[情報] 使徒行傳12章:信徒守護天使的長相?

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: 關於使徒行傳12章 : 曾有牧者依使徒行傳彼得的經驗, : 認定現代每位信徒, : 都有天使 : 並在聚會中宣稱, : 看見這天使的臉孔, : 和本人一模一樣。 使徒行傳 12:13 彼得敲外門、有一個使女、名叫羅大出來探聽. 12:14 聽得是彼得的聲音、就歡喜的顧不得開門、跑進去告訴眾人說、彼得站在門外。 12:15 他們說、你是瘋了。使女極力的說、真是他。他們說、必是他的天使。 12:16 彼得不住的敲門.他們開了門、看見他、就甚驚奇。 猶太人認為每個人都有一個守護天使。 其中"信徒的守護天使會跟某些信徒的臉孔長得一樣"是猶太人傳統說法中的一種, 聖經並沒有否定,也沒有確認這個說法,是否是完全正確的。 傳說說法有兩類,造成的推論可能如下: (1)某些天使長得像某些人類           =>彼得的天使不知何故在附近遊蕩 (2)人快要死亡時,會有長得像將死者的天使出現 =>彼得已經死了,故此天使出現 http://bible.fhl.net/new/com.php?book=3&engs=Acts&chap=12&sec=15&m= ●「他的天使」:猶太人相信每個人都有一個保護的天使, 太 18:10 路 加只是忠實的紀錄這種傳統,沒有加以評論。 猶太人傳說: 一個臉孔長得像摩西的天使,催促摩西逃離法老宮廷;有長得跟所羅門 一樣的天使,坐在所羅門的寶座上。同理套用在彼得身上,信徒們依照傳統, 猜想也許是長得像彼得的天使在他們附近活動。 http://www.studylight.org/com/geb/view.cgi?book=ac&chapter=12&verse=15 it is his angel; not his tutelar or guardian angel, everyone having, as some think, a particular angel to attend him; whereas sometimes one angel attends many persons, and sometimes many angels encamp about, and are a guard to a single saint; nor did they think it was an angel sent to give notice of his death, as some persons, by one means or another, have had previous notices of the death of their friends; but rather, that it was an angel in Peter's shape, who had something to communicate: and this agrees with the notions of the Jews, who think that angels do assume the shapes of men on certain occasions: so they say F9, when Moses was in danger in Pharaoh's court, God sent Michael, the prince of the host of heaven, "in the shape of an executioner"; who brought him at once out of Egypt, and set him at the border of it, the distance of three days journey: Bar Kaphra says F11, an angel descended (hvm twmdb) , "in the likeness of Moses", and caused him to flee, and they thought the angel had been Moses: and so it is elsewhere said F12, that an angel descended "in the likeness of Solomon", sitting upon his throne: there are some who think, that the sense of the brethren praying for Peter, was not that it was an angel, a celestial spirit, but a messenger sent by Peter from the prison on some errand: who represented him, or mentioning his name, the damsel took him for Peter himself. Beza's ancient copy reads, "then said they unto her, perhaps it is his angel", and so the Syriac version. 有些傳說認為,某個人快要死了,長得像即將死亡者的天使就會出現。 http://www.studylight.org/com/mhc-com/view.cgi?book=ac&chapter=12&verse=15#Ac12_15 "It is his guardian angel, or some other angel that has assumed his shape and voice, and stands at the gate in his resemblance." Some think that they supposed his angel to appear as a presage of his death approaching; and this agrees with a notion which the vulgar have, that sometimes before persons have died their ward has been seen, that is, some spirit exactly in their likeness for countenance and dress, when they themselves have been at the same time in some other place; they call it their ward, that is, their angel, who is their guard. If so, they concluded this an ill omen, that their prayers were denied, and that the language of the apparition was, "Let it suffice you, Peter must die, say no more of that matter." And, if we understand it so, it only proves that they had then such an opinion of a man's ward being seen a little before his death, but does not prove that there is such a thing. Others think they took this to be an angel from heaven, sent to bring them a grant to their prayers. But why should they imagine that angel to assume the voice and shape of Peter, when we find not any thing like it in the appearance of angels? Perhaps they herein spoke the language of the Jews, who had a fond conceit that every good man has a particular tutelar angel, that has the charge of him, and sometimes personates him. The heathen called it a good genius, that attended a man; but, since no other scripture speaks of such a thing, this alone is too weak to bear the weight of such a doctrine. We are sure that the angels are ministering spirits for the good of the heirs of salvation, that they have a charge concerning them, and pitch their tents round about them; and we need not be solicitous that every particular saint should have his guardian angel, when we are assured he has a guard of angels. 翻譯通俗拉丁文聖經的教父耶柔米說,守護天使是”教會的思想”,而不是”信心議題” (可有可無的教義);靈魂的尊嚴是多麼重大,所以每個人從出生就有一個守護天使被 派遣來護衛他。(目前還沒找到他對天使的長相是否有評論) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07049c.htm That every individual soul has a guardian angel has never been defined by the Church, and is, consequently, not an article of faith; but it is the "mind of the Church", as St. Jerome expressed it: "how great the dignity of the soul, since each one has from his birth an angel commissioned to guard it." (Comm. in Matt., xviii, lib. II). 路德宗節慶,9月29日紀念”聖米迦勒與所有的天使”。 無法確認是否”每個嬰兒都有天使保護”,但是可以由聖經得知 ”信徒的天使常常會見天父”,真正的信徒應該是有天使守護的。 馬太福音 18:10 你們要小心、不可輕看這小子裏的一個.我告訴你們、他們的使者(天使)在天上、    常見我天父的面。 希伯來書 1:14 天使豈不都是服役的靈、奉差遣為那將要承受救恩的人效力麼。 詩篇 91:11 因他要為你吩咐他的使者、在你行的一切道路上保護你。 http://www.lcms.org/pages/internal.asp?NavID=2204 Guardian Angels Q: Do angels in any way have a place, most particularly "guardian angels," in Christian or Lutheran worship (how should we pray for help from guardian angels)? A. In "Lutheran Worship," September 29 is designated as "St. Michael and All Angels" day. The propers for this day provide for praise to God for the angels, who serve God and his saints. In the Collect for the day we ask that by God's appointment angels "may also help and defend us here on earth." This collect is a model for how we are to pray to God for the protection of His holy angels. The Scriptures do not specifically answer the question whether each believer, and in particular each believing child (Matt. 18:10), has one or more specially assigned guardian angels. But they do clearly assure us that God's people are under the constant guard of angels (Ps. 91:11, 12; Heb. 1:14). -- 上月球!月球是中國人吳剛不可分割的一部分 抓嫦娥!此女意圖分裂中國領土脫離中國掌握 殺玉兔!玉兔為資產階級之玩物!日帝之玩偶! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (08/16 23:59) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (08/17 00:10)

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