to part with Fielder, Braun http://tinyurl.com/yefn5vn By Adam McCalvy / MLB.com 10/07/09 6:17 PM ET MILWAUKEE -- Brewers general manager Doug Melvin said he may need to sacrifice some of the team's offense this winter to improve the pitching staff, so he was asked the obvious follow-up. Is he willing to trade Ryan Braun or Prince Fielder? 酒鬼GM Doug Melvin說今年冬天需要犧牲一些打者去改善投手陣容,所以他被問了 個明顯的問題:他願意交易Braun或Fielder嗎? "Wow. That would be a tough one," Melvin said. "I didn't mean it that way. I don't see that happening." "哇!這太難了" Melvin回答 "我沒有這個意思,這不會發生" The comment came Wednesday during Melvin's annual year-end meeting with local reporters at Miller Park. Both Melvin and assistant GM Gord Ash said what they have been saying for weeks, that in order to improve a team that finished 80-82 they will have to bolster a pitching staff that finished next-to-last in the National League with a 4.87 ERA and at the bottom with a 5.37 starters' ERA. Melvin said he wants to add at least two established starters. 這段評論是在週三,Melvin與當地記者在Miller Park的年度會議上提出。Melvin跟 助理GM Gord Ash說他們已經講了幾個禮拜了,要改善這支成績80-82的隊伍,他們 必須要加強這個ERA4.87,先發5.37,在國聯排倒數第二的投手陣容。Melvin說他想 要最少兩個已經成型的投手。 The team's most valuable pieces at the moment are Braun and Fielder, who combined in 2009 for more RBIs (255) than any duo in the Majors this season. Braun hit 32 home runs, joining Albert Pujols as the only players in history to belt at least 30 homers in each of their first three seasons. Fielder finished second in the NL with 46 home runs and tied Howard for the Major League lead with 141 RBIs. 當前隊上最有價值的就是Braun跟Fielder。2009球季加起來255RBI的成績超過任何 一隊。Braun打了32發HR,跟生化普一樣加入史上前三季都最少有30發的俱樂部。 Fielder以46發聯盟排名第二的成績坐收,跟Howard以141RBI在聯盟稱霸。 "But it's a 25-man -- and, really, a 30-35 man -- team," Melvin said. "In fantasy baseball, you can dream about what you could get back for Prince or Braun. In reality, there's not too many teams that can give up the package that we would really want that would guarantee you to be competitive." "但是這是個25人...實際上30~35人的球隊" Melvin說 "在Fantasy Baseball裡面, 你可以夢到你能以Prince跟Braun換到什麼。但現實上,沒有幾支球隊可以放棄這個 能保證你有競爭力的組合" Assistant general manager Gord Ash said there have been spirited internal debates on the topic. Is there more value in a bona fide No. 1 starter who makes 30-plus starts and affects perhaps 20 other games by leaving the bullpen fresh? Or in an MVP candidate like Fielder who plays every inning of every game and has the potential to affect all 162? 助理GM Gosd Ash說對於這個主題,他們有過個非常熱烈的辯論。一個可以先發30場, 讓牛棚好好休息大概20場的一號先發真的比較有價值嗎? 還是一個像Fielder可以每局 都上場,大概可以影響162場比賽的MVP候選人? "I'm going with the hitter," Ash said. Ash說"我會選打者" In fact, Brewers officials have had internal discussions about whether Fielder could be locked into a longer-term deal, according to Melvin. He's entering the second season of two-year contract through 2010 that buys out the first of Fielder's three arbitration years. He will still be under Brewers' control in 2011, but would hit the free-agent market following that season. 事實上,根據Melvin說,酒鬼的制服組有過個關於要把Fielder綁長約的內部討論。 他再來是兩年約的第二季了,2010透過仲裁買下第三季,可以控制他到2011,但再來 的那年,他將會衝擊FA市場。 Compare that to Braun, whose contract runs through 2015. If the Brewers could convince Fielder and agent Scott Boras to take an extension, it would give the Brewers a larger window in which to put the right pieces around their slugging duo. 跟合約到2015的Braun比起來,如果酒鬼可以說服Fielder跟Bora$延長合約,這將給 酒鬼提供一個更大的機會去找些適合的球員搭配這長打雙人組。 That's something we have talked about with Mark [Attanasio, the team's principal owner]," Melvin said. "We don't have a plan for doing that at this time. You can say it's in the back of your mind or whatever, but it's coming more forward as a decision we have to make in two years' time. ... "這是必須跟(球隊老闆)Mark討論的事情" Melvin說 "我們目前沒有計劃這樣做。 你可以在你腦裡慢慢講,但這件事我們會在未來兩年內做出決定" "Mark, from an ownership standpoint, knows that's a major decision that's down the pike. It's not next week, it's not next month, but it probably comes up in our conversation every time we get together." "以老闆的角色,Mark知道這是個時限還沒到的重要決定。不會是下禮拜,不是下個月 ,但是我們大概每次見面都會談到。" In the short term, the Brewers' focus is on pitching. Melvin knows that it won't be easy to find solutions. 短期內,酒鬼會專注在投手上。Melvin知道這件事不容易解決。 "There's not any downtime this offseason, but I'm looking forward to it," Melvin said. "It's a challenge. I've got a lot of energy and I'm ready to improve the ballclub." "非球季期間沒有什麼時間限制,但我期待它的到來" Melvin說 "這是個挑戰。我有 足夠的精力,已經準備好要改善牛棚" Other topics from Wednesday's media session: 再來是週三記者會的其他話題 (我就不照字翻了,給大綱就好) ‧ The Brewers officially announced their new deal with closer Trevor Hoffman, who re-signed for one year plus a mutual option for 2011. The contract guarantees $8 million and could pay as much as $16.5 million over two years. 酒鬼跟CL Hoffman正式重簽一份一年八百萬,11年有選擇權的合約 保障八百萬,並且有可能兩年付到16.5M "By signing Hoffman, that was a big splash for us," Melvin said. "If our pitching is going to improve, we have to keep the success we had at the back end of our bullpen. And also, to attract free-agent starting pitchers, one of the first questions that [we] always want to know is, 'Who is the closer?'" 要改善投手戰力,得先把已經成功的CL穩住,而且他可以吸引FA的投手加入 ‧ Melvin hinted that the focus on pitching could make it difficult for the team to re-sign its key free agents, including center fielder Mike Cameron and catcher Jason Kendall. Rickie Weeks is the second baseman, Melvin reiterated, making it likely that free agent Felipe Lopez will also be let go. 暗示說Cameron跟Kendall可能很難重簽下來 Weeks將會是先發二壘手,所以Lopez應該會放掉 ‧ Jeff Suppan, the Brewers' 2009 Opening Day starter, is not guaranteed a spot in the 2010 starting rotation despite his $12.5 million salary. It will be the final season of his four-year contract, and he projects to be the team's highest-paid player for the second consecutive year. 沒有保證蘇胖會在10年的輪替中,然後靠腰說他的薪水多高 "I think Jeff is a professional and he knows that he will come into camp and [compete]," Melvin said. "You have to give him some credit for the fact he's been given the ball a lot of years. He's very seldom injured. ... I don't think there will be very many guarantees about who will be in the rotation. We probably have to make it more competitive to get better." Melvin在幫蘇胖說好話,他很專業很盡責很少受傷什麼的,然後說要讓投手去爭先發 ‧ Ben Sheets, who missed all of 2009 following right elbow surgery, is still on the Brewers' radar. Sheets還在酒鬼的可能目標內 "Sheets is somebody who would have to be on anybody's list when it comes to improving your pitching staff," Ash said. "We're not up to date with his physical condition right now since he's no longer in our care, so that would have to be step 1. But from our point of view, we enjoyed Sheets as part of the Brewers and there's been once-in-a-while conversations with his agent to remind him that we still have that ongoing interest. It hasn't been followed up yet." 在說酒鬼跟Sheets的經濟人有保持連繫,讓他知道酒鬼對他還是有興趣 只是現在這階段要先了解他的狀況到底怎樣了 ‧ Melvin already interviewed one potential pitching coach on Monday and was to travel with Ash on Thursday to interview another candidate. He wouldn't say whether he had already spoken with former A's and Mets pitching coach Rick Peterson, an early favorite for the position because of his past working relationships with Brewers manager Ken Macha and bench coach Willie Randolph. Melvin已經面試了一個可能的投手教練,還要去面試另外一個,然後提到了幾個名字 "We don't want to advertise who we're looking at," Melvin said. "The cat's out of the bag on one guy. I interviewed him on Monday and another team interviewed him the next day." Melvin不想張揚說我們在找啥 ‧ Ash shed more light on the options that faced third baseman Casey McGehee, who underwent successful surgery on Tuesday. McGehee has a lesion in his knee, Ash said, that caused fragments of bone to break away. He could have had a more intensive procedure to inject healthy cells into the knee to promote re-growth, but it was a riskier procedure that could have sidelined McGehee weeks or even months into the 2010 season. Ash提到麥基現在的狀況,他的膝蓋在禮拜二動了比較簡單的手術 另一個手術風險太大而且可能讓他在10年缺席幾週到幾個月 "He elected, after consulting with a couple of surgeons, to have kind of the intermediary procedure done, and that was to take out all of the fragments and hope that area of his knee remains intact," Ash said. "We don't have a 100 percent guarantee on that. What we do know about McGehee is that he's an excellent worker and he's motivated." 這個決定是麥基自己跟幾個外科醫生討論過後選擇的,現在只能祈禱他膝蓋裡面的 骨頭碎片都可以拿掉,並且保持它的完整。沒有100%的保證喔= = ‧ Melvin did little to dispute the notion that shortstop J.J. Hardy will be traded this winter to make room for Alcides Escobar. Hardy's value is down both because of his poor 2009 season (he batted .229 and was optioned to the Minors in August) and because the rest of the league knows that the Brewers are ready to install Escobar. Hardy冬天將會被交易掉,挪位置給Escobar "It might be down a little bit," Melvin said of Hardy's value. "But there are still clubs that have interest in him. Shortstop is a big hole to fill." Melvin說Hardy的價值下降了一點,但是還是有球團隊他有興趣。游擊總是個需要 填補的洞..... 光買他的守備也很夠了啦...快點拿穩點的SP來換喔~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: broken543 來自: (10/10 14:52)

10/10 14:53, , 1F
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10/10 19:54, , 6F
Rick Peterson接投手教練的機率很高
10/10 19:54, 6F

10/10 22:12, , 7F
真的超愛Hardy.. 我希望以Escobar去換...
10/10 22:12, 7F

10/11 00:24, , 8F
把青木宣親簽下來啊 他守備跟上壘率都很不錯
10/11 00:24, 8F

10/11 01:59, , 9F
10/11 01:59, 9F

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10/11 09:55, , 11F
青木?!XD 我剛好也是燕迷
10/11 09:55, 11F

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10/11 13:21, 12F

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10/11 13:21, 13F

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10/11 14:19, 14F

10/13 10:40, , 15F
10/13 10:40, 15F
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